import {commonUrls} from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import {getOrgName} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {dom, makeTestId, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {AppModel} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {menuIcon, menuItemLink, menuSubHeader} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {colors} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; const testId = makeTestId('test-site-switcher-'); /** * Builds a menu sub-section that displays a list of orgs/sites that the current * valid user has access to, with buttons to navigate to them. * * Used by AppHeader and AccountWidget. */ export function buildSiteSwitcher(appModel: AppModel) { const orgs = appModel.topAppModel.orgs; return [ menuSubHeader('Switch Sites'), dom.forEach(orgs, (org) => menuItemLink(urlState().setLinkUrl({ org: org.domain || undefined }), cssOrgSelected.cls('', appModel.currentOrg ? === : false), getOrgName(org), cssOrgCheckmark('Tick', testId('org-tick')), testId('org'), ) ), menuItemLink( { href: commonUrls.createTeamSite }, menuIcon('Plus'), 'Create new team site', testId('create-new-site'), ), ]; } const cssOrgSelected = styled('div', ` background-color: ${colors.dark}; color: ${colors.light}; `); const cssOrgCheckmark = styled(icon, ` flex: none; margin-left: 16px; --icon-color: ${colors.light}; display: none; .${cssOrgSelected.className} > & { display: block; } `);