/* global describe, it */ var assert = require('assert'); var ko = require('knockout'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var koUtil = require('app/client/lib/koUtil'); describe('koUtil', function() { describe("observableWithDefault", function() { it("should be an observable with a default", function() { var foo = ko.observable(); var bar1 = koUtil.observableWithDefault(foo, 'defaultValue'); var obj = { prop: 17 }; var bar2 = koUtil.observableWithDefault(foo, function() { return this.prop; }, obj); assert.equal(bar1(), 'defaultValue'); assert.equal(bar2(), 17); foo('hello'); assert.equal(bar1(), 'hello'); assert.equal(bar2(), 'hello'); obj.prop = 28; foo(0); assert.equal(bar1(), 'defaultValue'); assert.equal(bar2(), 28); bar1('world'); assert.equal(foo(), 'world'); assert.equal(bar1(), 'world'); assert.equal(bar2(), 'world'); bar2('blah'); assert.equal(foo(), 'blah'); assert.equal(bar1(), 'blah'); assert.equal(bar2(), 'blah'); bar1(null); assert.equal(foo(), null); assert.equal(bar1(), 'defaultValue'); assert.equal(bar2(), 28); }); }); describe('computedAutoDispose', function() { function testAutoDisposeValue(pure) { var obj = [{dispose: sinon.spy()}, {dispose: sinon.spy()}, {dispose: sinon.spy()}]; var which = ko.observable(0); var computedBody = sinon.spy(function() { return obj[which()]; }); var foo = koUtil.computedAutoDispose({ read: computedBody, pure: pure }); // An important difference between pure and not is whether it is immediately evaluated. assert.equal(computedBody.callCount, pure ? 0 : 1); assert.strictEqual(foo(), obj[0]); assert.equal(computedBody.callCount, 1); which(1); assert.strictEqual(foo(), obj[1]); assert.equal(computedBody.callCount, 2); assert.equal(obj[0].dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(obj[1].dispose.callCount, 0); // Another difference is whether changes cause immediate re-evaluation. which(2); assert.equal(computedBody.callCount, pure ? 2 : 3); assert.equal(obj[1].dispose.callCount, pure ? 0 : 1); foo.dispose(); assert.equal(obj[0].dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(obj[1].dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(obj[2].dispose.callCount, pure ? 0 : 1); } it("autoDisposeValue for pure computed should be pure", function() { testAutoDisposeValue(true); }); it("autoDisposeValue for non-pure computed should be non-pure", function() { testAutoDisposeValue(false); }); }); describe('computedBuilder', function() { it("should create appropriate dependencies and dispose values", function() { var index = ko.observable(0); var foo = ko.observable('foo'); // used in the builder's constructor var faz = ko.observable('faz'); // used in the builder's dispose var obj = [{dispose: sinon.spy(() => faz())}, {dispose: sinon.spy(() => faz())}]; var builder = sinon.spy(function(i) { obj[i].foo = foo(); return obj[i]; }); // The built observable should depend on index(), should NOT depend on foo() or faz(), and // returned values should get disposed. var built = koUtil.computedBuilder(function() { return builder.bind(null, index()); }); assert.equal(builder.callCount, 1); assert.strictEqual(built(), obj[0]); assert.equal(built().foo, 'foo'); foo('bar'); assert.equal(builder.callCount, 1); faz('baz'); assert.equal(builder.callCount, 1); // Changing index should dispose the previous value and rebuild. index(1); assert.equal(obj[0].dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(builder.callCount, 2); assert.strictEqual(built(), obj[1]); assert.equal(built().foo, 'bar'); // Changing foo() or faz() should continue to have no effect (i.e. disposing the previous // value should not have created any dependencies.) foo('foo'); assert.equal(builder.callCount, 2); faz('faz'); assert.equal(builder.callCount, 2); // Disposing the built observable should dispose the last returned value. assert.equal(obj[1].dispose.callCount, 0); built.dispose(); assert.equal(obj[1].dispose.callCount, 1); }); }); });