import {basicButton, primaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {isLight, swatches} from 'app/client/ui2018/ColorPalette'; import {testId, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {textInput} from 'app/client/ui2018/editableLabel'; import {IconName} from 'app/client/ui2018/IconList'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {cssSelectBtn} from 'app/client/ui2018/select'; import {isValidHex} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {BindableValue, Computed, Disposable, dom, DomElementArg, Observable, onKeyDown, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {defaultMenuOptions, IOpenController, setPopupToCreateDom} from 'popweasel'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; const t = makeT('ColorSelect'); export interface StyleOptions { textColor: ColorOption, fillColor: ColorOption, fontBold: Observable, fontUnderline: Observable, fontItalic: Observable, fontStrikethrough: Observable, } export class ColorOption { public color: Observable; // If the color accepts undefined/empty as a value. Controls empty selector in the picker. public allowsNone: boolean = false; // Default color to show when value is empty or undefined (itself can be empty). public defaultColor: string = ''; // Text to be shown in the picker when color is not set. public noneText: string = ''; constructor(options: { color: Observable, allowsNone?: boolean, defaultColor?: string, noneText?: string }) { Object.assign(this, options); } } /** * colorSelect allows to select color for both fill and text cell color. It allows for fast * selection thanks to two color palette, `lighter` and `darker`, and also to pick custom color with * native color picker. Pressing Escape reverts to the saved value. Caller is expected to handle * logging of onSave() callback rejection. In case of rejection, values are reverted to their saved one. */ export function colorSelect( styleOptions: StyleOptions, options: { // Handler to save the style. onSave: () => Promise, // Invoked when user opens the color picker. onOpen?: () => void, // Invoked when user closes the color picker without saving. onRevert?: () => void, placeholder?: BindableValue }): Element { const { textColor, fillColor, } = styleOptions; const { onSave, onOpen, onRevert, placeholder = t("Default cell style"), } = options; const selectBtn = cssSelectBtn( cssContent( cssButtonIcon( 'T','color', use => use(textColor.color) || textColor.defaultColor),'background-color', (use) => use(fillColor.color)?.slice(0, 7) || fillColor.defaultColor), dom.cls('font-bold', use => use(styleOptions.fontBold) ?? false), dom.cls('font-italic', use => use(styleOptions.fontItalic) ?? false), dom.cls('font-underline', use => use(styleOptions.fontUnderline) ?? false), dom.cls('font-strikethrough', use => use(styleOptions.fontStrikethrough) ?? false), cssLightBorder.cls(''), testId('btn-icon'), ), dom.text(placeholder), ), icon('Dropdown'), testId('color-select'), ); const domCreator = (ctl: IOpenController) => { onOpen?.(); return buildColorPicker(ctl, {styleOptions, onSave, onRevert}); }; setPopupToCreateDom(selectBtn, domCreator, {...defaultMenuOptions, placement: 'bottom-end'}); return selectBtn; } export interface ColorButtonOptions { styleOptions: StyleOptions; colorPickerDomArgs?: DomElementArg[]; onSave(): Promise; onRevert?(): void; onClose?(): void; } export function colorButton(options: ColorButtonOptions): Element { const { colorPickerDomArgs, ...colorPickerOptions } = options; const { styleOptions } = colorPickerOptions; const { textColor, fillColor } = styleOptions; const iconBtn = cssIconBtn( 'T','color', use => use(textColor.color) || textColor.defaultColor),'background-color', (use) => use(fillColor.color)?.slice(0, 7) || fillColor.defaultColor), dom.cls('font-bold', use => use(styleOptions.fontBold) ?? false), dom.cls('font-italic', use => use(styleOptions.fontItalic) ?? false), dom.cls('font-underline', use => use(styleOptions.fontUnderline) ?? false), dom.cls('font-strikethrough', use => use(styleOptions.fontStrikethrough) ?? false), testId('color-button'), ); const domCreator = (ctl: IOpenController) => buildColorPicker(ctl, colorPickerOptions, colorPickerDomArgs); setPopupToCreateDom(iconBtn, domCreator, { ...defaultMenuOptions, placement: 'bottom-end' }); return iconBtn; } interface ColorPickerOptions { styleOptions: StyleOptions; onSave(): Promise; onRevert?(): void; onClose?(): void; } function buildColorPicker( ctl: IOpenController, options: ColorPickerOptions, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[] ): Element { const {styleOptions, onSave, onRevert, onClose} = options; const { textColor, fillColor, fontBold, fontUnderline, fontItalic, fontStrikethrough } = styleOptions; const textColorModel = ColorModel.create(null, textColor.color); const fillColorModel = ColorModel.create(null, fillColor.color); const fontBoldModel = BooleanModel.create(null, fontBold); const fontUnderlineModel = BooleanModel.create(null, fontUnderline); const fontItalicModel = BooleanModel.create(null, fontItalic); const fontStrikethroughModel = BooleanModel.create(null, fontStrikethrough); const models = [textColorModel, fillColorModel, fontBoldModel, fontUnderlineModel, fontItalicModel, fontStrikethroughModel]; const notChanged = Computed.create(null, use => models.every(m => use(m.needsSaving) === false)); function revert() { onRevert?.(); if (!onRevert) { models.forEach(m => m.revert()); } ctl.close(); } ctl.onDispose(async () => { if (!notChanged.get()) { try { // TODO: disable the trigger btn while saving await onSave(); } catch (e) { onRevert?.(); if (!onRevert) { models.forEach(m => m.revert()); } } } models.forEach(m => m.dispose()); notChanged.dispose(); onClose?.(); }); return cssContainer( dom.create(FontComponent, { fontBoldModel, fontUnderlineModel, fontItalicModel, fontStrikethroughModel, }), cssVSpacer(), dom.create(PickerComponent, textColorModel, { title: 'text', ...textColor }), cssVSpacer(), dom.create(PickerComponent, fillColorModel, { title: 'fill', ...fillColor }), // gives focus and binds keydown events (elem: any) => { setTimeout(() => elem.focus(), 0); }, onKeyDown({ Escape: () => { revert(); }, Enter: () => { ctl.close(); }, }), cssButtonRow( primaryButton(t("Apply"), dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()), dom.boolAttr("disabled", notChanged), testId('colors-save') ), basicButton(t("Cancel"), dom.on('click', () => revert()), testId('colors-cancel') ) ), // Set focus when `focusout` is bubbling from a children element. This is to allow to receive // keyboard event again after user interacted with the hex box text input. dom.on('focusout', (ev, elem) => ( !== elem) && elem.focus()), ...domArgs, ); } // PickerModel is a helper model that helps keep track of the server value for an observable that // needs to be changed locally without saving. To use, you must call `model.setValue(...)` instead // of `obs.set(...)`. Then it offers `model.needsSaving()` that tells you whether current value // needs saving, and `model.revert()` that reverts obs to the its server value. class PickerModel extends Disposable { // Is current value different from the server value? public needsSaving: Observable; private _serverValue: Observable; private _localChange: boolean = false; constructor(public obs: Observable) { super(); this._serverValue = Observable.create(this, this.obs.get()); this.needsSaving = Computed.create(this, use => { const current = use(this.obs); const server = use(this._serverValue); // We support booleans and strings only for now, so if current is false and server // is undefined, we assume they are the same. // TODO: this probably should be a strategy method. return current !== (typeof current === 'boolean' ? (server ?? false) : server); }); this.autoDispose(this.obs.addListener((val) => { if (this._localChange) { return; } this._serverValue.set(val); })); } // Set the value picked by the user public setValue(val: T) { this._localChange = true; this.obs.set(val); this._localChange = false; } // Revert obs to its server value public revert() { this.obs.set(this._serverValue.get()); } } class ColorModel extends PickerModel {} class BooleanModel extends PickerModel {} interface PickerComponentOptions { title: string; allowsNone: boolean; // Default color to show when value is empty or undefined (itself can be empty). defaultColor: string; // Text to be shown in the picker when color is not set. noneText: string; } class PickerComponent extends Disposable { private _colorHex = Computed.create(this, this._model.obs, (_use, val) => val?.toUpperCase().slice(0, 7)); private _colorCss = Computed.create(this, this._colorHex, (_use, color) => color || this._options.defaultColor); constructor( private _model: PickerModel, private _options: PickerComponentOptions) { super(); } public buildDom() { const title = this._options.title; const colorText = Computed.create(null, use => use(this._colorHex) || this._options.noneText); return [ cssHeaderRow(title), cssControlRow( cssColorPreview( dom.update( cssColorSquare( cssLightBorder.cls(''),'background-color', this._colorCss), cssNoneIcon('Empty', dom.hide(use => Boolean(use(this._colorCss))) ), testId(`${title}-color-square`), ), cssColorInput( {type: 'color'}, dom.attr('value', use => use(this._model.obs) ?? ''), dom.on('input', (ev, elem) => this._setValue(elem.value || undefined)), testId(`${title}-input`), ), ), cssHexBox( colorText, async (val) => { if (!val || isValidHex(val)) { this._model.setValue(val || undefined); } }, dom.autoDispose(colorText), testId(`${title}-hex`), // select the hex value on click. Doing it using settimeout allows to avoid some // sporadically losing the selection just after the click. dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => setTimeout(() =>, 0)), ) ), cssEmptyBox( cssEmptyBox.cls('-selected', (use) => !use(this._colorCss)), dom.on('click', () => this._setValue(undefined)), dom.hide(!this._options.allowsNone), cssNoneIcon('Empty'), testId(`${title}-empty`), ) ), cssPalette(, index) => ( cssColorSquare('background-color', color), cssLightBorder.cls('', isLight(index)), cssColorSquare.cls('-selected', (use) => use(this._colorHex) === color),'outline-color', isLight(index) ? '' : color), dom.on('click', () => this._setValue(color)), testId(`color-${color}`), ) )), testId(`${title}-palette`), ), ]; } private _setValue(val: string|undefined) { this._model.setValue(val); } } class FontComponent extends Disposable { constructor( private _options: { fontBoldModel: BooleanModel, fontUnderlineModel: BooleanModel, fontItalicModel: BooleanModel, fontStrikethroughModel: BooleanModel, } ) { super(); } public buildDom() { function option(iconName: IconName, model: BooleanModel) { return cssFontOption( cssFontIcon(iconName), dom.on('click', () => model.setValue(!model.obs.get())), cssFontOption.cls('-selected', use => use(model.obs) ?? false), testId(`font-option-${iconName}`) ); } return cssFontOptions( option('FontBold', this._options.fontBoldModel), option('FontUnderline', this._options.fontUnderlineModel), option('FontItalic', this._options.fontItalicModel), option('FontStrikethrough', this._options.fontStrikethroughModel), ); } } const cssFontOptions = styled('div', ` display: flex; border: 1px solid ${theme.colorSelectFontOptionsBorder}; `); const cssFontOption = styled('div', ` display: grid; place-items: center; flex-grow: 1; --icon-color: ${theme.colorSelectFontOptionFg}; height: 24px; cursor: pointer; &:not(:last-child) { border-right: 1px solid ${theme.colorSelectFontOptionsBorder}; } &:hover:not(&-selected) { background: ${theme.colorSelectFontOptionBgHover}; } &-selected { background: ${theme.colorSelectFontOptionBgSelected}; --icon-color: ${theme.colorSelectFontOptionFgSelected} } `); const cssColorInput = styled('input', ` opacity: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; border: none; `); const cssColorPreview = styled('div', ` display: flex; `); const cssControlRow = styled('div', ` display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 8px; `); const cssHeaderRow = styled('div', ` color: ${theme.colorSelectFg}; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: ${vars.smallFontSize}; margin-bottom: 12px; `); const cssPalette = styled('div', ` width: 236px; height: calc(4 * 20px + 3 * 4px); display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; align-content: space-between; `); const cssVSpacer = styled('div', ` height: 24px; `); const cssContainer = styled('div', ` padding: 18px 16px; background-color: ${theme.colorSelectBg}; box-shadow: 0 2px 16px 0 ${theme.colorSelectShadow}; z-index: 20; margin: 2px 0; &:focus { outline: none; } `); const cssContent = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: center; `); const cssHexBox = styled(textInput, ` border: 1px solid ${theme.colorSelectInputBorder}; border-left: none; font-size: ${vars.smallFontSize}; display: flex; align-items: center; color: ${theme.colorSelectInputFg}; background-color: ${theme.colorSelectInputBg}; width: 56px; outline: none; padding: 0 3px; height: unset; border-radius: unset; `); const cssLightBorder = styled('div', ` border: 1px solid ${theme.colorSelectColorSquareBorder}; `); const cssColorSquare = styled('div', ` width: 20px; height: 20px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative; &-selected { outline: 1px solid ${theme.colorSelectColorSquareBorder}; outline-offset: 1px; } `); const cssEmptyBox = styled(cssColorSquare, ` --icon-color: ${theme.iconError}; border: 1px solid #D9D9D9; &-selected { outline: 1px solid ${theme.colorSelectColorSquareBorderEmpty}; outline-offset: 1px; } `); const cssFontIcon = styled(icon, ` height: 12px; width: 12px; `); const cssNoneIcon = styled(icon, ` height: 100%; width: 100%; --icon-color: ${theme.iconError} `); const cssButtonIcon = styled(cssColorSquare, ` margin-right: 6px; margin-left: 4px; `); const cssIconBtn = styled(cssColorSquare, ` min-width: 18px; width: 18px; height: 18px; cursor: pointer; display: grid; place-items: center; `); const cssButtonRow = styled('div', ` gap: 8px; display: flex; margin-top: 24px; `);