import {buildLimitStatusMessage, buildUpgradeMessage} from 'app/client/components/DocumentUsage'; import {sessionStorageBoolObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs'; import {DocPageModel} from 'app/client/models/DocPageModel'; import {colors, isNarrowScreenObs} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {Computed, Disposable, dom, DomComputed, makeTestId, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; const testId = makeTestId('test-doc-usage-banner-'); export class DocUsageBanner extends Disposable { // Whether the banner is vertically expanded on narrow screens. private readonly _isExpanded = Observable.create(this, true); private readonly _currentDoc = this._docPageModel.currentDoc; private readonly _currentDocId = this._docPageModel.currentDocId; private readonly _dataLimitStatus = this._docPageModel.dataLimitStatus; private readonly _currentOrg = Computed.create(this, this._currentDoc, (_use, doc) => { return doc? ?? null; }); private readonly _shouldShowBanner: Computed = Computed.create(this, this._currentOrg, (_use, org) => { return org?.access !== 'guests' && org?.access !== null; }); // Session storage observable. Set to false to dismiss the banner for the session. private _showApproachingLimitBannerPref: Observable; constructor(private _docPageModel: DocPageModel) { super(); this.autoDispose(this._currentDocId.addListener((docId) => { if (this._showApproachingLimitBannerPref?.isDisposed() === false) { this._showApproachingLimitBannerPref.dispose(); } const userId = this._docPageModel.appModel.currentUser?.id ?? 0; this._showApproachingLimitBannerPref = sessionStorageBoolObs( `u=${userId}:doc=${docId}:showApproachingLimitBanner`, true, ); })); } public buildDom() { return dom.maybe(this._dataLimitStatus, (status): DomComputed => { switch (status) { case 'approachingLimit': { return this._buildApproachingLimitBanner(); } case 'gracePeriod': case 'deleteOnly': { return this._buildExceedingLimitBanner(status === 'deleteOnly'); } } }); } private _buildApproachingLimitBanner() { return dom.maybe(this._shouldShowBanner, () => { return dom.domComputed(use => { if (!use(this._showApproachingLimitBannerPref)) { return null; } const org = use(this._currentOrg); if (!org) { return null; } const features = org.billingAccount?.product.features; return cssApproachingLimitBanner( cssBannerMessage( cssWhiteIcon('Idea'), cssLightlyBoldedText( buildLimitStatusMessage('approachingLimit', features), ' ', buildUpgradeMessage(org.access === 'owners'), testId('text'), ), ), cssCloseButton('CrossBig', dom.on('click', () => this._showApproachingLimitBannerPref.set(false)), testId('close'), ), testId('container'), ); }); }); } private _buildExceedingLimitBanner(isDeleteOnly: boolean) { return dom.maybe(this._shouldShowBanner, () => { return dom.maybe(this._currentOrg, org => { const features = org.billingAccount?.product.features; return cssExceedingLimitBanner( cssBannerMessage( cssWhiteIcon('Idea'), cssLightlyBoldedText( dom.domComputed(use => { const isExpanded = use(this._isExpanded); const isNarrowScreen = use(isNarrowScreenObs()); const isOwner = org.access === 'owners'; if (isNarrowScreen && !isExpanded) { return buildUpgradeMessage(isOwner, 'short'); } return [ buildLimitStatusMessage(isDeleteOnly ? 'deleteOnly' : 'gracePeriod', features), ' ', buildUpgradeMessage(isOwner), ]; }), testId('text'), ), ), dom.maybe(isNarrowScreenObs(), () => { return dom.domComputed(this._isExpanded, isExpanded => cssExpandButton( isExpanded ? 'DropdownUp' : 'Dropdown', dom.on('click', () => this._isExpanded.set(!isExpanded)), ), ); }), testId('container'), ); }); }); } } const cssLightlyBoldedText = styled('div', ` font-weight: 500; `); const cssUsageBanner = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: flex-start; padding: 10px; color: white; gap: 16px; `); const cssApproachingLimitBanner = styled(cssUsageBanner, ` background: #E6A117; `); const cssExceedingLimitBanner = styled(cssUsageBanner, ` background: ${colors.error}; `); const cssIconAndText = styled('div', ` display: flex; gap: 16px; `); const cssBannerMessage = styled(cssIconAndText, ` flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; `); const cssIcon = styled(icon, ` flex-shrink: 0; width: 16px; height: 16px; `); const cssWhiteIcon = styled(cssIcon, ` background-color: white; `); const cssCloseButton = styled(cssIcon, ` flex-shrink: 0; cursor: pointer; background-color: white; `); const cssExpandButton = cssCloseButton;