import { assert } from 'mocha-webdriver'; import { $, gu, test } from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtil-nbrowser'; // Helper that returns the cell text prefixed by "!" if the cell is invalid. async function valText(cell) { const isInvalid = await cell.find('.field_clip').hasClass("invalid"); const text = await cell.getText(); return (isInvalid ? "!" : "") + text; } describe('TypeChange.ntest', function() { const cleanup = test.setupTestSuite(this); before(async function() { await gu.supportOldTimeyTestCode(); await gu.useFixtureDoc(cleanup, "Hello.grist", true); }); afterEach(function() { return gu.checkForErrors(); }); it('should not use transform to convert type for an empty column', async function() { await gu.openSidePane('field'); await gu.getCellRC(0, 0).click(); await gu.sendKeys([$.ALT, '=']); await gu.waitForServer(); gu.sendKeys($.ESCAPE); // Click on new column await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).click(); // Change type await gu.userActionsCollect(); await gu.setType('Numeric'); await gu.userActionsVerify([["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 7, {"type": "Numeric"}]]); // Errors should not be present in converted column assert.isFalse(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip').hasClass('invalid')); // Ensure that column transform is not occurring. assert.isFalse(await $('.type_transform_prompt').isPresent()); }); it('should use transform to convert type for non-empty columns', async function() { // Enter text into numeric column await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys('one', $.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.hasClass(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip'), 'invalid', true); // Change numeric to text await gu.userActionsCollect(); await gu.setType('Text'); // Accept, check that column is text and has no errors await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.hasClass(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip'), 'invalid', false); await gu.userActionsVerify([ ["AddColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Converted", { type: 'Any' }], ["AddColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform", { type: 'Any' }], ["ModifyColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Converted", { "formula": "", "isFormula": false, "type": "Text", "visibleCol": 0 }], ["ModifyColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform", { "formula": "rec.gristHelper_Converted", "isFormula": true, "type": "Text", "visibleCol": 0 }], ["ConvertFromColumn", "Table1", "F", "gristHelper_Converted", "Text", "", 0], // Repeated conversion just before applying ["ConvertFromColumn", "Table1", "F", "gristHelper_Converted", "Text", "", 0], ["CopyFromColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform", "F", "{\"widget\":\"TextBox\",\"alignment\":\"left\"}"], ["RemoveColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform"], ["RemoveColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Converted"], ]); // Check that selected reads text await gu.assertType('Text'); }); it('should allow cancelling type changes', async function() { // Enter bools into text column await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys('false', $.ENTER); await gu.getCellRC(1, 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys('true', $.ENTER); // Change text to bool await gu.setType('Toggle'); // Check that column appears bool during transform assert.isDisplayed(await gu.getCellRC(1, 1).find('.widget_checkmark').wait(), true); assert.isDisplayed(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.widget_checkmark'), false); assert.hasClass(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip'), 'invalid', false); // Cancel transform, check that column is still text await $('.test-type-transform-cancel').wait().click(); assert.equal(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip').text(), 'false'); // Check that selected reads text await gu.assertType('Text'); }); it('should allow revising type changes', async function() { // Change text to integer await gu.setType('Integer'); // Revise formula to get text length and accept await $('.test-type-transform-revise').wait().click(); await $('.test-type-transform-formula').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(false); await gu.sendKeys($.SELECT_ALL, $.DELETE, 'return len($F) + 1'); // Check that updating the type conversion works await $('.test-type-transform-update').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.equal(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip').text(), '6'); // Check that applying the type conversion without first updating works // (the weird formula keeps other tests consistent with past behaviour) await $('.test-type-transform-formula').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(false); await gu.sendKeys($.SELECT_ALL, $.DELETE, 'return len($F.replace("0", "0.0"))'); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); // Check that column is integer and has no errors assert.equal(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip').text(), '5'); assert.isFalse(await gu.getCellRC(0, 1).find('.field_clip').hasClass('invalid')); }); it('should allow configuring reference changes', async function() { // Prepare new table and section await gu.actions.addNewSection('New', 'Table'); await gu.waitForServer(); await $('.test-viewlayout-section-6').click(); await gu.addRecord(['green']); await gu.addRecord(['blue']); // Change type to reference column await gu.actions.viewSection('Table1').selectSection(); await gu.getCellRC(0, 3).click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(true); await gu.sendKeys('blue', $.ENTER); await gu.getCellRC(1, 3).click(); await gu.sendKeys('green', $.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.userActionsCollect(); await gu.setType('Reference'); // Assert the correct column is selected and that the formula matches the selected assert.equal(await $('.test-fbuilder-ref-table-select .test-select-row').getText(), 'Table2'); assert.equal(await $('.test-fbuilder-ref-col-select .test-select-row').getText(), 'A'); await $('.test-type-transform-revise').click(); var aceText = await gu.getAceText($('.test-type-transform-formula').elem()); assert.equal(aceText, "rec.gristHelper_Converted"); // Apply transform and check that field is a reference await gu.applyTypeConversion(); await gu.userActionsVerify([ ["AddColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Converted", { type: 'Any' }], ["AddColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform", { type: 'Any' }], ["ModifyColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Converted", { "formula": "", "isFormula": false, "type": "Ref:Table2", "visibleCol": 9 }], ["ModifyColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform", { "formula": "rec.gristHelper_Converted", "isFormula": true, "type": "Ref:Table2", "visibleCol": 9 }], ["ConvertFromColumn", "Table1", "C", "gristHelper_Converted", "Ref:Table2", "", 9], // Set display formula for transform column. ["SetDisplayFormula", "Table1", null, 13, "$gristHelper_Transform.A"], // Repeated conversion just before applying ["ConvertFromColumn", "Table1", "C", "gristHelper_Converted", "Ref:Table2", "", 9], ["CopyFromColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform", "C", "{\"widget\":\"Reference\",\"alignment\":\"left\"}"], // We used to unset field display formula, but we don't actually use it during transforms. ["RemoveColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Transform"], ["RemoveColumn", "Table1", "gristHelper_Converted"], ]); assert.hasClass(await gu.getCellRC(0, 3).find('.field_clip div'), 'test-ref-link-icon'); // Check conversion back to text await gu.setType('Text'); await $('.test-type-transform-revise').click(); aceText = await gu.getAceText($('.test-type-transform-formula').elem()); assert.equal(aceText, 'rec.gristHelper_Converted'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.equal(await gu.getCellRC(0, 3).find('.field_clip').getText(), 'blue'); }); it('should allow configuring date and datetime changes', async function() { await gu.toggleSidePanel("left", "close"); await gu.getCellRC(0, 2).scrollIntoView({inline: "end"}).click(); await gu.sendKeys('4/2/93', $.ENTER); await gu.getCellRC(1, 2).click(); await gu.sendKeys('4/26/16', $.ENTER); // Convert to Date await gu.setType('Date'); // Guessed date format M/D/YY assert.equal(await gu.dateFormat(), 'Custom'); assert.equal(await $('$Widget_dateCustomFormat input').val(), 'M/D/YY'); // Change manually to a more formal date format await gu.dateFormat('MM/DD/YYYY'); assert.equal(await gu.dateFormat(), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check formula await $('.test-type-transform-revise').wait().click(); var aceText = await gu.getAceText($('.test-type-transform-formula').elem()); assert.equal(aceText, "rec.gristHelper_Converted"); // Apply transform and check that field has correct value await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '04/02/1993', '04/26/2016' ]); // Convert back to text await gu.setType('Text'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '04/02/1993', '04/26/2016' ]); await gu.getCellRC(0, 2).click(); await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER, ' 12:00am'); await gu.getCellRC(1, 2).click(); await gu.sendKeys($.ENTER, ' 4:00am', $.ENTER); // Convert to DateTime and assert formula matches options await gu.setType('DateTime'); await $('.test-tz-autocomplete').click(); await gu.sendKeys('Los_Ang', $.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.equal(await $('.test-tz-autocomplete input').val(), 'America/Los_Angeles'); assert.equal(await gu.dateFormat(), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); assert.equal(await gu.timeFormat(), 'h:mma'); await $('.test-type-transform-revise').click(); aceText = await gu.getAceText($('.test-type-transform-formula').elem()); assert.equal(aceText, "rec.gristHelper_Converted"); // Apply transform and check that field has correct value await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '04/02/1993 12:00am', '04/26/2016 4:00am', ]); assert.equal(await $('.test-tz-autocomplete input').val(), 'America/Los_Angeles'); // Convert DateTime to Date and check that we are getting the right date. await gu.setType('Date'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '04/02/1993', '04/26/2016' ]); // Convert Date to DateTime and check that we are getting midnight in selected timezone. await gu.setType('DateTime'); await gu.timeFormat('HH:mm z'); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '04/02/1993 00:00 EST', '04/26/2016 00:00 EDT' ]); await $('.test-tz-autocomplete').click(); await gu.sendKeys('Los_Ang', $.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.equal(await $('.test-tz-autocomplete input').val(), 'America/Los_Angeles'); assert.equal(await gu.dateFormat(), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); assert.equal(await gu.timeFormat(), 'HH:mm z'); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '04/02/1993 00:00 PST', '04/26/2016 00:00 PDT' ]); }); it('should trigger a transform when reference table is changed', async function() { // Set up conditions for the test await gu.getSection('Table1').click(); await gu.enterGridValues(2, 3, [['red', 'yellow']]); await gu.actions.addNewSection('New', 'Table'); await gu.getSection('TABLE3').click(); await gu.enterGridValues(0, 1, [['yellow', 'red', 'green', 'blue']]); await gu.getSection('Table1').click(); await gu.clickCellRC(0, 3); await gu.openSidePane('field'); await gu.setType('Reference'); await gu.setRefTable('Table2'); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.setVisibleCol('A'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3], mapper: valText}), [ 'blue', 'green', '!red', '!yellow' ]); // Check that row ids shows 2, 1, (AltText), (AltText) await gu.setVisibleCol('Row ID'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3]}), ['Table2[2]', 'Table2[1]', 'red', 'yellow']); await gu.setVisibleCol('A'); // Should trigger the transform await gu.setRefTable('Table3'); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.setVisibleCol('B'); await assert.isPresent($('.type_transform_prompt')); // Transform should follow the format Ref: -> Text -> Ref: await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3]}), ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'yellow']); // Check that the cells are no longer invalid. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3], mapper: valText}), [ 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'yellow' ]); // Check that row ids have changed, despite text remaining the same. await gu.setVisibleCol('Row ID'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3]}), ['Table3[4]', 'Table3[3]', 'Table3[2]', 'Table3[1]']); }); it('should allow undoing a reference transform in one step', async function() { await gu.setVisibleCol('B'); await gu.setType('Text'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); await gu.setType('Reference'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); await gu.undo(); // Undoing once should return the column to Text with the correct values. await gu.assertType('Text'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3]}), ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'yellow']); }); it('should cancel an in-progress transformation on undo', async function() { assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3]}), ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'yellow']); await gu.setType('Reference'); await gu.assertType('Reference'); await assert.isPresent($('.test-type-transform-top'), true); await gu.undo(); await assert.isPresent($('.test-type-transform-top'), false); await gu.assertType('Text'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [3]}), ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'yellow']); }); // NOTE: This tests a bug fix where integer values not present in the reference // column were mistaken for row ids and converted to row values instead of AltText values. it('should properly convert from integer to reference', async function() { // Set up conditions for the test await gu.getSection('TABLE3').click(); await gu.enterGridValues(0, 2, [['3', '3', '4', '1']]); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.setType('Integer'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); // Begin convert to reference. await gu.setType('Reference'); await gu.assertType('Reference'); await assert.isPresent($('.test-type-transform-top'), true); // Convert to a reference and check that the values are valid and as expected // before and after the conversion. The last row should be invalid since there // is no matching record in the destination col. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '3', '3', '4', '!1' ]); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '3', '3', '4', '!1' ]); }); // NOTE: This tests a bug fix where reference transforms to numeric types gave // error values by default. it('should properly convert from reference to integer/numeric', async function() { await gu.clickCellRC(0, 2); // Convert to an integer and check that the values are valid and as expected before // and after the conversion. This ensures that AltText values can be cast back into ints. await gu.setType('Integer'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '3', '3', '4', '1' ]); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '3', '3', '4', '1' ]); // Switch back to a reference column await gu.setType('Reference'); await gu.assertType('Reference'); await assert.isPresent($('.test-type-transform-top'), true); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); // Convert to numeric and check the values are valid and as expected. // This ensures that AltText values can be cast back into floats. await gu.setType('Numeric'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '3', '3', '4', '1' ]); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '3', '3', '4', '1' ]); }); // NOTE: This tests a bug fix where numeric types were not properly converted to // boolean values. it('should properly convert from integer/numeric to boolean', async function() { // Update the Numeric column to include some falsy/truthy numbers and alttext. await gu.clickCellRC(0, 2); await gu.sendKeys('0'); await gu.clickCellRC(4, 2); await gu.sendKeys('False', $.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.sendKeys('true', $.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); // Assert that the values are set up properly. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '0', '3', '4', '1', '!False', '!true' ]); // Convert the column to boolean. Assert all the values are valid and as expected. await gu.setType('Toggle'); await gu.applyTypeConversion(); await gu.setWidget('TextBox'); // Check that the values have transformed without errors, and are as expected. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ 'false', '!3', '!4', 'true', 'false', 'true' ]); // Check that sorting by the column has the expected effect. await gu.openColumnMenu('C'); await $(`.grist-floating-menu .test-sort-asc`).click(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ 'false', 'false', 'true', 'true', '!3', '!4' ]); // Undo the widget option and type conversion and assert that the values are properly restored. // (but still sorted) await gu.undo(2); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getGridValues({rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], cols: [2], mapper: valText}), [ '0', '1', '3', '4', '!False', '!true' ]); }); });