/** * Importer manages an import files to Grist tables * TODO: hidden tables should be also deleted on page refresh, error... */ // tslint:disable:no-console import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {buildParseOptionsForm, ParseOptionValues} from 'app/client/components/ParseOptions'; import {PluginScreen} from 'app/client/components/PluginScreen'; import {FocusLayer} from 'app/client/lib/FocusLayer'; import {ImportSourceElement} from 'app/client/lib/ImportSourceElement'; import {fetchURL, isDriveUrl, selectFiles, uploadFiles} from 'app/client/lib/uploads'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {ColumnRec, ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {SortedRowSet} from 'app/client/models/rowset'; import {buildHighlightedCode} from 'app/client/ui/CodeHighlight'; import {openFilePicker} from 'app/client/ui/FileDialog'; import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {colors, testId, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {IOptionFull, linkSelect, menu, menuDivider, menuItem, multiSelect} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {cssModalButtons, cssModalTitle} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {loadingSpinner} from 'app/client/ui2018/loaders'; import {openFormulaEditor} from 'app/client/widgets/FieldEditor'; import {DataSourceTransformed, ImportResult, ImportTableResult, MergeOptions, MergeOptionsMap, MergeStrategy, TransformColumn, TransformRule, TransformRuleMap} from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI'; import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents'; import {byteString} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {FetchUrlOptions, UploadResult} from 'app/common/uploads'; import {ParseOptions, ParseOptionSchema} from 'app/plugin/FileParserAPI'; import {Computed, dom, DomContents, fromKo, Holder, IDisposable, MultiHolder, MutableObsArray, obsArray, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {labeledSquareCheckbox} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox'; import {ACCESS_DENIED, AUTH_INTERRUPTED, canReadPrivateFiles, getGoogleCodeForReading} from 'app/client/ui/googleAuth'; import debounce = require('lodash/debounce'); // Special values for import destinations; null means "new table". // TODO We should also support "skip table" (needs server support), so that one can open, say, // an Excel file with many tabs, and import only some of them. type DestId = string | null; // We expect a function for creating the preview GridView, to avoid the need to require the // GridView module here. That brings many dependencies, making a simple test fixture difficult. type CreatePreviewFunc = (vs: ViewSectionRec) => GridView; type GridView = IDisposable & {viewPane: HTMLElement, sortedRows: SortedRowSet, listenTo: (...args: any[]) => void}; export interface SourceInfo { // The source table id. hiddenTableId: string; uploadFileIndex: number; origTableName: string; sourceSection: ViewSectionRec; // A viewsection containing transform (formula) columns pointing to the original source columns. transformSection: Observable; // The destination table id. destTableId: Observable; // True if there is at least one request in progress to create a new transform section. isLoadingSection: Observable; // Reference to last promise for the GenImporterView action (which creates `transformSection`). lastGenImporterViewPromise: Promise|null; } interface MergeOptionsStateMap { [hiddenTableId: string]: MergeOptionsState|undefined; } // UI state of merge options for a SourceInfo. interface MergeOptionsState { updateExistingRecords: Observable; mergeCols: MutableObsArray; mergeStrategy: Observable; hasInvalidMergeCols: Observable; } /** * Importer manages an import files to Grist tables and shows Preview */ export class Importer extends DisposableWithEvents { /** * Imports using the given plugin importer, or the built-in file-picker when null is passed in. */ public static async selectAndImport( gristDoc: GristDoc, imports: ImportSourceElement[], importSourceElem: ImportSourceElement|null, createPreview: CreatePreviewFunc ) { // In case of using built-in file picker we want to get upload result before instantiating Importer // because if the user dismisses the dialog without picking a file, // there is no good way to detect this and dispose Importer. let uploadResult: UploadResult|null = null; if (!importSourceElem) { // Use the built-in file picker. On electron, it uses the native file selector (without // actually uploading anything), which is why this requires a slightly different flow. const files: File[] = await openFilePicker({multiple: true}); // Important to fork first before trying to import, so we end up uploading to a // consistent doc worker. await gristDoc.forkIfNeeded(); const label = files.map(f => f.name).join(', '); const size = files.reduce((acc, f) => acc + f.size, 0); const app = gristDoc.app.topAppModel.appObs.get(); const progress = app ? app.notifier.createProgressIndicator(label, byteString(size)) : null; const onProgress = (percent: number) => progress && progress.setProgress(percent); try { onProgress(0); uploadResult = await uploadFiles(files, {docWorkerUrl: gristDoc.docComm.docWorkerUrl, sizeLimit: 'import'}, onProgress); onProgress(100); } finally { if (progress) { progress.dispose(); } } } // HACK: The url plugin does not support importing from google drive, and we don't want to // ask a user for permission to access all his files (needed to download a single file from an URL). // So to have a nice user experience, we will switch to the built-in google drive plugin and allow // user to chose a file manually. // Suggestion for the future is: // (1) ask the user for the greater permission, // (2) detect when the permission is not granted, and open the picker-based plugin in that case. try { // Importer disposes itself when its dialog is closed, so we do not take ownership of it. await Importer.create(null, gristDoc, importSourceElem, createPreview).pickAndUploadSource(uploadResult); } catch(err1) { // If the url was a Google Drive Url, run the google drive plugin. if (!(err1 instanceof GDriveUrlNotSupported)) { reportError(err1); } else { const gdrivePlugin = imports.find((p) => p.plugin.definition.id === 'builtIn/gdrive' && p !== importSourceElem); if (!gdrivePlugin) { reportError(err1); } else { try { await Importer.create(null, gristDoc, gdrivePlugin, createPreview).pickAndUploadSource(uploadResult); } catch(err2) { reportError(err2); } } } } } private _docComm = this._gristDoc.docComm; private _uploadResult?: UploadResult; private _screen: PluginScreen; private _mergeOptions: MergeOptionsStateMap = {}; private _parseOptions = Observable.create(this, {}); private _sourceInfoArray = Observable.create(this, []); private _sourceInfoSelected = Observable.create(this, null); // Holder for the column mapping formula editor. private readonly _formulaEditorHolder = Holder.create(this); private _previewViewSection: Observable = Computed.create(this, this._sourceInfoSelected, (use, info) => { if (!info) { return null; } const isLoading = use(info.isLoadingSection); if (isLoading) { return null; } const viewSection = use(info.transformSection); return viewSection && !use(viewSection._isDeleted) ? viewSection : null; }); // True if there is at least one request in progress to generate an import diff. private _isLoadingDiff = Observable.create(this, false); // Promise for the most recent generateImportDiff action. private _lastGenImportDiffPromise: Promise|null = null; private _updateImportDiff = debounce(this._updateDiff, 1000, {leading: true, trailing: true}); // destTables is a list of options for import destinations, and includes all tables in the // document, plus two values: to import as a new table, and to skip an import table entirely. private _destTables = Computed.create>>(this, (use) => [ {value: null, label: 'New Table'}, ...use(this._gristDoc.docModel.allTableIds.getObservable()).map((t) => ({value: t, label: t})), ]); // Source column labels for the selected import source, keyed by column id. private _sourceColLabelsById = Computed.create(this, this._sourceInfoSelected, (use, info) => { if (!info || use(info.sourceSection._isDeleted)) { return null; } const fields = use(use(info.sourceSection.viewFields).getObservable()); return new Map(fields.map(f => [use(use(f.column).colId), use(use(f.column).label)])); }); // List of destination fields that aren't mapped to a source column. private _unmatchedFields = Computed.create(this, this._sourceInfoSelected, (use, info) => { if (!info) { return null; } const transformSection = use(info.transformSection); if (!transformSection || use(transformSection._isDeleted)) { return null; } const fields = use(use(transformSection.viewFields).getObservable()); return fields .filter(f => use(use(f.column).formula).trim() === '') .map(f => f.column().label()); }); // null tells to use the built-in file picker. constructor(private _gristDoc: GristDoc, private _importSourceElem: ImportSourceElement|null, private _createPreview: CreatePreviewFunc) { super(); this._screen = PluginScreen.create(this, _importSourceElem?.importSource.label || "Import from file"); this.onDispose(() => { this._resetImportDiffState(); }); } /* * Get new import sources and update the current one. */ public async pickAndUploadSource(uploadResult: UploadResult|null) { try { if (!this._importSourceElem) { // Use upload result if it was passed in or the built-in file picker. // On electron, it uses the native file selector (without actually uploading anything), // which is why this requires a slightly different flow. uploadResult = uploadResult || await selectFiles({docWorkerUrl: this._docComm.docWorkerUrl, multiple: true, sizeLimit: 'import'}); } else { const plugin = this._importSourceElem.plugin; const handle = this._screen.renderPlugin(plugin); const importSource = await this._importSourceElem.importSourceStub.getImportSource(handle); plugin.removeRenderTarget(handle); this._screen.renderSpinner(); if (importSource) { // If data has been picked, upload it. const item = importSource.item; if (item.kind === "fileList") { const files = item.files.map(({content, name}) => new File([content], name)); uploadResult = await uploadFiles(files, {docWorkerUrl: this._docComm.docWorkerUrl, sizeLimit: 'import'}); } else if (item.kind === "url") { if (isDriveUrl(item.url)) { uploadResult = await this._fetchFromDrive(item.url); } else { uploadResult = await fetchURL(this._docComm, item.url); } } else { throw new Error(`Import source of kind ${(item as any).kind} are not yet supported!`); } } } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof CancelledError) { await this._cancelImport(); return; } if (err instanceof GDriveUrlNotSupported) { await this._cancelImport(); throw err; } this._screen.renderError(err.message); return; } if (uploadResult) { this._uploadResult = uploadResult; await this._reImport(uploadResult); } else { await this._cancelImport(); } } private _getPrimaryViewSection(tableId: string): ViewSectionRec { const tableModel = this._gristDoc.getTableModel(tableId); const viewRow = tableModel.tableMetaRow.primaryView.peek(); return viewRow.viewSections.peek().peek()[0]; } private _getSectionByRef(sectionRef: number): ViewSectionRec { return this._gristDoc.docModel.viewSections.getRowModel(sectionRef); } private async _updateTransformSection(sourceInfo: SourceInfo) { this._resetImportDiffState(); sourceInfo.isLoadingSection.set(true); sourceInfo.transformSection.set(null); const genImporterViewPromise = this._gristDoc.docData.sendAction( ['GenImporterView', sourceInfo.hiddenTableId, sourceInfo.destTableId.get(), null]); sourceInfo.lastGenImporterViewPromise = genImporterViewPromise; const transformSectionRef = await genImporterViewPromise; // If the request is superseded by a newer request, or the Importer is disposed, do nothing. if (this.isDisposed() || sourceInfo.lastGenImporterViewPromise !== genImporterViewPromise) { return; } // Otherwise, update the transform section for `sourceInfo`. sourceInfo.transformSection.set(this._gristDoc.docModel.viewSections.getRowModel(transformSectionRef)); sourceInfo.isLoadingSection.set(false); } private _getTransformedDataSource(upload: UploadResult): DataSourceTransformed { const transforms: TransformRuleMap[] = upload.files.map((file, i) => this._createTransformRuleMap(i)); return {uploadId: upload.uploadId, transforms}; } private _getMergeOptionMaps(upload: UploadResult): MergeOptionsMap[] { return upload.files.map((_file, i) => this._createMergeOptionsMap(i)); } private _createTransformRuleMap(uploadFileIndex: number): TransformRuleMap { const result: TransformRuleMap = {}; for (const sourceInfo of this._sourceInfoArray.get()) { if (sourceInfo.uploadFileIndex === uploadFileIndex) { result[sourceInfo.origTableName] = this._createTransformRule(sourceInfo); } } return result; } private _createMergeOptionsMap(uploadFileIndex: number): MergeOptionsMap { const result: MergeOptionsMap = {}; for (const sourceInfo of this._sourceInfoArray.get()) { if (sourceInfo.uploadFileIndex === uploadFileIndex) { result[sourceInfo.origTableName] = this._getMergeOptionsForSource(sourceInfo); } } return result; } private _createTransformRule(sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TransformRule { const transformSection = sourceInfo.transformSection.get(); if (!transformSection) { throw new Error(`Table ${sourceInfo.hiddenTableId} is missing transform section`); } const transformFields = transformSection.viewFields().peek(); const sourceFields = sourceInfo.sourceSection.viewFields().peek(); const destTableId: DestId = sourceInfo.destTableId.get(); return { destTableId, destCols: transformFields.map((field) => ({ label: field.label(), colId: destTableId ? field.colId() : null, // if inserting into new table, colId isnt defined type: field.column().type(), formula: field.column().formula() })), sourceCols: sourceFields.map((field) => field.colId()) }; } private _getMergeOptionsForSource(sourceInfo: SourceInfo): MergeOptions|undefined { const mergeOptions = this._mergeOptions[sourceInfo.hiddenTableId]; if (!mergeOptions) { return undefined; } const {updateExistingRecords, mergeCols, mergeStrategy} = mergeOptions; return { mergeCols: updateExistingRecords.get() ? mergeCols.get() : [], mergeStrategy: mergeStrategy.get() }; } private _getHiddenTableIds(): string[] { return this._sourceInfoArray.get().map((t: SourceInfo) => t.hiddenTableId); } private async _reImport(upload: UploadResult) { this._screen.renderSpinner(); this._resetImportDiffState(); try { const parseOptions = {...this._parseOptions.get(), NUM_ROWS: 0}; const importResult: ImportResult = await this._docComm.importFiles( this._getTransformedDataSource(upload), parseOptions, this._getHiddenTableIds()); this._parseOptions.set(importResult.options); this._sourceInfoArray.set(importResult.tables.map((info: ImportTableResult) => ({ hiddenTableId: info.hiddenTableId, uploadFileIndex: info.uploadFileIndex, origTableName: info.origTableName, sourceSection: this._getPrimaryViewSection(info.hiddenTableId)!, transformSection: Observable.create(null, this._getSectionByRef(info.transformSectionRef)), destTableId: Observable.create(null, info.destTableId), isLoadingSection: Observable.create(null, false), lastGenImporterViewPromise: null }))); if (this._sourceInfoArray.get().length === 0) { throw new Error("No data was imported"); } this._mergeOptions = {}; this._getHiddenTableIds().forEach(tableId => { this._mergeOptions[tableId] = { updateExistingRecords: Observable.create(null, false), mergeCols: obsArray(), mergeStrategy: Observable.create(null, {type: 'replace-with-nonblank-source'}), hasInvalidMergeCols: Observable.create(null, false), }; }); // Select the first sourceInfo to show in preview. this._sourceInfoSelected.set(this._sourceInfoArray.get()[0] || null); this._renderMain(upload); } catch (e) { console.warn("Import failed", e); this._screen.renderError(e.message); } } private async _maybeFinishImport(upload: UploadResult) { const isConfigValid = this._validateImportConfiguration(); if (!isConfigValid) { return; } this._screen.renderSpinner(); this._resetImportDiffState(); const parseOptions = {...this._parseOptions.get(), NUM_ROWS: 0}; const mergeOptionMaps = this._getMergeOptionMaps(upload); const importResult: ImportResult = await this._docComm.finishImportFiles( this._getTransformedDataSource(upload), this._getHiddenTableIds(), {mergeOptionMaps, parseOptions}); if (importResult.tables[0].hiddenTableId) { const tableRowModel = this._gristDoc.docModel.dataTables[importResult.tables[0].hiddenTableId].tableMetaRow; await this._gristDoc.openDocPage(tableRowModel.primaryViewId()); } this._screen.close(); this.dispose(); } private async _cancelImport() { this._resetImportDiffState(); // Formula editor cleanup needs to happen before the hidden tables are removed. this._formulaEditorHolder.dispose(); if (this._uploadResult) { await this._docComm.cancelImportFiles( this._getTransformedDataSource(this._uploadResult), this._getHiddenTableIds()); } this._screen.close(); this.dispose(); } private _resetTableMergeOptions(tableId: string) { this._mergeOptions[tableId]?.mergeCols.set([]); } private _validateImportConfiguration(): boolean { let isValid = true; const selectedSourceInfo = this._sourceInfoSelected.get(); if (!selectedSourceInfo) { return isValid; } // No configuration to validate. const mergeOptions = this._mergeOptions[selectedSourceInfo.hiddenTableId]; if (!mergeOptions) { return isValid; } // No configuration to validate. const destTableId = selectedSourceInfo.destTableId.get(); const {updateExistingRecords, mergeCols, hasInvalidMergeCols} = mergeOptions; // Check that at least one merge column was selected (if merging into an existing table). if (destTableId !== null && updateExistingRecords.get() && mergeCols.get().length === 0) { hasInvalidMergeCols.set(true); isValid = false; } return isValid; } private _buildModalTitle(rightElement?: DomContents) { const title = this._importSourceElem ? this._importSourceElem.importSource.label : 'Import from file'; return cssModalHeader(cssModalTitle(title), rightElement); } /** * Triggers an update of the import diff in the preview table. When called in quick succession, * only the most recent call will result in an update being made to the preview table. * * NOTE: This method should not be called directly. Instead, use _updateImportDiff, which * wraps this method and debounces it. * * @param {SourceInfo} info The source to update the diff for. */ private async _updateDiff(info: SourceInfo) { const mergeOptions = this._mergeOptions[info.hiddenTableId]!; this._isLoadingDiff.set(true); if (!mergeOptions.updateExistingRecords.get() || mergeOptions.mergeCols.get().length === 0) { // We can simply disable document comparison mode when merging isn't configured. this._gristDoc.comparison = null; } else { // Request a diff of the current source and wait for a response. const genImportDiffPromise = this._docComm.generateImportDiff(info.hiddenTableId, this._createTransformRule(info), this._getMergeOptionsForSource(info)!); this._lastGenImportDiffPromise = genImportDiffPromise; const diff = await genImportDiffPromise; // If the request is superseded by a newer request, or the Importer is disposed, do nothing. if (this.isDisposed() || genImportDiffPromise !== this._lastGenImportDiffPromise) { return; } // Otherwise, put the document in comparison mode with the diff data. this._gristDoc.comparison = diff; } this._isLoadingDiff.set(false); } /** * Resets all state variables related to diffs to their default values. */ private _resetImportDiffState() { this._cancelPendingDiffRequests(); this._gristDoc.comparison = null; } /** * Effectively cancels all pending diff requests by causing their fulfilled promises to * be ignored by their attached handlers. Since we can't natively cancel the promises, this * is functionally equivalent to canceling the outstanding requests. */ private _cancelPendingDiffRequests() { this._updateImportDiff.cancel(); this._lastGenImportDiffPromise = null; this._isLoadingDiff.set(false); } // The importer state showing import in progress, with a list of tables, and a preview. private _renderMain(upload: UploadResult) { const schema = this._parseOptions.get().SCHEMA; const content = cssContainer( dom.autoDispose(this._formulaEditorHolder), {tabIndex: '-1'}, this._buildModalTitle( schema ? cssActionLink(cssLinkIcon('Settings'), 'Import options', testId('importer-options-link'), dom.on('click', () => this._renderParseOptions(schema, upload)) ) : null, ), cssPreviewWrapper( cssTableList( dom.forEach(this._sourceInfoArray, (info) => { const destTableId = Computed.create(null, (use) => use(info.destTableId)) .onWrite(async (destId) => { // Prevent changing destination of un-selected sources if current configuration is invalid. if (info !== this._sourceInfoSelected.get() && !this._validateImportConfiguration()) { return; } info.destTableId.set(destId); this._resetTableMergeOptions(info.hiddenTableId); await this._updateTransformSection(info); }); return cssTableInfo( dom.autoDispose(destTableId), cssTableLine(cssToFrom('From'), cssTableSource(getSourceDescription(info, upload), testId('importer-from'))), cssTableLine(cssToFrom('To'), linkSelect(destTableId, this._destTables)), cssTableInfo.cls('-selected', (use) => use(this._sourceInfoSelected) === info), dom.on('click', async () => { // Ignore click if source is already selected. if (info === this._sourceInfoSelected.get()) { return; } // Prevent changing selected source if current configuration is invalid. if (!this._validateImportConfiguration()) { return; } this._cancelPendingDiffRequests(); this._sourceInfoSelected.set(info); await this._updateDiff(info); }), testId('importer-source'), ); }), ), dom.maybe(this._sourceInfoSelected, (info) => { const {mergeCols, updateExistingRecords, hasInvalidMergeCols} = this._mergeOptions[info.hiddenTableId]!; return cssConfigAndPreview( cssConfigColumn( dom.maybe(info.transformSection, section => [ dom.maybe(info.destTableId, () => { const updateRecordsListener = updateExistingRecords.addListener(async () => { await this._updateImportDiff(info); }); return cssMergeOptions( cssMergeOptionsToggle(labeledSquareCheckbox( updateExistingRecords, 'Update existing records', dom.autoDispose(updateRecordsListener), testId('importer-update-existing-records') )), dom.maybe(updateExistingRecords, () => { const mergeColsListener = mergeCols.addListener(async val => { // Reset the error state of the multiSelect on change. if (val.length !== 0 && hasInvalidMergeCols.get()) { hasInvalidMergeCols.set(false); } await this._updateImportDiff(info); }); return [ cssMergeOptionsMessage( 'Merge rows that match these fields:', testId('importer-merge-fields-message') ), multiSelect( mergeCols, section.viewFields().peek().map(f => ({label: f.label(), value: f.colId()})) ?? [], { placeholder: 'Select fields to match on', error: hasInvalidMergeCols }, dom.autoDispose(mergeColsListener), testId('importer-merge-fields-select') ) ]; }) ); }), dom.domComputed(this._unmatchedFields, fields => fields && fields.length > 0 ? cssUnmatchedFields( dom('div', cssGreenText( `${fields.length} unmatched ${fields.length > 1 ? 'fields' : 'field'}` ), ' in import:' ), cssUnmatchedFieldsList(fields.join(', ')), testId('importer-unmatched-fields') ) : null ), cssColumnMatchOptions( dom.forEach(fromKo(section.viewFields().getObservable()), field => cssColumnMatchRow( cssColumnMatchIcon('ImportArrow'), cssSourceAndDestination( cssDestinationFieldRow( cssDestinationFieldLabel( dom.text(field.label), ), cssDestinationFieldSettings( icon('Dots'), menu( () => { const sourceColId = field.origCol().id(); const sourceColIdsAndLabels = [...this._sourceColLabelsById.get()!.entries()]; return [ menuItem( () => this._gristDoc.clearColumns([sourceColId]), 'Skip', testId('importer-column-match-menu-item') ), menuDivider(), ...sourceColIdsAndLabels.map(([id, label]) => menuItem( () => this._setColumnFormula(sourceColId, '$' + id), label, testId('importer-column-match-menu-item') ), ), testId('importer-column-match-menu'), ]; }, {placement: 'right-start'}, ), testId('importer-column-match-destination-settings') ), testId('importer-column-match-destination') ), dom.domComputed(use => dom.create( this._buildColMappingFormula.bind(this), use(field.column), (elem: Element) => this._activateFormulaEditor(elem, field), 'Skip' )), testId('importer-column-match-source-destination'), ) )), testId('importer-column-match-options'), ) ]), ), cssPreviewColumn( cssSectionHeader('Preview'), dom.domComputed(use => { const previewSection = use(this._previewViewSection); if (use(this._isLoadingDiff) || !previewSection) { return cssPreviewSpinner(loadingSpinner()); } const gridView = this._createPreview(previewSection); // When changes are made to the preview table, update the import diff. gridView.listenTo(gridView.sortedRows, 'rowNotify', async () => { // If we aren't showing a diff, there is no need to do anything. if (!info.destTableId || !updateExistingRecords.get() || mergeCols.get().length === 0) { return; } // Otherwise, update the diff and rebuild the preview table. await this._updateImportDiff(info); }); return cssPreviewGrid( dom.autoDispose(gridView), gridView.viewPane, testId('importer-preview'), ); }) ) ); }), ), cssModalButtons( bigPrimaryButton('Import', dom.on('click', () => this._maybeFinishImport(upload)), dom.boolAttr('disabled', use => use(this._previewViewSection) === null), testId('modal-confirm'), ), bigBasicButton('Cancel', dom.on('click', () => this._cancelImport()), testId('modal-cancel'), ), ), ); this._addFocusLayer(content); this._screen.render(content, {fullscreen: true}); } private _addFocusLayer(container: HTMLElement) { dom.autoDisposeElem(container, new FocusLayer({ defaultFocusElem: container, allowFocus: (elem) => (elem !== document.body), onDefaultFocus: () => this.trigger('importer_focus'), })); } /** * Updates the formula on column `colRef` to `formula`. */ private async _setColumnFormula(colRef: number, formula: string): Promise { return this._gristDoc.docModel.columns.sendTableAction( ['UpdateRecord', colRef, { formula, isFormula: true }] ); } /** * Opens a formula editor for `field` over `refElem`. */ private _activateFormulaEditor(refElem: Element, field: ViewFieldRec) { // TODO: Set active section to hidden table section, so editor autocomplete is accurate. const editorHolder = openFormulaEditor({ gristDoc: this._gristDoc, field, refElem, setupCleanup: this._setupFormulaEditorCleanup.bind(this), }); this._formulaEditorHolder.autoDispose(editorHolder); } /** * Called by _activateFormulaEditor to initialize cleanup * code for when the formula editor is closed. Registers and * unregisters callbacks for saving edits when the editor loses * focus. */ private _setupFormulaEditorCleanup( owner: MultiHolder, _doc: GristDoc, field: ViewFieldRec, _saveEdit: () => Promise ) { const saveEdit = () => _saveEdit().catch(reportError); // Whenever focus returns to the dialog, close the editor by saving the value. this.on('importer_focus', saveEdit); owner.onDispose(() => { this.off('importer_focus', saveEdit); field.editingFormula(false); }); } /** * Builds an editable formula component that is displayed * in the column mapping section of Importer. On click, opens * an editor for the formula for `column`. */ private _buildColMappingFormula(_owner: MultiHolder, column: ColumnRec, buildEditor: (e: Element) => void, placeholder: string) { const formatFormula = (formula: string) => { const sourceColLabels = this._sourceColLabelsById.get(); if (!sourceColLabels) { return formula; } formula = formula.trim(); if (formula.startsWith('$') && sourceColLabels.has(formula.slice(1))) { // For simple formulas that only reference a source column id, show the source column label. return sourceColLabels.get(formula.slice(1))!; } return formula; }; return cssFieldFormula(use => formatFormula(use(column.formula)), {placeholder, maxLines: 1}, dom.cls('disabled'), {tabIndex: '-1'}, dom.on('focus', (_ev, elem) => buildEditor(elem)), testId('importer-column-match-formula'), ); } // The importer state showing parse options that may be changed. private _renderParseOptions(schema: ParseOptionSchema[], upload: UploadResult) { this._screen.render([ this._buildModalTitle(), dom.create(buildParseOptionsForm, schema, this._parseOptions.get() as ParseOptionValues, (p: ParseOptions) => { this._parseOptions.set(p); this._reImport(upload).catch((err) => reportError(err)); }, () => { this._renderMain(upload); }, ) ]); } private async _fetchFromDrive(itemUrl: string) { // First we will assume that this is public file, so no need to ask for permissions. try { return await fetchURL(this._docComm, itemUrl); } catch(err) { // It is not a public file or the file id in the url is wrong, // but we have no way to check it, so we assume that it is private file // and ask the user for the permission (if we are configured to do so) if (canReadPrivateFiles()) { const options: FetchUrlOptions = {}; try { // Request for authorization code from Google. const code = await getGoogleCodeForReading(this); options.googleAuthorizationCode = code; } catch(permError) { if (permError?.message === ACCESS_DENIED) { // User declined to give us full readonly permission, fallback to GoogleDrive plugin // or cancel import if GoogleDrive plugin is not configured. throw new GDriveUrlNotSupported(itemUrl); } else if(permError?.message === AUTH_INTERRUPTED) { // User closed the window - we assume he doesn't want to continue. throw new CancelledError(); } else { // Some other error happened during authentication, report to user. throw err; } } // Download file from private drive, if it fails, report the error to user. return await fetchURL(this._docComm, itemUrl, options); } else { // We are not allowed to ask for full readonly permission, fallback to GoogleDrive plugin. throw new GDriveUrlNotSupported(itemUrl); } } } } // Used for switching from URL plugin to Google drive plugin. class GDriveUrlNotSupported extends Error { constructor(public url: string) { super(`This url ${url} is not supported`); } } // Used to cancel import (close the dialog without any error). class CancelledError extends Error { } function getSourceDescription(sourceInfo: SourceInfo, upload: UploadResult) { const origName = upload.files[sourceInfo.uploadFileIndex].origName; return sourceInfo.origTableName ? origName + ' - ' + sourceInfo.origTableName : origName; } const cssContainer = styled('div', ` height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; outline: unset; `); const cssActionLink = styled('div', ` display: inline-flex; align-items: center; cursor: pointer; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; &:hover { color: ${colors.darkGreen}; --icon-color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } `); const cssLinkIcon = styled(icon, ` flex: none; margin-right: 4px; `); const cssModalHeader = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 16px; & > .${cssModalTitle.className} { margin-bottom: 0px; } `); const cssPreviewWrapper = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; overflow-y: auto; `); // This partly duplicates cssSectionHeader from HomeLeftPane.ts const cssSectionHeader = styled('div', ` margin-bottom: 8px; color: ${colors.slate}; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 500; font-size: ${vars.xsmallFontSize}; letter-spacing: 1px; `); const cssTableList = styled('div', ` max-height: 50%; column-gap: 32px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; margin-bottom: 16px; align-items: flex-start; overflow-y: auto; `); const cssTableInfo = styled('div', ` padding: 4px 8px; margin: 4px 0px; width: 300px; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey}; &:hover, &-selected { background-color: ${colors.mediumGrey}; } `); const cssTableLine = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 4px 0; `); const cssToFrom = styled('span', ` flex: none; margin-right: 8px; color: ${colors.slate}; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 500; font-size: ${vars.xsmallFontSize}; letter-spacing: 1px; width: 40px; text-align: right; `); const cssTableSource = styled('div', ` overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; `); const cssConfigAndPreview = styled('div', ` display: flex; gap: 32px; flex-grow: 1; height: 0px; `); const cssConfigColumn = styled('div', ` width: 300px; padding-right: 8px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow-y: auto; `); const cssPreviewColumn = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; `); const cssPreview = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-grow: 1; `); const cssPreviewSpinner = styled(cssPreview, ` align-items: center; justify-content: center; `); const cssPreviewGrid = styled(cssPreview, ` border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey}; `); const cssMergeOptions = styled('div', ` margin-bottom: 16px; `); const cssMergeOptionsToggle = styled('div', ` margin-bottom: 8px; `); const cssMergeOptionsMessage = styled('div', ` color: ${colors.slate}; margin-bottom: 8px; `); const cssColumnMatchOptions = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 20px; `); const cssColumnMatchRow = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: center; `); const cssFieldFormula = styled(buildHighlightedCode, ` flex: auto; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 1px; padding-left: 4px; --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; `); const cssColumnMatchIcon = styled(icon, ` flex-shrink: 0; width: 20px; height: 32px; background-color: ${colors.darkGrey}; margin-right: 4px; `); const cssDestinationFieldRow = styled('div', ` align-items: center; display: flex; `); const cssSourceAndDestination = styled('div', ` min-width: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; `); const cssDestinationFieldLabel = styled('div', ` overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-left: 4px; `); const cssDestinationFieldSettings = styled('div', ` flex: none; margin: 0 4px 0 auto; height: 24px; width: 24px; padding: 4px; line-height: 0px; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; --icon-color: ${colors.slate}; &:hover, &.weasel-popup-open { background-color: ${colors.mediumGrey}; } `); const cssUnmatchedFields = styled('div', ` margin-bottom: 16px; `); const cssUnmatchedFieldsList = styled('div', ` white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; padding-right: 16px; color: ${colors.slate}; `); const cssGreenText = styled('span', ` color: ${colors.lightGreen}; `);