/** * Encodes and decodes Grist encoding of values, mirroring similar Python functions in * sandbox/grist/objtypes.py. */ // tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file import {CellValue} from 'app/plugin/GristData'; import isPlainObject = require('lodash/isPlainObject'); // The text to show on cells whose values are pending. export const PENDING_DATA_PLACEHOLDER = "Loading..."; /** * A GristDate is just a JS Date object whose toString() method returns YYYY-MM-DD. */ export class GristDate extends Date { public static fromGristValue(epochSec: number): GristDate { return new GristDate(epochSec * 1000); } public toString() { return this.toISOString().slice(0, 10); } } /** * A GristDateTime is a JS Date with an added timezone field. Its toString() returns the date in * ISO format. To create a timezone-aware momentjs object, use: * * moment(d).tz(d.timezone) */ export class GristDateTime extends Date { public static fromGristValue(epochSec: number, timezone: string): GristDateTime { return Object.assign(new GristDateTime(epochSec * 1000), {timezone}); } public timezone: string; public toString() { return this.toISOString(); } } /** * A Reference represents a reference to a row in a table. It is simply a pair of a string tableId * and a numeric rowId. */ export class Reference { constructor(public tableId: string, public rowId: number) {} public toString(): string { return `${this.tableId}[${this.rowId}]`; } } /** * A RaisedException represents a formula error. It includes the exception name, message, and * optional details. */ export class RaisedException { constructor(public name: string, public message?: string, public details?: string) {} /** * This is designed to look somewhat similar to Excel, e.g. #VALUE or #DIV/0!" */ public toString() { switch (this.name) { case 'ZeroDivisionError': return '#DIV/0!'; case 'UnmarshallableError': return this.details || ('#' + this.name); case 'InvalidTypedValue': return `#Invalid ${this.message}: ${this.details}`; } return '#' + this.name; } } /** * An UnknownValue is a fallback for values that we don't handle otherwise, e.g. of a Python * formula returned a function object, or a value we fail to decode. * It is typically the Python repr() string of the value. */ export class UnknownValue { // When encoding an unknown value, get a best-effort string form of it. public static safeRepr(value: unknown): string { try { return String(value); } catch (e) { return `<${typeof value}>`; } } constructor(public value: unknown) {} public toString() { return String(this.value); } } /** * A trivial placeholder for a value that's not yet available. */ export class PendingValue { public toString() { return PENDING_DATA_PLACEHOLDER; } } /** * A trivial placeholder for a value that won't be shown. */ export class SkipValue { public toString() { return '...'; } } /** * Produces a Grist-encoded version of the value, e.g. turning a Date into ['d', timestamp]. * Returns ['U', repr(value)] if it fails to encode otherwise. * * TODO Add tests. This is not yet used for anything. */ export function encodeObject(value: unknown): CellValue { try { switch (typeof value) { case 'string': case 'number': case 'boolean': return value; } if (value == null) { return null; } else if (value instanceof Reference) { return ['R', value.tableId, value.rowId]; } else if (value instanceof Date) { const timestamp = value.valueOf() / 1000; if ('timezone' in value) { return ['D', timestamp, (value as GristDateTime).timezone]; } else { // TODO Depending on how it's used, may want to return ['d', timestamp] for UTC midnight. return ['D', timestamp, 'UTC']; } } else if (value instanceof RaisedException) { return ['E', value.name, value.message, value.details]; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { return ['L', ...value.map(encodeObject)]; } else if (isPlainObject(value)) { return ['O', mapValues(value as any, encodeObject, {sort: true})]; } } catch (e) { // Fall through to return a best-effort representation. } // We either don't know how to convert the value, or failed during the conversion. Instead we // return an "UnmarshallableValue" object, with repr() of the value to show to the user. return ['U', UnknownValue.safeRepr(value)]; } /** * Given a Grist-encoded value, returns an object represented by it. * If the type code is unknown, or construction fails for any reason, returns an UnknownValue. */ export function decodeObject(value: CellValue): unknown { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } const code: string = value[0]; const args: any[] = value.slice(1); let err: Error|undefined; try { switch (code) { case 'D': return GristDateTime.fromGristValue(args[0], String(args[1])); case 'd': return GristDate.fromGristValue(args[0]); case 'E': return new RaisedException(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 'L': return (args as CellValue[]).map(decodeObject); case 'O': return mapValues(args[0] as {[key: string]: CellValue}, decodeObject, {sort: true}); case 'P': return new PendingValue(); case 'R': return new Reference(String(args[0]), args[1]); case 'S': return new SkipValue(); case 'U': return new UnknownValue(args[0]); } } catch (e) { err = e; } // If we can't decode, return an UnknownValue with some attempt to represent what we couldn't // decode as long as some info about the error if any. return new UnknownValue(`${code}(${JSON.stringify(args).slice(1, -1)})` + (err ? `#${err.name}(${err.message})` : '')); } // Like lodash's mapValues, with support for sorting keys, for friendlier output. export function mapValues( sourceObj: {[key: string]: A}, mapper: (value: A) => B, options: {sort?: boolean} = {} ): {[key: string]: B} { const result: {[key: string]: B} = {}; const keys = Object.keys(sourceObj); if (options.sort) { keys.sort(); } for (const key of keys) { result[key] = mapper(sourceObj[key]); } return result; }