/** * See app/common/NumberFormat for description of options we support. */ import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {cssLabel, cssRow} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanelStyles'; import {cssButtonSelect, ISelectorOption, makeButtonSelect} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttonSelect'; import {testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {buildCurrencyPicker} from 'app/client/widgets/CurrencyPicker'; import {NTextBox} from 'app/client/widgets/NTextBox'; import {clamp} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {buildNumberFormat, NumberFormatOptions, NumMode, NumSign} from 'app/common/NumberFormat'; import {BindableValue, Computed, dom, DomContents, DomElementArg, fromKo, MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import * as LocaleCurrency from 'locale-currency'; const t = makeT('NumericTextBox'); const modeOptions: Array<ISelectorOption<NumMode>> = [ {value: 'currency', label: '$'}, {value: 'decimal', label: ','}, {value: 'percent', label: '%'}, {value: 'scientific', label: 'Exp'} ]; const signOptions: Array<ISelectorOption<NumSign>> = [ {value: 'parens', label: '(-)'}, ]; /** * NumericTextBox - The most basic widget for displaying numeric information. */ export class NumericTextBox extends NTextBox { constructor(field: ViewFieldRec) { super(field); } public buildConfigDom(): DomContents { // Holder for all computeds created here. It gets disposed with the returned DOM element. const holder = new MultiHolder(); // Resolved options, to show default min/max decimals, which change depending on numMode. const resolved = Computed.create<Intl.ResolvedNumberFormatOptions>(holder, (use) => { const {numMode} = use(this.field.config.options); const docSettings = use(this.field.documentSettings); return buildNumberFormat({numMode}, docSettings).resolvedOptions(); }); // Prepare various observables that reflect the options in the UI. const fieldOptions = this.field.config.options; const options = fromKo(fieldOptions); const docSettings = fromKo(this.field.documentSettings); const numMode = Computed.create(holder, options, (use, opts) => (opts.numMode as NumMode) || null); const numSign = Computed.create(holder, options, (use, opts) => opts.numSign || null); const currency = Computed.create(holder, options, (use, opts) => opts.currency); const disabled = Computed.create(holder, use => use(this.field.config.options.disabled('currency'))); const minDecimals = Computed.create(holder, options, (use, opts) => numberOrDefault(opts.decimals, '')); const maxDecimals = Computed.create(holder, options, (use, opts) => numberOrDefault(opts.maxDecimals, '')); const defaultMin = Computed.create(holder, resolved, (use, res) => res.minimumFractionDigits); const defaultMax = Computed.create(holder, resolved, (use, res) => res.maximumFractionDigits); const docCurrency = Computed.create(holder, docSettings, (use, settings) => settings.currency ?? LocaleCurrency.getCurrency(settings.locale ?? 'en-US') ); // Save a value as the given property in fieldOptions observable. Set it, save, and revert // on save error. This is similar to what modelUtil.setSaveValue() does. const setSave = (prop: keyof NumberFormatOptions, value: unknown) => { const orig = {...fieldOptions.peek()}; if (value !== orig[prop]) { fieldOptions({...orig, [prop]: value, ...updateOptions(prop, value)}); fieldOptions.save().catch((err) => { reportError(err); fieldOptions(orig); }); } }; // Prepare setters for the UI elements. // Min/max fraction digits may range from 0 to 20; other values are invalid. const setMinDecimals = (val?: number) => setSave('decimals', val && clamp(val, 0, 20)); const setMaxDecimals = (val?: number) => setSave('maxDecimals', val && clamp(val, 0, 20)); // Mode and Sign behave as toggles: clicking a selected on deselects it. const setMode = (val: NumMode) => setSave('numMode', val !== numMode.get() ? val : undefined); const setSign = (val: NumSign) => setSave('numSign', val !== numSign.get() ? val : undefined); const setCurrency = (val: string|undefined) => setSave('currency', val); const disabledStyle = cssButtonSelect.cls('-disabled', disabled); return [ super.buildConfigDom(), cssLabel(t('Number Format')), cssRow( dom.autoDispose(holder), makeButtonSelect(numMode, modeOptions, setMode, disabledStyle, cssModeSelect.cls(''), testId('numeric-mode')), makeButtonSelect(numSign, signOptions, setSign, disabledStyle, cssSignSelect.cls(''), testId('numeric-sign')), ), dom.maybe((use) => use(numMode) === 'currency', () => [ cssLabel(t('Currency')), cssRow( dom.domComputed(docCurrency, (defaultCurrency) => buildCurrencyPicker(holder, currency, setCurrency, {defaultCurrencyLabel: t(`Default currency ({{defaultCurrency}})`, {defaultCurrency}), disabled}) ), testId("numeric-currency") ) ]), cssLabel(t('Decimals')), cssRow( decimals('min', minDecimals, defaultMin, setMinDecimals, disabled, testId('numeric-min-decimals')), decimals('max', maxDecimals, defaultMax, setMaxDecimals, disabled, testId('numeric-max-decimals')), ), ]; } } function numberOrDefault<T>(value: unknown, def: T): number | T { return value !== null && value !== undefined ? Number(value) : def; } // Helper used by setSave() above to reset some properties when switching modes. function updateOptions(prop: keyof NumberFormatOptions, value: unknown): Partial<NumberFormatOptions> { // Reset the numSign to default when toggling mode to percent or scientific. if (prop === 'numMode' && (!value || value === 'scientific' || value === 'percent')) { return {numSign: undefined}; } return {}; } function decimals( label: string, value: Observable<number | ''>, defaultValue: Observable<number>, setFunc: (val?: number) => void, disabled: BindableValue<boolean>, ...args: DomElementArg[] ) { return cssDecimalsBox( cssDecimalsBox.cls('-disabled', disabled), cssNumLabel(label), cssNumInput({type: 'text', size: '2', min: '0'}, dom.prop('value', value), dom.prop('placeholder', defaultValue), dom.on('change', (ev, elem) => { const newVal = parseInt(elem.value, 10); // Set value explicitly before its updated via setFunc; this way the value reflects the // observable in the case the observable is left unchanged (e.g. because of clamping). elem.value = String(value.get()); setFunc(Number.isNaN(newVal) ? undefined : newVal); elem.blur(); }), dom.on('focus', (ev, elem) => elem.select()), ), cssSpinner( cssSpinnerBtn(cssSpinnerTop('DropdownUp'), dom.on('click', () => setFunc(numberOrDefault(value.get(), defaultValue.get()) + 1))), cssSpinnerBtn(cssSpinnerBottom('Dropdown'), dom.on('click', () => setFunc(numberOrDefault(value.get(), defaultValue.get()) - 1))), ), ...args ); } const cssDecimalsBox = styled('div', ` position: relative; flex: auto; --icon-color: ${theme.lightText}; color: ${theme.lightText}; font-weight: normal; display: flex; align-items: center; &:first-child { margin-right: 16px; } &-disabled { background-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonDisabledBg}; pointer-events: none; } `); const cssNumLabel = styled('div', ` position: absolute; padding-left: 8px; pointer-events: none; `); const cssNumInput = styled('input', ` padding: 4px 32px 4px 40px; border: 1px solid ${theme.inputBorder}; border-radius: 3px; background-color: ${theme.inputBg}; color: ${theme.inputFg}; width: 100%; text-align: right; appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; -webkit-appearance: none; `); const cssSpinner = styled('div', ` position: absolute; right: 8px; width: 16px; height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `); const cssSpinnerBtn = styled('div', ` --icon-color: ${theme.controlSecondaryFg}; flex: 1 1 0px; min-height: 0px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; &:hover { --icon-color: ${theme.controlSecondaryHoverFg}; } `); const cssSpinnerTop = styled(icon, ` position: absolute; top: 0px; `); const cssSpinnerBottom = styled(icon, ` position: absolute; bottom: 0px; `); const cssModeSelect = styled(makeButtonSelect, ` flex: 4 4 0px; background-color: ${theme.inputBg}; `); const cssSignSelect = styled(makeButtonSelect, ` flex: 1 1 0px; background-color: ${theme.inputBg}; margin-left: 16px; `);