import BaseView from 'app/client/components/BaseView'; import {buildCollapsedSectionDom, buildViewSectionDom} from 'app/client/components/buildViewSectionDom'; import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {ContentBox} from 'app/client/components/Layout'; import type {ViewLayout} from 'app/client/components/ViewLayout'; import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals'; import {detachNode} from 'app/client/lib/dom'; import {Signal} from 'app/client/lib/Signal'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {TransitionWatcher} from 'app/client/ui/transitions'; import {theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents'; import {isNonNullish} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {Computed, Disposable, dom, IDisposable, IDisposableOwner, makeTestId, obsArray, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; const testId = makeTestId('test-layoutTray-'); const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'window', '$'); /** * Adds a tray for minimizing and restoring sections. It is built as a plugin for the ViewLayout component. */ export class LayoutTray extends DisposableWithEvents { // We and LayoutEditor will emit this event with the box that is being dragged. When the // drag is over there will be another event with null. public drag = Signal.create<Dropped|null>(this, null); // Event for dropping, contains a dropped element. public drop = Signal.create<Dropped|null>(this, null); // Monitor if the cursor is over the our tray. public hovering = Signal.create(this, false); // If the drag is active and the mouse is over the tray make a signal.. public over = Signal.compute(this, on => Boolean(on(this.drag) && on(this.hovering))); // Mouse events during dragging (without a state). public dragging = Signal.create<MouseEvent|null>(this, null); // Create a layout to actually render the collapsed sections. public layout = CollapsedLayout.create(this, this); // Whether we are active (have a dotted border, that indicates we are ready to receive a drop) public active = Signal.create(this, false); private _rootElement: HTMLElement; constructor(public viewLayout: ViewLayout) { super(); // Create a proxy for the LayoutEditor. It will mimic the same interface as CollapsedLeaf. const externalLeaf = ExternalLeaf.create(this, this); // Build layout using saved settings. this.layout.buildLayout(this.viewLayout.viewModel.collapsedSections.peek()); this._registerCommands(); // Override the drop event, to detect if we are dropped on the tray, and no one else // gets the value. this.drop.before((value, emit) => { // Emit the value, if someone else will handle it, he should grab the state from it. emit(value); // See if the state is still there. if (value && this.drop.state.get()) { // No one took it, so we should handle it if we are over the tray. if (this.over.state.get()) { const leafId = value.leafId(); // Add it as a last element. this.layout.addBox(leafId); // Ask it to remove itself from the target. value.removeFromLayout(); } } // Clear the state, any other listener will get null. this.drop.state.set(null); }); // Now wire up active state. // When a drag is started, get the top point of the tray, over which we will activate. let topPoint = 48; // By default it is 48 pixels. this.autoDispose(externalLeaf.drag.listen(d => { if (!d) { return; } topPoint = (this._rootElement.parentElement?.getBoundingClientRect().top ?? 61) - 13; })); // First we can be activated when a drag has started and we have some boxes. => drag && this.layout.count.get() > 0) .flag() // Map to a boolean, and emit only when the value changes. .filter(Boolean) // Only emit when it is set to true .pipe(; // Second, we can be activated when the drag has started by the main layout, and we don't have any boxes yet, but // mouse pointer is relatively high on the screen. Signal.compute(this, on => { const drag = on(externalLeaf.drag); if (!drag) { return false; } const mouseEvent = on(externalLeaf.dragMove); const over = mouseEvent && mouseEvent.clientY < topPoint; return !!over; }).flag().filter(Boolean).pipe(; // If a drag has ended, we should deactivate. this.drag.flag().filter(d => !d).pipe(; } public replaceLayout() { const savedSections = this.viewLayout.viewModel.collapsedSections.peek(); this.viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSections(savedSections); const boxes = this.layout.buildLayout(savedSections); return { dispose() { boxes.forEach(box => box.dispose()); boxes.length = 0; } }; } /** * Builds a popup for a maximized section. */ public buildPopup(owner: IDisposableOwner, selected: Observable<number|null>, close: () => void) { const section = Observable.create<number|null>(owner, null); owner.autoDispose(selected.addListener((cur, prev) => { if (prev) { this.layout.getBox(prev)?.attach(); } if (cur) { this.layout.getBox(cur)?.detach(); } section.set(cur); })); return dom.domComputed(section, (id) => { if (!id) { return null; } return dom.update( buildViewSectionDom({ gristDoc: this.viewLayout.gristDoc, sectionRowId: id, draggable: false, focusable: false, }) ); }); } public buildDom() { return this._rootElement = cssCollapsedTray( testId('editor'), // When drag is active we should show a dotted border around the tray. cssCollapsedTray.cls('-is-active',, // If element is over the tray, we should indicate that we are ready by changing a color. cssCollapsedTray.cls('-is-target', this.over.state), // Synchronize the hovering state with the event. syncHover(this.hovering), // Create a drop zone (below actual sections) dom.create(CollapsedDropZone, this), // Build the layout. this.layout.buildDom(), // But show only if there are any sections in the tray (even if those are empty or drop target sections) // or we can accept a drop. => use(this.layout.count) > 0 || use(, ); } public buildContentDom(id: string|number) { return buildCollapsedSectionDom({ gristDoc: this.viewLayout.gristDoc, sectionRowId: id, }); } private _registerCommands() { const viewLayout = this.viewLayout; // Add custom commands for options in the menu. const commandGroup = { // Collapse visible section. collapseSection: () => { const leafId = viewLayout.viewModel.activeSectionId(); if (!leafId) { return; } // Find the box for this section in the layout. const box = viewLayout.layoutEditor.getBox(leafId); if (!box) { return; } // Change the active section now. This is important as this will destroy the view before we // remove the box from the dom. Charts are very sensitive for this. viewLayout.viewModel.activeSectionId( // We can't collapse last section, so the main layout will always have at least one section. viewLayout.layoutEditor.layout.getAllLeafIds().filter(x => x !== leafId)[0] ); // Add the box to our collapsed editor (it will transfer the viewInstance). this.layout.addBox(leafId); // Remove it from the main layout. box.dispose(); // And ask the viewLayout to save the specs. viewLayout.saveLayoutSpec(); }, restoreSection: () => { // Get the section that is collapsed and clicked (we are setting this value). const leafId = viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSectionId(); if (!leafId) { return; } viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSectionId(0); viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSections( viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSections.peek().filter(x => x !== leafId) ); viewLayout.viewModel.activeSectionId(leafId); viewLayout.saveLayoutSpec(); }, // Delete collapsed section. deleteCollapsedSection: () => { // This section is still in the view (but not in the layout). So we can just remove it. const leafId = viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSectionId(); if (!leafId) { return; } this.viewLayout.removeViewSection(leafId); // We need to manually update the layout. Main layout editor doesn't care about missing sections. // but we can't afford that. Without removing it, user can add another section that will be collapsed // from the start, as the id will be the same as the one we just removed. const currentSpec = viewLayout.viewModel.layoutSpecObj(); const validSections = new Set(viewLayout.viewModel.viewSections.peek().peek().map(vs =>; validSections.delete(leafId); currentSpec.collapsed = currentSpec.collapsed ?.filter(x => typeof x.leaf === 'number' && validSections.has(x.leaf)); viewLayout.saveLayoutSpec(currentSpec); } }; this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup(commandGroup, this, true)); } } /** * Main component that detects where the section should be dropped. */ class CollapsedDropZone extends Disposable { private _rootElement: HTMLElement; // Some operations will be blocked when we are waiting for an animation to finish. private _animation = Observable.create(this, 0); private _lastTarget: TargetLeaf | undefined; private _lastIndex = -1; constructor(protected model: LayoutTray) { super(); // When the drag has started or has finished we will add an empty leaf that can accept // dragged section. Event is fire only once, and it will be fired with a null when the draggable // has finished. let pushedLeaf: EmptyLeaf | undefined; const layout = model.layout; this.autoDispose( => { if (ok) { pushedLeaf = EmptyLeaf.create(null, this.model); layout.addBox(pushedLeaf); } else if (pushedLeaf) { layout.destroy(pushedLeaf); } })); } public buildDom() { const obsRects = Observable.create(this, [] as Array<VRect|null>); return (this._rootElement = cssVirtualZone( // We are only rendered when mouse is over the tray and it has some dragged leaf with it. dom.maybeOwned(this.model.over.state, (owner) => { // Get the bounding rect of the rootElement, virtual rects are relative, so we will be // adjusting coordinates. const root = this._rootElement.getBoundingClientRect(); // We store rects in an observable, that might be used to visualize the zones. // Create the mouseMove listener. const listener = async (e: MouseEvent) => { if (owner.isDisposed() || this._isAnimating()) { return; } // If there are some previous rects (from previous calculation), test if we are still in one of them. if (this._lastTarget) { const stillThere = obsRects.get()[this._lastIndex]?.contains(e); if (stillThere) { return; } } // Calculate the virtual zones. obsRects.set(this._calculate(root)); // Find the one under the mouse. const underMouse = obsRects.get().findIndex((x) => x?.contains(e)); // If it is still the same, do nothing. if (underMouse === this._lastIndex) { return; } // If we found something, insert a drop target. if (underMouse !== -1) { this._insertDropTarget(underMouse) .catch((err) => console.error(`Failed to insert zone:`, err)); // This should not happen. return; } // We haven't found anything, remove the last drop target. this._removeDropZone().catch((err) => console.error(`Failed to remove zone:`, err));// This should not happen. }; G.window.addEventListener('mousemove', listener); // When mouse leaves, we need to remove the last drop target. owner.onDispose(() => { this._removeDropZone().catch((err) => console.error(`Failed to remove zone:`, err));// This should not happen. }); owner.onDispose(() => G.window.removeEventListener('mousemove', listener)); // For debugging, we can show the virtual zones. const show = false; return !show ? null : dom.domComputed( obsRects, rects => rects.filter(isNonNullish).map((rect: VRect) => cssVirtualPart( {style: `left: ${rect.left}px; width: ${rect.width}px; top: ${}px; height: ${rect.height}px;`} ))); }) )); } private _start() { this._animation.set(this._animation.get() + 1); } private _stop() { this._animation.set(this._animation.get() - 1); } private _isAnimating() { return this._animation.get() > 0; } private _calculate(parentRect: DOMRect) { const boxes = this.model.layout.all(); const rects: Array<VRect|null> = []; // Boxes can be wrapped, we will detect the line offset. let lineOffset = 12; // We will always have at least one box, so we can use it to get the height. const height = boxes[0]?.rootElement.getBoundingClientRect().height; for (let i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) { const box = boxes[i]; const prev = boxes[i - 1]; const next = boxes[i + 1]; // First handle edge cases (don't add targets for first elements in next lines), it will mess up the wrapping. if (prev && prev?.rootElement.offsetTop !== box.rootElement.offsetTop) { rects.push(null); continue; } // Now handle normal cases. const root = box.rootElement; lineOffset = root.offsetTop; if (i === 0 && box instanceof CollapsedLeaf) { // For the first one, we have very little rectangle, from the left + 50px past the left border. const left = 0; const right = root.offsetLeft + 50; rects.push(new VRect(parentRect, { left, top: lineOffset, right, height })); } else if (box instanceof CollapsedLeaf && i === boxes.length - 1) { // Last one is very similar, little rectangle on the left part. const left = root.offsetLeft + root.offsetWidth - 30; const right = root.offsetLeft + root.offsetWidth + 30; rects.push(new VRect(parentRect, { left, top: lineOffset, right, height })); } else if (box instanceof CollapsedLeaf && prev instanceof CollapsedLeaf) { // In between, we have a rectangle from the left border to the right border. const leftRoot = prev.rootElement; const rightRoot = root; const left = leftRoot.offsetLeft + leftRoot.offsetWidth - 30; const right = rightRoot.offsetLeft + 30; rects.push(new VRect(parentRect, { left, top: lineOffset, right, height })); } else if (next && box instanceof TargetLeaf && i === 0) { // If this is a first box and it is a target, the first rectangle will be much larger, it should cover // the TargetLeaf width. const left = 0; const right = next.rootElement.offsetLeft; rects.push(new VRect(parentRect, { left, top: lineOffset, right, height })); } else if (box instanceof TargetLeaf && prev instanceof CollapsedLeaf && next instanceof CollapsedLeaf) { // If this box is target between two collapsed boxes, we will have a rectangle from the prev to next // covering the whole target leaf. const left = prev.rootElement.offsetLeft + prev.rootElement.offsetWidth - 30; const right = next.rootElement.offsetLeft + 30; rects.push(new VRect(parentRect, { left, top: lineOffset, right, height })); } } return rects; } private async _insertDropTarget(index: number) { this._start(); try { await this._lastTarget?.remove(); this._lastTarget = TargetLeaf.create(null, this.model); await this._lastTarget.insert(index); this._lastIndex = index; } finally { this._stop(); } } private async _removeDropZone() { if (!this._lastTarget) { return; } this._start(); try { await this._lastTarget?.remove(); this._lastTarget = undefined; this._lastIndex = -1; } finally { this._stop(); } } } /** * UI component that renders and owns all the collapsed leaves. */ class CollapsedLayout extends Disposable { public rootElement: HTMLElement; /** * Leaves owner. Adding or removing leaves will not dispose them automatically, as they are released and * return to the caller. Only those leaves that were not removed will be disposed with the layout. */ public holder = ArrayHolder.create(this); /** * Number of leaves in the layout. */ public count: Computed<number>; private _boxes = this.autoDispose(obsArray<Leaf>()); constructor(protected model: LayoutTray) { super(); // Whenever we add or remove box, update the model. This is used to test if the section is collapsed or not. this._boxes.addListener(l => model.viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSections(this.leafIds())); this.count = Computed.create(this, use => use(this._boxes).length); } public all() { return this._boxes.get(); } public buildLayout(leafs: number[]) { if (isEqual(leafs, this._boxes.get().map((box) => { return []; } const removed = this._boxes.splice(0, this._boxes.get().length, => CollapsedLeaf.create(this.holder, this.model, id))); removed.forEach((box) => this.holder.release(box)); return removed; } public addBox(id: number|Leaf, index?: number) { index ??= -1; const box = typeof id === 'number' ? CollapsedLeaf.create(this.holder, this.model, id): id; if (typeof id !== 'number') { this.holder.autoDispose(box); } return this.insert(index, box); } public indexOf(box: Leaf) { return this._boxes.get().indexOf(box); } public insert(index: number, leaf: Leaf) { this.holder.autoDispose(leaf); if (index < 0) { this._boxes.push(leaf); } else { this._boxes.splice(index, 0, leaf); } return leaf; } /** * Removes the leaf from the list but doesn't dispose it. */ public remove(leaf: Leaf) { const index = this._boxes.get().indexOf(leaf); if (index >= 0) { const removed = this._boxes.splice(index, 1)[0]; if (removed) { this.holder.release(removed); } return removed || null; } return null; } /** * Removes and dispose the leaf from the list. */ public destroy(leaf: Leaf) { this.remove(leaf)?.dispose(); } public leafIds() { return this._boxes.get().map(l => => x && typeof x === 'number'); } public getBox(leaf: number): CollapsedLeaf|undefined { return this._boxes.get().find(l => === leaf) as CollapsedLeaf|undefined; } public buildDom() { return (this.rootElement = cssLayout( testId('layout'), useDragging(), dom.hide(use => use(this._boxes).length === 0), dom.forEach(this._boxes, line => line.buildDom()) )); } } interface Draggable { dragStart?: (ev: DragEvent, floater: MiniFloater) => Draggable|null; dragEnd?: (ev: DragEvent, floater: MiniFloater) => void; drag?: (ev: DragEvent, floater: MiniFloater) => void; drop?: (ev: DragEvent, floater: MiniFloater) => void; } interface Dropped { removeFromLayout(): void; leafId(): number; } /** * Base class for all the leaves in the layout tray. */ abstract class Leaf extends Disposable { public id = Observable.create(this, 0); public rootElement: HTMLElement; public buildDom(): HTMLElement|null { return null; } } /** * Empty leaf that is used to represent the empty space in the collapsed layout. Can be used to drop boxes. */ class EmptyLeaf extends Leaf { public name = Observable.create(this, 'empty'); // If we are hovering over the empty leaf. private _onHover = Signal.create(this, false); constructor(protected model: LayoutTray) { super(); this.monitorDrop(); } public monitorDrop() { this.autoDispose( this.model.drop.listen((box) => { // If some box was dropped, and the cursor is over this leaf, we will add the box to the layout. if (!box || !this._onHover.state.get()) { return; } this.model.drop.state.set(null); // Replace the empty leaf with the dropped box. const myIndex = this.model.layout.indexOf(this); const leafId = box.leafId(); this.model.layout.addBox(leafId, myIndex); box.removeFromLayout(); }) ); } public buildDom() { return (this.rootElement = cssEmptyBox( cssEmptyBox.cls('-can-accept', this._onHover.state), syncHover(this._onHover), testId('empty-box'), )); } } /** * This is an empty leaf that supports animation when added to the list. */ class TargetLeaf extends EmptyLeaf { public buildDom() {'target'); const element = super.buildDom(); dom.update(element, testId('target-box'), dom.cls(cssProbe.className), { style: 'width: 2px;' } ); return element; } public insert(index: number) { // First insert the drop target leaf. this.model.layout.insert(index, this); // Force the reflow, so that we can start the animation. this.rootElement.getBoundingClientRect(); // Start and wait for the animation to finish. return new Promise((resolve) => { const watcher = new TransitionWatcher(this.rootElement); watcher.onDispose(() => { resolve(undefined); }); = ''; }); } public remove() { return new Promise((resolve) => { const watcher = new TransitionWatcher(this.rootElement); watcher.onDispose(() => { this.model.layout.destroy(this); resolve(undefined); }); = '0px'; }); } } /** * This is the collapsed widget that is shown in the collapsed layout. It can be dragged and dropped. */ class CollapsedLeaf extends Leaf implements Draggable, Dropped { // The content of the leaf that is rendered. Stored in an observable so that we can update it when the // content changes or put it in the floater. private _content: Observable<HTMLElement|null> = Observable.create(this, null); // Computed to get the view instance from the viewSection. private _viewInstance: Computed<BaseView|null>; // An observable for the dom that holds the viewInstance and displays it in a hidden element. // This is owned by this leaf and is disposed separately from the dom that is returned by buildDom. Like a // singleton, this element will be moved from one "instance" (a result of buildDom) to another. // When a leaf is removed from the dom (e.g. when we remove the collapsed section or move it to the main area) // the dom of this element is disposed, but the hidden element stays with this instance and can be disposed // later on, giving anyone a chance to grab the viewInstance and display it somewhere else. private _hiddenViewInstance: Observable<HTMLElement|null> = Observable.create(this, null); // Helper to keeping track of the index of the leaf in the layout. private _indexWhenDragged = 0; // A helper variable that indicates that this section is in a popup, and we should // make any attempt to grab it and attach to our dom. Note: this is not a computed variable. private _detached = false; constructor(protected model: LayoutTray, id: number) { super();; this._viewInstance = Computed.create(this, use => { const sections = use(use(this.model.viewLayout.viewModel.viewSections).getObservable()); const view = sections.find(s => use( === use(; if (!view) { return null; } const instance = use(view.viewInstance); return instance; }); this._buildHidden(); this.onDispose(() => { const instance = this._hiddenViewInstance.get(); instance && dom.domDispose(instance); }); } public detach() { this._detached = true; } public attach() { this._detached = false; const previous = this._hiddenViewInstance.get(); this._buildHidden(); previous && dom.domDispose(previous); } public buildDom() { this._content.set(this.model.buildContentDom(; return this.rootElement = cssBox( testId('leaf-box'), dom.domComputed(this._content, c => c), // Add draggable interface. asDraggable(this), dom.on('click', (e) => { this.model.viewLayout.viewModel.activeCollapsedSectionId(; // Sanity (and type) check. if (!( instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } // If the click not landed in a draggable-handle ignore it. Might be a click to open the menu. if (!'.draggable-handle')) { return; } // Apparently the click was to open the section in the popup. Use the anchor link to do that. // Show my section on a popup using anchor link. We can't use maximize section for it, as we // would need to rebuild the layout (as this is not a part of it). urlState().pushUrl({ hash: { sectionId:, popup: true } }).catch(() => {}); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }), detachedNode(this._hiddenViewInstance), ); } // Implement the drag interface. All those methods are called by the draggable helper. public dragStart(ev: DragEvent, floater: MiniFloater) { // Get the element. const myElement = this._content.get(); this._content.set(null); floater.content.set(myElement); // Create a clone. const clone = CollapsedLeaf.create(floater, this.model,; clone._indexWhenDragged = this.model.layout.indexOf(this); this.model.drag.emit(clone); // Remove self from the layout (it will dispose this instance, but the viewInstance was moved to the floater) this.model.layout.destroy(this); return clone; } public dragEnd(ev: DragEvent) { this.model.drag.emit(null); } public drag(ev: DragEvent) { this.model.dragging.emit(ev); } public drop(ev: DragEvent, floater: MiniFloater) { // Take back the element. const element = floater.content.get(); floater.content.set(null); this._content.set(element); this.model.drop.emit(this); // If I wasn't moved somewhere else, read myself back. if ( !== 0) { this.model.layout.addBox(, this._indexWhenDragged); } } public removeFromLayout() { // Set the id to 0 so that the layout doesn't try to read me back.; this.model.layout.destroy(this); } public leafId() { return; } private _buildHidden() { this._hiddenViewInstance.set(cssHidden(dom.maybe(this._viewInstance, view => { return this._detached ? null : view.viewPane; }))); } } /** * This is analogous component to the main Floater in the LayoutEditor. It holds the little preview of a widget, * while it is dragged. */ class MiniFloater extends Disposable { public content: Observable<HTMLElement|null> = Observable.create(this, null); public rootElement: HTMLElement; constructor() { super(); this.rootElement = this.buildDom(); G.document.body.appendChild(this.rootElement); this.onDispose(() => { this.rootElement.remove(); dom.domDispose(this.rootElement); }); } public buildDom() { return cssMiniFloater( => Boolean(use(this.content))), // dom.cls('layout_editor_floater'), dom.domComputed(this.content, c => c) ); } public onMove(ev: MouseEvent) { if (this.content.get()) { = `${ev.clientX}px`; = `${ev.clientY}px`; } } } /** * ExternalLeaf pretends that it is a collapsed leaf and acts as a proxy between collapsed tray and the * ViewLayout. */ class ExternalLeaf extends Disposable implements Dropped { // If external element is in drag mode public drag: Signal<Dropped>; // Event when external leaf is being dragged. public dragMove: Signal<MouseEvent>; // Event when external leaf is dropped. private _drop: Signal<ContentBox>; constructor(protected model: LayoutTray) { super(); // Wire up external events to mimic that we are a part. // First we will replace all events, so that they won't emit anything if we are the only leaf // in the layout. const multipleLeaves = () => this.model.viewLayout.layout.getAllLeafIds().length > 1; this.drag = Signal.fromEvents(this, this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor, 'dragStart', 'dragEnd') .filter(multipleLeaves); this._drop = Signal.fromEvents(this, this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor, 'dragDrop') .filter(multipleLeaves); this.dragMove = Signal.fromEvents(this, this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor, 'dragMove') .filter(multipleLeaves); // Now bubble up those events to the model. // For dragging we just need to know that it is on or off. => { // We are tricking the model, we report that we are dragged, not the external leaf. return box ? this as Dropped : null; }).distinct().pipe(this.model.drag); // When the external box is dropped, we will pretend that we were dropped. => this as Dropped|null).pipe(this.model.drop); // Listen to the inDrag state in the model, if the dragged element is not us, update // target hits. Otherwise target hits will be updated by the viewLayout. this.autoDispose(model.dragging.listen(ev => { // If the dragged box is not us, we need to update the targets. if (ev && model.drag.state.get() !== this) { this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.updateTargets(ev); } })); // When drag is started by tray, we need to fire up user edit event. This is only needed // because the viewLayout has a different UI when user is editing. const miniDrag = Signal.compute(this, on => on(model.drag) && !on(this.drag)).map(Boolean).distinct(); this.autoDispose(miniDrag.listen(box => { if (box) { this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.triggerUserEditStart(); } else { const dropTargeter = this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.dropTargeter; dropTargeter.removeTargetHints(); // Save the layout immediately after the drop. Otherwise we would wait a bit, // and the section won't be created on time. this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.triggerUserEditStop(); // Manually save the layout. this.model.viewLayout.saveLayoutSpec(); } })); // We are responsible for saving the layout, when section is collapsed or expanded. // Also we need to monitor when mini leaf is dropped, it will trigger a drop event, // but non-one will listen to it. this.autoDispose( model.drop.listen(dropped => { if (!dropped) { return; } // If I was dropped (collapsed) over the tray, we don't need to do anything here. // Our leaf was removed already and the layout will be saved by the miniDrag event. // If I was dropped anywhere else, we don't need to do anything either, viewLayout will // take care of it. if (dropped === this) { return; } // We only care when collapsed widget was dropped over the main area. const externalEditor = this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor; const dropTargeter = this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.dropTargeter; // Check that it was dropped over the main area. if (dropTargeter?.activeTarget && !dropTargeter?.activeTarget?.box.isDisposed()) { // Remove the widget from the tray, and at new leaf to the layout. const part = dropTargeter.activeTarget; dropTargeter.removeTargetHints(); const leaf = dropped.leafId(); const box = externalEditor.layout.buildLayoutBox({leaf}); dropped.removeFromLayout(); if (part.isChild) {, part.isAfter); } else {, part.isAfter); } this.model.viewLayout.viewModel.activeSectionId(leaf); this.model.drop.state.set(null); } }) ); this._replaceFloater(); } /** * Dropped interface implementation, it is called only when a section in the main area is collapsed (dragged * onto the valid target in the tray). */ public removeFromLayout() { const droppedBox = this._drop.state.get(); if (!droppedBox) { return; } const leafId = this.leafId(); const otherSection = this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor .layout.getAllLeafIds().find(x => typeof x === 'number' && x !== leafId); this.model.viewLayout.viewModel.activeSectionId(otherSection); // We can safely remove the box, because we should be called after viewInstance is grabbed by // the tray. this.model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.doRemoveBox(droppedBox); } public leafId() { return this._drop.state.get()?.leafId.peek() || 0; } /** * Monitors the external floater element, and if it is on top of the collapsed tray, replaces its content. */ private _replaceFloater() { const model = this.model; // We will replace floater just after it starts till it is about to be dropped. const period = Signal.fromEvents(model, model.viewLayout.layoutEditor, 'dragStart', 'dragStop'); const overEditor = Signal.compute(model, on => Boolean(on(period) && on(model.over))).distinct(); let lastContent: HTMLElement|null = null; let lastTransform: string|null = null; let lastX: number|null = null; let lastY: number|null = null; // When the external box is on top of the tray, we need to replace the content to be much smaller. model.autoDispose( overEditor.listen(over => { if (over) { const floater = model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.floater; const leafId = floater.leafId.peek(); if (typeof leafId !== 'number') { return; } const content = floater.leafContent.peek() as HTMLElement; if (content) { lastContent = content; // Hide this element. = 'none'; // Create another element to show in the floater. const newContent = cssFloaterWrapper(content, buildCollapsedSectionDom({ gristDoc: model.viewLayout.gristDoc, sectionRowId: leafId, })); floater.leafContent(newContent); lastTransform =; lastX = floater.mouseOffsetX; lastY = floater.mouseOffsetY; = 'none'; floater.mouseOffsetX = 0; floater.mouseOffsetY = 0; } } else if (lastContent) { = ''; const floater = model.viewLayout.layoutEditor.floater; const currentContent = floater.leafContent.peek() as HTMLElement; floater.leafContent(lastContent); if (currentContent) { dom.domDispose(currentContent); } lastContent = null; = lastTransform!; floater.mouseOffsetX = lastX!; floater.mouseOffsetY = lastY!; } }) ); } } /** * A class that holds an array of IDisposable objects, and disposes them all when it is disposed. * The difference from a MultipleHolder is that it can release individual disposables from the array. */ class ArrayHolder extends Disposable { private _array: IDisposable[] = []; constructor() { super(); this.onDispose(() => { const seen = new Set(); for (const obj of this._array) { if (!seen.has(obj)) { seen.add(obj); obj.dispose(); } } this._array = []; }); } public autoDispose<T extends IDisposable>(obj: T): T { this._array.push(obj); return obj; } public release(obj: IDisposable) { const index = this._array.indexOf(obj); if (index >= 0) { return this._array.splice(index, 1); } return null; } } function syncHover(obs: Signal) { return [dom.on('mouseenter', () => obs.emit(true)), dom.on('mouseleave', () => obs.emit(false))]; } /** * Helper function that renders an element from an observable, but prevents it from being disposed. * Used to keep viewInstance from being disposed when it is added as a child in various containers. */ function detachedNode(node: Observable<HTMLElement|null>) { return [ dom.maybe(node, n => n), dom.onDispose(() => node.get() && detachNode(node.get())) ]; } /** * Finds element that is marked as draggable from the mouse event. */ function findDraggable(ev: EventTarget|null) { if (ev instanceof HTMLElement) { const target = ev.closest(".draggable-handle")?.closest(".draggable"); return !target ? null : dom.getData(target, 'draggable') as Draggable; } return null; } /** * Marks a dom element as draggable. It sets a class and a data attribute that is looked up by the useDragging helper. */ function asDraggable(item: Draggable) { return [ dom.cls('draggable'),'draggable', item) ]; } /** * Attaches a mouse events for dragging to a parent container. This way we have a single mouse event listener * for all draggable elements. All events are then delegated to the draggable elements. * * When a drag is started a MiniFloater is created, and the draggable element can be moved to the floater. */ function useDragging() { return (el: HTMLElement) => { // Implement them by hand, using mouseenter, mouseleave, and mousemove events. // This is a inspired by LayoutEditor.ts. let justStarted = false; let isDragging = false; let dragged: Draggable|null = null; let floater: MiniFloater|null = null; let downX: number|null = null; let downY: number|null = null; const listener = (ev: MouseEvent) => { switch (ev.type) { case 'mousedown': // Only handle left button. if (ev.button !== 0) { return; } // If we haven't found a draggable element, return. dragged = findDraggable(; if (!dragged) { return; } // If we had floater, dispose it. floater?.dispose(); floater = new MiniFloater(); // Start drag and attach mousemove and mouseup listeners. justStarted = true; G.$(G.window).on('mousemove', mouseMoveListener); G.$(G.window).on('mouseup', mouseUpListener); downX = ev.clientX; downY = ev.clientY; return false; case 'mouseup': if (!dragged) { return; } justStarted = false; G.$(G.window).off('mousemove', mouseMoveListener); G.$(G.window).off('mouseup', mouseUpListener); if (isDragging) { isDragging = false; if (dragged?.drop) { dragged.drop(ev as DragEvent, floater!); } if (dragged?.dragEnd) { dragged.dragEnd(ev as DragEvent, floater!); } } dragged = null; floater?.dispose(); floater = null; return false; case 'mousemove': if (justStarted) { const slightMove = downX && downY && (Math.abs(ev.clientX - downX) > 3 || Math.abs(ev.clientY - downY) > 3); if (slightMove) { justStarted = false; if (dragged?.dragStart) { // Drag element has an opportunity to return a new draggable object. dragged = dragged.dragStart(ev as DragEvent, floater!); if (!dragged) { return; } } // Now we are dragging. isDragging = true; } } if (!isDragging) { return; } if (dragged?.drag) { dragged.drag(ev as DragEvent, floater!); } floater!.onMove(ev); return false; } }; const mouseMoveListener = (ev: MouseEvent) => listener(ev); const mouseUpListener = (ev: MouseEvent) => listener(ev); dom.autoDisposeElem(el, dom.onElem(G.window, 'mousedown', (e) => listener(e))); dom.onDisposeElem(el, () => (floater?.dispose(), floater = null)); }; } /** * A virtual rectangle that is relative to a DOMRect. */ class VRect { public left: number; public width: number; public top: number; public right: number; public height: number; constructor(offset: DOMRect, params: Partial<VRect>) { Object.assign(this, params); this.left += offset.left; this.right += offset.left; +=; this.width = this.right - this.left; } public contains(ev: MouseEvent) { return ev.clientX >= this.left && ev.clientX <= this.right && ev.clientY >= && ev.clientY <= + this.height; } } const cssVirtualZone = styled('div', ` position: absolute; inset: 0; `); const cssFloaterWrapper = styled('div', ` height: 40px; width: 140px; max-width: 140px; background: ${theme.tableBodyBg}; border: 1px solid ${theme.widgetBorder}; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-transform: rotate(5deg) scale(0.8) translate(-10px, 0px); transform: rotate(5deg) scale(0.8) translate(-10px, 0px); & .mini_section_container { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } `); const cssCollapsedTray = styled('div.collapsed_layout', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; transition: height 0.2s; position: relative; margin: calc(-1 * var(--view-content-page-padding, 12px)); margin-bottom: 0; user-select: none; background-color: ${theme.pageBg}; border-bottom: 1px solid ${theme.pagePanelsBorder}; outline-offset: -1px; &-is-active { outline: 2px dashed ${theme.widgetBorder}; } &-is-target { outline: 2px dashed #7B8CEA; background: rgba(123, 140, 234, 0.1); } ` ); const cssRow = styled('div', `display: flex`); const cssLayout = styled(cssRow, ` padding: 8px 24px; column-gap: 16px; row-gap: 8px; flex-wrap: wrap; position: relative; `); const cssBox = styled('div', ` border: 1px solid ${theme.widgetBorder}; border-radius: 3px; background: ${theme.widgetBg}; min-width: 120px; min-height: 34px; cursor: pointer; `); const cssEmptyBox = styled('div', ` text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: ${theme.widgetBorder}; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; border: 2px dashed ${theme.widgetBorder}; border-radius: 3px; padding: 8px; width: 120px; min-height: 34px; &-can-accept { border: 2px dashed #7B8CEA; background: rgba(123, 140, 234, 0.1); } `); const cssProbe = styled('div', ` min-width: 0px; padding: 0px; transition: width 0.2s ease-out; `); const cssMiniFloater = styled(cssBox, ` pointer-events: none; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; z-index: 10; -webkit-transform: rotate(5deg) scale(0.8); transform: rotate(5deg) scale(0.8); transform-origin: top left; `); const cssVirtualPart = styled('div', ` outline: 1px solid blue; position: absolute; z-index: 10; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); `); const cssHidden = styled('div', `display: none;`);