import {User} from 'app/gen-server/entity/User'; import {makeId} from 'app/server/lib/idUtils'; import {MigrationInterface, QueryRunner, TableColumn} from "typeorm"; export class UserUUID1663851423064 implements MigrationInterface { public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise { // Add ref column, for now make it nullable and not unique, we // first need to put a value in it for all existing users. await queryRunner.addColumn("users", new TableColumn({ name: "ref", type: 'varchar', isNullable: true, isUnique: false, })); // Updating so many rows in a multiple queries is not ideal. We will send updates in chunks. // 300 seems to be a good number, for 24k rows we have 80 queries. const userList = await queryRunner.manager.createQueryBuilder() .select("users") .from(User, "users") .getMany(); userList.forEach(u => u.ref = makeId()); await, { chunk: 300 }); // We are not making this column unique yet, because it can fail // if there are some old workers still running, and any new user // is created. We will make it unique in a later migration. } public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise { await queryRunner.dropColumn("users", "ref"); } }