 * This module implements context menu to be shown on contextmenu event (most commonly associated
 * with right+click, but could varies slightly depending on platform, ie: mac support ctrl+click as
 * well).
 * To prevent the default context menu to show everywhere else (including on the top of your custom
 * context menu) dont forget to prevent it by including below line at the root of the dom:
 *   `dom.on('contextmenu', ev => ev.preventDefault())`
import { Disposable, dom, DomArg, DomContents, Holder } from "grainjs";
import { cssMenuElem, registerMenuOpen } from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import { IOpenController, Menu } from 'popweasel';

export type IContextMenuContentFunc = (ctx: ContextMenuController) => DomContents;

class ContextMenuController extends Disposable implements IOpenController {
  private _content: HTMLElement;
  constructor(private _event: MouseEvent, contentFunc: IContextMenuContentFunc) {

    setTimeout(() => this._updatePosition(), 0);

    // Create content and add to the dom but keep hidden until menu gets positioned
    const menu = Menu.create(null, this, [contentFunc(this)], {
      menuCssClass: cssMenuElem.className + ' grist-floating-menu'
    const content = this._content = menu.content;
    content.style.visibility = 'hidden';

    // Prevents arrow to move the cursor while menu is open.
    dom.onKeyElem(content, 'keydown', {
      ArrowLeft: (ev) => ev.stopPropagation(),
      ArrowRight: (ev) => ev.stopPropagation()
      // UP and DOWN are already handle by the menu to navigate the menu)

    // On click anywhere on the page (outside popup content), close it.
    const onClick = (evt: MouseEvent) => {
      const target: Node|null = evt.target as Node;
      if (target && !content.contains(target)) {
    this.autoDispose(dom.onElem(document, 'contextmenu', onClick, {useCapture: true}));
    this.autoDispose(dom.onElem(document, 'click', onClick, {useCapture: true}));

    // Cleanup involves removing the element.
    this.onDispose(() => {


  public close() {
  public setOpenClass() {}

  // IOpenController expects a trigger elem but context menu has no trigger. Let's return body for
  // now. As of time of writing the trigger elem is only used by popweasel when certain options are
  // enabled, ie: strectToSelector, parentSelectoToMark.
  // TODO: make a PR on popweasel to support using Menu with no trigger element.
  public getTriggerElem() { return document.body; }
  public update() {}

  private _updatePosition() {
    const content = this._content;
    const ev = this._event;
    const rect = content.getBoundingClientRect();
    // position menu on the right of the cursor if it can fit, on the left otherwise
    content.style.left = ((ev.pageX + rect.width < window.innerWidth) ? ev.pageX : ev.pageX - rect.width) + 'px';
    // position menu below the cursor if it can fit, otherwise fit at the bottom of the screen
    content.style.bottom = Math.max(window.innerHeight - (ev.pageY + rect.height), 0) + 'px';
    // show content
    content.style.visibility = '';

 * Show a context menu on contextmenu.
export function contextMenu(contentFunc: IContextMenuContentFunc): DomArg {
  return (elem) => {
    const holder = Holder.create(null);
    dom.autoDisposeElem(elem, holder);
    dom.onElem(elem, 'contextmenu', (ev) => {
      ContextMenuController.create(holder, ev, contentFunc);