import { reportError } from 'app/client/models/errors'; import { GristDoc } from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import { TableData } from 'app/client/models/TableData'; import { concatenateSummaries, summarizeStoredAndUndo } from 'app/common/ActionSummarizer'; import { TableDelta } from 'app/common/ActionSummary'; import { ProcessedAction } from 'app/common/AlternateActions'; import { DisposableWithEvents } from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents'; import { DocAction, TableDataAction, UserAction } from 'app/common/DocActions'; import { DocDataCache } from 'app/common/DocDataCache'; import { RowRecord } from 'app/plugin/GristData'; import debounce = require('lodash/debounce'); /** * An interface for use while editing a virtual table. * This is the interface passed to beforeEdit and afterEdit callbacks. * The getRecord method gives access to the record prior to the edit; * the getRecordNew method gives access to (an internal copy of) * the record after the edit. * The same interface is passed in other places, in which case * actions and delta are trivial. */ export interface IEdit { gristDoc: GristDoc, actions: ProcessedAction[], // UserActions plus corresponding DocActions (forward and undo). delta: TableDelta, // A summary of the effect actions would have (or had). /** * Apply a set of actions. The result is from the store backing the * virtual table. Will not trigger beforeEdit or afterEdit callbacks. */ patch(actions: UserAction[]): Promise<ProcessedAction[]>; getRecord(rowId: number): RowRecord|undefined; // A record in the table. getRecordNew(rowId: number): RowRecord|undefined; // A record in the table, after the edit. getRowIds(): readonly number[]; // All rowIds in the table. } /** * Interface with a back-end for a specific virtual table. */ export interface IExternalTable { name: string; // the tableId of the virtual table (e.g. GristHidden_WebhookTable) initialActions: DocAction[]; // actions to create the table. destroyActions?: DocAction[]; // actions to destroy the table (auto generated if not defined), pass [] to disable. fetchAll(): Promise<TableDataAction>; // get initial state of the table. sync(editor: IEdit): Promise<void>; // incorporate external changes. beforeEdit(editor: IEdit): Promise<void>; // called prior to committing a change. afterEdit(editor: IEdit): Promise<void>; // called after committing a change. afterAnySchemaChange(editor: IEdit): Promise<void>; // called after any schema change in the document. } // A counter to generate unique actionNums for undo actions. let _counterForUndoActions: number = 1; /** * A flavor of TableData that is backed by external operations and local cache. * This lets virtual tables "fit in" to a DocData instance. */ export class VirtualTableData extends TableData { public gristDoc: GristDoc; public ext: IExternalTable; public cache: DocDataCache; public override fetchData() { return super.fetchData(async () => { const data = await this.ext.fetchAll(); this.cache.docData.getTable(this.getName())?.loadData(data); return data; }); } public override async sendTableActions(userActions: UserAction[]): Promise<any[]> { const actions = await this._sendTableActionsCore(userActions, {isUser: true}); await this.ext.afterEdit(this._editor(actions)); return => action.retValues); } public override async sendTableAction(action: UserAction): Promise<any> { const retValues = await this.sendTableActions([action]); return retValues[0]; } public setExt(_ext: IExternalTable) { this.ext = _ext; this.cache = new DocDataCache(this.ext.initialActions); } public getName() { return; } public sync() { return this.ext.sync(this._editor()); } public async schemaChange() { await this.ext.afterAnySchemaChange(this._editor()); } private _editor(actions: ProcessedAction[] = []): IEdit { const summary = concatenateSummaries( actions .map(action => summarizeStoredAndUndo(action.stored, action.undo))); const delta = summary.tableDeltas[this.getName()]; return { actions, delta, gristDoc: this.gristDoc, getRecord: rowId => this.getRecord(rowId), getRecordNew: rowId => this.getRecord(rowId), getRowIds: () => this.getRowIds(), patch: userActions => this._sendTableActionsCore(userActions, { hasTableIds: true, isUser: false, }) }; } private async _sendTableActionsCore(userActions: UserAction[], options: { isUser: boolean, isUndo?: boolean, hasTableIds?: boolean, actionNum?: any, }): Promise<ProcessedAction[]> { const {isUndo, isUser, hasTableIds} = options; if (!hasTableIds) { userActions.forEach((action) => action.splice(1, 0, this.tableId)); } const actions = await this.cache.sendTableActions(userActions); if (isUser) { const newTable = await this.cache.docData.requireTable(this.getName()); try { await this.ext.beforeEdit({ ...this._editor(actions), getRecordNew: rowId => newTable.getRecord(rowId), }); } catch (e) { actions.reverse(); for (const action of actions) { await this.cache.sendTableActions(action.undo); } throw e; } } for (const action of actions) { for (const docAction of action.stored) { this.docData.receiveAction(docAction); this.cache.docData.receiveAction(docAction); if (isUser) { const code = `ext-${this.getName()}-${_counterForUndoActions}`; _counterForUndoActions++; this.gristDoc.getUndoStack().pushAction({ actionNum: code, actionHash: 'hash', fromSelf: true, otherId: options.actionNum || 0, linkId: 0, rowIdHint: 0, isUndo, action, op: this._doUndo.bind(this), } as any); } } } return actions; } private async _doUndo(actionGroup: { action: ProcessedAction, actionNum: number|string, }, isUndo: boolean) { await this._sendTableActionsCore( isUndo ? actionGroup.action.undo : actionGroup.action.stored, { isUndo, isUser: true, actionNum: actionGroup.actionNum, hasTableIds: true, }); } } /** * Everything needed to run a virtual table. Contains a tableData instance. * Subscribes to schema changes. Offers a debouncing lazySync method that * will attempt to synchronize the virtual table with the external source * one second after last call (or at most 2 seconds after the first * call). */ export class VirtualTableRegistration extends DisposableWithEvents { public lazySync = debounce(this._sync, 1000, { maxWait: 2000, trailing: true, }); private _tableData: VirtualTableData; constructor(gristDoc: GristDoc, ext: IExternalTable) { super(); if (!gristDoc.docModel.docData.getTable( { // Register the virtual table gristDoc.docModel.docData.registerVirtualTableFactory(, VirtualTableData); // then process initial actions for (const action of ext.initialActions) { gristDoc.docData.receiveAction(action); } // pass in gristDoc and external interface this._tableData = gristDoc.docModel.docData.getTable(! as VirtualTableData; //this.tableData.docApi = this.docApi; this._tableData.gristDoc = gristDoc; this._tableData.setExt(ext); // subscribe to schema changes this._tableData.schemaChange().catch(e => reportError(e)); this.listenTo(gristDoc, 'schemaUpdateAction', () => this._tableData.schemaChange()); } else { throw new Error(`Virtual table ${} already exists`); } // debounce is typed as returning a promise, but doesn't appear to actually //do so? Promise.resolve(this.lazySync()).catch(e => reportError(e)); this.onDispose(() => { const reverse = ext.destroyActions ?? generateDestroyActions(ext.initialActions); reverse.forEach(action => gristDoc.docModel.docData.receiveAction(action)); gristDoc.docModel.docData.unregisterVirtualTableFactory(; }); } private async _sync() { if (this.isDisposed()) { return; } await this._tableData.sync(); } } /** * This is a helper method that generates undo actions for actions that create a virtual * table. It just removes everything using the ids in the initial actions. It tries to fail * if actions are more complex than simple create table/columns actions. */ function generateDestroyActions(initialActions: DocAction[]): DocAction[] { return => { switch (action[0]) { case 'AddTable': return ['RemoveTable', action[1]]; case 'AddColumn': return ['RemoveColumn', action[1]]; case 'AddRecord': return ['RemoveRecord', action[1], action[2]]; case 'BulkAddRecord': return ['BulkRemoveRecord', action[1], action[2]]; default: throw new Error(`Cannot generate destroy action for ${action[0]}`); } }).reverse() as unknown as DocAction[]; }