import {hooks} from 'app/client/Hooks'; import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils'; import {DomContents} from 'grainjs'; import i18next from 'i18next'; import {G} from 'grainjs/dist/cjs/lib/browserGlobals'; export async function setupLocale() { const now =; const supportedLngs = getGristConfig().supportedLngs ?? ['en']; const lng = detectCurrentLang(); const ns = getGristConfig().namespaces ?? ['client']; // Initialize localization plugin try { // We don't await this promise, as it is resolved synchronously due to initImmediate: false. i18next.init({ // By default we use english language. fallbackLng: 'en', // We will load resources ourselves. initImmediate: false, // Read language from navigator object. lng, // By default we use client namespace. defaultNS: 'client', // Read namespaces that are supported by the server. // TODO: this can be converted to a dynamic list of namespaces, for async components. // for now just import all what server offers. // We can fallback to client namespace for any addons. fallbackNS: 'client', ns }).catch((err: any) => { // This should not happen, the promise should be resolved synchronously, without // any errors reported. console.error("i18next failed unexpectedly", err); }); // Detect what is resolved languages to load. const languages = i18next.languages; // Fetch all json files (all of which should be already preloaded); const loadPath = `${hooks.baseURI || document.baseURI}locales/{{lng}}.{{ns}}.json`; const pathsToLoad: Promise<any>[] = []; async function load(lang: string, n: string) { const resourceUrl = loadPath.replace('{{lng}}', lang.replace("-", "_")).replace('{{ns}}', n); const response = await fetch(resourceUrl); if (!response.ok) { // Throw only if we don't have any fallbacks. if (lang === i18next.options.fallbackLng && n === i18next.options.defaultNS) { throw new Error(`Failed to load ${resourceUrl}`); } else { console.warn(`Failed to load ${resourceUrl}`); return; } } i18next.addResourceBundle(lang, n, await response.json()); } for (const lang of languages.filter((l) => supportedLngs.includes(l))) { for (const n of ns) { pathsToLoad.push(load(lang, n)); } } await Promise.all(pathsToLoad); console.log("Localization initialized in " + ( - now) + "ms"); } catch (error: any) { reportError(error); } } export function detectCurrentLang() { const { userLocale, supportedLngs } = getGristConfig(); const detected = userLocale || document.cookie.match(/grist_user_locale=([^;]+)/)?.[1] || window.navigator.language || 'en'; const supportedList = supportedLngs ?? ['en']; // If we have this language in the list (or more general version) mark it as selected. // Compare languages in lower case, as navigator.language can return en-US, en-us (for older Safari). const selected = supportedList.find(supported => supported.toLowerCase() === detected.toLowerCase()) ?? supportedList.find(supported => supported === detected.split(/[-_]/)[0]) ?? 'en'; return selected; } export function setAnonymousLocale(lng: string) { document.cookie = lng ? `grist_user_locale=${lng}; path=/; max-age=31536000` : 'grist_user_locale=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC'; } /** * Resolves the translation of the given key using the given options. */ export function tString(key: string, args?: any, instance = i18next): string { if (!instance.exists(key, args || undefined)) { const error = new Error(`Missing translation for key: ${key} and language: ${i18next.language}`); reportError(error); } return instance.t(key, args); } // We will try to infer result from the arguments passed to `t` function. // For plain objects we expect string as a result. If any property doesn't look as a plain value // we assume that it might be a dom node and the result is DomContents. type InferResult<T> = T extends Record<string, string | number | boolean>|undefined|null ? string : DomContents; /** * Resolves the translation of the given key and substitutes. Supports dom elements interpolation. */ export function t<T extends Record<string, any>>(key: string, args?: T|null, instance = i18next): InferResult<T> { return domT(key, args, instance.t); } function domT(key: string, args: any, tImpl: typeof i18next.t) { // If there are any DomElements in args, handle it with missingInterpolationHandler. const domElements = !args ? [] : Object.entries(args).filter(([_, value]) => isLikeDomContents(value)); if (!args || !domElements.length) { return tImpl(key, args || undefined); } else { // Make a copy of the arguments, and remove any dom elements from it. It will instruct // i18next library to use `missingInterpolationHandler` handler. const copy = {...args}; domElements.forEach(([prop]) => delete copy[prop]); // Passing `missingInterpolationHandler` will allow as to resolve all missing keys // and replace them with a marker. const result: string = tImpl(key, {...copy, missingInterpolationHandler}); // Now replace all markers with dom elements passed as arguments. const parts = result.split(/(\[\[\[[^\]]+?\]\]\])/); for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i += 2) { // Every second element is our dom element. const propName = parts[i].substring(3, parts[i].length - 3); const domElement = args[propName] ?? `{{${propName}}}`; // If the prop is not there, simulate default behavior. parts[i] = domElement; } return parts.filter(p => p !== '') as any; // Remove empty parts. } } /** * Checks if the given key exists in the any supported language. */ export function hasTranslation(key: string) { return i18next.exists(key); } function missingInterpolationHandler(key: string, value: any) { return `[[[${value[1]}]]]`; } /** * Very naive detection if an element has DomContents type. */ function isLikeDomContents(value: any): boolean { // As null and undefined are valid DomContents values, we don't treat them as such. if (value === null || value === undefined) { return false; } return value instanceof G.Node || // Node (Array.isArray(value) && isLikeDomContents(value[0])) || // DomComputed typeof value === 'function'; // DomMethod } /** * Helper function to create a scoped t function. Scoped t function is bounded to a specific * namespace and a key prefix (a scope). */ export function makeT(scope: string, instance?: typeof i18next) { // Can't create the scopedInstance yet as it might not be initialized. let scopedInstance: null|typeof i18next = null; let scopedResolver: null|typeof i18next.t = null; return function<T extends Record<string, any>>(key: string, args?: T|null) { // Create a scoped instance with disabled namespace and nested features. // This enables keys like `key1.key2:key3` to be resolved properly. if (!scopedInstance) { scopedInstance = (instance ?? i18next).cloneInstance({ keySeparator: false, nsSeparator: false, saveMissing: true, missingKeyHandler: (lng, ns, _key) => console.warn(`Missing translation for key: ${_key}`) }); // Create a version of `t` function that will use the provided prefix as default. const fixedResolver = scopedInstance.getFixedT(null, null, scope); // Override the resolver with a custom one, that will use the argument as a default. // This will remove all the overloads from the function, but we don't need them. scopedResolver = (_key: string, _args?: any) => fixedResolver(_key, {defaultValue: _key, ..._args}); } return domT(key, args, scopedResolver!); }; }