var assert = require('assert'); var gutil = require('app/common/gutil'); var _ = require('underscore'); var utils = require('../utils'); // Uncomment to see logs function log(messages) { //console.log.apply(console, messages); } /** * Compares performance of underscore.sortedIndex and gutil.sortedIndex on ranges of the * given array. * @param {array} arr - array to call sortedIndex on * @param {function} keyFunc - a sort key function used to sort the array * @param {function} cmp - a compare function used to sort the array * @param {object} object - object of settings for utils.time * @param {string} msg - helpful message to display with time results **/ function benchmarkSortedIndex(arr, keyFunc, cmp, options, msg) { var t1, t2; var currArray = [], currSearchElems = []; var sortedArr = _.sortBy(arr, keyFunc); var compareFunc = gutil.multiCompareFunc([keyFunc], [cmp], [true]); function testUnderscore(arr, searchElems) { searchElems.forEach(function(i) { _.sortedIndex(arr, i, keyFunc); }); } function testGutil(arr, searchElems) { searchElems.forEach(function(i) { gutil.sortedIndex(arr, i, compareFunc); }); } // TODO: Write a library function that does this for loop stuff b/c its largely the same // across the 3 benchmark functions. This is kind of messy to abstract b/c of issues // with array sorting side effects and function context. for(var p = 1; 2 * currArray.length <= arr.length; p++) { log(['==========================================================']); currArray = sortedArr.slice(0, Math.pow(2, p)); currSearchElems = arr.slice(0, Math.pow(2, p)); log(['Calling sortedIndex', currArray.length, 'times averaged over', options.iters, 'iterations |', msg]); t1 = utils.time(testUnderscore, null, [currArray, currSearchElems], options); t2 = utils.time(testGutil, null, [currArray, currSearchElems], options); log(["Underscore.sortedIndex:", t1, 'ms.', 'Avg time per call:', t1/currArray.length]); log(["gutil.sortedIndex :", t2, 'ms.', 'Avg time per call:', t2/currArray.length]); } } /** * Compares performance of sorting using 1-key, 2-key, ... (keys.length)-key comparison * functions on ranges of the given array. * @param {array} arr - array to sort * @param {function array} keys - array of sort key functions * @param {function array} cmps - array of compare functions parallel to keys * @param {boolean array} asc - array of booleans denoting asc/descending. This is largely irrelevant to performance * @param {object} object - object of settings for utils.time * @param {string} msg - helpful message to display with time results **/ function benchmarkMultiCompareSort(arr, keys, cmps, asc, options, msg) { var elapsed; var compareFuncs = [], currArray = []; for(var l = 0; l < keys.length; l++) { compareFuncs.push(gutil.multiCompareFunc(keys.slice(0, l+1), cmps.slice(0, l+1), asc.slice(0, l+1))); } for(var p = 1; 2 * currArray.length <= arr.length; p++) { currArray = arr.slice(0, Math.pow(2, p)); log(['==========================================================']); log(['Sorting', currArray.length, 'elements averaged over', options.iters, 'iterations |', msg]); for(var i = 0; i < compareFuncs.length; i++) { elapsed = utils.time(Array.prototype.sort, currArray, [compareFuncs[i]], options); log([(i+1) + "-key compare sort took: ", elapsed, 'ms']); } } } /** * Compares performance of Array.sort, Array.sort with a gutilMultiCompareFunc(on 1-key), and * Underscore's sort function on ranges of the given array. * @param {array} arr - array to sort * @param {function} compareKey - compare function to use for sorting * @param {function} keyFunc - key function used to construct a compare function for sorting with Array.sort * @param {object} object - object of settings for utils.time * @param {string} msg - helpful message to display with time results **/ function benchmarkNormalSort(arr, compareFunc, keyFunc, options, msg) { var t1, t2, t3; var currArray = []; var gutilCompare = gutil.multiCompareFunc([keyFunc], [compareFunc], [true]); for (var p = 1; 2 * currArray.length <= arr.length; p++) { log(['==========================================================']); currArray = arr.slice(0, Math.pow(2, p)); log(['Sorting', currArray.length, 'elements averaged over', options.iters, 'iterations |', msg]); t1 = utils.time(Array.prototype.sort, currArray, [compareFunc], options); t2 = utils.time(Array.prototype.sort, currArray, [gutilCompare], options); t3 = utils.time(_.sortBy, null, [currArray, keyFunc], options); log(['Array.sort with compare func :', t1]); log(['Array.sort with constructed multicompare func:', t2]); log(['Underscore sort :', t3]); } } describe('Performance tests', function() { var maxPower = 10; // tweak as needed var options = {'iters': 10, 'avg': true}; var timeout = 5000000; // arbitrary var length = Math.pow(2, maxPower); // sample data to do our sorting on. generating these random lists can take a while... var nums = utils.genItems('floating', length, {min:0, max:length}); var people = utils.genPeople(length); var strings = utils.genItems('string', length, {length:10}); describe('Benchmark test for gutil.sortedIndex', function() { it('should be close to underscore.sortedIndex\'s performance', function() { this.timeout(timeout); benchmarkSortedIndex(nums, _.identity, gutil.nativeCompare, options, 'Sorted index benchmark on numbers'); benchmarkSortedIndex(strings, _.identity, gutil.nativeCompare, options, 'Sorted index benchmark on strings'); assert(true); }); }); describe('Benchmarks for various sorting', function() { var peopleKeys = ['last'),'first'),'age'),'year'),'month'),'day')]; var cmp1 = [gutil.nativeCompare, gutil.nativeCompare, gutil.nativeCompare, gutil.nativeCompare, gutil.nativeCompare, gutil.nativeCompare]; var stringKeys = [_.identity, function (x) { return x.length; }, function (x) { return x[0]; } ]; var cmp2 = [gutil.nativeCompare, gutil.nativeCompare, gutil.nativeCompare]; var numKeys = [_.identity, utils.mod(2), utils.mod(3), utils.mod(5)]; var cmp3 = { return gutil.nativeCompare; }); var asc = [1, 1, -1, 1, 1]; // bools for ascending/descending in multicompare it('should be close to _.sortBy with only 1 compare key', function() { this.timeout(timeout); benchmarkNormalSort(strings, gutil.nativeCompare, _.identity, options, 'Regular sort test on string array'); benchmarkNormalSort(people, function(a, b) { return a.age - b.age; },'age'), options, 'Regular sort test on people array using age as sort key'); benchmarkNormalSort(nums, gutil.nativeCompare, _.identity, options, 'Regular sort test on number array'); assert(true); }); it('should have consistent performance when no tie breakers are needed', function() { this.timeout(timeout); benchmarkMultiCompareSort(strings, stringKeys, cmp2, asc, options, 'Consistency test on string array'); benchmarkMultiCompareSort(nums, numKeys, cmp3, asc, options, 'Consistency test on number array'); assert(true); }); it('should scale linearly in the number of compare keys used', function() { this.timeout(timeout); benchmarkMultiCompareSort(people, peopleKeys, cmp1, asc, options, 'Linear scaling test on people array'); assert(true); }); }); });