/** * This is webdriverjq, modified to in fact no longer * use jquery, but rather to work in conjunction with * mocha-webdriver. Works in conjunction with * gristUtils-nbrowser. * * Not everything webdriverjq could do is supported, * just enough to make porting tests easier. The * promise manager mechanism selenium used to have * that old tests depends upon is gone (and good * riddance). * https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/trunk/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md#api-changes-2 * * Changes are minimized here, no modernization unless * strictly needed, so diff with webdriverjq.js is * easier to read. */ var _ = require('underscore'); var util = require('util'); import { driver, error, stackWrapFunc, WebElement, WebElementPromise } from 'mocha-webdriver'; export const driverCompanion = { $: null, }; export function webdriverjqWrapper(driver) { /** * Returns a new WebdriverJQ instance. */ function $(selector) { return new WebdriverJQ($, selector); } $.driver = driver; $.getPage = function(url) { return $.driver.get(url); }; return $; } /** * The object obtained by $(...) calls. It supports nearly all the JQuery and WebElement methods, * and allows chaining whenever it makes sense. * @param {JQ} $: The $ object used to create this instance. * @param {String|WebElement} selector: A string selector, or a WebElement (or promise for one). */ function WebdriverJQ($, selector) { this.$ = $; this.driver = $.driver; this.selector = selector; this._selectorDesc = selector; this._callChain = []; } /** * $(...).method(...) invokes the corresponding method on the client side. Methods may be chained. * In reality, method calls aren't performed until the first non-chainable call. For example, * $(".foo").parent().toggleClass("active").text() is translated to a single call. * * Note that a few methods are overridden later: click() and submit() are performed on the server * as WebDriver actions instead of on the client. * * The methods listed below are all the methods from http://api.jquery.com/. */ var JQueryMethodNames = [ "add", "addBack", "addClass", "after", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSend", "ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxSuccess", "andSelf", "animate", "append", "appendTo", "attr", "before", "bind", "blur", "change", "children", "clearQueue", "click", "clone", "closest", "contents", "contextmenu", "css", "data", "dblclick", "delay", "delegate", "dequeue", "detach", "die", "each", "empty", "end", "eq", "error", "fadeIn", "fadeOut", "fadeTo", "fadeToggle", "filter", "find", "finish", "first", "focus", "focusin", "focusout", "get", "has", "hasClass", "height", "hide", "hover", "html", "index", "innerHeight", "innerWidth", "insertAfter", "insertBefore", "is", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "last", "live", "load", "load", "map", "mousedown", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "next", "nextAll", "nextUntil", "not", "off", "offset", "offsetParent", "on", "one", "outerHeight", "outerWidth", "parent", "parents", "parentsUntil", "position", "prepend", "prependTo", "prev", "prevAll", "prevUntil", "promise", "prop", "pushStack", "queue", "ready", "remove", "removeAttr", "removeClass", "removeData", "removeProp", "replaceAll", "replaceWith", "resize", "scroll", "scrollLeft", "scrollTop", "select", "serialize", "serializeArray", "show", "siblings", "slice", "slideDown", "slideToggle", "slideUp", "stop", "submit", "text", "toArray", "toggle", "toggle", "toggleClass", "trigger", "triggerHandler", "unbind", "undelegate", "unload", "unwrap", "val", "width", "wrap", "wrapAll", "wrapInner", // Extra methods (defined below, injected into client, available to these tests only). "trimmedText", "classList", "subset", "filterExactText", "filterText", "getAttribute", "findOldTimey", // nbrowser: added ]; // Maps method name to an array of argument types. If called with matching types, this method does // NOT return another JQuery object (i.e. it's not a chainable call). var nonChainableMethods = { "attr": ["string"], "css": ["string"], "data": ["string"], "get": null, "hasClass": ["string"], "height": [], "html": [], "index": null, "innerHeight": [], "innerWidth": [], "is": null, "offset": [], "outerHeight": [], "outerWidth": [], "position": [], "prop": ["string"], "scrollLeft": [], "scrollTop": [], "serialize": null, "serializeArray": null, "text": [], "toArray": null, "val": [], "width": [], "trimmedText": null, "classList": null, "getAttribute": null, }; function isNonChainable(methodName, args) { var argTypes = nonChainableMethods[methodName]; return argTypes === null || _.isEqual(argTypes, args.map(function(a) { return typeof a; })); } JQueryMethodNames.forEach(function(methodName) { WebdriverJQ.prototype[methodName] = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); var methodCallInfo = [methodName].concat(args); var newObj = this.clone(); newObj._callChain.push(methodCallInfo); if (isNonChainable(methodName, args)) { return newObj.resolve(); } else { return newObj; } }; }); // .length property is a special case. Object.defineProperty(WebdriverJQ.prototype, 'length', { configurable: false, enumerable: false, get: function() { var newObj = this.clone(); newObj._callChain.push(['length']); return newObj.resolve(); } }); /** * WebdriverJQ objects also support various WebDriver.WebElement methods, namely the ones * below. These operate on the first of the selected elements. Those without a meaningful return * value may be chained. E.g. $(".foo").click().val() will trigger a click on the selected * element, then return its 'value' property. */ // This maps each supported method name to whether or not it should be chainable. var WebElementMethodNames = { "getId": false, "getRawId": false, "click": true, "sendKeys": true, "getTagName": false, "getCssValue": false, "getText": false, "getSize": false, "getLocation": false, "isEnabled": false, "isSelected": false, "submit": true, "clear": true, "isDisplayed": false, "isPresent": false, // nbrowser: added "getOuterHtml": false, "getInnerHtml": false, "scrollIntoView": true, "sendNewText": true, // Added below. }; Object.keys(WebElementMethodNames).forEach(function(methodName) { function runMethod(self, methodName, elem, ...argList) { var result = elem[methodName].apply(elem, argList) .then(function(value) { // Chrome makes some values unprintable by including a bogus .toString property. if (value && typeof value.toString !== 'function') { delete value.toString; } return value; }, function(err) { throw err; }); return result; } const runThisMethod = stackWrapFunc(runMethod.bind(null, this, methodName)); WebdriverJQ.prototype[methodName] = function() { const elem = this.elem(); const result = runThisMethod(elem, ...arguments); if (WebElementMethodNames[methodName]) { // If chainable, create a new WebdriverJQ object (that waits for the result). return this._chain(() => elem, result); } else { // If not a chainable method, then we are done. return result; } }; }); /** * Helper for chaining. Creates a new WebdriverJQ instance from the current one for the given * element, but which resolves only when the given promise resolves. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype._chain = function(elemFn, optPromise) { const getElemAndUpdateDesc = () => { const elem = elemFn(); // Let the chained object start with the previous object's description, but once we have // resolved the element, update it with the resolved element. chainable._selectorDesc = this._selectorDesc + " [pending]"; elem.then(function(resolvedElem) { chainable._selectorDesc = resolvedElem.toString(); }, function(err) {}); return elem; }; var chainable = new WebdriverJQ(this.$, optPromise ? optPromise.then(getElemAndUpdateDesc) : getElemAndUpdateDesc()); return chainable; }; /** * Return a friendly string representation of this WebdriverJQ instance. * E.g. $('.foo').next() will be represented as "$('.foo').next()". */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.toString = function() { var sel = this._selectorDesc; if (typeof sel === 'string') { sel = "'" + sel.replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'"; } else { sel = sel.toString(); } var desc = "$(" + sel + ")"; desc += this._callChain.map(function(methodCallInfo) { var method = methodCallInfo[0], args = util.inspect(methodCallInfo.slice(1)); return "." + method + "(" + args.slice(1, args.length - 1).trim() + ")"; }).join(""); return desc; }; /** * Returns a copy of the WebdriverJQ object. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.clone = function() { var newObj = new WebdriverJQ(this.$, this.selector); newObj._selectorDesc = this._selectorDesc; newObj._callChain = this._callChain.slice(0); return newObj; }; /** * Convert the matched elements to an array and apply all further chained calls to each elemet of * the array separately, so that the result will be an array. * * E.g. $(".foo").array().text() will return an array of text for each of the elements matching * ".foo", and $(".foo").array().height() will return an array of heights (unlike * $(".foo").height() which would return the height of the first matching element). */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.array = function() { this._callChain.push(["array"]); return this; }; /** * Make the call to the browser, returning a promise for the values (typically an array) returned * by the browser. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.resolve = function() { var self = this; if (isPromise(this.selector)) { // Update our selector description once we know what it resolves to. this.selector.then(function(resolvedSelector) { self._selectorDesc = resolvedSelector.toString(); }, function(err) {}); if (this._callChain.length === 0) { // If the selector is a promise and there are no chained calls, there is no need to execute // anything, we just need for the promise to resolve. return this.selector.then(function(value) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; }); } } return executeChain(this.selector, this._callChain); }; /** * Make a call to the browser now, expecting a single element returned, and returning * WebElementPromise for that element. If no elements match, the promise will be rejected. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.elem = function() { const doElem = stackWrapFunc(() => { var self = this; // TODO: we could limit results to a single value for efficiency. var result = this.resolve().then(function(elems) { if (!elems[0]) { throw new Error(self + " matched no element"); } return elems[0]; }); return result; }); return new WebElementPromise(driver, doElem()); }; /** * Check if the element is considered stale by WebDriver. An element is considered stale once it * is removed from the DOM, or a new page has loaded. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.isStale = function() { return this.getTagName().then(function() { return false; }, function(err) { if (err instanceof error.StaleElementReferenceError) { return true; } throw err; }); }; /** * Helper that allows a WebdriverJQ to act as a promise, but really just forwarding calls to * this.resolve().then(...) */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.then = function(success, failure) { // In selenium-webdriver 2.46, it was important not to call this.resolve().then(...) directly, // but to start a new promise chain, to avoid a deadlock in ControlFlow. In selenium-webdriver // 2.48, starting a new promise chain is wrong since the webdriver doesn't wait for the new // promise chain on errors, and fails without a chance to catch them. return this.resolve().then(success, failure); }; // webdriver.promise.Thenable.addImplementation(WebdriverJQ); /** * Wait for a condition, represented by func(elem) returning true. The function may use asserts to * indicate that the condition isn't met yet. E.g. * * $(...).wait().click() // Wait for a matching element to be present, then click it. * $(...).wait(assert.isPresent).click() // Equivalent to the previous line. * $(...).wait(assert.isDisplayed) // Wait for the matching element to be displayed. * $(...).wait(assert.isDisplayed, false) // Wait for the element to NOT be displayed. * $(...).wait(assert.hasClass, 'foo') // Wait for the element to have class 'foo' * $(...).wait(assert.hasClass, 'foo', false) // Wait for the element to NOT have class 'foo' * * @param [Number] optTimeoutMs: First numerical argument is interpreted as a timeout in seconds. * Default is 10. You may pass in a longer timeout, but infinite wait isn't supported. * @param [Function] func: Optional condition function called as func(wjq, args...), where `wjq` * is a WebdriverJQ instance. If a string is given, then `wjq[func](args...)` is called * instead. If omitted, wait until the selector matches at least one element. * The function must not return undefined, but may throw chai.AssertionError. * @param [Objects] args...: Optional additional arguments to pass to func. * @returns WebdriverJQ, which may be chained further. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.waitCore = function(chained, optTimeoutSec, func, ...extraArgs) { var timeoutMs; if (typeof optTimeoutSec === 'number') { timeoutMs = optTimeoutSec * 1000; if (arguments.length === 2) { func = null; } } else { timeoutMs = 10000; extraArgs.unshift(func); func = (arguments.length === 1) ? null : optTimeoutSec; } if (_.isUndefined(func)) { var failed = Promise.reject( new Error("WebdriverJQ: wait called with undefined condition")); return this._chain(() => failed); } func = func || "isPresent"; var self = this; async function conditionFunc() { const result = await (typeof func === 'string' ? self[func].apply(self, extraArgs) : func.apply(null, [self].concat(extraArgs))); return result === undefined ? true : result; } var waitPromise = waitImpl(timeoutMs, conditionFunc); return chained ? this._chain(() => this.resolve(), waitPromise) : waitPromise; }; WebdriverJQ.prototype.wait = function(...args) { return this.waitCore(true, ...args); } WebdriverJQ.prototype.waitDrop = function(...args) { return this.waitCore(false, ...args); } /** * Send keyboard keys to the element as if typed by the user. This allows the use of arrays as * arguments to scope modifier keys. The method allows chaining. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.sendKeys = function(varKeys) { var keys = processKeys(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); var elem = this.elem(); return this._chain(() => elem, elem.sendKeys.apply(elem, keys)); }; /** * Replaces the value in a text <input> by sending the keys to select all text, type * the given string, and hit Enter. */ WebdriverJQ.prototype.sendNewText = function(string) { return this.sendKeys(this.$.SELECT_ALL || driverCompanion.$.SELECT_ALL, string, this.$.ENTER || driverCompanion.$.ENTER); }; /** * Transform the given array of keys to prepare for sending to the browser: * (1) If an argument is an array, its elements are grouped using webdriver.Key.chord() * (in other words, modifier keys present in the array are released after the array). * (2) Transforms certain keys to work around a selenium bug where they don't get processed * properly. */ function processKeys(keyArray) { return keyArray.map(function(arg) { if (Array.isArray(arg)) { arg = driver.Key.chord.apply(driver.Key, arg); } return arg; }); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enhancements to webdriver's own objects. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- WebElement.prototype.toString = function() { if (this._description) { return "<" + this._description + ">"; } else { return "<WebElement>"; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // "Client"-side code. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run a command chain. Basically just find the initial element, and // apply methods to it. We try to match quirks of old system, which // are a bit hard to explain, and can't easily be matched exactly - // but well enough to cover a lot of test code it seems (and the // rest can just be rewritten). async function executeChain(selector, callChain) { const cc = callChain.map(c => c[0]); let result = selector; if (typeof selector === 'string') { result = await findOldTimey(driver, selector, cc.includes('array') || cc.includes('length') || cc.includes('toArray') || cc.includes('eq') || cc.includes('last')); } result = await applyCallChain(callChain, result); if (result instanceof WebElement) { result = [result]; } return result; } async function applyCallChain(callChain, value) { value = await value; for (var i = 0; i < callChain.length; i++) { var method = callChain[i][0], args = callChain[i].slice(1).map(translateTestId); if (method === "toArray") { return Promise.all(value); } else if (method === "array") { return Promise.all(value.map(applyCallChain.bind(null, callChain.slice(i + 1)))); } else if (method === "last") { return applyCallChain(callChain.slice(i + 1), value[value.length - 1]); } else if (method === "eq") { const idx = args[0]; return applyCallChain(callChain.slice(i + 1), value[idx]); } else if (method === "length") { return value.length; } else { if (!value[method] && value[0]?.[method]) { value = value[0]; } value = await value[method].apply(value, args); } } return value; } function translateTestId(selector) { return (typeof selector === 'string' ? selector.replace(/\$(\w+)/, '[data-test-id="$1"]', 'g') : selector); } export function findOldTimey(obj, key, multiple, multipleOptions) { key = translateTestId(key); const contains = key.split(':contains'); if (contains.length === 2) { const content = contains[1].replace(/["'()]/g, ''); return obj.findContent(contains[0], content); } if (multiple) { return obj.findAll(key, multipleOptions); } return obj.find(key); } // Similar to gu.waitToPass (copied to simplify import structure). export async function waitImpl(timeoutMs, conditionFunc) { try { await driver.wait(async () => { try { return await conditionFunc(); } catch (e) { return false; } }, timeoutMs); } catch (e) { await conditionFunc(); } } function isPromise(obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object') { return false; } if (typeof obj['then'] !== 'function') { return false; } return true; }