/** * Test of the Importer dialog (part 2), for imports inside an open doc. */ import {DocAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {DocCreationInfo} from 'app/common/DocListAPI'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import {assert, driver, Key} from 'mocha-webdriver'; import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils'; import {getColumnMatchingRows, getPreviewDiffCellValues, openSource as openSourceFor, openTableMapping, waitForColumnMapping, waitForDiffPreviewToLoad} from 'test/nbrowser/importerTestUtils'; import {setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils'; describe('Importer2', function() { this.timeout(60000); const cleanup = setupTestSuite(); let doc: DocCreationInfo; let api: DocAPI; before(async function() { // Log in and import a sample document. const session = await gu.session().teamSite.login(); doc = await session.tempDoc(cleanup, 'Hello.grist'); api = session.createHomeApi().getDocAPI(doc.id); }); afterEach(() => gu.checkForErrors()); it("should import new tables losslessly", async function() { // Import mixed_dates.csv into a new table await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/mixed_dates.csv'); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); // Import the same file again into the same table await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/mixed_dates.csv'); await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /Mixed_dates/).click(); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0], rowNums: _.range(1, 21)}), [ // mixed_dates.csv contains 10 dates. The first 9 are YYYY-MM-DD so that's the guessed date format. // The last date '01/02/03' doesn't fit this format. // Since 90% of the values fit the guessed format, the column is guessed to have type Date. // The dates are parsed by DateGuesser which uses moment's strict parsing directly, not parseDate. // So '01/02/03' isn't parsed and remains a string, and the column is imported losslessly, // i.e. converting it back to text yields the original strings in the file unchanged. '2020-03-04', '2020-03-05', '2020-03-06', '2020-03-04', '2020-03-05', '2020-03-06', '2020-03-04', '2020-03-05', '2020-03-06', '01/02/03', // When the file is imported again into the same table, things go differently. // The intermediate hidden table goes through the same process and stores '01/02/03' as a string. // But for existing tables we set parseStrings to true when applying the final BulkAddRecord. // So '01/02/03' is parsed by parseDate according to the existing column's date format which gives 2001-02-03. '2020-03-04', '2020-03-05', '2020-03-06', '2020-03-04', '2020-03-05', '2020-03-06', '2020-03-04', '2020-03-05', '2020-03-06', '2001-02-03', ], ); await gu.undo(2); }); it("should set widget options for formatted numbers", async function() { // Import formatted_numbers.csv into a new table await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/formatted_numbers.csv'); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); // Numbers appear formatted as in the CSV file assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], rowNums: [1]}), ["$1.00", "1.20E3", "2,000,000", "43%", "(56)"], ); const records = await api.getRecords('Formatted_numbers'); const cols = await api.getRecords('_grist_Tables_column'); // Actual data has correct values, e.g. 43% -> 0.43 assert.deepEqual(records, [{ id: 1, fields: { fn_currency: 1, fn_scientific: 1200, fn_decimal: 2000000, fn_percent: 0.43, fn_parens: -56, }, }]); // Get the fields we care about describing the columns to allow comparison. // All column names in the CSV file start with "fn_" const colFields = cols.map( ({fields: {colId, type, widgetOptions}}) => ({colId, type, widgetOptions: JSON.parse(widgetOptions as string || "{}")}) ).filter(f => (f.colId as string).startsWith("fn_")); // All the columns are numeric and have some kind of formatting assert.deepEqual(colFields, [ { colId: 'fn_currency', type: 'Numeric', widgetOptions: {decimals: 2, numMode: 'currency'} }, { colId: 'fn_scientific', type: 'Numeric', widgetOptions: {decimals: 2, numMode: 'scientific'} }, { colId: 'fn_decimal', type: 'Numeric', widgetOptions: {numMode: 'decimal'} }, { colId: 'fn_percent', type: 'Numeric', widgetOptions: {numMode: 'percent'} }, { colId: 'fn_parens', type: 'Numeric', widgetOptions: {numSign: 'parens'} }, ]); // Remove the imported table await gu.undo(); }); it("should not show skip option for single table", async function() { async function noSkip() { await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-importer-target-skip').isPresent()); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); await driver.find('.test-modal-cancel').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); } await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/UploadedData1.csv'); await noSkip(); await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/BooleanData.xlsx'); await noSkip(); }); it("should show skip option for multiple tables", async function() { async function hasSkip() { await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-importer-target-skip').isDisplayed()); await driver.find('.test-importer-source-not-selected').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-importer-target-skip').isDisplayed()); await driver.find('.test-modal-cancel').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); } await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/UploadedData1.csv,./uploads/UploadedData2.csv'); await hasSkip(); await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/homicide_rates.xlsx'); await hasSkip(); }); it("should skip importing", async function() { await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/UploadedData1.csv,./uploads/UploadedData2.csv'); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); // Skip the first table. await driver.find('.test-importer-target-skip').click(); // Make sure preview is grayed out. assert.isTrue(await driver.find(".test-importer-preview-overlay").isPresent()); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); // Make sure only second table is visible. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Table1', 'UploadedData2']); // And data is valid. await gu.getPageItem('UploadedData2').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}), [ 'BUS100', 'Intro to Business', '', '01/13/2021', '', 'BUS102', 'Business Law', 'Nathalie Patricia', '01/13/2021', '', 'BUS300', 'Business Operations', 'Michael Rian', '01/14/2021', '', 'BUS301', 'History of Business', 'Mariyam Melania', '01/14/2021', '', 'BUS500', 'Ethics and Law', 'Filip Andries', '01/13/2021', '', 'BUS540', 'Capstone', '', '01/13/2021', '' ]); await gu.undo(); }); it("should clean mapping when skipped", async function() { // Import UploadedData2 to have a destination table. await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/UploadedData2.csv'); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); // Reimport await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/UploadedData1.csv,./uploads/UploadedData2.csv'); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); // Skip first table await driver.find('.test-importer-target-skip').click(); // Select second table and add mapping to update existing records. await driver.find('.test-importer-source-not-selected').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /UploadedData2/).click(); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); await waitForColumnMapping(); await driver.find('.test-importer-update-existing-records').click(); await driver.find('.test-importer-merge-fields-select').click(); await driver.findContent( '.test-multi-select-menu .test-multi-select-menu-option', /CourseId/ ).click(); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); await gu.waitForServer(); // Now skip and make sure options are hidden await openTableMapping(); await driver.find('.test-importer-target-skip').click(); // And unskip, and make sure options are back, but not filled await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /UploadedData2/).click(); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); await waitForColumnMapping(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-importer-update-existing-records').isPresent()); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-importer-merge-fields-select').isPresent()); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-importer-merge-fields-message').isPresent()); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-importer-merge-fields-select').getText(), 'Select fields to match on'); await driver.find('.test-modal-cancel').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); await gu.undo(2); // Press two times, as we cancelled and import hasn't cleaned temps. }); it("should disable import button when all tables are skipped", async function() { await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/UploadedData1.csv,./uploads/UploadedData2.csv'); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); // Make sure both previews are available for(const source of await driver.findAll(".test-importer-source")) { await source.click(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find(".test-importer-preview-overlay").isPresent()); } const sources = await driver.findAll(".test-importer-source"); // Skip both tables. for(const source of sources) { await source.click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.find('.test-importer-target-skip').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); } assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').getAttribute('disabled'), 'true'); // Make sure both previews are grayed out for(const source of sources) { await source.click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find(".test-importer-preview-overlay").isPresent()); } // Enable first, and test if one is grayed out and the second is not. await sources[0].click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.find(".test-importer-target-new-table").click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find(".test-importer-preview-overlay").isPresent()); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').getAttribute('disabled'), null); // Second should be still grayed out await sources[1].click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find(".test-importer-preview-overlay").isPresent()); await driver.find('.test-modal-cancel').click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(); }); describe('when importing JSON', async function() { // A previous bug caused an error to be thrown when finishing importing a nested JSON file. it('should import successfully to new tables', async function() { // Import a nested JSON file. await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/names.json'); assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview', 2000).isPresent(), true); // Check that two preview tables were created. assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-importer-source'), 2); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-source[class*=-selected] .test-importer-from').getText(), 'names - names.json' ); assert.deepEqual( await driver.findAll('.test-importer-source .test-importer-from', (e) => e.getText()), ['names - names.json', 'names_name - names.json'] ); // Check that the first table looks ok. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPreviewContents([0], [1, 2, 3]), [ '[1]', '[2]', '']); // Check that the second table looks ok. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-source', /names_name/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPreviewContents([0], [1, 2, 3]), [ 'Bob', 'Alice', '']); // Finish import, and verify the import succeeded. await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), [ 'Table1', 'names', 'names_name', ]); // Verify data was imported to Names correctly. assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({ rowNums: [1, 2, 3], cols: [0] }), ['Names_name[1]', 'Names_name[2]', ''] ); // Open the side panel and check that the column type for 'name' is Reference (pointing to 'first'). await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-right-tab-field').click(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-fbuilder-type-select').getText(), 'Reference'); assert.equal(await gu.getRefTable(), 'names_name'); assert.equal(await gu.getRefShowColumn(), 'Row ID'); // Verify data was imported to Names_name correctly. await gu.getPageItem('names_name').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({ rowNums: [1, 2, 3], cols: [0] }), ['Bob', 'Alice', '']); }); it('should import successfully to existing tables with references', async function() { // Import the same nested JSON file again. await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/names.json'); assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview', 2000).isPresent(), true); // Change the destination of both source tables to the existing destination ones. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /Names/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Now on the second tab. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-source', /names_name/).click(); await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /Names_name/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Finish import, and verify the import succeeded. await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), [ 'Table1', 'names', 'names_name', ]); // Verify data was imported to Names correctly. assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({ rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], cols: [0] }), ['Names_name[1]', 'Names_name[2]', 'Names_name[1]', 'Names_name[2]', ''] ); // Open the side panel and check that the column type for 'name' is Reference (pointing to 'first'). await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); await driver.find('.test-right-tab-field').click(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-fbuilder-type-select').getText(), 'Reference'); assert.equal(await gu.getRefTable(), 'names_name'); assert.equal(await gu.getRefShowColumn(), 'Row ID'); // Verify data was imported to Names_name correctly. await gu.getPageItem('names_name').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells( { rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], cols: [0] }), ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Alice', ''] ); // Undo the last 2 imports. await gu.undo(2); }); }); describe('when matching columns', async function() { it('should not display column matching section for new destinations', async function() { // Import an Excel file with multiple sheets. await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/World-v0.xlsx'); assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview', 2000).isPresent(), true); // Check that the column matching section is not shown. assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-importer-column-match-options').isPresent()); }); it('should display column matching section for existing destinations', async function() { // From the previous test: finish importing World-v1.xlsx so we have tables to import to. await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(10_000); // Import the same file again. await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/World-v0.xlsx'); assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview', 2000).isPresent(), true); // Change the destination of the selected sheet to the table created earlier. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /Table1_2/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await waitForColumnMapping(); // Check that source and destination are populated for each column from the first sheet. assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { destination: 'a', source: 'a' }, { destination: 'b', source: 'b' }, { destination: 'c', source: 'c' }, { destination: 'd', source: 'd' }, { destination: 'E', source: 'E' }, ]); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').isPresent()); // Switch to the City sheet, and check that the column matching section is no longer shown. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-source', /City/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-importer-column-match-options').isPresent()); // Change the destination to 'City', and now check that the section is shown. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /City/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await waitForColumnMapping(); assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { destination: 'Name', source: 'Name' }, { destination: 'District', source: 'District' }, { destination: 'Population', source: 'Population' }, { destination: 'Country', source: 'Country' }, { destination: 'Pop. \'000', source: 'Pop. \'000' }, ]); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').isPresent()); }); it('should allow skipping importing columns', async function() { // Starting from the City sheet, open the menu for "Pop. '000". await driver.findContent('.test-importer-column-match-source', /Pop\. '000/).click(); // Check that the menu contains only the selected source column, plus a 'Skip' option. const menu = driver.find('.test-select-menu'); assert.deepEqual( await menu.findAll('.test-importer-column-match-menu-item', el => el.getText()), ['Skip', 'Pop. \'000'] ); // Click 'Skip', and check that the column mapping section and preview both updated. await menu.findContent('.test-importer-column-match-menu-item', /Skip/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { destination: 'Name', source: 'Name' }, { destination: 'District', source: 'District' }, { destination: 'Population', source: 'Population' }, { destination: 'Country', source: 'Country' }, { destination: 'Pop. \'000', source: 'Skip' }, ]); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPreviewContents([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), [ 'Kabul', 'Kabol', '1780000', '2', '0', 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', '237500', '2', '0', 'Herat', 'Herat', '186800', '2', '0', 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', '127800', '2', '0', 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', '731200', '159', '0', 'Rotterdam', 'Zuid-Holland', '593321', '159', '0', ]); // Check that a message is now shown about there being 1 unmapped field. assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').getText(), '1 unmatched field in import:\nPop. \'000' ); // Click Country in the column mapping section, and clear the formula. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-column-match-source', /Country/).click(); await driver.find('.test-importer-apply-formula').click(); await gu.sendKeys(await gu.selectAllKey(), Key.DELETE, Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check that the column mapping section and preview now show that it will be skipped. assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { destination: 'Name', source: 'Name' }, { destination: 'District', source: 'District' }, { destination: 'Population', source: 'Population' }, { destination: 'Country', source: 'Skip' }, { destination: 'Pop. \'000', source: 'Skip' }, ]); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPreviewContents([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), [ 'Kabul', 'Kabol', '1780000', '0', '0', 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', '237500', '0', '0', 'Herat', 'Herat', '186800', '0', '0', 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', '127800', '0', '0', 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', '731200', '0', '0', 'Rotterdam', 'Zuid-Holland', '593321', '0', '0', ]); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').getText(), '2 unmatched fields in import:\nCountry, Pop. \'000' ); }); it('should autocomplete formula in source', async function() { // Starting from the City sheet, open the menu for "Pop. '000". await openSourceFor(/Pop\. '000/); // We want to map the same column twice, which is not possible through the menu, so we will // use the formula. await driver.find('.test-importer-apply-formula').click(); await gu.sendKeys(await gu.selectAllKey(), Key.DELETE, '$Population', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { source: 'Name', destination: 'Name' }, { source: 'District', destination: 'District' }, { source: 'Population', destination: 'Population' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Country' }, { source: '$Population\n', destination: 'Pop. \'000' }, ]); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPreviewContents([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), [ 'Kabul', 'Kabol', '1780000', '0', '1780000', 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', '237500', '0', '237500', 'Herat', 'Herat', '186800', '0', '186800', 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', '127800', '0', '127800', 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', '731200', '0', '731200', 'Rotterdam', 'Zuid-Holland', '593321', '0', '593321', ]); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').getText(), '1 unmatched field in import:\nCountry' ); // Click Country (with formula 'Skip') in the column mapping section, and start typing a formula. await openSourceFor(/Country/); await driver.find('.test-importer-apply-formula').click(); await gu.sendKeys('$'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Wait until the Ace autocomplete menu is shown. await driver.wait(() => driver.find('div.ace_autocomplete').isDisplayed(), 2000); // Check that the autocomplete is suggesting column ids from the imported table. const completions = await driver.findAll( 'div.ace_autocomplete div.ace_line', async el => (await el.getText()).split(' ')[0] ); assert.deepEqual( completions.slice(0, 6), [ "$\nCountry", "$\nDistrict", "$\nid", "$\nName", "$\nPop_000", "$\nPopulation", ] ); // Set a constant value for the formula. await gu.sendKeys(Key.BACK_SPACE, '123', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check that the formula code is shown, as well as the evaluation result in the preview. assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { source: 'Name', destination: 'Name' }, { source: 'District', destination: 'District' }, { source: 'Population', destination: 'Population' }, { source: '123\n', destination: 'Country' }, { source: '$Population\n', destination: 'Pop. \'000' }, ]); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPreviewContents([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), [ 'Kabul', 'Kabol', '1780000', '123', '1780000', 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', '237500', '123', '237500', 'Herat', 'Herat', '186800', '123', '186800', 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', '127800', '123', '127800', 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', '731200', '123', '731200', 'Rotterdam', 'Zuid-Holland', '593321', '123', '593321', ]); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').isPresent()); }); it('should reflect mappings when import to new table is finished', async function() { // Skip 'Population', so that we can test imports with skipped columns. await openSourceFor(/Population/); await driver.findContent('.test-importer-column-match-menu-item', 'Skip').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Finish importing, and check that the destination tables have the correct data. await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), [ 'Table1', 'Table1', 'City', 'Country', 'CountryLanguage', 'Country', 'CountryLanguage' ]); // Check the contents of Table1; it should have duplicates of the original 2 rows. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({ rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], cols: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }), [ 'hello', '', '', '', 'HELLO', '', 'world', '', '', '', 'hello', '', '', '', 'HELLO', '', 'world', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] ); await gu.getPageItem('City').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // The first half should be the original imported rows. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells( {cols: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}), [ 'Kabul', 'Kabol', '1780000', '2', '1780', 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', '237500', '2', '237.5', 'Herat', 'Herat', '186800', '2', '186.8', 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', '127800', '2', '127.8', 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', '731200', '159', '731.2', 'Rotterdam', 'Zuid-Holland', '593321', '159', '593.321', ] ); // The second half should be the newly imported rows with custom mappings. assert.equal(await gu.getGridRowCount(), 8159); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells( {cols: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], rowNums: [8152, 8153, 8154, 8155, 8156, 8157]}), [ 'Gweru', 'Midlands', '0', '123', '128037', 'Gaza', 'Gaza', '0', '123', '353632', 'Khan Yunis', 'Khan Yunis', '0', '123', '123175', 'Hebron', 'Hebron', '0', '123', '119401', 'Jabaliya', 'North Gaza', '0', '123', '113901', 'Nablus', 'Nablus', '0', '123', '100231', ] ); }); it('should reflect mappings in previews of incremental imports', async function() { // Delete the first row of the Country column. (Needed for a later assertion.) await gu.sendKeys(Key.chord(await gu.modKey(), Key.UP)); await gu.getCell(3, 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys(Key.DELETE); await gu.waitForServer(); // Import a CSV file containing city data, with column names that differ from the City table. await gu.importFileDialog('./uploads/Cities.csv'); assert.equal(await driver.findWait('.test-importer-preview', 2000).isPresent(), true); // Change the destination to City, and check that column mapping defaults to skipping all columns. await driver.findContent('.test-importer-target-existing-table', /City/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await waitForColumnMapping(); assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Name' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'District' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Population' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Country' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Pop. \'000' }, ]); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').getText(), '5 unmatched fields in import:\nName, District, Population, Country, Pop. \'000' ); // Set formula for 'Name' to 'city_name' by typing in the formula. await openSourceFor(/Name/); await driver.find('.test-importer-apply-formula').click(); await gu.sendKeys('$city_name', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); // Map 'District' to 'city_district' via the column mapping menu. await openSourceFor('District'); const menu = driver.find('.test-select-menu'); await menu.findContent('.test-importer-column-match-menu-item', /city_district/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check the column mapping section and preview both updated correctly. assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { source: '$city_name\n', destination: 'Name' }, { source: 'city_district', destination: 'District' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Population' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Country' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Pop. \'000' }, ]); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPreviewContents([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), [ 'Kabul', 'Kabol', '0', '0', '0', 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', '0', '0', '0', 'Herat', 'Herat', '0', '0', '0', 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', '0', '0', '0', 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', '0', '0', '0', 'Rotterdam', 'Zuid-Holland', '0', '0', '0', ]); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').getText(), '3 unmatched fields in import:\nPopulation, Country, Pop. \'000' ); // Now toggle 'Update existing records', and merge on 'Name' and 'District'. await driver.find('.test-importer-update-existing-records').click(); await driver.find('.test-importer-merge-fields-select').click(); await driver.findContent( '.test-multi-select-menu .test-multi-select-menu-option', /Name/ ).click(); await driver.findContent( '.test-multi-select-menu .test-multi-select-menu-option', /District/ ).click(); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check that the column mapping section and preview updated correctly. assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { source: '$city_name\n', destination: 'Name' }, { source: 'city_district', destination: 'District' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Population' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Country' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Pop. \'000' }, ]); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); assert.deepEqual(await getPreviewDiffCellValues([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [ 'Kabul', 'Kabol', [undefined, undefined, '1780000'], '', [undefined, undefined, '1780'], 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', [undefined, undefined, '237500'], [undefined, undefined, '2'], [undefined, undefined, '237.5'], 'Herat', 'Herat', [undefined, undefined, '186800'], [undefined, undefined, '2'], [undefined, undefined, '186.8'], 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', [undefined, undefined, '127800'], [undefined, undefined, '2'], [undefined, undefined, '127.8'], 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', [undefined, undefined, '731200'], [undefined, undefined, '159'], [undefined, undefined, '731.2'], ]); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').getText(), '3 unmatched fields in import:\nPopulation, Country, Pop. \'000' ); // Map the remaining columns, except "Country"; we'll leave it skipped to check that // we don't overwrite any values in the destination table. (A previous bug caused non-text // skipped columns to overwrite data with default values, like 0.) await openSourceFor(/Population/); await driver.find('.test-importer-apply-formula').click(); await gu.sendKeys('$city_pop', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); // For "Pop. '000", deliberately map a duplicate column (so we can later check if import succeeded). await openSourceFor(/Pop\. '000/); await driver.find('.test-importer-apply-formula').click(); await gu.sendKeys('$city_pop', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await getColumnMatchingRows(), [ { source: '$city_name\n', destination: 'Name' }, { source: 'city_district', destination: 'District' }, { source: '$city_pop\n', destination: 'Population' }, { source: 'Skip', destination: 'Country' }, { source: '$city_pop\n', destination: 'Pop. \'000' }, ]); await waitForDiffPreviewToLoad(); assert.deepEqual(await getPreviewDiffCellValues([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [ // Kabul's Country column should appear blank, since we deleted it earlier. 'Kabul', 'Kabol', ['1780000', '3560000', undefined], '', ['1780', '3560000', undefined], 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', ['237500', '475000', undefined], [undefined, undefined, '2'], ['237.5', '475000', undefined], 'Herat', 'Herat', ['186800', '373600', undefined], [undefined, undefined, '2'], ['186.8', '373600', undefined], 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', ['127800', '255600', undefined], [undefined, undefined, '2'], ['127.8', '255600', undefined], 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', ['731200', '1462400', undefined], [undefined, undefined, '159'], ['731.2', '1462400', undefined], ]); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-importer-unmatched-fields').getText(), '1 unmatched field in import:\nCountry' ); }); it('should reflect mappings when incremental import is finished', async function() { // Finish importing, and check that the destination table has the correct data. await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), [ 'Table1', 'Table1', 'City', 'Country', 'CountryLanguage', 'Country', 'CountryLanguage', ]); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}), [ // Kabul's Country column should still be blank, since we skipped it earlier. 'Kabul', 'Kabol', '3560000', '', '3560000', 'Qandahar', 'Qandahar', '475000', '2', '475000', 'Herat', 'Herat', '373600', '2', '373600', 'Mazar-e-Sharif', 'Balkh', '255600', '2', '255600', 'Amsterdam', 'Noord-Holland', '1462400', '159', '1462400', ] ); }); }); });