import {allCommands} from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import * as kf from 'app/client/lib/koForm'; import {ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {cssLabel, cssRow, cssTextInput} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanel'; import {basicButton, primaryButton, textButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {colors} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {cssLink} from 'app/client/ui2018/links'; import {IOptionFull, select} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {AccessLevel, ICustomWidget, isSatisfied} from 'app/common/CustomWidget'; import {GristLoadConfig} from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import {nativeCompare} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, dom, fromKo, makeTestId, MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; // Custom URL widget id - used as mock id for selectbox. const CUSTOM_ID = 'custom'; const testId = makeTestId('test-config-widget-'); /** * Custom Widget section. * Allows to select custom widget from the list of available widgets * (taken from /widgets endpoint), or enter a Custom URL. * When Custom Widget has a desired access level (in accessLevel field), * will prompt user to approve it. "None" access level is auto approved, * so prompt won't be shown. * * When gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository is set to false, it will only * allow to specify Custom URL. */ export class CustomSectionConfig extends Disposable { // Holds all available widget definitions. private _widgets: Observable; // Holds selected option (either custom string or a widgetId). private _selectedId: Computed; // Holds custom widget URL. private _url: Computed; // Enable or disable widget repository. private _canSelect = true; // When widget is changed, it sets its desired access level. We will prompt // user to approve or reject it. private _desiredAccess: Observable; // Current access level (stored inside a section). private _currentAccess: Computed; // Does widget has custom configuration. private _hasConfiguration: Computed; constructor(_section: ViewSectionRec, _gristDoc: GristDoc) { super(); const api =; // Test if we can offer widget list. const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig || {}; this._canSelect = gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository ?? true; // Array of available widgets - will be updated asynchronously. this._widgets = Observable.create(this, []); if (this._canSelect) { // From the start we will provide single widget definition // that was chosen previously. if (_section.customDef.widgetDef.peek()) { this._widgets.set([_section.customDef.widgetDef.peek()!]); } // Request for rest of the widgets. api .getWidgets() .then(widgets => { if (this.isDisposed()) { return; } const existing = _section.customDef.widgetDef.peek(); // Make sure we have current widget in place. if (existing && !widgets.some(w => w.widgetId === existing.widgetId)) { widgets.push(existing); } this._widgets.set(widgets.sort((a, b) => nativeCompare(,; }) .catch(reportError); } // Create temporary variable that will hold blank Custom Url state. When url is blank and widgetDef is not stored // we can either show "Select Custom Widget" or a Custom Url with a blank url. // To distinguish those states, we will mark Custom Url state at start (by checking that url is not blank and // widgetDef is not set). And then switch it during selectbox manipulation. const wantsToBeCustom = Observable.create( this, Boolean(_section.customDef.url.peek() && !_section.customDef.widgetDef.peek()) ); // Selected value from the dropdown (contains widgetId or "custom" string for Custom URL) this._selectedId = Computed.create(this, use => { if (use(_section.customDef.widgetDef)) { return _section.customDef.widgetDef.peek()!.widgetId; } if (use(_section.customDef.url) || use(wantsToBeCustom)) { return CUSTOM_ID; } return null; }); this._selectedId.onWrite(async value => { if (value === CUSTOM_ID) { // Select Custom URL bundleChanges(() => { // Clear url. _section.customDef.url(null); // Clear widget definition. _section.customDef.widgetDef(null); // Set intermediate state wantsToBeCustom.set(true); // Reset access level to none. _section.customDef.access(AccessLevel.none); // Clear all saved options. _section.customDef.widgetOptions(null); // Reset custom configuration flag. _section.hasCustomOptions(false); this._desiredAccess.set(AccessLevel.none); }); await _section.saveCustomDef(); } else { // Select Widget const selectedWidget = this._widgets.get().find(w => w.widgetId === value); if (!selectedWidget) { // should not happen throw new Error('Error accessing widget from the list'); } // If user selected the same one, do nothing. if (_section.customDef.widgetDef.peek()?.widgetId === value) { return; } bundleChanges(() => { // Clear access level _section.customDef.access(AccessLevel.none); // When widget wants some access, set desired access level. this._desiredAccess.set(selectedWidget.accessLevel || AccessLevel.none); // Update widget definition. _section.customDef.widgetDef(selectedWidget); // Update widget URL. _section.customDef.url(selectedWidget.url); // Clear options. _section.customDef.widgetOptions(null); // Clear has custom configuration. _section.hasCustomOptions(false); // Clear intermediate state. wantsToBeCustom.set(false); }); await _section.saveCustomDef(); } }); // Url for the widget, taken either from widget definition, or provided by hand for Custom URL. // For custom widget, we will store url also in section definition. this._url = Computed.create(this, use => use(_section.customDef.url) || ''); this._url.onWrite(newUrl => _section.customDef.url.setAndSave(newUrl)); // Compute current access level. this._currentAccess = Computed.create( this, use => (use(_section.customDef.access) as AccessLevel) || AccessLevel.none ); this._currentAccess.onWrite(async newAccess => { await _section.customDef.access.setAndSave(newAccess); }); // From the start desired access level is the same as current one. this._desiredAccess = fromKo(_section.desiredAccessLevel); // Clear intermediate state when section changes. this.autoDispose( => wantsToBeCustom.set(false))); this.autoDispose( => this._reject())); this._hasConfiguration = Computed.create(this, use => use(_section.hasCustomOptions)); } public buildDom() { // UI observables holder. const holder = new MultiHolder(); // Show prompt, when desired access level is different from actual one. const prompt = Computed.create(holder, use => use(this._desiredAccess) && !isSatisfied(use(this._currentAccess), use(this._desiredAccess)!)); // If this is empty section or not. const isSelected = Computed.create(holder, use => Boolean(use(this._selectedId))); // If user is using custom url. const isCustom = Computed.create(holder, use => use(this._selectedId) === CUSTOM_ID || !this._canSelect); // Options for the select-box (all widgets definitions and Custom URL) const options = Computed.create(holder, use => [ {label: 'Custom URL', value: 'custom'}, ...use(this._widgets).map(w => ({label:, value: w.widgetId})), ]); function buildPrompt(level: AccessLevel|null) { if (!level) { return null; } switch(level) { case AccessLevel.none: return cssConfirmLine("Widget does not require any permissions."); case AccessLevel.read_table: return cssConfirmLine("Widget needs to ", dom("b", "read"), " the current table."); case AccessLevel.full: return cssConfirmLine("Widget needs a ", dom("b", "full access"), " to this document."); default: throw new Error(`Unsupported ${level} access level`); } } // Options for access level. const levels: IOptionFull[] = [ {label: 'No document access', value: AccessLevel.none}, {label: 'Read selected table', value: AccessLevel.read_table}, {label: 'Full document access', value: AccessLevel.full}, ]; return dom( 'div', dom.autoDispose(holder), this._canSelect ? cssRow( select(this._selectedId, options, { defaultLabel: 'Select Custom Widget', menuCssClass: cssMenu.className, }), testId('select') ) : null, dom.maybe(isCustom, () => [ cssRow( cssTextInput( this._url, async value => this._url.set(value), dom.attr('placeholder', 'Enter Custom URL'), testId('url') ) ), ]), dom.maybe(prompt, () => kf.prompt( {tabindex: '-1'}, cssColumns( cssWarningWrapper(icon('Lock')), dom( 'div', cssConfirmRow( dom.domComputed(this._desiredAccess, (level) => buildPrompt(level)) ), cssConfirmRow( primaryButton( 'Accept', testId('access-accept'), dom.on('click', () => this._accept()) ), basicButton( 'Reject', testId('access-reject'), dom.on('click', () => this._reject()) ) ) ) ) ) ), dom.maybe( use => use(isSelected) || !this._canSelect, () => [ cssLabel('ACCESS LEVEL'), cssRow(select(this._currentAccess, levels), testId('access')), ] ), dom.maybe(this._hasConfiguration, () => cssSection( textButton( 'Open configuration', dom.on('click', () => this._openConfiguration()), testId('open-configuration') ) ) ), cssSection( cssLink( dom.attr('href', ''), dom.attr('target', '_blank'), 'Learn more about custom widgets' ) ), ); } private _openConfiguration(): void {; } private _accept() { if (this._desiredAccess.get()) { this._currentAccess.set(this._desiredAccess.get()!); } this._reject(); } private _reject() { this._desiredAccess.set(null); } } const cssWarningWrapper = styled('div', ` padding-left: 8px; padding-top: 6px; --icon-color: ${colors.error} `); const cssColumns = styled('div', ` display: flex; `); const cssConfirmRow = styled('div', ` display: flex; padding: 8px; gap: 8px; `); const cssConfirmLine = styled('span', ` white-space: pre-wrap; `); const cssSection = styled('div', ` margin: 16px 16px 12px 16px; `); const cssMenu = styled('div', ` & > li:first-child { border-bottom: 1px solid ${colors.mediumGrey}; } `);