# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # pylint: disable=unused-argument from __future__ import absolute_import import datetime import math import numbers import re from functions import date # pylint: disable=import-error from usertypes import AltText # pylint: disable=import-error from records import Record # pylint: disable=import-error def ISBLANK(value): """ Returns whether a value refers to an empty cell. It isn't implemented in Grist. To check for an empty string, use `value == ""`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def ISERR(value): """ Checks whether a value is an error. In other words, it returns true if using `value` directly would raise an exception. NOTE: Grist implements this by automatically wrapping the argument to use lazy evaluation. A more Pythonic approach to checking for errors is: ``` try: ... value ... except Exception, err: ... do something about the error ... ``` For example: >>> ISERR("Hello") False More tests: >>> ISERR(lambda: (1/0.1)) False >>> ISERR(lambda: (1/0.0)) True >>> ISERR(lambda: "test".bar()) True >>> ISERR(lambda: "test".upper()) False >>> ISERR(lambda: AltText("A")) False >>> ISERR(lambda: float('nan')) False >>> ISERR(lambda: None) False """ return lazy_value_or_error(value) is _error_sentinel def ISERROR(value): """ Checks whether a value is an error or an invalid value. It is similar to `ISERR`, but also returns true for an invalid value such as NaN or a text value in a Numeric column. NOTE: Grist implements this by automatically wrapping the argument to use lazy evaluation. >>> ISERROR("Hello") False >>> ISERROR(AltText("fail")) True >>> ISERROR(float('nan')) True More tests: >>> ISERROR(AltText("")) True >>> [ISERROR(v) for v in [0, None, "", "Test", 17.0]] [False, False, False, False, False] >>> ISERROR(lambda: (1/0.1)) False >>> ISERROR(lambda: (1/0.0)) True >>> ISERROR(lambda: "test".bar()) True >>> ISERROR(lambda: "test".upper()) False >>> ISERROR(lambda: AltText("A")) True >>> ISERROR(lambda: float('nan')) True >>> ISERROR(lambda: None) False """ return is_error(lazy_value_or_error(value)) def ISLOGICAL(value): """ Checks whether a value is `True` or `False`. >>> ISLOGICAL(True) True >>> ISLOGICAL(False) True >>> ISLOGICAL(0) False >>> ISLOGICAL(None) False >>> ISLOGICAL("Test") False """ return isinstance(value, bool) def ISNA(value): """ Checks whether a value is the error `#N/A`. >>> ISNA(float('nan')) True >>> ISNA(0.0) False >>> ISNA('text') False >>> ISNA(float('-inf')) False """ return isinstance(value, float) and math.isnan(value) def ISNONTEXT(value): """ Checks whether a value is non-textual. >>> ISNONTEXT("asdf") False >>> ISNONTEXT("") False >>> ISNONTEXT(AltText("text")) False >>> ISNONTEXT(17.0) True >>> ISNONTEXT(None) True >>> ISNONTEXT(datetime.date(2011, 1, 1)) True """ return not ISTEXT(value) def ISNUMBER(value): """ Checks whether a value is a number. >>> ISNUMBER(17) True >>> ISNUMBER(-123.123423) True >>> ISNUMBER(False) True >>> ISNUMBER(float('nan')) True >>> ISNUMBER(float('inf')) True >>> ISNUMBER('17') False >>> ISNUMBER(None) False >>> ISNUMBER(datetime.date(2011, 1, 1)) False More tests: >>> ISNUMBER(AltText("text")) False >>> ISNUMBER('') False """ return isinstance(value, numbers.Number) def ISREF(value): """ Checks whether a value is a table record. For example, if a column person is of type Reference to the People table, then ISREF($person) is True. Similarly, ISREF(People.lookupOne(name=$name)) is True. For any other type of value, ISREF() would evaluate to False. >>> ISREF(17) False >>> ISREF("Roger") False """ return isinstance(value, Record) def ISTEXT(value): """ Checks whether a value is text. >>> ISTEXT("asdf") True >>> ISTEXT("") True >>> ISTEXT(AltText("text")) True >>> ISTEXT(17.0) False >>> ISTEXT(None) False >>> ISTEXT(datetime.date(2011, 1, 1)) False """ return isinstance(value, (basestring, AltText)) # Regexp for matching email. See ISEMAIL for justification. _email_regexp = re.compile( r""" ^\w # Start with an alphanumeric character [\w%+/='-]* (\.[\w%+/='-]+)* # Elsewhere allow also a few other special characters # But no two consecutive periods @ ([A-Za-z0-9] # Each part of hostname must start with alphanumeric ([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?\. # May have dashes inside, but end in alphanumeric )+ [A-Za-z]{2,6}$ # Restrict top-level domain to length {2,6}. Google seems # to use a whitelist for TLDs longer than 2 characters. """, re.UNICODE | re.VERBOSE) # Regexp for matching hostname part of URLs (see also ISURL). Duplicates part of _email_regexp. _hostname_regexp = re.compile( r"""^ ([A-Za-z0-9] # Each part of hostname must start with alphanumeric ([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?\. # May have dashes inside, but end in alphanumeric )+ [A-Za-z]{2,6}$ # Restrict top-level domain to length {2,6}. Google seems """, re.VERBOSE) def ISEMAIL(value): u""" Returns whether a value is a valid email address. Note that checking email validity is not an exact science. The technical standard considers many email addresses valid that are not used in practice, and would not be considered valid by most users. Instead, we follow Google Sheets implementation, with some differences, noted below. >>> ISEMAIL("Abc.123@example.com") True >>> ISEMAIL("Bob_O-Reilly+tag@example.com") True >>> ISEMAIL("John Doe") False >>> ISEMAIL("john@aol...com") False More tests: >>> ISEMAIL("Abc@example.com") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("Abc.123@example.com") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("foo@bar.com") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("asdf@com.zt") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("Bob_O-Reilly+tag@example.com") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("john@server.department.company.com") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("asdf@mail.ru") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("fabio@foo.qwer.COM") # True, True True >>> ISEMAIL("user+mailbox/department=shipping@example.com") # False, True True >>> ISEMAIL(u"user+mailbox/department=shipping@example.com") # False, True True >>> ISEMAIL("customer/department=shipping@example.com") # False, True True >>> ISEMAIL("Bob_O'Reilly+tag@example.com") # False, True True >>> ISEMAIL(u"фыва@mail.ru") # False, True True >>> ISEMAIL("my@baddash.-.com") # True, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my@baddash.-a.com") # True, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my@baddash.b-.com") # True, False False >>> ISEMAIL("john@-.com") # True, False False >>> ISEMAIL("fabio@disapproved.solutions") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("!def!xyz%abc@example.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`.{|}~@example.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(u"伊昭傑@郵件.商務") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(u"राम@मोहन.ईन्फो") # False, Fale False >>> ISEMAIL(u"юзер@екзампл.ком") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(u"θσερ@εχαμπλε.ψομ") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(u"葉士豪@臺網中心.tw") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(u"jeff@臺網中心.tw") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(u"葉士豪@臺網中心.台灣") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(u"jeff葉@臺網中心.tw") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my.name@domain.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my.name@domain.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my@.leadingdot.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my@..leadingfwdot.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my@..twodots.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("my@twodots..com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL(".leadingdot@domain.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("..twodots@domain.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("twodots..here@domain.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("me@⒈wouldbeinvalid.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("Foo Bar ") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("Abc\\@def@example.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("foo@bar@google.com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("john@aol...com") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("x@ทีเอชนิค.ไทย") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("asdf@mail") # False, False False >>> ISEMAIL("example@良好Mail.中国") # False, False False """ return bool(_email_regexp.match(value)) _url_regexp = re.compile( r"""^ ((ftp|http|https|gopher|mailto|news|telnet|aim)://)? (\w+@)? # Allow 'user@' part, esp. useful for mailto: URLs. ([A-Za-z0-9] # Each part of hostname must start with alphanumeric ([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?\. # May have dashes inside, but end in alphanumeric )+ [A-Za-z]{2,6} # Restrict top-level domain to length {2,6}. Google seems # to use a whitelist for TLDs longer than 2 characters. ([/?][-\w!#$%&'()*+,./:;=?@~]*)?$ # Notably, this excludes <, >, and ". """, re.VERBOSE) def ISURL(value): """ Checks whether a value is a valid URL. It does not need to be fully qualified, or to include "http://" and "www". It does not follow a standard, but attempts to work similarly to ISURL in Google Sheets, and to return True for text that is likely a URL. Valid protocols include ftp, http, https, gopher, mailto, news, telnet, and aim. >>> ISURL("http://www.getgrist.com") True >>> ISURL("https://foo.com/test_(wikipedia)#cite-1") True >>> ISURL("mailto://user@example.com") True >>> ISURL("http:///a") False More tests: >>> ISURL("http://www.google.com") True >>> ISURL("www.google.com/") True >>> ISURL("google.com") True >>> ISURL("http://a.b-c.de") True >>> ISURL("a.b-c.de") True >>> ISURL("http://j.mp/---") True >>> ISURL("ftp://foo.bar/baz") True >>> ISURL("https://foo.com/blah_(wikipedia)#cite-1") True >>> ISURL("mailto://user@google.com") True >>> ISURL("http://user@www.google.com") True >>> ISURL("http://foo.com/!#$%25&'()*+,-./=?@_~") True >>> ISURL("http://../") False >>> ISURL("http://??/") False >>> ISURL("a.-b.cd") False >>> ISURL("http://foo.bar?q=Spaces should be encoded ") False >>> ISURL("//") False >>> ISURL("///a") False >>> ISURL("http:///a") False >>> ISURL("bar://www.google.com") False >>> ISURL("http:// shouldfail.com") False >>> ISURL("ftps://foo.bar/") False >>> ISURL("http://-error-.invalid/") False >>> ISURL("") False >>> ISURL("http://.www.foo.bar/") False >>> ISURL("http://.www.foo.bar./") False >>> ISURL("example.com/file[/].html") False >>> ISURL("http://example.com/file[/].html") False >>> ISURL("http://mw1.google.com/kml-samples/gp/seattle/gigapxl/$[level]/r$[y]_c$[x].jpg") False >>> ISURL("http://foo.com/>") False """ value = value.strip() if ' ' in value: # Disallow spaces inside value. return False return bool(_url_regexp.match(value)) def N(value): """ Returns the value converted to a number. True/False are converted to 1/0. A date is converted to Excel-style serial number of the date. Anything else is converted to 0. >>> N(7) 7 >>> N(7.1) 7.1 >>> N("Even") 0 >>> N("7") 0 >>> N(True) 1 >>> N(datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 17)) 40650.0 """ if ISNUMBER(value): return value if isinstance(value, datetime.date): return date.DATE_TO_XL(value) return 0 def NA(): """ Returns the "value not available" error, `#N/A`. >>> math.isnan(NA()) True """ return float('nan') def TYPE(value): """ Returns a number associated with the type of data passed into the function. This is not implemented in Grist. Use `isinstance(value, type)` or `type(value)`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def CELL(info_type, reference): """ Returns the requested information about the specified cell. This is not implemented in Grist """ raise NotImplementedError() # Unique sentinel value to represent that a lazy value evaluates with an exception. _error_sentinel = object() def lazy_value_or_error(value): """ Evaluates a value like lazy_value(), but returns _error_sentinel on exception. """ try: return value() if callable(value) else value except Exception: return _error_sentinel def is_error(value): """ Checks whether a value is an invalid value or _error_sentinel. """ return ((value is _error_sentinel) or isinstance(value, AltText) or (isinstance(value, float) and math.isnan(value)))