import {allCommands} from 'app/client/components/commands'; import * as components from 'app/client/components/Forms/elements'; import {FormView} from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormView'; import {BoxModel, Place} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model'; import {makeTestId, stopEvent} from 'app/client/lib/domUtils'; import {FocusLayer} from 'app/client/lib/FocusLayer'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {getColumnTypes as getNewColumnTypes} from 'app/client/ui/GridViewMenus'; import * as menus from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {BoxType} from 'app/common/Forms'; import {Computed, dom, IDomArgs, MultiHolder} from 'grainjs'; const t = makeT('FormView'); const testId = makeTestId('test-forms-menu-'); // New box to add, either a new column of type, an existing column (by column id), or a structure. export type NewBox = {add: string} | {show: string} | {structure: BoxType}; interface Props { box?: BoxModel; view?: FormView; context?: boolean; customItems?: Element[], insertBox?: Place } export function buildMenu(props: Props, ...args: IDomArgs): IDomArgs { const {box, context, customItems} = props; const view = box?.view ?? props.view; if (!view) { throw new Error("No view provided"); } const gristDoc = view.gristDoc; const viewSection = view.viewSection; const owner = new MultiHolder(); const unmapped = Computed.create(owner, (use) => { const types = getNewColumnTypes(gristDoc, use(viewSection.tableId)); const normalCols = use(viewSection.hiddenColumns).filter(col => { if (use(col.isHiddenCol)) { return false; } if (use(col.isFormula) && use(col.formula)) { return false; } if (use(col.pureType) === 'Attachments') { return false; } return true; }); const list = => { return { label: use(col.label), icon: types.find(type => type.colType === use(col.pureType))?.icon ?? 'TypeCell', colId: use(col.colId), }; }); return list; }); const oneTo5 = Computed.create(owner, (use) => use(unmapped).length > 0 && use(unmapped).length <= 5); const moreThan5 = Computed.create(owner, (use) => use(unmapped).length > 5); return [ dom.autoDispose(owner), => { box?.view.selectedBox.set(box); // Same for structure. const struct = (structure: BoxType) => ({structure}); // Actions: // Insert field before and after. const above = (el: NewBox) => () => {; }; const below = (el: NewBox) => () => {; }; const atEnd = (el: NewBox) => () => {; }; const custom = props.insertBox ? (el: NewBox) => () => { if ('add' in el || 'show' in el) { return view.addNewQuestion(props.insertBox!, el); } else { props.insertBox!(components.defaultElement(el.structure)); return; } } : null; // Field menus. const quick = ['Text', 'Numeric', 'Choice', 'Date']; const disabled = ['Attachments']; const commonTypes = () => getNewColumnTypes(gristDoc, viewSection.tableId()); const isQuick = ({colType}: {colType: string}) => quick.includes(colType); const notQuick = ({colType}: {colType: string}) => !quick.includes(colType); const isEnabled = ({colType}: {colType: string}) => !disabled.includes(colType); const insertMenu = (where: typeof above) => () => { return [ menus.menuSubHeader('New question'), ...commonTypes() .filter(isQuick) .filter(isEnabled) .map(ct => menus.menuItem(where({add: ct.colType}), menus.menuIcon(ct.icon!), ct.displayName)) , menus.menuItemSubmenu( () => commonTypes() .filter(notQuick) .filter(isEnabled) .map(ct => menus.menuItem( where({add: ct.colType}), menus.menuIcon(ct.icon!), ct.displayName, )), {}, menus.menuIcon('Dots'), dom('span', "More",'margin-right', '8px')) ), dom.maybe(oneTo5, () => [ menus.menuDivider(), menus.menuSubHeader(t('Unmapped fields')), dom.domComputed(unmapped, (uf) =>{label, icon, colId}) => menus.menuItem( where({show: colId}), menus.menuIcon(icon), label, testId('unmapped'), testId('unmapped-' + colId) )), ), ]), dom.maybe(moreThan5, () => [ menus.menuDivider(), menus.menuSubHeaderMenu( () => unmapped.get().map( ({label, icon, colId}) => menus.menuItem( where({show: colId}), menus.menuIcon(icon), label, testId('unmapped'), testId('unmapped-' + colId) )), {}, dom('span', "Unmapped fields",'margin-right', '8px')) ), ]), menus.menuDivider(), menus.menuSubHeader(t('Building blocks')), menus.menuItem(where(struct('Header')), menus.menuIcon('Headband'), t("Header")), menus.menuItem(where(struct('Paragraph')), menus.menuIcon('Paragraph'), t("Paragraph")), menus.menuItem(where(struct('Columns')), menus.menuIcon('Columns'), t("Columns")), menus.menuItem(where(struct('Separator')), menus.menuIcon('Separator'), t("Separator")), ]; }; if (!props.context) { return insertMenu(custom ?? atEnd)(); } return [ menus.menuItemSubmenu(insertMenu(above), {action: above({add: 'Text'})}, t("Insert question above")), menus.menuItemSubmenu(insertMenu(below), {action: below({add: 'Text'})}, t("Insert question below")), menus.menuDivider(), menus.menuItemCmd(allCommands.contextMenuCopy, t("Copy")), menus.menuItemCmd(allCommands.contextMenuCut, t("Cut")), menus.menuItemCmd(allCommands.contextMenuPaste, t("Paste")), menus.menuDivider(), menus.menuItemCmd(allCommands.deleteFields, "Hide"), elem => void FocusLayer.create(ctl, {defaultFocusElem: elem, pauseMousetrap: true}), customItems?.length ? menus.menuDivider('min-width', '200px')) : null, ...(customItems ?? []), ...args, ]; }, {trigger: [context ? 'contextmenu' : 'click']}), context ? dom.on('contextmenu', stopEvent) : null, ]; }