import * as express from "express"; import fetch, { RequestInit } from 'node-fetch'; import {AbortController} from 'node-abort-controller'; import { ApiError } from 'app/common/ApiError'; import { removeTrailingSlash } from 'app/common/gutil'; import { HomeDBManager } from "app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager"; import { assertAccess, getOrSetDocAuth, getTransitiveHeaders, RequestWithLogin } from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer'; import { IDocWorkerMap } from "app/server/lib/DocWorkerMap"; import { expressWrap } from "app/server/lib/expressWrap"; import { GristServer } from "app/server/lib/GristServer"; import { getAssignmentId } from "app/server/lib/idUtils"; import { addAbortHandler } from "app/server/lib/requestUtils"; /** * Forwards all /api/docs/:docId/tables requests to the doc worker handling the :docId document. Makes * sure the user has at least view access to the document otherwise rejects the request. For * performance reason we stream the body directly from the request, which requires that no-one reads * the req before, in particular you should register DocApiForwarder before bodyParser. * * Use: * const home = new ApiServer(false); * const docApiForwarder = new DocApiForwarder(getDocWorkerMap(), home); * app.use(docApiForwarder.getMiddleware()); * * Note that it expects userId, and jsonErrorHandler middleware to be set up outside * to apply to these routes. */ export class DocApiForwarder { constructor(private _docWorkerMap: IDocWorkerMap, private _dbManager: HomeDBManager, private _gristServer: GristServer) { } public addEndpoints(app: express.Application) { // Middleware to forward a request about an existing document that user has access to. // We do not check whether the document has been soft-deleted; that will be checked by // the worker if needed. const withDoc = expressWrap(this._forwardToDocWorker.bind(this, true, 'viewers')); // Middleware to forward a request without a pre-existing document (for imports/uploads). const withoutDoc = expressWrap(this._forwardToDocWorker.bind(this, false, null)); const withDocWithoutAuth = expressWrap(this._forwardToDocWorker.bind(this, true, null)); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/tables', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/force-reload', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/recover', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/remove', withDoc); app.delete('/api/docs/:docId', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/download', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/send-to-drive', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/fork', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/create-fork', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/apply', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/attachments', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/snapshots', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/usersForViewAs', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/replace', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/flush', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/states', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/compare', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/assign', withDocWithoutAuth); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks/queue', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/assistant', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/sql', withDoc); app.use('/api/docs/:docId/forms/:id', withDoc); app.use('^/api/docs$', withoutDoc); } private async _forwardToDocWorker( withDocId: boolean, role: 'viewers'|null, req: express.Request, res: express.Response, ): Promise<void> { let docId: string|null = null; if (withDocId) { const docAuth = await getOrSetDocAuth(req as RequestWithLogin, this._dbManager, this._gristServer, req.params.docId); if (role) { assertAccess(role, docAuth, {allowRemoved: true}); } docId = docAuth.docId; } // Use the docId for worker assignment, rather than req.params.docId, which could be a urlId. const assignmentId = getAssignmentId(this._docWorkerMap, docId === null ? 'import' : docId); if (!this._docWorkerMap) { throw new ApiError('no worker map', 404); } const docStatus = await this._docWorkerMap.assignDocWorker(assignmentId); // Construct new url by keeping only origin and path prefixes of `docWorker.internalUrl`, // and otherwise reflecting fully the original url (remaining path, and query params). const docWorkerUrl = new URL(docStatus.docWorker.internalUrl); const url = new URL(req.originalUrl, docWorkerUrl.origin); url.pathname = removeTrailingSlash(docWorkerUrl.pathname) + url.pathname; const headers: {[key: string]: string} = { ...getTransitiveHeaders(req), 'Content-Type': req.get('Content-Type') || 'application/json', }; for (const key of ['X-Sort', 'X-Limit']) { const hdr = req.get(key); if (hdr) { headers[key] = hdr; } } const controller = new AbortController(); // If the original request is aborted, abort the forwarded request too. (Currently this only // affects some export/download requests which can abort long-running work.) addAbortHandler(req, res, () => controller.abort()); const options: RequestInit = { method: req.method, headers, signal: controller.signal, }; if (['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT'].includes(req.method)) { // uses `req` as a stream options.body = req; } const docWorkerRes = await fetch(url.href, options); res.status(docWorkerRes.status); for (const key of ['content-type', 'content-disposition', 'cache-control']) { const value = docWorkerRes.headers.get(key); if (value) { res.set(key, value); } } return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { docWorkerRes.body.on('error', reject); res.on('error', reject); res.on('finish', resolve); docWorkerRes.body.pipe(res); }); } }