/** * SQLiteDB provides a clean Promise-based interface to SQLite along with an organized way to * specify the initial structure of the database and migrations when this structure changes. * * Here's a simple example, * * const schemaInfo: SQLiteDB.SchemaInfo = { * async create(db: SQLiteDB.SQLiteDB) { * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE Foo (A TEXT)"); * }, * migrations: [ * async function(db: SQLiteDB.SQLiteDB) { * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE Foo (A TEXT)"); * } * ], * } * const db = await SQLiteDB.openDB("pathToDB", schemaInfo, SQLiteDB.OpenMode.OPEN_CREATE); * * Note how the create() function and the first migration are identical here. But they'll diverge * once we make a change to the schema. E.g. the next change could look like this: * * const schemaInfo: SQLiteDB.SchemaInfo = { * async create(db: SQLiteDB.SQLiteDB) { * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE Foo (A TEXT, B NUMERIC)"); * }, * migrations: [ * async function(db: SQLiteDB.SQLiteDB) { * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE Foo (A TEXT)"); * }, * async function(db: SQLiteDB.SQLiteDB) { * await db.exec("ALTER TABLE Foo ADD COLUMN B NUMERIC"); * } * ], * } * const db = await SQLiteDB.openDB("pathToDB", schemaInfo, SQLiteDB.OpenMode.OPEN_CREATE); * * Now a new document will have two columns. A document created with the first version of the code * will gain a second column when opened with the new code. If a migration happened during open, * you may examine two properties of the returned db object: * * db.migrationBackupPath -- set to the path of the pre-migration backup file. * db.migrationError -- set to the Error object if the migration failed. * * This module uses SQLite's "user_version" pragma to keep track of the version number of a * migration. It does not require, support, or record backwards migrations, but it will warn of * inconsistencies that may arise during development. In that case, remember you have a backup * from each migration. * * If you are starting with an existing unversioned DB, the first migration should have code to * bring such DBs to a common state. * * const schemaInfo: SQLiteDB.SchemaInfo = { * async create(db: SQLiteDB.SQLiteDB) { * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE Foo (A TEXT)"); * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE Bar (B TEXT)"); * }, * migrations: [ * async function(db: SQLiteDB.SQLiteDB) { * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Foo (A TEXT)"); * await db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Bar (B TEXT)"); * } * ], * } * const db = await SQLiteDB.openDB("pathToDB", schemaInfo, SQLiteDB.OpenMode.OPEN_CREATE); * * Once using this module with versioning, future changes would be made by adding one item to the * "migrations" array, and modifying create() to create correct new documents. */ import {ErrorWithCode} from 'app/common/ErrorWithCode'; import {timeFormat} from 'app/common/timeFormat'; import * as docUtils from 'app/server/lib/docUtils'; import log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import {fromCallback} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils'; import * as sqlite3 from '@gristlabs/sqlite3'; import assert from 'assert'; import {each} from 'bluebird'; import * as fse from 'fs-extra'; import {RunResult} from 'sqlite3'; import fromPairs = require('lodash/fromPairs'); import isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual'); import noop = require('lodash/noop'); import range = require('lodash/range'); // Describes the result of get() and all() database methods. export interface ResultRow { [column: string]: any; } // Describes how to create a new DB or migrate an old one. Any changes to the DB must be reflected // in the 'create' function, and added as new entries in the 'migrations' array. Existing // 'migration' entries may not be modified; they are used to migrate older DBs. export interface SchemaInfo { // Creates a structure for a new DB (i.e. execs CREATE TABLE statements). readonly create: DBFunc; // List of functions that perform DB migrations from one version to the next. This array's // length determines the schema version, which is stored in user_version SQLite property. // // The very first migration should normally be identical to the original version of create(). // I.e. initially SchemaInfo should be { create: X, migrations: [X] }, where the two X's // represent two copies of the same code. Don't go for code reuse here. When the schema is // modified, you will change it to { create: X2, migrations: [X, Y] }. Keeping the unchanged // copy of X is important as a reference to see that X + Y produces the same DB as X2. // // If you may open DBs created without versioning (e.g. predate use of this module), such DBs // will go through all migrations including the very first one. In this case, the first // migration's job is to bring any older DB to the same consistent state. readonly migrations: ReadonlyArray<DBFunc>; } export type DBFunc = (db: SQLiteDB) => Promise<void>; export enum OpenMode { OPEN_CREATE, // Open DB or create if doesn't exist (the default mode for sqlite3 module) OPEN_EXISTING, // Open DB or fail if doesn't exist OPEN_READONLY, // Open DB in read-only mode or fail if doesn't exist. CREATE_EXCL, // Create new DB or fail if it already exists. } /** * Callbacks to use if a migration is run, so that backups are made. */ export interface MigrationHooks { beforeMigration?(currentVersion: number, newVersion: number): Promise<void>; afterMigration?(newVersion: number, success: boolean): Promise<void>; } /** * An interface implemented both by SQLiteDB and DocStorage (by forwarding). Methods * documented in SQLiteDB. */ export interface ISQLiteDB { exec(sql: string): Promise<void>; run(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<RunResult>; get(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<ResultRow|undefined>; all(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<ResultRow[]>; prepare(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<sqlite3.Statement>; execTransaction<T>(callback: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>; runAndGetId(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<number>; requestVacuum(): Promise<boolean>; } /** * Wrapper around sqlite3.Database. This class provides many of the same methods, but promisified. * In addition, it offers: * * SQLiteDB.openDB(): Opens a DB, and initialize or migrate it to correct schema. * db.execTransaction(cb): Runs a callback in the context of a new DB transaction. */ export class SQLiteDB implements ISQLiteDB { /** * Opens a database or creates a new one, according to OpenMode enum. The schemaInfo specifies * how to initialize a new database, and how to migrate an existing one from an older version. * If the database was migrated, its "migrationBackupPath" property will be set. * * If a migration was needed but failed, the DB remains unchanged, and gets opened anyway. * We report the migration error, and expose it via .migrationError property. */ public static async openDB(dbPath: string, schemaInfo: SchemaInfo, mode: OpenMode = OpenMode.OPEN_CREATE, hooks: MigrationHooks = {}): Promise<SQLiteDB> { const db = await SQLiteDB.openDBRaw(dbPath, mode); const userVersion: number = await db.getMigrationVersion(); // It's possible that userVersion is 0 for a non-empty DB if it was created without this // module. In that case, we apply migrations starting with the first one. if (userVersion === 0 && (await isGristEmpty(db))) { await db._initNewDB(schemaInfo); } else if (mode === OpenMode.CREATE_EXCL) { await db.close(); throw new ErrorWithCode('EEXISTS', `EEXISTS: Database already exists: ${dbPath}`); } else { // Don't attempt migrations in OPEN_READONLY mode. if (mode === OpenMode.OPEN_READONLY) { const targetVer: number = schemaInfo.migrations.length; if (userVersion < targetVer) { db._migrationError = new Error(`SQLiteDB[${dbPath}] needs migration but is readonly`); } } else { try { db._migrationBackupPath = await db._migrate(userVersion, schemaInfo, hooks); } catch (err) { db._migrationError = err; } } await db._reportSchemaDiscrepancies(schemaInfo); } return db; } /** * Opens a database or creates a new one according to OpenMode value. Does not check for or do * any migrations. */ public static async openDBRaw(dbPath: string, mode: OpenMode = OpenMode.OPEN_CREATE): Promise<SQLiteDB> { const sqliteMode: number = // tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise (mode === OpenMode.OPEN_READONLY ? sqlite3.OPEN_READONLY : sqlite3.OPEN_READWRITE) | (mode === OpenMode.OPEN_CREATE || mode === OpenMode.CREATE_EXCL ? sqlite3.OPEN_CREATE : 0); let _db: sqlite3.Database; await fromCallback(cb => { _db = new sqlite3.Database(dbPath, sqliteMode, cb); }); limitAttach(_db!, 0); // Outside of VACUUM, we don't allow ATTACH. if (SQLiteDB._addOpens(dbPath, 1) > 1) { log.warn("SQLiteDB[%s] avoid opening same DB more than once", dbPath); } return new SQLiteDB(_db!, dbPath); } /** * Reads the migration version from the database without any attempts to migrate it. */ public static async getMigrationVersion(dbPath: string): Promise<number> { const db = await SQLiteDB.openDBRaw(dbPath, OpenMode.OPEN_READONLY); try { return await db.getMigrationVersion(); } finally { await db.close(); } } // It is a bad idea to open the same database file multiple times, because simultaneous use can // cause SQLITE_BUSY errors, and artificial delays (default of 1 sec) when there is contention. // We keep track of open DB paths, and warn if one is opened multiple times. private static _openPaths: Map<string, number> = new Map(); // Convert the "create" function from schemaInfo into a DBMetadata object that describes the // tables, columns, and types. This is used for checking if an open database matches the // schema we expect, including after a migration, and reporting discrepancies. private static async _getExpectedMetadata(schemaInfo: SchemaInfo): Promise<DBMetadata> { // We cache the result and associate it with the create function, since it's not that cheap to // build. To build the metadata, we open an in-memory DB and apply "create" function to it. // Note that for tiny DBs it takes <10ms. if (!dbMetadataCache.has(schemaInfo.create)) { const db = await SQLiteDB.openDB(':memory:', schemaInfo, OpenMode.CREATE_EXCL); dbMetadataCache.set(schemaInfo.create, await db.collectMetadata()); await db.close(); } return dbMetadataCache.get(schemaInfo.create)!; } // Private helper to keep track of opens for the same path. Returns the number of times this // path is open, after adding the delta. Use delta of +1 for open, -1 for close. private static _addOpens(dbPath: string, delta: number): number { const newCount = (SQLiteDB._openPaths.get(dbPath) || 0) + delta; if (newCount > 0) { SQLiteDB._openPaths.set(dbPath, newCount); } else { SQLiteDB._openPaths.delete(dbPath); } return newCount; } private _prevTransaction: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve(); private _inTransaction: boolean = false; private _migrationBackupPath: string|null = null; private _migrationError: Error|null = null; private _needVacuum: boolean = false; private constructor(private _db: sqlite3.Database, private _dbPath: string) { // Default database to serialized execution. See https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/wiki/Control-Flow // This isn't enough for transactions, which we serialize explicitly. this._db.serialize(); } /** * If a DB was migrated on open, this will be set to the path of the pre-migration backup copy. * If migration failed, open throws with unchanged DB and no backup file. */ public get migrationBackupPath(): string|null { return this._migrationBackupPath; } /** * If a needed migration failed, the DB will be opened anyway, with this property set to the * error. E.g. you may use it like so: * sdb = await SQLiteDB.openDB(...) * if (sdb.migrationError) { throw sdb.migrationError; } */ public get migrationError(): Error|null { return this._migrationError; } // The following methods mirror https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/wiki/API, but return // Promises. We use fromCallback() rather than use promisify, to get better type-checking. public exec(sql: string): Promise<void> { return fromCallback(cb => this._db.exec(sql, cb)); } public run(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<RunResult> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function callback(this: RunResult, err: Error | null) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(this); } } this._db.run(sql, ...params, callback); }); } public get(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<ResultRow|undefined> { return fromCallback(cb => this._db.get(sql, ...params, cb)); } public all(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<ResultRow[]> { return fromCallback(cb => this._db.all(sql, ...params, cb)); } public allMarshal(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<Buffer> { // allMarshal isn't in the typings, because it is our addition to our fork of sqlite3 JS lib. return fromCallback(cb => (this._db as any).allMarshal(sql, ...params, cb)); } public prepare(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<sqlite3.Statement> { let stmt: sqlite3.Statement; // The original interface is a little strange; we resolve to Statement if prepare() succeeded. return fromCallback(cb => { stmt = this._db.prepare(sql, ...params, cb); }).then(() => stmt); } /** * VACUUM the DB either immediately or, if in a transaction, after that transaction. */ public async requestVacuum(): Promise<boolean> { if (this._inTransaction) { this._needVacuum = true; return false; } await this.vacuum(); log.info("SQLiteDB[%s]: DB VACUUMed", this._dbPath); this._needVacuum = false; return true; } public async vacuum(): Promise<void> { limitAttach(this._db, 1); // VACUUM implementation uses ATTACH. try { await this.exec("VACUUM"); } finally { limitAttach(this._db, 0); // Outside of VACUUM, we don't allow ATTACH. } } /** * Run each of the statements in turn. Each statement is either a string, or an array of arguments * to db.run, e.g. [sqlString, [params...]]. */ public runEach(...statements: Array<string | [string, any[]]>): Promise<void> { return each(statements, async (stmt: any) => { try { return await (Array.isArray(stmt) ? this.run(stmt[0], ...stmt[1]) : this.exec(stmt) ); } catch (err) { log.warn(`SQLiteDB: Failed to run ${stmt}`); throw err; } } ); } public close(): Promise<void> { return fromCallback(cb => this._db.close(cb)) .then(() => { SQLiteDB._addOpens(this._dbPath, -1); }); } /** * As for run(), but captures the last_insert_rowid after the statement executes. This * is sqlite's rowid for the last insert made on this database connection. This method * is only useful if the sql is actually an INSERT operation, but we don't check this. */ public async runAndGetId(sql: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<number> { const result = await this.run(sql, ...params); return result.lastID; } /** * Runs callback() in the context of a new DB transaction, committing on success and rolling * back on error in the callback. The callback may return a promise, which will be waited for. * The callback is called with no arguments. * * This method can be nested. The result is one big merged transaction that will succeed or * roll back as a single unit. */ public async execTransaction<T>(callback: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { if (this._inTransaction) { return callback(); } let outerResult; try { outerResult = await (this._prevTransaction = this._execTransactionImpl(async () => { this._inTransaction = true; let innerResult; try { innerResult = await callback(); } finally { this._inTransaction = false; } return innerResult; })); } finally { if (this._needVacuum) { await this.requestVacuum(); } } return outerResult; } /** * Returns the 'user_version' saved in the database that reflects the current DB schema. It is 0 * initially, and we update it to 1 or higher when initializing or migrating the database. */ public async getMigrationVersion(): Promise<number> { const row = await this.get("PRAGMA user_version"); return (row && row.user_version) || 0; } /** * Creates a DBMetadata object mapping DB's table names to column names to column types. Used * for reporting discrepancies in DB schema, and exposed for tests. * * Optionally, a list of table names can be supplied, and metadata will be omitted for any * tables not named in that list. */ public async collectMetadata(names?: string[]): Promise<DBMetadata> { const tables = await this.all("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"); const metadata: DBMetadata = {}; for (const t of tables) { if (names && !names.includes(t.name)) { continue; } const infoRows = await this.all(`PRAGMA table_info(${quoteIdent(t.name)})`); const columns = fromPairs(infoRows.map(r => [r.name, r.type])); metadata[t.name] = columns; } return metadata; } // Implementation of execTransction. private async _execTransactionImpl<T>(callback: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { // We need to swallow errors, so that one failed transaction doesn't cause the next one to fail. await this._prevTransaction.catch(noop); await this.exec("BEGIN"); try { const value = await callback(); await this.exec("COMMIT"); return value; } catch (err) { try { await this.exec("ROLLBACK"); } catch (rollbackErr) { log.error("SQLiteDB[%s]: Rollback failed: %s", this._dbPath, rollbackErr); } throw err; // Throw the original error from the transaction. } } /** * Applies schemaInfo.create function to initialize a new DB. */ private async _initNewDB(schemaInfo: SchemaInfo): Promise<void> { await this.execTransaction(async () => { const targetVer: number = schemaInfo.migrations.length; await schemaInfo.create(this); await this.exec(`PRAGMA user_version = ${targetVer}`); }); } /** * Applies migrations to this database according to MigrationInfo. In all cases, checks the * database schema against MigrationInfo.currentSchema, and warns of discrepancies. * * If migration succeeded, it leaves a backup file and returns its path. If no migration was * needed, returns null. If migration failed, leaves DB unchanged and throws Error. */ private async _migrate(actualVer: number, schemaInfo: SchemaInfo, hooks: MigrationHooks): Promise<string|null> { const targetVer: number = schemaInfo.migrations.length; let backupPath: string|null = null; let success: boolean = false; if (actualVer > targetVer) { log.warn("SQLiteDB[%s]: DB is at version %s ahead of target version %s", this._dbPath, actualVer, targetVer); } else if (actualVer < targetVer) { log.info("SQLiteDB[%s]: DB needs migration from version %s to %s", this._dbPath, actualVer, targetVer); const versions = range(actualVer, targetVer); backupPath = await createBackupFile(this._dbPath, actualVer); await hooks.beforeMigration?.(actualVer, targetVer); try { await this.execTransaction(async () => { for (const versionNum of versions) { await schemaInfo.migrations[versionNum](this); } await this.exec(`PRAGMA user_version = ${targetVer}`); }); success = true; // After a migration, reduce the sqlite file size. This must be run outside a transaction. await this.vacuum(); log.info("SQLiteDB[%s]: DB backed up to %s, migrated to %s", this._dbPath, backupPath, targetVer); } catch (err) { // If the transaction failed, we trust SQLite to have left the DB in unmodified state, so // we remove the pointless backup. await fse.remove(backupPath); backupPath = null; log.warn("SQLiteDB[%s]: DB migration from %s to %s failed: %s", this._dbPath, actualVer, targetVer, err); err.message = `SQLiteDB[${this._dbPath}] migration to ${targetVer} failed: ${err.message}`; throw err; } finally { await hooks.afterMigration?.(targetVer, success); } } return backupPath; } private async _reportSchemaDiscrepancies(schemaInfo: SchemaInfo): Promise<void> { // Regardless of where we started, warn if DB doesn't match expected schema. const expected = await SQLiteDB._getExpectedMetadata(schemaInfo); const metadata = await this.collectMetadata(Object.keys(expected)); for (const tname in expected) { if (expected.hasOwnProperty(tname) && !isEqual(metadata[tname], expected[tname])) { log.warn("SQLiteDB[%s]: table %s does not match schema: %s != %s", this._dbPath, tname, JSON.stringify(metadata[tname]), JSON.stringify(expected[tname])); } } } } // Every SchemaInfo.create function determines a DB structure. We can get it by initializing a // dummy DB, and we use it to do sanity checking, in particular after migrations. To avoid // creating dummy DBs multiple times, the result is cached, keyed by the "create" function itself. const dbMetadataCache: Map<DBFunc, DBMetadata> = new Map(); export interface DBMetadata { [tableName: string]: { [colName: string]: string; // Maps column name to SQLite type, e.g. "TEXT". }; } // Helper to see if a database is empty of grist metadata tables. async function isGristEmpty(db: SQLiteDB): Promise<boolean> { return (await db.get("SELECT count(*) as count FROM sqlite_master WHERE name LIKE '_grist%'"))!.count === 0; } /** * Copies filePath to "filePath.YYYY-MM-DD.V0[-N].bak", adding "-N" suffix (starting at "-2") if * needed to ensure the path is new. Returns the backup path. */ async function createBackupFile(filePath: string, versionNum: number): Promise<string> { const backupPath = await docUtils.createNumberedTemplate( `${filePath}.${timeFormat('D', new Date())}.V${versionNum}{NUM}.bak`, docUtils.createExclusive); await docUtils.copyFile(filePath, backupPath); return backupPath; } /** * Validate and quote SQL identifiers such as table and column names. */ export function quoteIdent(ident: string): string { assert(/^[\w.]+$/.test(ident), `SQL identifier is not valid: ${ident}`); return `"${ident}"`; } /** * Limit the number of ATTACHed databases permitted. */ export function limitAttach(db: sqlite3.Database, maxAttach: number) { // Pardon the casts, types are out of date. const SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED = (sqlite3 as any).LIMIT_ATTACHED; (db as any).configure('limit', SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED, maxAttach); }