import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {renderer} from 'app/client/ui/DocTutorialRenderer'; import {cssPopupBody, FloatingPopup} from 'app/client/ui/FloatingPopup'; import {sanitizeHTML} from 'app/client/ui/sanitizeHTML'; import {hoverTooltip, setHoverTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips'; import {basicButton, primaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {mediaXSmall, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {loadingSpinner} from 'app/client/ui2018/loaders'; import {confirmModal, modal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {parseUrlId} from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import {dom, makeTestId, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {marked} from 'marked'; import debounce = require('lodash/debounce'); import range = require('lodash/range'); import sortBy = require('lodash/sortBy'); interface DocTutorialSlide { slideContent: string; boxContent?: string; slideTitle?: string; imageUrls: string[]; } const testId = makeTestId('test-doc-tutorial-'); const TOOLTIP_KEY = 'docTutorialTooltip'; export class DocTutorial extends FloatingPopup { private _appModel = this._gristDoc.docPageModel.appModel; private _currentDoc = this._gristDoc.docPageModel.currentDoc.get(); private _docComm = this._gristDoc.docComm; private _docData = this._gristDoc.docData; private _docId = this._gristDoc.docId(); private _slides: Observable = Observable.create(this, null); private _currentSlideIndex = Observable.create(this, this._currentDoc?.forks?.[0]?.options?.tutorial?.lastSlideIndex ?? 0); private _saveCurrentSlidePositionDebounced = debounce(this._saveCurrentSlidePosition, 1000, { // Save new position immediately if at least 1 second has passed since the last change. leading: true, // Otherwise, wait for the new position to settle for 1 second before saving it. trailing: true }); constructor(private _gristDoc: GristDoc) { super({stopClickPropagationOnMove: true}); } public async start() { this.showPopup(); await this._loadSlides(); } protected _buildTitle() { return dom('span', dom.text(this._gristDoc.docPageModel.currentDocTitle), testId('popup-header')); } protected _buildContent() { return [ dom.domComputed(use => { const slides = use(this._slides); const slideIndex = use(this._currentSlideIndex); const slide = slides?.[slideIndex]; return cssPopupBody( !slide ? cssSpinner(loadingSpinner()) : [ dom('div', elem => { elem.innerHTML = slide.slideContent; }), !slide.boxContent ? null : cssTryItOutBox( dom('div', elem => { elem.innerHTML = slide.boxContent!; }), ), dom.on('click', (ev) => { if(( as HTMLElement).tagName !== 'IMG') { return; } this._openLightbox(( as HTMLImageElement).src); }), this._initializeImages(), ], testId('popup-body'), ); }), cssPopupFooter( dom.domComputed(use => { const slides = use(this._slides); if (!slides) { return null; } const slideIndex = use(this._currentSlideIndex); const numSlides = slides.length; const isFirstSlide = slideIndex === 0; const isLastSlide = slideIndex === numSlides - 1; return [ cssFooterButtonsLeft( cssPopupFooterButton(icon('Undo'), hoverTooltip('Restart Tutorial', {key: TOOLTIP_KEY}), dom.on('click', () => this._restartTutorial()), testId('popup-restart'), ), ), cssProgressBar( range(slides.length).map((i) => cssProgressBarDot( hoverTooltip(slides[i].slideTitle, { closeOnClick: false, key: TOOLTIP_KEY, }), cssProgressBarDot.cls('-current', i === slideIndex), i === slideIndex ? null : dom.on('click', () => this._changeSlide(i)), testId(`popup-slide-${i + 1}`), )), ), cssFooterButtonsRight( basicButton('Previous', dom.on('click', async () => { await this._previousSlide(); }), {style: `visibility: ${isFirstSlide ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}`}, testId('popup-previous'), ), primaryButton(isLastSlide ? 'Finish': 'Next', isLastSlide ? dom.on('click', async () => await this._finishTutorial()) : dom.on('click', async () => await this._nextSlide()), testId('popup-next'), ), ), ]; }), testId('popup-footer'), ), ]; } protected _buildArgs() { return [ dom.cls('doc-tutorial-popup'), testId('popup'), // Pre-fetch images from all slides and store them in a hidden div. dom.maybe(this._slides, slides => dom('div', {style: 'display: none;'}, dom.forEach(slides, slide => { if (slide.imageUrls.length === 0) { return null; } return dom('div', => dom('img', {src}))); }), ), ), ]; } private async _loadSlides() { const tableId = 'GristDocTutorial'; if (!this._docData.getTable(tableId)) { throw new Error('DocTutorial failed to find table GristDocTutorial'); } await this._docComm.waitForInitialization(); if (this.isDisposed()) { return; } await this._docData.fetchTable(tableId); if (this.isDisposed()) { return; } const tableData = this._docData.getTable(tableId)!; const slides = (await Promise.all( sortBy(tableData.getRowIds(), tableData.getRowPropFunc('manualSort') as any) .map(async rowId => { let slideTitle: string | undefined; const imageUrls: string[] = []; const getValue = (colId: string): string | undefined => { const value = tableData.getValue(rowId, colId); return value ? String(value) : undefined; }; const walkTokens = (token: marked.Token) => { if (token.type === 'image') { imageUrls.push(token.href); } if (!slideTitle && token.type === 'heading' && token.depth === 1) { slideTitle = token.text; } }; let slideContent = getValue('slide_content'); if (!slideContent) { return null; } slideContent = sanitizeHTML(await marked.parse(slideContent, { async: true, renderer, walkTokens })); let boxContent = getValue('box_content'); if (boxContent) { boxContent = sanitizeHTML(await marked.parse(boxContent, { async: true, renderer, walkTokens })); } return { slideContent, boxContent, slideTitle, imageUrls, }; }) )).filter(slide => slide !== null) as DocTutorialSlide[]; if (this.isDisposed()) { return; } if (slides.length === 0) { throw new Error('DocTutorial failed to find slides in table GristDocTutorial'); } this._slides.set(slides); } private async _saveCurrentSlidePosition() { const currentOptions = this._currentDoc?.options ?? {}; await this._appModel.api.updateDoc(this._docId, { options: { ...currentOptions, tutorial: { lastSlideIndex: this._currentSlideIndex.get(), } } }); } private async _changeSlide(slideIndex: number) { this._currentSlideIndex.set(slideIndex); await this._saveCurrentSlidePositionDebounced(); } private async _previousSlide() { await this._changeSlide(this._currentSlideIndex.get() - 1); } private async _nextSlide() { await this._changeSlide(this._currentSlideIndex.get() + 1); } private async _finishTutorial() { this._saveCurrentSlidePositionDebounced.cancel(); await this._saveCurrentSlidePosition(); await urlState().pushUrl({}); } private async _restartTutorial() { const doRestart = async () => { const urlId = this._currentDoc!.id; const {trunkId} = parseUrlId(urlId); const docApi = this._appModel.api.getDocAPI(urlId); await docApi.replace({sourceDocId: trunkId, resetTutorialMetadata: true}); }; confirmModal( 'Do you want to restart the tutorial? All progress will be lost.', 'Restart', doRestart, { modalOptions: { backerDomArgs: [ // Stack modal above the tutorial popup.'z-index', vars.tutorialModalZIndex.toString()), ], }, } ); } private _initializeImages() { return (element: HTMLElement) => { setTimeout(() => { const imgs = element.querySelectorAll('img'); for (const img of imgs) { // Re-assigning src to itself is a neat way to restart a GIF. // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign img.src = img.src; setHoverTooltip(img, 'Click to expand', { key: TOOLTIP_KEY, modifiers: { flip: { boundariesElement: 'scrollParent', }, }, placement: 'bottom', }); } }, 0); }; } private _openLightbox(src: string) { modal((ctl) => { this.onDispose(ctl.close); return [ cssFullScreenModal.cls(''), cssModalCloseButton('CrossBig', dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()), testId('lightbox-close'), ), cssModalContent(cssModalImage({src}, testId('lightbox-image'))), dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => void ( === elem ? ctl.close() : null)), testId('lightbox'), ]; }, { backerDomArgs: [ // Stack modal above the tutorial popup.'z-index', vars.tutorialModalZIndex.toString()), ], }); } } const cssPopupFooter = styled('div', ` display: flex; column-gap: 24px; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; flex-shrink: 0; padding: 24px 16px 24px 16px; border-top: 1px solid ${theme.tutorialsPopupBorder}; `); const cssTryItOutBox = styled('div', ` margin-top: 16px; padding: 24px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: ${theme.tutorialsPopupBoxBg}; `); const cssPopupFooterButton = styled('div', ` --icon-color: ${theme.controlSecondaryFg}; padding: 4px; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; &:hover { background-color: ${theme.hover}; } `); const cssProgressBar = styled('div', ` display: flex; gap: 8px; flex-grow: 1; flex-wrap: wrap; `); const cssProgressBarDot = styled('div', ` width: 10px; height: 10px; border-radius: 5px; align-self: center; cursor: pointer; background-color: ${theme.progressBarBg}; &-current { cursor: default; background-color: ${theme.progressBarFg}; } `); const cssFooterButtonsLeft = styled('div', ` flex-shrink: 0; `); const cssFooterButtonsRight = styled('div', ` display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; column-gap: 8px; flex-shrink: 0; min-width: 140px; @media ${mediaXSmall} { & { flex-direction: column; row-gap: 8px; column-gap: 0px; min-width: 0px; } } `); const cssFullScreenModal = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; row-gap: 8px; background-color: initial; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; padding: 0px; `); const cssModalCloseButton = styled(icon, ` align-self: flex-end; flex-shrink: 0; height: 24px; width: 24px; cursor: pointer; --icon-color: ${theme.modalBackdropCloseButtonFg}; &:hover { --icon-color: ${theme.modalBackdropCloseButtonHoverFg}; } `); const cssModalContent = styled('div', ` align-self: center; min-height: 0; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; `); const cssModalImage = styled('img', ` height: 100%; max-width: min(100%, 1200px); `); const cssSpinner = styled('div', ` display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100%; `);