import { Placement } from "@popperjs/core"; import { IRangeBoundType, isEquivalentBound } from "app/common/FilterState"; import { Disposable, dom, Observable } from "grainjs"; import { IOpenController, IPopupOptions, PopupControl } from "popweasel"; import { popupControl } from "app/client/lib/popupControl"; import { IOptionFull, SimpleList } from "app/client/lib/simpleList"; import { relativeDatesOptions } from "app/client/ui/RelativeDatesOptions"; export interface IOptionsDropdownOpt { placement: Placement; valueFormatter(val: any): string } // Create a popup control that show the relative dates options for obs in a popup attached to // reference. export function relativeDatesControl( reference: HTMLElement, obs: Observable, opt: {valueFormatter(val: any): string} & IPopupOptions): PopupControl { const popupCtl = popupControl( reference, ctl => RelativeDatesMenu.create(null, ctl, obs, opt).content, opt, ); dom.autoDisposeElem(reference, popupCtl); return popupCtl; } // Builds the list of relatives dates to show in a popup next to the range inputs for date // filtering. It does not still focus from the range input and takes care of keyboard navigation // using arrow Up/Down, Escape to close the menu and enter to trigger select option. class RelativeDatesMenu extends Disposable { public content: Element; private _dropdownList: SimpleList; private _items: Observable>> = Observable.create(this, []); constructor(ctl: IOpenController, private _obs: Observable, private _opt: {valueFormatter(val: any): string}) { super(); this._dropdownList = SimpleList.create(this, ctl, this._items, this._action.bind(this)); this._dropdownList.listenKeys(ctl.getTriggerElem() as HTMLElement); this.content = this._dropdownList.content; this.autoDispose(this._obs.addListener(() => this._update())); this._update(); } private _getOptions() { const newItems = relativeDatesOptions(this._obs.get(), this._opt.valueFormatter); return => ({label: item.label, value: item.spec})); } private _update() { this._items.set(this._getOptions()); const index = this._items.get().findIndex(o => isEquivalentBound(o.value, this._obs.get())); this._dropdownList.setSelected(index ?? -1); } private _action(value: IRangeBoundType) { this._obs.set(value); } }