import {showBehavioralPrompt} from 'app/client/components/modals'; import {AppModel} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {getUserPrefObs} from 'app/client/models/UserPrefs'; import {GristBehavioralPrompts} from 'app/client/ui/GristTooltips'; import {isNarrowScreen} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {BehavioralPrompt, BehavioralPromptPrefs} from 'app/common/Prefs'; import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils'; import {Computed, Disposable, dom, Observable} from 'grainjs'; import {IPopupOptions} from 'popweasel'; export interface AttachOptions { /** Defaults to false. */ forceShow?: boolean; /** Defaults to false. */ hideArrow?: boolean; /** Defaults to false. */ hideDontShowTips?: boolean; /** Defaults to true. */ markAsSeen?: boolean; /** Defaults to false. */ showOnMobile?: boolean; popupOptions?: IPopupOptions; onDispose?(): void; } interface QueuedTip { prompt: BehavioralPrompt; refElement: Element; options: AttachOptions; } /** * Manages tips that are shown the first time a user performs some action. * * Tips are shown in the order that they are attached. */ export class BehavioralPromptsManager extends Disposable { private _isDisabled: boolean = false; private readonly _prefs = getUserPrefObs(this._appModel.userPrefsObs, 'behavioralPrompts', { defaultValue: { dontShowTips: false, dismissedTips: [] } }) as Observable<BehavioralPromptPrefs>; private _dismissedTips: Computed<Set<BehavioralPrompt>> = Computed.create(this, use => { const {dismissedTips} = use(this._prefs); return new Set(dismissedTips.filter(BehavioralPrompt.guard)); }); private _queuedTips: QueuedTip[] = []; constructor(private _appModel: AppModel) { super(); } public showTip(refElement: Element, prompt: BehavioralPrompt, options: AttachOptions = {}) { this._queueTip(refElement, prompt, options); } public attachTip(prompt: BehavioralPrompt, options: AttachOptions = {}) { return (element: Element) => { this._queueTip(element, prompt, options); }; } public hasSeenTip(prompt: BehavioralPrompt) { return this._dismissedTips.get().has(prompt); } public shouldShowTips() { return !this._prefs.get().dontShowTips; } public enable() { this._isDisabled = false; } public disable() { this._isDisabled = true; } public reset() { this._prefs.set({...this._prefs.get(), dismissedTips: [], dontShowTips: false}); this.enable(); } private _queueTip(refElement: Element, prompt: BehavioralPrompt, options: AttachOptions) { if (!this._shouldQueueTip(prompt, options)) { return; } this._queuedTips.push({prompt, refElement, options}); if (this._queuedTips.length > 1) { // If we're already showing a tip, wait for that one to be dismissed, which will // cause the next one in the queue to be shown. return; } this._showTip(refElement, prompt, options); } private _showTip(refElement: Element, prompt: BehavioralPrompt, options: AttachOptions) { const close = () => { if (!ctl.isDisposed()) { ctl.close(); } }; const {hideArrow, hideDontShowTips, markAsSeen = true, onDispose, popupOptions} = options; const {title, content} = GristBehavioralPrompts[prompt]; const ctl = showBehavioralPrompt(refElement, title(), content(), { onClose: (dontShowTips) => { if (dontShowTips) { this._dontShowTips(); } if (markAsSeen) { this._markAsSeen(prompt); } }, hideArrow, popupOptions, hideDontShowTips, }); ctl.onDispose(() => { onDispose?.(); this._showNextQueuedTip(); }); dom.onElem(refElement, 'click', () => close()); dom.onDisposeElem(refElement, () => close()); } private _showNextQueuedTip() { this._queuedTips.shift(); if (this._queuedTips.length !== 0) { const [nextTip] = this._queuedTips; const {refElement, prompt, options} = nextTip; this._showTip(refElement, prompt, options); } } private _markAsSeen(prompt: BehavioralPrompt) { const {dismissedTips} = this._prefs.get(); const newDismissedTips = new Set(dismissedTips); newDismissedTips.add(prompt); this._prefs.set({...this._prefs.get(), dismissedTips: [...newDismissedTips]}); } private _dontShowTips() { this._prefs.set({...this._prefs.get(), dontShowTips: true}); this._queuedTips = []; } private _shouldQueueTip(prompt: BehavioralPrompt, options: AttachOptions) { if ( this._isDisabled || (isNarrowScreen() && !options.showOnMobile) || (this._prefs.get().dontShowTips && !options.forceShow) || this.hasSeenTip(prompt) ) { return false; } const {deploymentType} = getGristConfig(); const {deploymentTypes} = GristBehavioralPrompts[prompt]; if ( deploymentTypes !== '*' && (!deploymentType || !deploymentTypes.includes(deploymentType)) ) { return false; } return true; } }