import BaseView from 'app/client/components/BaseView'; import {buildViewSectionDom} from 'app/client/components/buildViewSectionDom'; import {ChartView} from 'app/client/components/ChartView'; import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {CustomCalendarView} from "app/client/components/CustomCalendarView"; import {CustomView} from 'app/client/components/CustomView'; import * as DetailView from 'app/client/components/DetailView'; import {FormView} from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormView'; import * as GridView from 'app/client/components/GridView'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {BoxSpec, Layout} from 'app/client/components/Layout'; import {LayoutEditor} from 'app/client/components/LayoutEditor'; import {LayoutTray} from 'app/client/components/LayoutTray'; import {printViewSection} from 'app/client/components/Printing'; import {Delay} from 'app/client/lib/Delay'; import {createObsArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArrayWrap'; import {ViewRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {isNarrowScreen, mediaSmall, testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents'; import {mod} from 'app/common/gutil'; import { Computed, computedArray, Disposable, dom, fromKo, Holder, IDomComponent, MultiHolder, Observable, styled, subscribe } from 'grainjs'; import * as ko from 'knockout'; import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; import * as _ from 'underscore'; // tslint:disable:no-console const viewSectionTypes: {[key: string]: any} = { record: GridView, detail: DetailView, chart: ChartView, single: DetailView, custom: CustomView, form: FormView, 'custom.calendar': CustomCalendarView, }; function getInstanceConstructor(parentKey: string) { const Cons = viewSectionTypes[parentKey]; if (!Cons) { console.error('ViewLayout error: requested an unsupported section type:', parentKey); } // Default to GridView if no valid constructor return Cons || viewSectionTypes.record; } export class ViewSectionHelper extends Disposable { private _instance = Holder.create(this); constructor(gristDoc: GristDoc, vs: ViewSectionRec) { super(); this.onDispose(() => vs.viewInstance(null)); this.autoDispose(subscribe((use) => { // Rebuild the section when its type changes or its underlying table. const table = use(vs.table); const Cons = getInstanceConstructor(use(vs.parentKey)); this._instance.clear(); if (table.getRowId()) { this._instance.autoDispose(Cons.create(gristDoc, vs)); } vs.viewInstance(this._instance.get()); })); } } /** * ViewLayout - Handles layout for a single page. */ export class ViewLayout extends DisposableWithEvents implements IDomComponent { public docModel = this.gristDoc.docModel; public viewModel: ViewRec; public layoutSpec: ko.Computed; public maximized: Observable; public isResizing = Observable.create(this, false); public layout: Layout; public layoutEditor: LayoutEditor; public layoutTray: LayoutTray; public layoutSaveDelay = this.autoDispose(new Delay()); private _freeze = false; // Exposed for test to indicate that save has not yet been called. private _savePending = Observable.create(this, false); constructor(public readonly gristDoc: GristDoc, viewId: number) { super(); this.viewModel = this.docModel.views.getRowModel(viewId); // A Map from viewSection RowModels to corresponding View class instances. // TODO add a test that creating / deleting a section creates/destroys one instance, and // switching pages destroys all instances. const viewSectionObs = createObsArray(this, this.viewModel.viewSections()); this.autoDispose(computedArray(viewSectionObs, (vs, i, compArr) => ViewSectionHelper.create(compArr, gristDoc, vs))); // Update the stored layoutSpecObj with any missing fields that are present in viewFields. this.layoutSpec = this.autoDispose(ko.computed( () => this._updateLayoutSpecWithSections(this.viewModel.layoutSpecObj())) .extend({rateLimit: 0})); this.layout = this.autoDispose(Layout.create(this.layoutSpec(), this._buildLeafContent.bind(this), true)); // When the layoutSpec changes by some means other than the layout editor, rebuild. // This includes adding/removing sections and undo/redo. this.autoDispose(this.layoutSpec.subscribe((spec) => this._freeze || this.rebuildLayout(spec))); this.listenTo(this.layout, 'layoutUserEditStop', () => { this.isResizing.set(false); this.layoutSaveDelay.schedule(1000, () => { this.saveLayoutSpec(); }); }); // Do not save if the user has started editing again. this.listenTo(this.layout, 'layoutUserEditStart', () => { this.layoutSaveDelay.cancel(); this._savePending.set(true); this.isResizing.set(true); }); this.layoutEditor = this.autoDispose(LayoutEditor.create(this.layout)); this.layoutTray = LayoutTray.create(this, this); // Add disposal of this._layout after layoutEditor, so that it gets disposed first, and // layoutEditor doesn't attempt to update it in its own disposal logic. this.onDispose(() => this.layout.dispose()); this.autoDispose(this.gristDoc.resizeEmitter.addListener(this._onResize, this)); // It's hard to detect a click or mousedown on a third-party iframe // (See this.listenTo(, 'clipboard_blur', this._maybeFocusInSection); // On narrow screens (e.g. mobile), we need to resize the section after a transition. // There will two transition events (one from section one from row), so we debounce them after a tick. const handler = debounce((e: TransitionEvent) => { // We work only on the transition of the flex-grow property, and only on narrow screens. if (e.propertyName !== 'flex-grow' || !isNarrowScreen()) { return; } // Make sure the view is still active. if (this.viewModel.isDisposed() || !this.viewModel.activeSection) { return; } const section = this.viewModel.activeSection.peek(); if (!section || section.isDisposed()) { return; } const view = section.viewInstance.peek(); if (!view || view.isDisposed()) { return; } // Make resize. view.onResize(); }, 0); this.layout.rootElem.addEventListener('transitionend', handler); // Don't need to dispose the listener, as the rootElem is disposed with the layout. const classActive = cssLayoutBox.className + '-active'; const classInactive = cssLayoutBox.className + '-inactive'; this.autoDispose(subscribe(fromKo(this.viewModel.activeSection), (use, section) => { const id = section.getRowId(); this.layout.forEachBox(box => { box.dom!.classList.add(classInactive); box.dom!.classList.remove(classActive); box.dom!.classList.remove("transition"); }); let elem: Element|null = this.layout.getLeafBox(id)?.dom || null; while (elem?.matches('.layout_box')) { elem.classList.remove(classInactive); elem.classList.add(classActive); elem = elem.parentElement; } if (!isNarrowScreen()) { section.viewInstance.peek()?.onResize(); } })); const commandGroup = { deleteSection: () => { this.removeViewSection(this.viewModel.activeSectionId()); }, nextSection: () => { this._otherSection(+1); }, prevSection: () => { this._otherSection(-1); }, printSection: () => { printViewSection(this.layout, this.viewModel.activeSection()).catch(reportError); }, sortFilterMenuOpen: (sectionId?: number) => { this._openSortFilterMenu(sectionId); }, expandSection: () => { this._expandSection(); }, cancel: () => { if (this.maximized.get()) { this.maximized.set(null); } } }; this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup(commandGroup, this, true)); this.maximized = fromKo(this.layout.maximizedLeaf) as any; this.autoDispose(this.maximized.addListener((sectionId, prev) => { // If we are closing popup, resize all sections. if (!sectionId) { this._onResize(); } else { // Otherwise resize only active one (the one in popup). const section = this.viewModel.activeSection.peek(); if (!section.isDisposed() && { section?.viewInstance.peek()?.onResize(); } } })); } public buildDom() { const owner = MultiHolder.create(null); const close = () => this.maximized.set(null); const mainBoxInPopup = Computed.create(owner, use => this.layout.getAllLeafIds().includes(use(this.maximized))); const miniBoxInPopup = Computed.create(owner, use => use(mainBoxInPopup) ? null : use(this.maximized)); return cssOverlay( dom.autoDispose(owner), cssOverlay.cls('-active', use => !!use(this.maximized)), testId('viewLayout-overlay'), cssVFull( this.layoutTray.buildDom(), cssLayoutWrapper( cssLayoutWrapper.cls('-active', use => Boolean(use(this.maximized))), dom.update( this.layout.rootElem, dom.hide(use => Boolean(use(miniBoxInPopup))), ), this.layoutTray.buildPopup(owner, miniBoxInPopup, close), ), ), dom.maybe(use => !!use(this.maximized), () => cssCloseButton('CrossBig', testId('close-button'), dom.on('click', () => close()) ) ), // Close the lightbox when user clicks exactly on the overlay. dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => void ( === elem && this.maximized.get() ? close() : null)), dom.cls('test-viewLayout-save-pending', this._savePending) ); } // Freezes the layout until the passed in promise resolves. This is useful to achieve a single // layout rebuild when multiple user actions needs to apply, simply pass in a promise that resolves // when all user actions have resolved. public async freezeUntil(promise: Promise): Promise { this._freeze = true; try { return await promise; } finally { this._freeze = false; this.rebuildLayout(this.layoutSpec.peek()); } } public saveLayoutSpec(specs?: BoxSpec) { this._savePending.set(false); // Cancel the automatic delay. this.layoutSaveDelay.cancel(); if (!this.layout) { return; } // Only save layout changes when the document isn't read-only. if (!this.gristDoc.isReadonly.get()) { if (!specs) { specs = this.layout.getLayoutSpec(); specs.collapsed = this.viewModel.activeCollapsedSections.peek().map((leaf)=> ({leaf})); } this.viewModel.layoutSpecObj.setAndSave(specs).catch(reportError); } this._onResize(); } // Removes a view section from the current view. Should only be called if there is // more than one viewsection in the view. public removeViewSection(viewSectionRowId: number) { this.maximized.set(null); this.gristDoc.docData.sendAction(['RemoveViewSection', viewSectionRowId]).catch(reportError); } public rebuildLayout(layoutSpec: BoxSpec) { // Rebuild the collapsed section layout. In return we will get all leaves that were // removed from collapsed dom. Some of them will hold a view instance dom. const oldTray = this.layoutTray.replaceLayout(); // Build the normal layout. While building, some leaves will grab the view instance dom // and attach it to their dom (and detach them from the old layout in the process). this.layout.buildLayout(layoutSpec, true); this._onResize(); // Dispose the old layout. This will dispose the view instances that were not reused. oldTray.dispose(); } private _expandSection() { const activeSection = this.viewModel.activeSection(); const activeSectionId = activeSection.getRowId(); const activeSectionBox = this.layout.getLeafBox(activeSectionId); if (!activeSectionBox) { return; } activeSectionBox.maximize(); } private _buildLeafContent(sectionRowId: number) { return buildViewSectionDom({ gristDoc: this.gristDoc, sectionRowId, isResizing: this.isResizing, viewModel: this.viewModel }); } /** * If there is no layout saved, we can create a default layout just from the list of fields for * this view section. By default we just arrange them into a list of rows, two fields per row. */ private _updateLayoutSpecWithSections(spec: BoxSpec) { // We use tmpLayout as a way to manipulate the layout before we get a final spec from it. const tmpLayout = Layout.create(spec, () => dom('div'), true); const specFieldIds = tmpLayout.getAllLeafIds(); const viewSectionIds = this.viewModel.viewSections().all().map(function(f) { return f.getRowId(); }); function addToSpec(leafId: number) { const newBox = tmpLayout.buildLayoutBox({ leaf: leafId }); const rows = tmpLayout.rootBox()!.childBoxes.peek(); const lastRow = rows[rows.length - 1]; if (rows.length >= 1 && lastRow.isLeaf()) { // Add a new child to the last row. lastRow.addChild(newBox, true); } else { // Add a new row. tmpLayout.rootBox()!.addChild(newBox, true); } return newBox; } // For any stale fields (no longer among viewFields), remove them from tmpLayout. _.difference(specFieldIds, viewSectionIds).forEach(function(leafId: string|number) { tmpLayout.getLeafBox(leafId)?.dispose(); }); // For all fields that should be in the spec but aren't, add them to tmpLayout. We maintain a // two-column layout, so add a new row, or a second box to the last row if it's a leaf. const missingLeafs = _.difference(viewSectionIds, specFieldIds); const collapsedLeafs = new Set((spec.collapsed || []).map(c => c.leaf)); missingLeafs.forEach(function(leafId: any) { if (!collapsedLeafs.has(leafId)) { addToSpec(leafId); } }); spec = tmpLayout.getLayoutSpec(); tmpLayout.dispose(); return spec; } // Resizes the scrolly windows of all viewSection classes with a 'scrolly' property. private _onResize() { this.viewModel.viewSections().all().forEach(vs => { const inst = vs.viewInstance.peek(); if (inst) { inst.onResize(); } }); } // Select another section in cyclic ordering of sections. Order is counter-clockwise if given a // positive `delta`, clockwise otherwise. private _otherSection(delta: number) { const sectionIds = this.layout.getAllLeafIds(); const sectionId = this.viewModel.activeSectionId.peek(); const currentIndex = sectionIds.indexOf(sectionId); const index = mod(currentIndex + delta, sectionIds.length); // update the active section id this.viewModel.activeSectionId(sectionIds[index]); } private _maybeFocusInSection() { // If the focused element is inside a view section, make that section active. const layoutBox = this.layout.getContainingBox(document.activeElement); if (layoutBox && layoutBox.leafId) { this.gristDoc.viewModel.activeSectionId(layoutBox.leafId.peek()); } } /** * Opens the sort and filter menu of the active view section. * * Optionally accepts a `sectionId` for opening a specific section's menu. */ private _openSortFilterMenu(sectionId?: number) { const id = sectionId ?? this.viewModel.activeSectionId(); const leafBoxDom = this.layout.getLeafBox(id)?.dom; if (!leafBoxDom) { return; } const menu: HTMLElement | null = leafBoxDom.querySelector('.test-section-menu-sortAndFilter'); menu?.click(); } } const cssLayoutBox = styled('div', ` @media screen and ${mediaSmall} { &-active, &-inactive { transition: flex-grow var(--grist-layout-animation-duration, 0.4s); // Exposed for tests } &-active > &-inactive, &-active > &-inactive.layout_hbox .layout_hbox, &-active > &-inactive.layout_vbox .layout_vbox { flex: none !important; } &-active > &-inactive.layout_hbox.layout_leaf, &-active > &-inactive.layout_hbox .layout_hbox.layout_leaf { height: 40px; } &-active > &-inactive.layout_vbox.layout_leaf, &-active > &-inactive.layout_vbox .layout_vbox.layout_leaf { width: 40px; } &-inactive.layout_leaf { min-height: 40px; min-width: 40px; } } `); const cssLayoutWrapper = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; position: relative; flex-grow: 1; @media not print { &-active { background: ${theme.mainPanelBg}; height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; position: relative; } &-active .viewsection_content { margin: 0px; margin-top: 8px; } &-active .viewsection_title { padding: 0px 12px; } &-active .filter_bar { margin-left: 6px; } } `); const cssOverlay = styled('div', ` height: 100%; @media screen { &-active { background-color: ${theme.modalBackdrop}; inset: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; padding: 20px 56px 20px 56px; position: absolute; } &-active .collapsed_layout { display: none !important; } } @media screen and ${mediaSmall} { &-active { padding: 22px; padding-top: 30px; } } `); const cssCloseButton = styled(icon, ` position: absolute; top: 16px; right: 16px; height: 24px; width: 24px; cursor: pointer; --icon-color: ${theme.modalBackdropCloseButtonFg}; &:hover { --icon-color: ${theme.modalBackdropCloseButtonHoverFg}; } @media ${mediaSmall} { & { top: 6px; right: 6px; } } `); const cssVFull = styled('div', ` height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `);