const util = require('util'); const childProcess = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs/promises'); const {existsSync} = require('fs'); const exec = util.promisify(childProcess.exec); const org = "grist-labs"; const expirationSec = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 30 days const getAppName = () => "grist-" + getBranchName().toLowerCase().replace(/[\W|_]+/g, '-'); const getVolumeName = () => "grist_vol_" + getBranchName().toLowerCase().replace(/\W+/g, '_'); const getBranchName = () => { if (!process.env.BRANCH_NAME) { console.log('Usage: Need BRANCH_NAME env var'); process.exit(1); } return process.env.BRANCH_NAME; } async function main() { if (process.argv[2] === 'deploy') { const appRoot = process.argv[3] || "."; if (!existsSync(`${appRoot}/Dockerfile`)) { console.log(`Dockerfile not found in appRoot of ${appRoot}`); process.exit(1); } const name = getAppName(); const volName = getVolumeName(); if (!await appExists(name)) { await appCreate(name); await appScale(name); await volCreate(name, volName); } else { // Check if volume exists, and create it if not. This is needed because there was an API // change in flyctl (mandatory -y flag) and some apps were created without a volume. if (!(await volList(name)).length) { await volCreate(name, volName); } } await prepConfig(name, appRoot, volName); await appDeploy(name, appRoot); } else if (process.argv[2] === 'destroy') { const name = getAppName(); if (await appExists(name)) { await appDestroy(name); } } else if (process.argv[2] === 'clean') { const staleApps = await findStaleApps(); for (const appName of staleApps) { await appDestroy(appName); } } else { console.log(`Usage: deploy [appRoot]: create (if needed) and deploy fly app grist-{BRANCH_NAME}. appRoot may specify the working directory that contains the Dockerfile to build. destroy: destroy fly app grist-{BRANCH_NAME} clean: destroy all grist-* fly apps whose time has come (according to FLY_DEPLOY_EXPIRATION env var set at deploy time) DRYRUN=1 in environment will show what would be done `); process.exit(1); } } const appExists = (name) => runFetch(`flyctl status -a ${name}`).then(() => true).catch(() => false); const appCreate = (name) => runAction(`flyctl apps create ${name} -o ${org}`); const appScale = (name) => runAction(`flyctl scale memory 1024 -a ${name}`); const volCreate = (name, vol) => runAction(`flyctl volumes create ${vol} -s 1 -r ewr -y -a ${name}`); const volList = (name) => runFetch(`flyctl volumes list -a ${name} -j`).then(({stdout}) => JSON.parse(stdout)); const appDeploy = (name, appRoot) => runAction(`flyctl deploy ${appRoot} --remote-only`, {shell: true, stdio: 'inherit'}); async function appDestroy(name) { await runAction(`flyctl apps destroy ${name} -y`); } async function prepConfig(name, appRoot, volName) { const configPath = `${appRoot}/fly.toml`; const configTemplatePath = `${appRoot}/buildtools/fly-template.toml`; const template = await fs.readFile(configTemplatePath, {encoding: 'utf8'}); // Calculate the time when we can destroy the app, used by findStaleApps. const expiration = new Date( + expirationSec * 1000).toISOString(); const config = template .replace(/{APP_NAME}/g, name) .replace(/{VOLUME_NAME}/g, volName) .replace(/{FLY_DEPLOY_EXPIRATION}/g, expiration); await fs.writeFile(configPath, config); } function runFetch(cmd) { console.log(`Running: ${cmd}`); return exec(cmd); } async function runAction(cmd) { if (process.env.DRYRUN) { console.log(`Would run: ${cmd}`); return; } console.log(`Running: ${cmd}`); const cp = childProcess.spawn(cmd, {shell: true, stdio: 'inherit'}); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cp.on('error', reject); cp.on('exit', function (code) { if (code === 0) { resolve(); } else { reject(new Error(`exited with code ${code}`)); } }); }); } async function findStaleApps() { const {stdout} = await runFetch(`flyctl apps list -j`); const list = JSON.parse(stdout); const appNames = []; for (const app of list) { if (app.Organization?.Slug !== org) { continue; } const {stdout} = await runFetch(`flyctl config display -a ${app.Name}`); const expiration = JSON.parse(stdout).env?.FLY_DEPLOY_EXPIRATION; if (!expiration) { continue; } const expired = ( > Number(new Date(expiration))); if (isNaN(expired)) { console.warn(`Skipping ${app.Name} with invalid expiration ${expiration}`); } else if (!expired) { console.log(`Skipping ${app.Name}; not reached expiration of ${expiration}`); } else { console.log(`Will clean ${app.Name}; expired at ${expiration}`); appNames.push(app.Name); } } return appNames; } main().catch(err => { console.warn("ERROR", err); process.exit(1); });