/** * SimpleList is a simple collection of item. Besides holding the items, it also knows which item is * selected, and allows selection via keyboard. In particular simpleList does not steal focus from * the trigger element, which makes it suitable to show a list of items next to an input element * while user is typing without interfering. * * const array = observable([{label: 'foo': value: 0, {label: 'bar', value: 1}]); * const ctl = popupControl(elem, ctl => SimpleList.create(null, ctl, array, action)); * * // Enable keyboard navigation by listening to keys on the element that has focus. * ctl.listenKeys(elem) * * // toggle popup * dom('input', dom.on('click', () => ctl.toggle())); */ import { Disposable, dom, DomArg, Observable, styled } from "grainjs"; import { cssMenu, cssMenuItem, cssMenuWrap, getOptionFull, IOpenController, IOption } from "popweasel"; import { attachMouseOverOnMove, findAncestorChild } from "app/client/lib/autocomplete"; import { menuCssClass, menuItem } from "app/client/ui2018/menus"; export type { IOption, IOptionFull } from 'popweasel'; export { getOptionFull } from 'popweasel'; export interface ISimpleListOpt = IOption> { headerDom?(): DomArg; renderItem?(item: U): DomArg; } export class SimpleList = IOption> extends Disposable { public readonly content: HTMLElement; private _menuContent: HTMLElement; private _selected: HTMLElement; private _selectedIndex: number = -1; private _mouseOver: {reset(): void}; constructor(private _ctl: IOpenController, private _items: Observable>, private _action: (value: T) => void, opt: ISimpleListOpt = {}) { super(); const renderItem = opt.renderItem || ((item: U) => getOptionFull(item).label); this.content = cssMenuWrap( dom('div', {class: menuCssClass + ' grist-floating-menu'}, cssMenu.cls(''), cssMenuExt.cls(''), opt.headerDom?.(), this._menuContent = cssMenuList( dom.forEach(this._items, (i) => { const item = getOptionFull(i); return cssOptionRow( {class: menuItem.className + ' ' + cssMenuItem.className}, dom.on('click', () => this._doAction(item.value)), renderItem(i), dom.cls('disabled', Boolean(item.disabled)), dom.data('itemValue', item.value), ); }), ), ), dom.on('mouseleave', (_ev) => this.setSelected(-1)), ); this.autoDispose(_items.addListener(() => this._update())); this._mouseOver = attachMouseOverOnMove( this._menuContent, (ev) => this.setSelected(this._findTargetItem(ev.target)) ); this._update(); } public listenKeys(elem: HTMLElement) { this.autoDispose(dom.onKeyElem(elem, 'keydown', { Escape: () => this._ctl.close(), ArrowDown: () => this.setSelected(this._getNextSelectable(1)), ArrowUp: () => this.setSelected(this._getNextSelectable(-1)), Enter: () => this._doAction(this._getSelectedData()), })); } // When the selected element changes, update the classes of the formerly and newly-selected // elements. public setSelected(index: number) { const elem = (this._menuContent.children[index] as HTMLElement) || null; const prev = this._selected; if (elem !== prev) { const clsName = cssMenuItem.className + '-sel'; if (prev) { prev.classList.remove(clsName); } if (elem) { elem.classList.add(clsName); elem.scrollIntoView({block: 'nearest'}); } } this._selected = elem; this._selectedIndex = elem ? index : -1; } private _update() { this._mouseOver?.reset(); } private _findTargetItem(target: EventTarget|null): number { // Find immediate child of this._menuContent which is an ancestor of ev.target. const elem = findAncestorChild(this._menuContent, target as Element|null); if (elem?.classList.contains('disabled')) { return -1; } return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this._menuContent.children, elem); } private _getSelectedData() { return this._selected ? dom.getData(this._selected, 'itemValue') : null; } private _doAction(value: T | null) { // If value is null, simply close the menu. This happens when pressing enter with no element // selected. if (value) { this._action(value); } this._ctl.close(); } private _getNext(index: number, step: 1 | -1): number { // Pretend there is an extra element at the end to mean "nothing selected". const xsize = this._items.get().length + 1; const next = (index + step + xsize) % xsize; return (next === xsize - 1) ? -1 : next; } private _getNextSelectable(step: 1 | -1): number { let next = this._getNext(this._selectedIndex, step); while (this._menuContent.children[next]?.classList.contains('disabled')) { next = this._getNext(next, step); } return next; } } const cssMenuList = styled('ul', ` overflow: auto; list-style: none; outline: none; padding: 0; width: 100%; margin: 0; `); const cssOptionRow = styled('li', ` white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: block; `); const cssMenuExt = styled('div', ` overflow: hidden; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `);