# pylint: disable=unused-argument from __future__ import absolute_import import itertools import math as _math import operator import random import uuid from functions.info import ISNUMBER, ISLOGICAL from functions.unimplemented import unimplemented import roman # Iterates through elements of iterable arguments, or through individual args when not iterable. def _chain(*values_or_iterables): for v in values_or_iterables: try: for x in v: yield x except TypeError: yield v # Iterates through iterable or other arguments, skipping non-numeric ones. def _chain_numeric(*values_or_iterables): for v in _chain(*values_or_iterables): if ISNUMBER(v) and not ISLOGICAL(v): yield v # Iterates through iterable or other arguments, replacing non-numeric ones with 0 (or True with 1). def _chain_numeric_a(*values_or_iterables): for v in _chain(*values_or_iterables): yield int(v) if ISLOGICAL(v) else v if ISNUMBER(v) else 0 def _round_toward_zero(value): return _math.floor(value) if value >= 0 else _math.ceil(value) def _round_away_from_zero(value): return _math.ceil(value) if value >= 0 else _math.floor(value) def ABS(value): """ Returns the absolute value of a number. >>> ABS(2) 2 >>> ABS(-2) 2 >>> ABS(-4) 4 """ return abs(value) def ACOS(value): """ Returns the inverse cosine of a value, in radians. >>> round(ACOS(-0.5), 9) 2.094395102 >>> round(ACOS(-0.5)*180/PI(), 10) 120.0 """ return _math.acos(value) def ACOSH(value): """ Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. >>> ACOSH(1) 0.0 >>> round(ACOSH(10), 7) 2.9932228 """ return _math.acosh(value) def ARABIC(roman_numeral): """ Computes the value of a Roman numeral. >>> ARABIC("LVII") 57 >>> ARABIC('mcmxii') 1912 """ return roman.fromRoman(roman_numeral.upper()) def ASIN(value): """ Returns the inverse sine of a value, in radians. >>> round(ASIN(-0.5), 9) -0.523598776 >>> round(ASIN(-0.5)*180/PI(), 10) -30.0 >>> round(DEGREES(ASIN(-0.5)), 10) -30.0 """ return _math.asin(value) def ASINH(value): """ Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. >>> round(ASINH(-2.5), 9) -1.647231146 >>> round(ASINH(10), 9) 2.99822295 """ return _math.asinh(value) def ATAN(value): """ Returns the inverse tangent of a value, in radians. >>> round(ATAN(1), 9) 0.785398163 >>> ATAN(1)*180/PI() 45.0 >>> DEGREES(ATAN(1)) 45.0 """ return _math.atan(value) def ATAN2(x, y): """ Returns the angle between the x-axis and a line segment from the origin (0,0) to specified coordinate pair (`x`,`y`), in radians. >>> round(ATAN2(1, 1), 9) 0.785398163 >>> round(ATAN2(-1, -1), 9) -2.35619449 >>> ATAN2(-1, -1)*180/PI() -135.0 >>> DEGREES(ATAN2(-1, -1)) -135.0 >>> round(ATAN2(1,2), 9) 1.107148718 """ return _math.atan2(y, x) def ATANH(value): """ Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. >>> round(ATANH(0.76159416), 9) 1.00000001 >>> round(ATANH(-0.1), 9) -0.100335348 """ return _math.atanh(value) def CEILING(value, factor=1): """ Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of factor, or the nearest integer if the factor is omitted or 1. >>> CEILING(2.5, 1) 3 >>> CEILING(-2.5, -2) -4 >>> CEILING(-2.5, 2) -2 >>> CEILING(1.5, 0.1) 1.5 >>> CEILING(0.234, 0.01) 0.24 """ return int(_math.ceil(float(value) / factor)) * factor def COMBIN(n, k): """ Returns the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects. >>> COMBIN(8,2) 28 >>> COMBIN(4,2) 6 >>> COMBIN(10,7) 120 """ # From http://stackoverflow.com/a/4941932/328565 k = min(k, n-k) if k == 0: return 1 numer = reduce(operator.mul, xrange(n, n-k, -1)) denom = reduce(operator.mul, xrange(1, k+1)) return numer//denom def COS(angle): """ Returns the cosine of an angle provided in radians. >>> round(COS(1.047), 7) 0.5001711 >>> round(COS(60*PI()/180), 10) 0.5 >>> round(COS(RADIANS(60)), 10) 0.5 """ return _math.cos(angle) def COSH(value): """ Returns the hyperbolic cosine of any real number. >>> round(COSH(4), 6) 27.308233 >>> round(COSH(EXP(1)), 7) 7.6101251 """ return _math.cosh(value) def DEGREES(angle): """ Converts an angle value in radians to degrees. >>> round(DEGREES(ACOS(-0.5)), 10) 120.0 >>> DEGREES(PI()) 180.0 """ return _math.degrees(angle) def EVEN(value): """ Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer, rounding away from zero. >>> EVEN(1.5) 2 >>> EVEN(3) 4 >>> EVEN(2) 2 >>> EVEN(-1) -2 """ return int(_round_away_from_zero(float(value) / 2)) * 2 def EXP(exponent): """ Returns Euler's number, e (~2.718) raised to a power. >>> round(EXP(1), 8) 2.71828183 >>> round(EXP(2), 7) 7.3890561 """ return _math.exp(exponent) def FACT(value): """ Returns the factorial of a number. >>> FACT(5) 120 >>> FACT(1.9) 1 >>> FACT(0) 1 >>> FACT(1) 1 >>> FACT(-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: factorial() not defined for negative values """ return _math.factorial(int(value)) def FACTDOUBLE(value): """ Returns the "double factorial" of a number. >>> FACTDOUBLE(6) 48 >>> FACTDOUBLE(7) 105 >>> FACTDOUBLE(3) 3 >>> FACTDOUBLE(4) 8 """ return reduce(operator.mul, xrange(value, 1, -2)) def FLOOR(value, factor=1): """ Rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance. >>> FLOOR(3.7,2) 2 >>> FLOOR(-2.5,-2) -2 >>> FLOOR(2.5,-2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: factor argument invalid >>> FLOOR(1.58,0.1) 1.5 >>> FLOOR(0.234,0.01) 0.23 """ if (factor < 0) != (value < 0): raise ValueError("factor argument invalid") return int(_math.floor(float(value) / factor)) * factor def _gcd(a, b): while a != 0: if a > b: a, b = b, a a, b = b % a, a return b def GCD(value1, *more_values): """ Returns the greatest common divisor of one or more integers. >>> GCD(5, 2) 1 >>> GCD(24, 36) 12 >>> GCD(7, 1) 1 >>> GCD(5, 0) 5 >>> GCD(0, 5) 5 >>> GCD(5) 5 >>> GCD(14, 42, 21) 7 """ values = [v for v in (value1,) + more_values if v] if not values: return 0 if any(v < 0 for v in values): raise ValueError("gcd requires non-negative values") return reduce(_gcd, map(int, values)) def INT(value): """ Rounds a number down to the nearest integer that is less than or equal to it. >>> INT(8.9) 8 >>> INT(-8.9) -9 >>> 19.5-INT(19.5) 0.5 """ return int(_math.floor(value)) def _lcm(a, b): return a * b / _gcd(a, b) def LCM(value1, *more_values): """ Returns the least common multiple of one or more integers. >>> LCM(5, 2) 10 >>> LCM(24, 36) 72 >>> LCM(0, 5) 0 >>> LCM(5) 5 >>> LCM(10, 100) 100 >>> LCM(12, 18) 36 >>> LCM(12, 18, 24) 72 """ values = (value1,) + more_values if any(v < 0 for v in values): raise ValueError("gcd requires non-negative values") if any(v == 0 for v in values): return 0 return reduce(_lcm, map(int, values)) def LN(value): """ Returns the the logarithm of a number, base e (Euler's number). >>> round(LN(86), 7) 4.4543473 >>> round(LN(2.7182818), 7) 1.0 >>> round(LN(EXP(3)), 10) 3.0 """ return _math.log(value) def LOG(value, base=10): """ Returns the the logarithm of a number given a base. >>> LOG(10) 1.0 >>> LOG(8, 2) 3.0 >>> round(LOG(86, 2.7182818), 7) 4.4543473 """ return _math.log(value, base) def LOG10(value): """ Returns the the logarithm of a number, base 10. >>> round(LOG10(86), 9) 1.934498451 >>> LOG10(10) 1.0 >>> LOG10(100000) 5.0 >>> LOG10(10**5) 5.0 """ return _math.log10(value) def MOD(dividend, divisor): """ Returns the result of the modulo operator, the remainder after a division operation. >>> MOD(3, 2) 1 >>> MOD(-3, 2) 1 >>> MOD(3, -2) -1 >>> MOD(-3, -2) -1 """ return dividend % divisor def MROUND(value, factor): """ Rounds one number to the nearest integer multiple of another. >>> MROUND(10, 3) 9 >>> MROUND(-10, -3) -9 >>> round(MROUND(1.3, 0.2), 10) 1.4 >>> MROUND(5, -2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: factor argument invalid """ if (factor < 0) != (value < 0): raise ValueError("factor argument invalid") return int(_round_toward_zero(float(value) / factor + 0.5)) * factor def MULTINOMIAL(value1, *more_values): """ Returns the factorial of the sum of values divided by the product of the values' factorials. >>> MULTINOMIAL(2, 3, 4) 1260 >>> MULTINOMIAL(3) 1 >>> MULTINOMIAL(1,2,3) 60 >>> MULTINOMIAL(0,2,4,6) 13860 """ s = value1 res = 1 for v in more_values: s += v res *= COMBIN(s, v) return res def ODD(value): """ Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer. >>> ODD(1.5) 3 >>> ODD(3) 3 >>> ODD(2) 3 >>> ODD(-1) -1 >>> ODD(-2) -3 """ return int(_round_away_from_zero(float(value + 1) / 2)) * 2 - 1 def PI(): """ Returns the value of Pi to 14 decimal places. >>> round(PI(), 9) 3.141592654 >>> round(PI()/2, 9) 1.570796327 >>> round(PI()*9, 8) 28.27433388 """ return _math.pi def POWER(base, exponent): """ Returns a number raised to a power. >>> POWER(5,2) 25.0 >>> round(POWER(98.6,3.2), 3) 2401077.222 >>> round(POWER(4,5.0/4), 9) 5.656854249 """ return _math.pow(base, exponent) def PRODUCT(factor1, *more_factors): """ Returns the result of multiplying a series of numbers together. Each argument may be a number or an array. >>> PRODUCT([5,15,30]) 2250 >>> PRODUCT([5,15,30], 2) 4500 >>> PRODUCT(5,15,[30],[2]) 4500 More tests: >>> PRODUCT([2, True, None, "", False, "0", 5]) 10 >>> PRODUCT([2, True, None, "", False, 0, 5]) 0 """ return reduce(operator.mul, _chain_numeric(factor1, *more_factors)) def QUOTIENT(dividend, divisor): """ Returns one number divided by another. >>> QUOTIENT(5, 2) 2 >>> QUOTIENT(4.5, 3.1) 1 >>> QUOTIENT(-10, 3) -3 """ return TRUNC(float(dividend) / divisor) def RADIANS(angle): """ Converts an angle value in degrees to radians. >>> round(RADIANS(270), 6) 4.712389 """ return _math.radians(angle) def RAND(): """ Returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive. """ return random.random() def RANDBETWEEN(low, high): """ Returns a uniformly random integer between two values, inclusive. """ return random.randrange(low, high + 1) def ROMAN(number, form_unused=None): """ Formats a number in Roman numerals. The second argument is ignored in this implementation. >>> ROMAN(499,0) 'CDXCIX' >>> ROMAN(499.2,0) 'CDXCIX' >>> ROMAN(57) 'LVII' >>> ROMAN(1912) 'MCMXII' """ # TODO: Maybe we should support the second argument. return roman.toRoman(int(number)) def ROUND(value, places=0): """ Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places according to standard rules. >>> ROUND(2.15, 1) # Excel actually gives the more correct 2.2 2.1 >>> ROUND(2.149, 1) 2.1 >>> ROUND(-1.475, 2) -1.48 >>> ROUND(21.5, -1) 20.0 >>> ROUND(626.3,-3) 1000.0 >>> ROUND(1.98,-1) 0.0 >>> ROUND(-50.55,-2) -100.0 """ # TODO: Excel manages to round 2.15 to 2.2, but Python sees 2.149999... and rounds to 2.1 # (see Python notes in documentation of `round()`). return round(value, places) def ROUNDDOWN(value, places=0): """ Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding down towards zero. >>> ROUNDDOWN(3.2, 0) 3 >>> ROUNDDOWN(76.9,0) 76 >>> ROUNDDOWN(3.14159, 3) 3.141 >>> ROUNDDOWN(-3.14159, 1) -3.1 >>> ROUNDDOWN(31415.92654, -2) 31400 """ factor = 10**-places return int(_round_toward_zero(float(value) / factor)) * factor def ROUNDUP(value, places=0): """ Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding up away from zero. >>> ROUNDUP(3.2,0) 4 >>> ROUNDUP(76.9,0) 77 >>> ROUNDUP(3.14159, 3) 3.142 >>> ROUNDUP(-3.14159, 1) -3.2 >>> ROUNDUP(31415.92654, -2) 31500 """ factor = 10**-places return int(_round_away_from_zero(float(value) / factor)) * factor def SERIESSUM(x, n, m, a): """ Given parameters x, n, m, and a, returns the power series sum a_1*x^n + a_2*x^(n+m) + ... + a_i*x^(n+(i-1)m), where i is the number of entries in range `a`. >>> SERIESSUM(1,0,1,1) 1 >>> SERIESSUM(2,1,0,[1,2,3]) 12 >>> SERIESSUM(-3,1,1,[2,4,6]) -132 >>> round(SERIESSUM(PI()/4,0,2,[1,-1./FACT(2),1./FACT(4),-1./FACT(6)]), 6) 0.707103 """ return sum(coef*pow(x, n+i*m) for i, coef in enumerate(_chain(a))) def SIGN(value): """ Given an input number, returns `-1` if it is negative, `1` if positive, and `0` if it is zero. >>> SIGN(10) 1 >>> SIGN(4.0-4.0) 0 >>> SIGN(-0.00001) -1 """ return 0 if value == 0 else int(_math.copysign(1, value)) def SIN(angle): """ Returns the sine of an angle provided in radians. >>> round(SIN(PI()), 10) 0.0 >>> SIN(PI()/2) 1.0 >>> round(SIN(30*PI()/180), 10) 0.5 >>> round(SIN(RADIANS(30)), 10) 0.5 """ return _math.sin(angle) def SINH(value): """ Returns the hyperbolic sine of any real number. >>> round(2.868*SINH(0.0342*1.03), 7) 0.1010491 """ return _math.sinh(value) def SQRT(value): """ Returns the positive square root of a positive number. >>> SQRT(16) 4.0 >>> SQRT(-16) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: math domain error >>> SQRT(ABS(-16)) 4.0 """ return _math.sqrt(value) def SQRTPI(value): """ Returns the positive square root of the product of Pi and the given positive number. >>> round(SQRTPI(1), 6) 1.772454 >>> round(SQRTPI(2), 6) 2.506628 """ return _math.sqrt(_math.pi * value) @unimplemented def SUBTOTAL(function_code, range1, range2): """ Returns a subtotal for a vertical range of cells using a specified aggregation function. """ raise NotImplementedError() def SUM(value1, *more_values): """ Returns the sum of a series of numbers. Each argument may be a number or an array. Non-numeric values are ignored. >>> SUM([5,15,30]) 50 >>> SUM([5.,15,30], 2) 52.0 >>> SUM(5,15,[30],[2]) 52 More tests: >>> SUM([10.25, None, "", False, "other", 20.5]) 30.75 >>> SUM([True, "3", 4], True) 6 """ return sum(_chain_numeric_a(value1, *more_values)) @unimplemented def SUMIF(records, criterion, sum_range): """ Returns a conditional sum across a range. """ raise NotImplementedError() @unimplemented def SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criterion1, *args): """ Returns the sum of a range depending on multiple criteria. """ raise NotImplementedError() def SUMPRODUCT(array1, *more_arrays): """ Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products. >>> SUMPRODUCT([3,8,1,4,6,9], [2,6,5,7,7,3]) 156 >>> SUMPRODUCT([], [], []) 0 >>> SUMPRODUCT([-0.25], [-2], [-3]) -1.5 >>> SUMPRODUCT([-0.25, -0.25], [-2, -2], [-3, -3]) -3.0 """ return sum(reduce(operator.mul, values) for values in itertools.izip(array1, *more_arrays)) @unimplemented def SUMSQ(value1, value2): """ Returns the sum of the squares of a series of numbers and/or cells. """ raise NotImplementedError() def TAN(angle): """ Returns the tangent of an angle provided in radians. >>> round(TAN(0.785), 8) 0.99920399 >>> round(TAN(45*PI()/180), 10) 1.0 >>> round(TAN(RADIANS(45)), 10) 1.0 """ return _math.tan(angle) def TANH(value): """ Returns the hyperbolic tangent of any real number. >>> round(TANH(-2), 6) -0.964028 >>> TANH(0) 0.0 >>> round(TANH(0.5), 6) 0.462117 """ return _math.tanh(value) def TRUNC(value, places=0): """ Truncates a number to a certain number of significant digits by omitting less significant digits. >>> TRUNC(8.9) 8 >>> TRUNC(-8.9) -8 >>> TRUNC(0.45) 0 """ # TRUNC seems indistinguishable from ROUNDDOWN. return ROUNDDOWN(value, places) def UUID(): """Generate a random UUID-formatted string identifier.""" return str(uuid.UUID(bytes=[chr(random.randrange(0, 256)) for _ in xrange(0, 16)], version=4))