import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {ViewSectionHelper} from 'app/client/components/ViewLayout'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {reportMessage, reportSuccess} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {IEdit, IExternalTable, VirtualTable} from 'app/client/models/VirtualTable'; import {docListHeader} from 'app/client/ui/DocMenuCss'; import {bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {mediaSmall, testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError'; import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents'; import { DocAction, getColIdsFromDocAction, getColValues, isDataAction, TableDataAction, UserAction } from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {WebhookSummary} from 'app/common/Triggers'; import {DocAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {GristObjCode, RowRecord} from 'app/plugin/GristData'; import {dom, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {observableArray, ObservableArray} from "knockout"; import omit = require('lodash/omit'); import pick = require('lodash/pick'); import range = require('lodash/range'); import without = require('lodash/without'); const t = makeT('WebhookPage'); /** * A list of columns for a virtual table about webhooks. * The ids need to be strings. */ const WEBHOOK_COLUMNS = [ { id: 'vt_webhook_fc1', colId: 'tableId', type: 'Choice', label: 'Table', // widgetOptions are configured later, since the choices depend // on the user tables in the document. }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc2', colId: 'url', type: 'Text', label: 'URL', }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc3', colId: 'eventTypes', type: 'ChoiceList', label: 'Event Types', widgetOptions: JSON.stringify({ widget: 'TextBox', alignment: 'left', choices: ['add', 'update'], choiceOptions: {}, }), }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc4', colId: 'enabled', type: 'Bool', label: 'Enabled', widgetOptions: JSON.stringify({ widget: 'Switch', }), }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc5', colId: 'isReadyColumn', type: 'Text', label: 'Ready Column', }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc6', colId: 'webhookId', type: 'Text', label: 'Webhook Id', }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc7', colId: 'name', type: 'Text', label: 'Name', }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc8', colId: 'memo', type: 'Text', label: 'Memo', }, { id: 'vt_webhook_fc9', colId: 'status', type: 'Text', label: 'Status', }, ] as const; /** * Layout of fields in a view, with a specific ordering. */ const WEBHOOK_VIEW_FIELDS: Array<(typeof WEBHOOK_COLUMNS)[number]['colId']> = [ 'name', 'memo', 'eventTypes', 'url', 'tableId', 'isReadyColumn', 'webhookId', 'enabled', 'status' ]; /** * * Change webhooks based on a virtual table. * * TODO: error handling is not rock-solid. If a set of actions are * applied all together, and one fails, then state between UI and * back-end may end up being inconsistent. One option would be just to * resync in the case of an error. In practice, the way the virtual * table is used in a card list, it would be hard to tickle this case * right now, so I'm not going to worry about it. * */ class WebhookExternalTable implements IExternalTable { public name = 'GristHidden_WebhookTable'; public initialActions = _prepareWebhookInitialActions(; public saveableFields = [ 'tableId', 'url', 'eventTypes', 'enabled', 'name', 'memo', 'isReadyColumn', ]; public webhooks: ObservableArray = observableArray([]); public constructor(private _docApi: DocAPI) { } public async fetchAll(): Promise { const webhooks = await this._docApi.getWebhooks(); this._initalizeWebhookList(webhooks); const indices = range(webhooks.length); return ['TableData',, => i + 1), getColValues( => _mapWebhookValues(webhooks[rowId])))]; } public async beforeEdit(editor: IEdit) { const results = editor.actions; for (const r of results) { for (const d of r.stored) { if (!isDataAction(d)) { continue; } const colIds = new Set(getColIdsFromDocAction(d) || []); if (colIds.has('webhookId') || colIds.has('status')) { throw new Error(`Sorry, not all fields can be edited.`); } } } const delta =; for (const recId of delta.removeRows) { const rec = editor.getRecord(recId); if (!rec) { continue; } await this._removeWebhook(rec); reportMessage(`Removed webhook.`); } const updates = new Set(delta.updateRows); const t2 = editor; for (const recId of updates) { const rec = t2.getRecordNew(recId); if (rec?.webhookId) { await this._updateWebhook(String(rec?.webhookId), rec); } } } public async afterEdit(editor: IEdit) { const {delta} = editor; const updates = new Set(delta.updateRows); const addsAndUpdates = new Set([,]); for (const recId of addsAndUpdates) { const rec = editor.getRecord(recId); if (!rec) { continue; } const notes: string[] = []; const values: Record = {}; if (!rec.webhookId) { try { const webhookId = await this._addWebhook(rec); values.webhookId = webhookId; notes.push("Added"); } catch (e) { notes.push("Incomplete" + ' | ' + this._getErrorString(e).replace(/^Error: /, '').replace('\n', ' | ')); } } else { notes.push("Updated"); } if (!values.status) { values.status = notes.join('\n'); } if (!updates.has(recId)) { // 'enabled' needs an initial value, otherwise it is unsettable values.enabled = false; } await editor.patch([ ['UpdateRecord',, recId, values], ]); } } public async sync(editor: IEdit): Promise { // Map from external webhookId to local arbitrary rowId. const rowMap = new Map(editor.getRowIds().map(rowId => [editor.getRecord(rowId)!.webhookId, rowId])); // Provisional list of rows to remove (we'll be trimming this down // as we go). const toRemove = new Set(editor.getRowIds()); // Synchronization is done by applying a collected list of actions. const actions: UserAction[] = []; // Prepare to add or update webhook listings stored locally. Uses // brute force, on the assumption that there won't be many // webhooks, or that "updating" something that hasn't actually // changed is not disruptive. const webhooks = await this._docApi.getWebhooks(); this._initalizeWebhookList(webhooks); for (const webhook of webhooks) { const values = _mapWebhookValues(webhook); const rowId = rowMap.get(; if (rowId) { toRemove.delete(rowId); actions.push( ['UpdateRecord',, rowId, values] ); } else { actions.push( ['AddRecord',, null, values] ); } } // Prepare to remove webhook rows that no longer correspond to something that // exists externally. for (const rowId of toRemove) { if (editor.getRecord(rowId)?.webhookId) { actions.push(['RemoveRecord',, rowId]); } } // Apply the changes. await editor.patch(actions); } public async afterAnySchemaChange(editor: IEdit) { // Configure the table picker, since the set of tables may have changed. // TODO: should do something about the ready column picker. Right now, // Grist doesn't have a good way to handle contingent choices. const choices = editor.gristDoc.docModel.visibleTables.all().map(tableRec => tableRec.tableId()); editor.gristDoc.docData.receiveAction([ 'UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 'vt_webhook_fc1' as any, { widgetOptions: JSON.stringify({ widget: 'TextBox', alignment: 'left', choices, }) }]); } private _initalizeWebhookList(webhooks: WebhookSummary[]){ this.webhooks.removeAll(); this.webhooks.push(...webhooks); } private _getErrorString(e: ApiError): string { return e.details?.userError || e.message; } private async _addWebhook(rec: RowRecord) { const fields = this._prepareFields(rec); // Leave enabled at default, meaning it will enable on successful // creation. It seems likely we'd get support requests asking why // webhooks are not working otherwise. const {webhookId} = await this._docApi.addWebhook(omit(fields, 'enabled')); return webhookId; } private async _updateWebhook(id: string, rec: RowRecord) { const fields = this._prepareFields(rec); if (Object.keys(fields).length) { await this._docApi.updateWebhook({id, fields}); } } private async _removeWebhook(rec: RowRecord) { if (rec.webhookId) { await this._docApi.removeWebhook(String(rec.webhookId), String(rec.tableId)); } } /** * Perform some transformations for sending fields to api: * - (1) removes all non saveble props and * - (2) removes the leading 'L' from eventTypes. */ private _prepareFields(fields: any) { fields = pick(fields, ...this.saveableFields); if (fields.eventTypes) { fields.eventTypes = without(fields.eventTypes, 'L'); } return fields; } } /** * Visualize webhooks. There's a button to clear the queue, and * a card list of webhooks. */ export class WebhookPage extends DisposableWithEvents { public docApi = this.gristDoc.docPageModel.appModel.api.getDocAPI(this.gristDoc.docId()); public sharedTable: VirtualTable; private _webhookExternalTable: WebhookExternalTable; constructor(public gristDoc: GristDoc) { super(); //this._webhooks = observableArray(); this._webhookExternalTable = new WebhookExternalTable(this.docApi); const table = new VirtualTable(this, gristDoc, this._webhookExternalTable); this.listenTo(gristDoc, 'webhooks', async () => { await table.lazySync(); }); } public buildDom() { const viewSectionModel = this.gristDoc.docModel.viewSections.getRowModel('vt_webhook_fs1' as any); ViewSectionHelper.create(this, this.gristDoc, viewSectionModel); return cssContainer( cssHeader(t('Webhook Settings')), cssControlRow( bigPrimaryButton(t("Clear Queue"), dom.on('click', () => this.reset()), testId('webhook-reset'), ) ), // active_section here is a bit of a hack, to allow tests to run // more easily. dom('div.active_section.view_data_pane_container.flexvbox', viewSectionModel.viewInstance()!.viewPane), ); } public async reset() { await this.docApi.flushWebhooks(); reportSuccess('Cleared webhook queue.'); } public async resetSelected(id: string) { await this.docApi.flushWebhook(id); reportSuccess(`Cleared webhook ${id} queue.`); } } const cssHeader = styled(docListHeader, ` margin-bottom: 0; &:not(:first-of-type) { margin-top: 40px; } `); const cssControlRow = styled('div', ` flex: none; margin-bottom: 16px; margin-top: 16px; display: flex; gap: 16px; `); const cssContainer = styled('div', ` overflow-y: auto; position: relative; height: 100%; padding: 32px 64px 24px 64px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; @media ${mediaSmall} { & { padding: 32px 24px 24px 24px; } } `); /** * Actions needed to create the virtual table about webhooks, and a * view for it. There are some "any" casts to place string ids where * numbers are expected. */ function _prepareWebhookInitialActions(tableId: string): DocAction[] { return [[ // Add the virtual table. 'AddTable', tableId, => ({ isFormula: true, type: 'Any', formula: '', id: col.colId })) ], [ // Add an entry for the virtual table. 'AddRecord', '_grist_Tables', 'vt_webhook_ft1' as any, {tableId, primaryViewId: 0}, ], [ // Add entries for the columns of the virtual table. 'BulkAddRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', => as any, getColValues( => Object.assign({ isFormula: false, formula: '', widgetOptions: '', parentId: 'vt_webhook_ft1' as any, }, omit(rec, ['id']) as any))), ], [ // Add a view section. 'AddRecord', '_grist_Views_section', 'vt_webhook_fs1' as any, {tableRef: 'vt_webhook_ft1', parentKey: 'detail', title: '', borderWidth: 1, defaultWidth: 100, theme: 'blocks'} ], [ // List the fields shown in the view section. 'BulkAddRecord', '_grist_Views_section_field',, i) => `vt_webhook_ff${i + 1}`) as any, { colRef: => WEBHOOK_COLUMNS.find(r => r.colId === colId)!.id), parentId: => 'vt_webhook_fs1'), parentPos:, i) => i), } ]]; } /** * Map a webhook summary to a webhook table raw record. The main * difference is that `eventTypes` is tweaked to be in a cell format, * and `status` is converted to a string. */ function _mapWebhookValues(webhookSummary: WebhookSummary): Partial { const fields = webhookSummary.fields; const {eventTypes} = fields; return { ...fields, webhookId:, status: JSON.stringify(webhookSummary.usage), eventTypes: [GristObjCode.List, ...eventTypes], }; } type WebhookSchemaType = { [prop in keyof WebhookSummary['fields']]: WebhookSummary['fields'][prop] } & { eventTypes: [GristObjCode, ...unknown[]]; status: string; webhookId: string; }