import {delay} from 'app/common/delay'; import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/HomeDBManager'; import {FlexServer} from 'app/server/lib/FlexServer'; import log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import {main as mergedServerMain} from 'app/server/mergedServerMain'; import axios from 'axios'; import {assert} from 'chai'; import * as fse from 'fs-extra'; import {tmpdir} from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import {TestSession} from 'test/gen-server/apiUtils'; import {createInitialDb, removeConnection, setUpDB} from 'test/gen-server/seed'; import {configForUser, getGristConfig} from 'test/gen-server/testUtils'; import {openClient} from 'test/server/gristClient'; import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils'; async function createTestDir(ident: string): Promise { // Create a testDir of the form grist_test_{USER}_{SERVER_NAME}, removing any previous one. const username = process.env.USER || "nobody"; const testDir = path.join(tmpdir(), `grist_test_${username}_${ident}`); await fse.remove(testDir); return testDir; } const chimpy = configForUser('Chimpy'); const kiwi = configForUser('Kiwi'); const charon = configForUser('Charon'); const chimpyEmail = ''; const kiwiEmail = ''; const charonEmail = ''; describe('AuthCaching', function() { this.timeout(10000); testUtils.setTmpLogLevel('error'); let homeServer: FlexServer, docsServer: FlexServer; let session: TestSession; let homeUrl: string; let helloDocId: string; const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); before(async function() { const testDir = process.env.TESTDIR || await createTestDir('authcaching'); const testDocDir = path.join(testDir, "data"); await fse.mkdirs(testDocDir); log.warn(`Test logs and data are at: ${testDir}/`); setUpDB(); await createInitialDb(); process.env.GRIST_DATA_DIR = testDocDir; homeServer = await mergedServerMain(0, ['home'], {logToConsole: false, externalStorage: false}); homeUrl = homeServer.getOwnUrl(); process.env.APP_HOME_URL = homeUrl; docsServer = await mergedServerMain(0, ['docs'], {logToConsole: false, externalStorage: false}); // Helpers for getting cookie-based logins. session = new TestSession(homeServer); // Copy a fixture doc to make it accessible with the given docId. helloDocId = (await homeServer.getHomeDBManager().testGetId('Jupiter')) as string; const srcPath = path.resolve(testUtils.fixturesRoot, 'docs', 'Hello.grist'); await fse.copy(srcPath, path.resolve(docsServer.docsRoot, `${helloDocId}.grist`), { dereference: true }); // Add Kiwi to 'viewers' for this doc. const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/access`, {delta: {users: {[kiwiEmail]: 'viewers'}}}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); }); after(async function() { delete process.env.GRIST_DATA_DIR; delete process.env.APP_HOME_URL; sandbox.restore(); await testUtils.captureLog('warn', async () => { await docsServer.close(); await homeServer.close(); await removeConnection(); }); }); afterEach(async function() { sandbox.restore(); }); function getDocTracker(dbManager: HomeDBManager) { const forced = sandbox.spy(dbManager, "getDoc"); const cached = sandbox.spy(dbManager, "getDocAuthCached"); const impl = sandbox.spy(dbManager, "getDocImpl"); function getCallCounts() { return { forced: forced.callCount, misses: impl.callCount - forced.callCount, hits: cached.callCount - (impl.callCount - forced.callCount), }; } function reset() { forced.resetHistory(); cached.resetHistory(); impl.resetHistory(); } function getAndReset() { const res = getCallCounts(); reset(); return res; } return {getCallCounts, reset, getAndReset}; } function flushCache() { homeServer.getHomeDBManager().flushDocAuthCache(); docsServer.getHomeDBManager().flushDocAuthCache(); } function getDocCallTracker() { return { home: getDocTracker(homeServer.getHomeDBManager()), docs: getDocTracker(docsServer.getHomeDBManager()), }; } it('should not cache direct call for doc metadata', async function() { flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}`, chimpy); assert.equal(, 'Jupiter'); // This is a metadata-only call, so only home server is involved. assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 1, misses: 0, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); const resp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual(,; assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 1, misses: 0, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); }); it('should cache DocApi + DocApiForwarder calls', async function() { flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, chimpy); assert.deepInclude(, {E: ["HELLO", "", "", ""]}); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); // Try an endpoint requiring editing permissions. const resp2 = await`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, {A: ['Foo']}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); const resp3 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, chimpy); assert.deepInclude(, {E: ["HELLO", "", "", "", "FOO"]}); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); }); it('should cache DocAPI + DocApiForwarder no-access calls', async function() { flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); // Kiwi has view-only access. Check that it's checked, and is cached too. let resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, {A: ['Bar']}, kiwi); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); assert.match(, /No write access/); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); // Second call is cached, but otherwise identical. resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, {A: ['Bar']}, kiwi); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); assert.match(, /No write access/); // The read/write distinction isn't checked by DocApiForwarder, so docsServer sees the request. assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); // View access works. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, kiwi); assert.deepInclude(, {E: ["HELLO", "", "", "", "FOO"]}); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); // Charon has no access. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, charon); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); assert.match(, /No view access/); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); // ...or write access (but the check is cached). resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, {A: ['Bar']}, charon); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); assert.match(, /No view access/); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); // docsServer never sees the request. assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); }); it('should not cache app.html endpoint', async function() { flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); const cookie = await session.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: chimpyEmail, name: 'Chimpy'}); const resp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/doc/${helloDocId}`, cookie); // gristConfig should include results of the getDoc call. const gristConfig = getGristConfig(; assert.hasAnyKeys(gristConfig.getDoc, [helloDocId]); assert.deepInclude(gristConfig.getDoc![helloDocId], {name: 'Jupiter', id: helloDocId}); // All authentication and getDoc() call are made by homeServer, docsServer not yet in play assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 1, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); // No caching on subsequent call because we force a fresh fetch for this endpoint. const resp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/doc/${helloDocId}`, cookie); assert.deepEqual(getGristConfig(, gristConfig.getDoc); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 1, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); }); it('should cache openDoc and websocket methods', async function() { flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); const cli = await openClient(docsServer, chimpyEmail, 'nasa'); assert.equal((await cli.readMessage()).type, 'clientConnect'); const openDoc = await cli.send("openDoc", helloDocId); assert.equal(openDoc.error, undefined); assert.match(JSON.stringify(, /Table1/); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); // Read access const table = await cli.send("fetchTable", 0, "Table1"); assert.includeMembers(, ['TableData', 'Table1']); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); // Write access const auaResult = await cli.send("applyUserActions", 0, [["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 1, {A: "auth-caching1"}]]); await delay(200); // give a little time for change broadcast. assert.isNumber(; assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 2}); await cli.close(); }); it('should cache openDoc and websocket methods with access failures', async function() { flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); // Repeat with a view-only user (Kiwi) let cli = await openClient(docsServer, kiwiEmail, 'nasa'); assert.equal((await cli.readMessage()).type, 'clientConnect'); let openDoc = await cli.send("openDoc", helloDocId); assert.equal(openDoc.error, undefined); assert.match(JSON.stringify(, /Table1/); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); // Kiwi has read access const table = await cli.send("fetchTable", 0, "Table1"); assert.includeMembers(, ['TableData', 'Table1']); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); // Kiwi has NO write access. const auaResult = await cli.send("applyUserActions", 0, [["UpdateRecord", "Table1", 1, {A: "auth-caching2"}]]); assert.deepEqual(auaResult.error, 'No write access'); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); // Charon has no access at all cli = await openClient(docsServer, charonEmail, 'nasa'); assert.equal((await cli.readMessage()).type, 'clientConnect'); openDoc = await cli.send("openDoc", helloDocId); assert.equal(openDoc.error, 'No view access'); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); await cli.send("openDoc", helloDocId); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); // Home server wasn't involved in this test case at all. assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); }); it('should cache across different kinds of calls', async function() { // Fetch the document endpoint and follow with openDoc. Caching should apply. flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); const cookie = await session.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: chimpyEmail, name: 'Chimpy'}); // app.html endpoint warms the cache for the home server. const resp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/doc/${helloDocId}`, cookie); const gristConfig = getGristConfig(; assert.hasAnyKeys(gristConfig.getDoc, [helloDocId]); assert.deepInclude(gristConfig.getDoc![helloDocId], {name: 'Jupiter', id: helloDocId}); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 1, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); // openDoc call warms the cache for the doc-worker. const cli = await openClient(docsServer, chimpyEmail, 'nasa'); assert.equal((await cli.readMessage()).type, 'clientConnect'); const openDoc = await cli.send("openDoc", helloDocId); assert.equal(openDoc.error, undefined); assert.match(JSON.stringify(, /Table1/); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); // the caching applies to API calls for the same doc/user/org combination. const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 1}); }); it('should expire the cache after a timeout', async function() { this.timeout(10000); // Make an API call; change access; check that after a while, the change is noticed. flushCache(); const getDocCalls = getDocCallTracker(); // Connect up websockets for Kiwi and Charon. const kiwiCli = await openClient(docsServer, kiwiEmail, 'nasa'); assert.equal((await kiwiCli.readMessage()).type, 'clientConnect'); const charonCli = await openClient(docsServer, charonEmail, 'nasa'); assert.equal((await charonCli.readMessage()).type, 'clientConnect'); // Kiwi has access, Charon doesn't. let resp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, kiwi); let resp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, charon); assert.equal(resp1.status, 200); assert.equal(resp2.status, 403); // home server sees both calls, but only forwards one to the doc-worker. assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 2, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 0}); assert.equal((await kiwiCli.send("openDoc", helloDocId)).error, undefined); assert.equal((await charonCli.send("openDoc", helloDocId)).error, 'No view access'); assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 1, hits: 1}); // Use Chimpy's access to change access for both. const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/access`, {delta: {users: {[kiwiEmail]: null, [charonEmail]: 'viewers'}}}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Home's UserAPI methods don't call to getDoc() to check doc-level access, so access checks // for Chimpy's patch-access call do not affect our counts. assert.deepEqual(getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(), {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); assert.deepEqual(, {forced: 0, misses: 0, hits: 0}); // The change isn't visible immediately. resp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, kiwi); resp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, charon); assert.equal(resp1.status, 200); assert.equal(resp2.status, 403); // But eventually it is. Should be within 5 seconds, we try up to 10. let passed = false; for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { await delay(200); try { // Check if access changes are visible yet. resp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, kiwi); resp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${helloDocId}/tables/Table1/data`, charon); assert.equal(resp1.status, 403); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); assert.equal((await kiwiCli.send("openDoc", helloDocId)).error, 'No view access'); assert.equal((await charonCli.send("openDoc", helloDocId)).error, undefined); passed = true; break; } catch (err) { continue; } } assert.isTrue(passed); const homeCalls = getDocCalls.home.getAndReset(); const docsCalls =; // There are many cache hits, but one set of misses that discovers the access changes. assert.deepInclude(homeCalls, {forced: 0, misses: 2}); assert.deepInclude(docsCalls, {forced: 0, misses: 2}); assert.isAbove(homeCalls.hits, 10); assert.isAbove(docsCalls.hits, 10); }); });