import {ActionGroup} from 'app/common/ActionGroup'; import {DocAction} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {FilteredDocUsageSummary} from 'app/common/DocUsage'; import {Product} from 'app/common/Features'; import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion'; import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; export const ValidEvent = StringUnion('docListAction', 'docUserAction', 'docShutdown', 'docError', 'docUsage', 'clientConnect'); export type ValidEvent = typeof ValidEvent.type; /** * A request in the appropriate form for sending to the server. */ export interface CommRequest { reqId: number; method: string; args: any[]; } /** * A regular, successful response from the server. */ export interface CommResponse { reqId: number; data: any; error?: null; // TODO: keep until sure server never sets this on regular responses. } /** * An exceptional response from the server when there is an error. */ export interface CommResponseError { reqId: number; error: string; errorCode?: string; shouldFork?: boolean; // if set, the server suggests forking the document. details?: any; // if set, error has extra details available. TODO - the treatment of // details could do with some harmonisation between rest API and ws API, // and between front-end and back-end types. } /** * A message pushed from the server, not in response to a request. */ export interface CommMessageBase { type: ValidEvent; docFD?: number; data?: unknown; } export type CommDocMessage = CommDocUserAction | CommDocUsage | CommDocShutdown | CommDocError; export type CommMessage = CommDocMessage | CommDocListAction | CommClientConnect; export type CommResponseBase = CommResponse | CommResponseError | CommMessage; export type CommDocEventType = CommDocMessage['type'] /** * Event for a change to the document list. * These are sent to all connected clients, regardless of which documents they have open. * TODO: This is entirely unused at the moment. */ export interface CommDocListAction extends CommMessageBase { type: 'docListAction'; addDocs?: string[]; // names of documents to add to the docList. removeDocs?: string[]; // names of documents that got removed. renameDocs?: string[]; // [oldName, newName] pairs for renamed docs. addInvites?: string[]; // document invite names to add. removeInvites?: string[]; // documents invite names to remove. } /** * Event for a user action on a document, or part of one. Sent to all clients that have this * document open. */ export interface CommDocUserAction extends CommMessageBase { type: 'docUserAction'; docFD: number; // The file descriptor of the open document, specific to each client. fromSelf?: boolean; // Flag to indicate whether the action originated from this client. // ActionGroup object containing user action, and doc actions. data: { docActions: DocAction[]; actionGroup: ActionGroup; docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary; error?: string; }; } /** * Event for a change to document usage. Sent to all clients that have this document open. */ export interface CommDocUsage extends CommMessageBase { type: 'docUsage'; docFD: number; // The file descriptor of the open document, specific to each client. data: { docUsage: FilteredDocUsageSummary; // Document usage summary. product?: Product; //Product that was used to compute `data.docUsage` }; } /** * Event for when a document is forcibly shutdown, and requires the client to re-open it. */ export interface CommDocShutdown extends CommMessageBase { type: 'docShutdown'; docFD: number; data: null; } /** * Event that signals an error while opening a doc. */ export interface CommDocError extends CommMessageBase { type: 'docError'; docFD: number; data: { when: string; message: string; } } /** * Event sent by server received when a client first connects. */ export interface CommClientConnect extends CommMessageBase { type: 'clientConnect'; // ID for the client, which may be reused if a client reconnects to reattach to its state on // the server. clientId: string; // If set, the reconnecting client cannot be sent all missed messages, and needs to reload. needReload?: boolean; // Array of serialized messages missed from the server while disconnected. missedMessages?: string[]; // Which version the server reports for itself. serverVersion?: string; // Object containing server settings and features which should be used to initialize the client. settings?: {[key: string]: unknown}; // Object containing session profile information if the user is signed in, or null otherwise. profile: UserProfile|null; dup?: boolean; // Flag that's set to true when it's a duplicate clientConnect message. }