/** * Exports `docBreadcrumbs()` which returns a styled breadcrumb for the current page: * * [icon] Workspace (link) / Document name (editable) / Page name (editable) * * Workspace is a clickable link and document and page names are editable labels. */ import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import { urlState } from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import { cssHideForNarrowScreen, mediaNotSmall, testId, theme } from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import { editableLabel } from 'app/client/ui2018/editableLabel'; import { icon } from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import { cssLink } from 'app/client/ui2018/links'; import { BindableValue, dom, Observable, styled } from 'grainjs'; import { tooltip } from 'popweasel'; const t = makeT('breadcrumbs'); export const cssBreadcrumbs = styled('div', ` color: ${theme.lightText}; white-space: nowrap; cursor: default; `); export const separator = styled('span', ` padding: 0 2px; `); const cssIcon = styled(icon, ` background-color: ${theme.accentIcon}; margin-top: -2px; `); const cssPublicIcon = styled(cssIcon, ` margin-left: 8px; margin-top: -4px; `); const cssWorkspaceName = styled(cssLink, ` margin-left: 8px; `); const cssWorkspaceNarrowScreen = styled(icon, ` transform: rotateY(180deg); width: 32px; height: 32px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-left: -7px; margin-right: 8px; background-color: ${theme.lightText}; cursor: pointer; @media ${mediaNotSmall} { & { display: none; } } `); const cssEditableName = styled('input', ` &:hover, &:focus { color: ${theme.text}; } `); const cssTag = styled('span', ` background-color: ${theme.breadcrumbsTagBg}; color: ${theme.breadcrumbsTagFg}; border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 4px; margin-left: 4px; `); const cssAlertTag = styled(cssTag, ` background-color: ${theme.breadcrumbsTagAlertBg}; --icon-color: ${theme.breadcrumbsTagFg}; a { cursor: pointer; } `); interface PartialWorkspace { id: number; name: string; } export function docBreadcrumbs( workspace: Observable, docName: Observable, pageName: Observable, options: { docNameSave: (val: string) => Promise, pageNameSave: (val: string) => Promise, cancelRecoveryMode: () => Promise, isDocNameReadOnly?: BindableValue, isPageNameReadOnly?: BindableValue, isFork: Observable, isTutorialFork: Observable, isBareFork: Observable, isFiddle: Observable, isRecoveryMode: Observable, isSnapshot?: Observable, isPublic?: Observable, isTemplate?: Observable, isAnonymous?: boolean, } ): Element { const shouldShowWorkspace = !(options.isTemplate && options.isAnonymous); return cssBreadcrumbs( !shouldShowWorkspace ? null : dom.domComputed<[boolean, PartialWorkspace|null]>( (use) => [use(options.isBareFork), use(workspace)], ([isBareFork, ws]) => { if (isBareFork || !ws) { return null; } return [ cssIcon('Home', testId('bc-home'), cssHideForNarrowScreen.cls('')), cssWorkspaceName( urlState().setLinkUrl({ws: ws.id}), dom.text(ws.name), testId('bc-workspace'), cssHideForNarrowScreen.cls('') ), cssWorkspaceNarrowScreen( 'Expand', urlState().setLinkUrl({ws: ws.id}), testId('bc-workspace-ns') ), separator(' / ', testId('bc-separator'), cssHideForNarrowScreen.cls('')) ]; } ), editableLabel(docName, { save: options.docNameSave, inputArgs: [ testId('bc-doc'), cssEditableName.cls(''), dom.boolAttr('disabled', options.isDocNameReadOnly || false), ], }), dom.maybe(options.isPublic, () => cssPublicIcon('PublicFilled', testId('bc-is-public'))), dom.domComputed((use) => { if (options.isSnapshot && use(options.isSnapshot)) { return cssTag(t("snapshot"), testId('snapshot-tag')); } if (use(options.isFork) && !use(options.isTutorialFork)) { return cssTag(t("unsaved"), testId('unsaved-tag')); } if (use(options.isRecoveryMode)) { return cssAlertTag(t("recovery mode"), dom('a', dom.on('click', () => options.cancelRecoveryMode()), icon('CrossSmall')), testId('recovery-mode-tag')); } if (use(options.isFiddle)) { return cssTag(t("fiddle"), tooltip({title: t(`You may make edits, but they will create a new copy and will not affect the original document.`)}), testId('fiddle-tag')); } }), separator(' / ', testId('bc-separator'), cssHideForNarrowScreen.cls('')), editableLabel(pageName, { save: options.pageNameSave, inputArgs: [ testId('bc-page'), cssEditableName.cls(''), dom.boolAttr('disabled', options.isPageNameReadOnly || false), dom.cls(cssHideForNarrowScreen.className), ], }), ); }