import { ApiError } from 'app/common/ApiError'; import { BootProbeIds, BootProbeResult } from 'app/common/BootProbe'; import { removeTrailingSlash } from 'app/common/gutil'; import { expressWrap, jsonErrorHandler } from 'app/server/lib/expressWrap'; import { GristServer } from 'app/server/lib/GristServer'; import * as express from 'express'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; /** * Self-diagnostics useful when installing Grist. */ export class BootProbes { // List of probes. public _probes = new Array(); // Probes indexed by id. public _probeById = new Map(); public constructor(private _app: express.Application, private _server: GristServer, private _base: string, private _middleware: express.Handler[] = []) { this._addProbes(); } public addEndpoints() { // Return a list of available probes. this._app.use(`${this._base}/probe$`, ...this._middleware, expressWrap(async (_, res) => { res.json({ 'probes': => { return { id:, name: }; }), }); })); // Return result of running an individual probe. this._app.use(`${this._base}/probe/:probeId`, ...this._middleware, expressWrap(async (req, res) => { const probe = this._probeById.get(req.params.probeId); if (!probe) { throw new ApiError('unknown probe', 400); } const result = await probe.apply(this._server, req); res.json(result); })); // Fall-back for errors. this._app.use(`${this._base}/probe`, jsonErrorHandler); } private _addProbes() { this._probes.push(_homeUrlReachableProbe); this._probes.push(_statusCheckProbe); this._probes.push(_userProbe); this._probes.push(_bootProbe); this._probes.push(_hostHeaderProbe); this._probes.push(_sandboxingProbe); this._probeById = new Map( => [, p])); } } /** * An individual probe has an id, a name, an optional description, * and a method that returns a probe result. */ export interface Probe { id: BootProbeIds; name: string; description?: string; apply: (server: GristServer, req: express.Request) => Promise; } const _homeUrlReachableProbe: Probe = { id: 'reachable', name: 'Grist is reachable', apply: async (server, req) => { const url = server.getHomeUrl(req); try { const resp = await fetch(url); if (resp.status !== 200) { throw new ApiError(await resp.text(), resp.status); } return { success: true, }; } catch (e) { return { success: false, details: { error: String(e), }, severity: 'fault', }; } } }; const _statusCheckProbe: Probe = { id: 'health-check', name: 'Built-in Health check', apply: async (server, req) => { const baseUrl = server.getHomeUrl(req); const url = new URL(baseUrl); url.pathname = removeTrailingSlash(url.pathname) + '/status'; try { const resp = await fetch(url); if (resp.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Failed with status ${resp.status}`); } const txt = await resp.text(); if (!txt.includes('is alive')) { throw new Error(`Failed, page has unexpected content`); } return { success: true, }; } catch (e) { return { success: false, error: String(e), severity: 'fault', }; } }, }; const _userProbe: Probe = { id: 'system-user', name: 'System user is sane', apply: async () => { if (process.getuid && process.getuid() === 0) { return { success: false, verdict: 'User appears to be root (UID 0)', severity: 'warning', }; } else { return { success: true, }; } }, }; const _bootProbe: Probe = { id: 'boot-page', name: 'Boot page exposure', apply: async (server) => { if (!server.hasBoot) { return { success: true }; } const maybeSecureEnough = String(process.env.GRIST_BOOT_KEY).length > 10; return { success: maybeSecureEnough, severity: 'hmm', }; }, }; /** * Based on: * * * When GRIST_SERVE_SAME_ORIGIN is set, requests arriving to Grist need * to have an accurate Host header. */ const _hostHeaderProbe: Probe = { id: 'host-header', name: 'Host header is sane', apply: async (server, req) => { const host = req.header('host'); const url = new URL(server.getHomeUrl(req)); if (url.hostname === 'localhost') { return { done: true, }; } if (String(url.hostname).toLowerCase() !== String(host).toLowerCase()) { return { success: false, severity: 'hmm', }; } return { done: true, }; }, }; const _sandboxingProbe: Probe = { id: 'sandboxing', name: 'Sandboxing is working', apply: async (server, req) => { const details = server.getSandboxInfo(); return { success: details?.configured && details?.functional, details, }; }, };