/* global describe, it, before, after */ var _ = require('underscore'); var assert = require('assert'); var Chance = require('chance'); var utils = require('../utils'); var marshal = require('app/common/marshal'); /** * This test measures the complete encoding/decoding time of several ways to serialize an array of * data. This is intended both to choose a good serialization format, and to optimize its * implementation. This test is supposed to work both in Node and in browsers. */ describe("Serialization", function() { function marshalV0(data) { var m = new marshal.Marshaller({stringToBuffer: true, version: 0}); m.marshal(data); return m.dump(); } function marshalV2(data) { var m = new marshal.Marshaller({stringToBuffer: true, version: 2}); m.marshal(data); return m.dump(); } function unmarshal(buffer) { var m = new marshal.Unmarshaller({bufferToString: true}); var value; m.on('value', function(v) { value = v; }); m.push(buffer); m.removeAllListeners(); return value; } var encoders = { "marshal_v0": {enc: marshalV0, dec: unmarshal}, "marshal_v2": {enc: marshalV2, dec: unmarshal}, "json": {enc: JSON.stringify, dec: JSON.parse}, }; describe("correctness", function() { var data; before(function() { // Generate an array of random data using the Chance module var chance = new Chance(1274323391); // seed is arbitrary data = { 'floats1k': chance.n(chance.floating, 1000), 'strings1k': chance.n(chance.string, 1000), }; }); _.each(encoders, function(encoder, name) { it(name, function() { assert.deepEqual(encoder.dec(encoder.enc(data.floats1k)), data.floats1k); assert.deepEqual(encoder.dec(encoder.enc(data.strings1k)), data.strings1k); }); }); }); utils.timing.describe("timings", function() { var data, encoded = {}, results = {}; before(function() { this.timeout(10000); // Generate an array of random data using the Chance module var chance = new Chance(1274323391); // seed is arbitrary data = { 'floats100k': chance.n(chance.floating, 100000), 'strings100k': chance.n(chance.string, 100000), }; // And prepare an encoded version for each encoder so that we can time decoding. _.each(data, function(values, key) { _.each(encoders, function(encoder, name) { encoded[key + ":" + name] = encoder.enc(values); }); }); }); function test_encode(name, key, expectedMs) { utils.timing.it(expectedMs, "encodes " + key + " with " + name, function() { utils.repeat(5, encoders[name].enc, data[key]); }); } function test_decode(name, key, expectedMs) { utils.timing.it(expectedMs, "decodes " + key + " with " + name, function() { var ret = utils.repeat(5, encoders[name].dec, encoded[key + ":" + name]); results[key + ":" + name] = ret; }); } after(function() { // Verify the results of decoding tests outside the timed test case. _.each(results, function(result, keyName) { var key = keyName.split(":")[0]; assert.deepEqual(result, data[key], "wrong result decoding " + keyName); }); }); // Note that these tests take quite a bit longer when running ALL tests than when running them // separately, so the expected times are artificially inflated below to let them pass. This // may be because memory allocation is slower due to memory fragmentation. Just running gc() // before the tests doesn't remove the discrepancy. // Also note that the expected time needs to be high enough for both node and browser. test_encode('marshal_v0', 'floats100k', 1600); test_decode('marshal_v0', 'floats100k', 600); test_encode('marshal_v0', 'strings100k', 1000); test_decode('marshal_v0', 'strings100k', 800); test_encode('marshal_v2', 'floats100k', 160); test_decode('marshal_v2', 'floats100k', 160); test_encode('marshal_v2', 'strings100k', 1000); test_decode('marshal_v2', 'strings100k', 800); test_encode('json', 'floats100k', 120); test_decode('json', 'floats100k', 120); test_encode('json', 'strings100k', 80); test_decode('json', 'strings100k', 80); }); });