import {FormView} from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormView'; import {Box, BoxModel, ignoreClick, RenderContext} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model'; import * as style from 'app/client/components/Forms/styles'; import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {Constructor} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {BindableValue, Computed, Disposable, dom, DomContents, IDomComponent, makeTestId, Observable, toKo} from 'grainjs'; import * as ko from 'knockout'; const testId = makeTestId('test-forms-'); /** * Base class for all field models. */ export class FieldModel extends BoxModel { public fieldRef = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => toKo(ko, this.leaf)())); public field = this.view.gristDoc.docModel.viewFields.createFloatingRowModel(this.fieldRef); public question = Computed.create(this, (use) => { return use(this.field.question) || use(this.field.origLabel); }); public description = Computed.create(this, (use) => { return use(this.field.description); }); public colType = Computed.create(this, (use) => { return use(use(this.field.column).pureType); }); public get leaf() { return this.props['leaf'] as Observable; } public renderer = Computed.create(this, (use) => { const ctor = fieldConstructor(use(this.colType)); const instance = new ctor(this.field); use.owner.autoDispose(instance); return instance; }); constructor(box: Box, parent: BoxModel | null, view: FormView) { super(box, parent, view); } public async onDrop() { await super.onDrop(); if (typeof this.leaf.get() === 'string') { this.leaf.set(await this.view.showColumn(this.leaf.get())); } } public render(context: RenderContext) { const model = this; return dom('div', testId('question'), style.cssLabel( testId('label'), dom.text(model.question) ), testType(this.colType), dom.domComputed(this.renderer, (renderer) => renderer.buildDom()), dom.maybe(model.description, (description) => [ style.cssDesc(description, testId('description')), ]), ); } public async deleteSelf() { const rowId = this.field.getRowId(); const view = this.view; this.removeSelf(); // The order here matters for undo. await; // We are disposed at this point, be still can access the view. if (rowId) { await view.viewSection.removeField(rowId); } } } export abstract class Question extends Disposable implements IDomComponent { constructor(public field: ViewFieldRec) { super(); } public abstract buildDom(): DomContents; } class TextModel extends Question { public buildDom() { return style.cssInput( dom.prop('name', this.field.colId), {type: 'text', tabIndex: "-1"}, ignoreClick ); } } class ChoiceModel extends Question { public buildDom() { const field = this.field; const choices: Computed = Computed.create(this, use => { return use(use(field.origCol).widgetOptionsJson.prop('choices')) || []; }); return style.cssSelect( {tabIndex: "-1"}, ignoreClick, dom.prop('name', this.field.colId), dom.forEach(choices, (choice) => dom('option', choice, {value: choice})), ); } } class ChoiceListModel extends Question { public buildDom() { const field = this.field; const choices: Computed = Computed.create(this, use => { return use(use(field.origCol).widgetOptionsJson.prop('choices')) || []; }); return dom('div', dom.prop('name', this.field.colId), dom.forEach(choices, (choice) => style.cssLabel( dom('input', dom.prop('name', this.field.colId), {type: 'checkbox', value: choice, style: 'margin-right: 5px;'} ), choice )), dom.maybe(use => use(choices).length === 0, () => [ dom('div', 'No choices defined'), ]), ); } } class BoolModel extends Question { public buildDom() { return dom('div', style.cssLabel( {style: 'display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 8px;'}, dom('input', dom.prop('name', this.field.colId), {type: 'checkbox', name: 'choice', style: 'margin: 0px; padding: 0px;'} ), 'Yes' ), ); } } class DateModel extends Question { public buildDom() { return dom('div', dom('input', dom.prop('name', this.field.colId), {type: 'date', style: 'margin-right: 5px; width: 100%;' }), ); } } class DateTimeModel extends Question { public buildDom() { return dom('div', dom('input', dom.prop('name', this.field.colId), {type: 'datetime-local', style: 'margin-right: 5px; width: 100%;'} ),'width', '100%'), ); } } // TODO: decide which one we need and implement rest. const AnyModel = TextModel; const NumericModel = TextModel; const IntModel = TextModel; const RefModel = TextModel; const RefListModel = TextModel; const AttachmentsModel = TextModel; function fieldConstructor(type: string): Constructor { switch (type) { case 'Any': return AnyModel; case 'Bool': return BoolModel; case 'Choice': return ChoiceModel; case 'ChoiceList': return ChoiceListModel; case 'Date': return DateModel; case 'DateTime': return DateTimeModel; case 'Int': return IntModel; case 'Numeric': return NumericModel; case 'Ref': return RefModel; case 'RefList': return RefListModel; case 'Attachments': return AttachmentsModel; default: return TextModel; } } /** * Creates a hidden input element with element type. Used in tests. */ function testType(value: BindableValue) { return dom('input', {type: 'hidden'}, dom.prop('value', value), testId('type')); }