import {ActionSummary, ColumnDelta, createEmptyActionSummary, createEmptyTableDelta} from 'app/common/ActionSummary'; import {CellDelta} from 'app/common/TabularDiff'; import {concatenateSummaries} from 'app/common/ActionSummarizer'; import {ISQLiteDB, quoteIdent, ResultRow} from 'app/server/lib/SQLiteDB'; import keyBy = require('lodash/keyBy'); import matches = require('lodash/matches'); import sortBy = require('lodash/sortBy'); import toPairs = require('lodash/toPairs'); /** * We can combine an ActionSummary with the current state of the database * to answer questions about the state of the database in the past. This * is particularly useful for grist metadata tables, which are needed to * interpret the content of user tables fully. * - TimeCursor is a simple container for the db and an ActionSummary * - TimeQuery offers a db-like interface for a given table and set of columns * - TimeLayout answers a couple of concrete questions about table meta-data using a * set of TimeQuery objects hooked up to _grist_* tables. It could be used to * improve the rendering of the ActionLog, for example, although it is not (yet). */ /** Track the state of the database at a particular time. */ export class TimeCursor { public summary: ActionSummary; constructor(public db: ISQLiteDB) { this.summary = createEmptyActionSummary(); } /** add a summary of an action just before the last action applied to the TimeCursor */ public prepend(prevSummary: ActionSummary) { this.summary = concatenateSummaries([prevSummary, this.summary]); } /** add a summary of an action just after the last action applied to the TimeCursor */ public append(nextSummary: ActionSummary) { this.summary = concatenateSummaries([this.summary, nextSummary]); } } /** internal class for storing a ResultRow dictionary, keyed by rowId */ class ResultRows { [rowId: number]: ResultRow; } /** * Query the state of a particular table in the past, given a TimeCursor holding the * current db and a summary of all changes between that past time and now. * For the moment, for simplicity, names of tables and columns are assumed not to * change, and TimeQuery should only be used for _grist_* tables. */ export class TimeQuery { private _currentRows: ResultRow[]; private _pastRows: ResultRow[]; constructor(public tc: TimeCursor, public tableId: string, public colIds: string[]) { } /** Get fresh data from DB and overlay with any past data */ public async update(): Promise<ResultRow[]> { this._currentRows = await `select ${['id', ...this.colIds].map(quoteIdent).join(',')} from ${quoteIdent(this.tableId)}`); // Let's see everything the summary has accumulated about the table back then. const td =[this.tableId] || createEmptyTableDelta(); // Now rewrite the summary as a ResultRow dictionary, to make it comparable // with database. const summaryRows: ResultRows = {}; for (const [colId, columns] of toPairs(td.columnDeltas)) { for (const [rowId, cell] of toPairs(columns) as unknown as Array<[keyof ColumnDelta, CellDelta]>) { if (!summaryRows[rowId]) { summaryRows[rowId] = {}; } const val = cell[0]; summaryRows[rowId][colId] = (val !== null && typeof val === 'object' ) ? val[0] : null; } } // Prepare to access the current database state by rowId. const rowsById = keyBy(this._currentRows, r => ( as number)); // Prepare a list of rowIds at the time of interest. // The past rows are whatever the db has now, omitting rows that were added // since the past time, and adding back any rows that were removed since then. // Careful about the order of this, since rows could be replaced. const additions = new Set(td.addRows); const pastRowIds = new Set([ => as number).filter(r => !additions.has(r)),]); // Now prepare a row for every expected rowId, using current db data if available // and relevant, and overlaying past data when available. this._pastRows = new Array<ResultRow>(); const colIdsOfInterest = new Set(this.colIds); for (const id of Array.from(pastRowIds).sort()) { const row: ResultRow = rowsById[id] || {id}; if (summaryRows[id] && !additions.has(id)) { for (const [colId, val] of toPairs(summaryRows[id])) { if (colIdsOfInterest.has(colId)) { row[colId] = val; } } } this._pastRows.push(row); } return this._pastRows; } /** * Do a query with a single result, specifying any desired filters. Exception thrown * if there is no result. */ public one(args: {[name: string]: any}): ResultRow { const result = this._pastRows.find(matches(args)); if (!result) { throw new Error(`could not find: ${JSON.stringify(args)} for ${this.tableId}`); } return result; } /** Get all results for a query. */ public all(args?: {[name: string]: any}): ResultRow[] { if (!args) { return this._pastRows; } return this._pastRows.filter(matches(args)); } } /** * Put some TimeQuery queries to work answering questions about column order and * user-facing name of tables. */ export class TimeLayout { public tables: TimeQuery; public fields: TimeQuery; public columns: TimeQuery; public views: TimeQuery; public sections: TimeQuery; constructor(public tc: TimeCursor) { this.tables = new TimeQuery(tc, '_grist_Tables', ['tableId', 'primaryViewId', 'rawViewSectionRef']); this.fields = new TimeQuery(tc, '_grist_Views_section_field', ['parentId', 'parentPos', 'colRef']); this.columns = new TimeQuery(tc, '_grist_Tables_column', ['parentId', 'colId']); this.views = new TimeQuery(tc, '_grist_Views', ['id', 'name']); this.sections = new TimeQuery(tc, '_grist_Views_section', ['id', 'title']); } /** update from TimeCursor */ public async update() { await this.tables.update(); await this.columns.update(); await this.fields.update(); await this.views.update(); await this.sections.update(); } public getColumnOrder(tableId: string): string[] { const primaryViewId ={tableId}).primaryViewId; const preorder = this.fields.all({parentId: primaryViewId}); const precol = keyBy(this.columns.all(), 'id'); const ordered = sortBy(preorder, 'parentPos'); const names = => precol[r.colRef].colId); return names; } public getTableName(tableId: string): string { const rawViewSectionRef ={tableId}).rawViewSectionRef; return{id: rawViewSectionRef}).title; } }