import { GristDoc } from "app/client/components/GristDoc"; import { urlState } from "app/client/models/gristUrlState"; import { showExampleCard } from 'app/client/ui/ExampleCard'; import { examples } from 'app/client/ui/ExampleInfo'; import { createHelpTools, cssSectionHeader, cssSpacer, cssTools } from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon'; import { cssLinkText, cssPageEntry, cssPageIcon, cssPageLink } from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon'; import { hoverTooltip, tooltipCloseButton } from 'app/client/ui/tooltips'; import { colors } from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import { icon } from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import { cssLink } from 'app/client/ui2018/links'; import { menuAnnotate } from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import { userOverrideParams } from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import { Disposable, dom, makeTestId, Observable, observable, styled } from "grainjs"; const testId = makeTestId('test-tools-'); export function tools(owner: Disposable, gristDoc: GristDoc, leftPanelOpen: Observable): Element { const isOwner = gristDoc.docPageModel.currentDoc.get()?.access === 'owners'; const isOverridden = Boolean(gristDoc.docPageModel.userOverride.get()); const canViewAccessRules = observable(false); function updateCanViewAccessRules() { canViewAccessRules.set((isOwner && !isOverridden) || gristDoc.docModel.rules.getNumRows() > 0); } owner.autoDispose(gristDoc.docModel.rules.tableData.tableActionEmitter.addListener(updateCanViewAccessRules)); updateCanViewAccessRules(); return cssTools( cssTools.cls('-collapsed', (use) => !use(leftPanelOpen)), cssSectionHeader("TOOLS"), cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(gristDoc.activeViewId) === 'acl'), cssPageEntry.cls('-disabled', (use) => !use(canViewAccessRules)), dom.domComputed(canViewAccessRules, (_canViewAccessRules) => { return cssPageLink( cssPageIcon('EyeShow'), cssLinkText('Access Rules', menuAnnotate('Beta', cssBetaTag.cls('')) ), _canViewAccessRules ? urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'acl'}) : null, isOverridden ? addRevertViewAsUI() : null, ); }), testId('access-rules'), ), cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Log'), cssLinkText('Document History'), testId('log'), dom.on('click', () => gristDoc.showTool('docHistory'))) ), // TODO: polish validation and add it back dom.maybe((use) => use(, () => cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Validation'), cssLinkText('Validate Data'), testId('validate'), dom.on('click', () => gristDoc.showTool('validations')))) ), cssPageEntry( cssPageEntry.cls('-selected', (use) => use(gristDoc.activeViewId) === 'code'), cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Code'), cssLinkText('Code View'), urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: 'code'}) ), testId('code'), ), cssSpacer(), dom.maybe(gristDoc.docPageModel.currentDoc, (doc) => { if (!doc.workspace.isSupportWorkspace) { return null; } const ex = examples.find((e) => e.matcher.test(; if (!ex || !ex.tutorialUrl) { return null; } const appModel = gristDoc.docPageModel.appModel; return cssPageEntry( cssPageLink(cssPageIcon('Page'), cssLinkText('How-to Tutorial'), testId('tutorial'), {href: ex.tutorialUrl, target: '_blank'}, cssExampleCardOpener( icon('TypeDetails'), dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => { ev.preventDefault(); showExampleCard(ex, appModel, elem, true); }), testId('welcome-opener'), (elem) => { // Once the trigger element is attached to DOM, show the card. setTimeout(() => showExampleCard(ex, appModel, elem), 0); }, ), ), ); }), createHelpTools(gristDoc.docPageModel.appModel, false) ); } // When viewing a page as another user, the "Access Rules" page link includes a button to revert // the user and open the page, and a click on the page link shows a tooltip to revert. function addRevertViewAsUI() { return [ // A button that allows reverting back to yourself. dom('a', cssExampleCardOpener.cls(''), cssRevertViewAsButton.cls(''), icon('Convert'), urlState().setHref(userOverrideParams(null, {docPage: 'acl'})), dom.on('click', (ev) => ev.stopPropagation()), // Avoid refreshing the tooltip. testId('revert-view-as'), ), // A tooltip that allows reverting back to yourself. hoverTooltip((ctl) => cssConvertTooltip(icon('Convert'), cssLink('Return to viewing as yourself', urlState().setHref(userOverrideParams(null, {docPage: 'acl'})), ), tooltipCloseButton(ctl), ), {openOnClick: true} ), ]; } const cssConvertTooltip = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: center; --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; & > .${cssLink.className} { margin-left: 8px; } `); const cssExampleCardOpener = styled('div', ` cursor: pointer; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: auto; border-radius: 16px; border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; padding: 4px; line-height: 0px; --icon-color: ${colors.light}; background-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; &:hover { background-color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } .${cssTools.className}-collapsed & { display: none; } `); const cssRevertViewAsButton = styled(cssExampleCardOpener, ` background-color: ${colors.darkGrey}; &:hover { background-color: ${colors.slate}; } `); const cssBetaTag = styled('div', ` .${cssPageEntry.className}-disabled & { opacity: 0.4; } `);