var _ = require('underscore'); var ko = require('knockout'); /** * This is typed to declare that the observable/computed supports subscribable.fn methods * added in this utility. */ function withKoUtils(obj) { return obj; } exports.withKoUtils = withKoUtils; /** * subscribeInit is a convenience method, equivalent to knockout's observable.subscribe(), but * also calls the callback immediately with the observable's current value. * * It is added to the prototype for all observables, as long as this module is included anywhere. */ ko.subscribable.fn.subscribeInit = function(callback, target, event) { var sub = this.subscribe(callback, target, event);, this.peek()); return sub; }; /** * Add a named method `assign` to knockout subscribables (including observables) to assign a new * value. This way we can move away from using callable objects for everything, since callable * objects require hacking at prototypes. */ ko.subscribable.fn.assign = function(value) { this(value); }; /** * Convenience method to modify a non-primitive value and assign it back. E.g. if foo() is an * observable whose value is an array, then * * foo.modifyAssign(function(array) { array.push("test"); }); * * is one-liner equivalent to: * * var array = foo.peek(); * array.push("text"); * foo(array); * * Whenever using a non-primitive value, be careful that it's not shared with other code, which * might modify it without any observable subscriptions getting triggered. */ ko.subscribable.fn.modifyAssign = function(modifierFunc) { var value = this.peek(); modifierFunc(value); this(value); }; /** * Tells a computed observable which may return non-primitive values (e.g. objects) that it should * only notify subscribers when the computed value is not equal to the last one (using "==="). */ ko.subscribable.fn.onlyNotifyUnequal = function() { this.equalityComparer = function(a, b) { return a === b; }; return this; }; let _handlerFunc = (err) => {}; let _origKoComputed = ko.computed; /** * If setComputedErrorHandler is used, this wrapper catches and swallows errors from the * evaluation of any computed. Any exception gets passed to _handlerFunc, and the computed * evaluates successfully to its previous value (or _handlerFunc may rethrow the error). */ function _wrapComputedRead(readFunc) { return function() { let lastValue; try { return (lastValue =; } catch (err) { console.error("ERROR in ko.computed: %s", err); _handlerFunc(err); return lastValue; } }; } /** * If called, exceptions thrown while evaluating any ko.computed observable will get passed to * handlerFunc and swallowed. Unless the handlerFunc rethrows them, the computed will evaluate * successfully to its previous value. * * Note that this is merely an attempt to do the best we can to keep going in the face of * application bugs. The returned value is not actually correct, and relying on this incorrect * value may cause even worse bugs elsewhere in the application. It is important that any errors * caught via this mechanism get reported, debugged, and fixed. */ function setComputedErrorHandler(handlerFunc) { _handlerFunc = handlerFunc; // Note that ko.pureComputed calls to ko.computed, so doesn't need its own override. ko.computed = function(funcOrOptions, funcTarget, options) { if (typeof funcOrOptions === 'function') { funcOrOptions = _wrapComputedRead(funcOrOptions); } else { = _wrapComputedRead(; } return _origKoComputed(funcOrOptions, funcTarget, options); }; } exports.setComputedErrorHandler = setComputedErrorHandler; /** * Returns an observable which mirrors the passed-in argument, but returns a default value if the * underlying field is falsy. Writes to the returned observable translate directly to writes to the * underlying one. The default may be a function, evaluated as for computed observables, * with optContext as the context. */ function observableWithDefault(obs, defaultOrFunc, optContext) { if (typeof defaultOrFunc !== 'function') { var def = defaultOrFunc; defaultOrFunc = function() { return def; }; } return ko.pureComputed({ read: function() { return obs() ||; }, write: function(val) { obs(val); }, owner: optContext }); } exports.observableWithDefault = observableWithDefault; /** * Return an observable which mirrors the passed-in argument, but convert to Number value. Write to * to the returned observable translate to write to the underlying one a Number value. */ function observableNumber(obs) { return ko.pureComputed({ read: () => Number(obs()), write: (val) => { obs(Number(val)); } }); } exports.observableNumber = observableNumber; /** * Same interface as ko.computed(), except that it disposes the values it evaluates to. If an * observable is set to values which are created on the fly and need to be disposed (e.g. * components), use foo = computedAutoDispose(...). Whenever the value of foo() changes (and when * foo itself is disposed), the previous value's `dispose` method gets called. */ function computedAutoDispose(optionsOrReadFunc, target, options) { // Note: this isn't quite possible to do as a knockout extender, specifically to get correct the // pure vs non-pure distinction (sometimes the computed must be pure to avoid evaluation; // sometimes it has side-effects and must not be pure). var value = null; function setNewValue(newValue) { if (value && value !== newValue) { ko.ignoreDependencies(value.dispose, value); } value = newValue; return newValue; } var origRead; if (typeof optionsOrReadFunc === "object") { // Single-parameter syntax. origRead =; options = _.clone(optionsOrReadFunc); } else { origRead = optionsOrReadFunc; options = _.defaults({ owner: target }, options || {}); } = function() { return setNewValue(; }; var result = ko.computed(options); var origDispose = result.dispose; result.dispose = function() { setNewValue(null);; }; return result; } exports.computedAutoDispose = computedAutoDispose; /** * Helper for building disposable components that depend on a few observables. The callback is * evaluated as for a knockout computed observable, which creates dependencies on any observables * mentioned in it. But the return value of the callback should be a function ("builder"), which * is called to build the resulting value. Observables mentioned in the evaluation of the builder * do NOT create dependencies. In addition, the built value gets disposed automatically when it * changes. * * The optContext argument serves as the context for the callback. * * For example, * var foo = ko.observable(); * koUtil.computedBuilder(function() { * return MyComponent.create.bind(MyComponent, foo()); * }, this); * * In this case, whenever foo() changes, MyComponent.create(foo()) gets called, and * previously-returned component gets disposed. Observables mentioned during MyComponent's * construction do not trigger its rebuilding (as they would if a plain ko.computed() were used). */ function computedBuilder(callback, optContext) { return computedAutoDispose(function() { var builder =; return builder ? ko.ignoreDependencies(builder) : null; }, null, { pure: false }); } exports.computedBuilder = computedBuilder;