import {submitForm} from 'app/client/lib/uploads'; import {AppModel} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {reportError, reportSuccess} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {getMainOrgUrl} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {colors, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {cssLink} from 'app/client/ui2018/links'; import {loadingSpinner} from 'app/client/ui2018/loaders'; import {cssModalBody, cssModalTitle, IModalControl, modal, cssModalButtons as modalButtons} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals'; import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError'; import {FullUser} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import {UserMFAPreferences} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {Disposable, dom, input, makeTestId, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {toDataURL} from 'qrcode'; const testId = makeTestId('test-mfa-'); type AuthMethod = | 'SOFTWARE_TOKEN'; /** * Step in the dialog flow for enabling a MFA method. */ type EnableAuthMethodStep = | 'verify-password' | 'choose-auth-method' | 'configure-auth-app'; /** * Step in the dialog flow for disabling a MFA method. */ type DisableAuthMethodStep = | 'confirm-disable' | 'verify-password' | 'disable-method'; interface MFAConfigOptions { appModel: AppModel; user: FullUser; } /** * Shows information about multi-factor authentication preferences for the logged-in user * and buttons for enabling/disabling them. * * Currently supports software tokens only. */ export class MFAConfig extends Disposable { private _appModel: AppModel; private _user: FullUser; constructor( private _mfaPrefs: Observable, options: MFAConfigOptions ) { super(); this._appModel = options.appModel; this._user = options.user; } public buildDom() { return this._buildButtons(); } private _buildButtons() { return dom.maybe(this._mfaPrefs, mfaPrefs => { const {isSmsMfaEnabled, isSoftwareTokenMfaEnabled} = mfaPrefs; return cssContainer( !isSmsMfaEnabled && !isSoftwareTokenMfaEnabled ? cssTextBtn( 'Enable two-factor authentication', dom.on('click', () => this._showAddAuthMethodModal()), testId('enable-2fa'), ) : dom.frag( isSoftwareTokenMfaEnabled ? cssDataRow( cssIconAndText(cssIcon('BarcodeQR'), cssText('Authenticator app')), cssTextBtn( 'Disable', dom.on('click', () => this._showDisableAuthMethodModal('SOFTWARE_TOKEN')), testId('disable-auth-app'), ) ) : cssTextBtn( 'Add an authenticator app', dom.on('click', () => this._showAddAuthMethodModal('SOFTWARE_TOKEN')), testId('add-auth-app'), ), ), testId('container'), ); }); } /** * Displays a modal that allows users to enable a MFA method for their account. * * @param {AuthMethod} method If specified, skips the 'choose-auth-method' step. */ private _showAddAuthMethodModal(method?: AuthMethod): void { return modal((ctl, owner) => { const selectedAuthMethod = Observable.create(owner, method ?? null); const currentStep = Observable.create(owner, 'verify-password'); return [ dom.domComputed((use) => { const step = use(currentStep); switch (step) { case 'verify-password': { return [ this._buildSecurityVerificationForm({onSuccess: async () => { currentStep.set('choose-auth-method'); }}), cssTextBtn('← Back', dom.on('click', () => { ctl.close(); })), ]; } case 'choose-auth-method': { return [ cssModalTitle('Two-factor authentication'), cssModalBody( cssText( "Once you enable two step verification, you'll need to enter a special code " + "when you log in. Please choose a method you'd like to receive codes with." ), cssAuthMethods( cssAuthMethod( cssAuthMethodTitle(cssGreenIcon('BarcodeQR2'), 'Authenticator App'), cssAuthMethodDesc( "An authenticator app lets you access your security code without receiving a call " + "or text message. If you don't already have an authenticator app, we'd recommend " + "using ", cssLink('Google Authenticator', dom.on('click', e => e.stopPropagation()), { href: '' + 'details?', target: '_blank', }), ".", ), dom.on('click', () => { selectedAuthMethod.set('SOFTWARE_TOKEN'); currentStep.set('configure-auth-app'); }), ), ) ), ]; } case 'configure-auth-app': { return [ this._buildConfigureAuthAppForm(ctl, {onSuccess: async () => { ctl.close(); reportSuccess('Two-factor authentication enabled'); this._mfaPrefs.set({...this._mfaPrefs.get()!, isSoftwareTokenMfaEnabled: true}); }}), cssTextBtn('← Back to methods', dom.on('click', () => { currentStep.set('choose-auth-method'); })), ]; } } }), cssModal.cls(''), ]; }); } /** * Displays a modal that allows users to disable a MFA method for their account. * * @param {AuthMethod} method The auth method to disable. Currently unused, until additional methods are added. */ private _showDisableAuthMethodModal(method: AuthMethod): void { return modal((ctl, owner) => { const currentStep = Observable.create(owner, 'confirm-disable'); return [ dom.domComputed((use) => { const step = use(currentStep); switch (step) { case 'confirm-disable': { return [ cssModalTitle('Disable authenticator app?'), cssModalBody( cssText( "Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your Grist account designed " + "to ensure that you're the only person who can access your account, even if someone " + "knows your password." ), cssModalButtons( bigPrimaryButton('Confirm', dom.on('click', () => { currentStep.set('verify-password'); })), bigBasicButton('Cancel', dom.on('click', () => ctl.close())), ), ), ]; } case 'verify-password': { return [ this._buildSecurityVerificationForm({onSuccess: () => currentStep.set('disable-method')}), cssTextBtn('← Back', dom.on('click', () => { currentStep.set('confirm-disable'); })), ]; } case 'disable-method': { this._unregisterSoftwareToken() .then(() => { reportSuccess('Authenticator app disabled'); this._mfaPrefs.set({...this._mfaPrefs.get()!, isSoftwareTokenMfaEnabled: false}); }) .catch(reportError) .finally(() => ctl.close()); return cssLoadingSpinner(loadingSpinner()); } } }), cssModal.cls(''), ]; }); } /** * Builds security verification forms, including a password form and optional 2FA verification form. * * A callback function must be passed, which will be called after successful completion of the * verification forms. * * @param {() => void} options.onSuccess Called after successful completion of verification. */ private _buildSecurityVerificationForm({onSuccess}: {onSuccess: () => void}) { const securityStep = Observable.create<'password' | 'verification-code'>(null, 'password'); const pending = Observable.create(null, false); const session = Observable.create(null, ''); return [ dom.autoDispose(securityStep), dom.autoDispose(session), dom.autoDispose(pending), dom.domComputed(securityStep, (step) => { switch (step) { case 'password': { const verifyPasswordUrl = getMainOrgUrl() + 'api/auth/verify_pass'; const password = Observable.create(null, ''); let passwordElement: HTMLInputElement; setTimeout(() => passwordElement.focus(), 10); const error: Observable = Observable.create(null, null); const errorListener = pending.addListener(isPending => isPending && error.set(null)); return dom.frag( dom.autoDispose(password), dom.autoDispose(error), dom.autoDispose(errorListener), cssModalTitle('Confirm your password'), cssModalBody( dom('form', {method: 'post', action: verifyPasswordUrl}, handleSubmit(pending, (result) => { if (!result.isChallengeRequired) { return onSuccess(); } session.set(result.session); securityStep.set('verification-code'); }, (err) => { if (isUserError(err)) { error.set(err.details?.userError ?? err.message); } else { reportError(err as Error|string); } }, ), cssConfirmText('Please confirm your password to continue.'), cssBoldSubHeading('Password'), passwordElement = cssInput(password, {onInput: true}, {name: 'password', placeholder: 'password', type: 'password'}, ), cssFormError(dom.text(use => use(error) ?? '')), cssModalButtons( bigPrimaryButton('Confirm', dom.boolAttr('disabled', use => use(pending) || use(password).trim().length === 0), ), ), ), ), ); } case 'verification-code': { const verifyAuthCodeUrl = getMainOrgUrl() + 'api/auth/verify_totp'; const authCode = Observable.create(null, ''); const error: Observable = Observable.create(null, null); const errorListener = pending.addListener(isPending => isPending && error.set(null)); return dom.frag( dom.autoDispose(authCode), dom.autoDispose(error), dom.autoDispose(errorListener), cssModalTitle('Almost there!'), cssModalBody( dom('form', {method: 'post', action: verifyAuthCodeUrl}, handleSubmit(pending, () => onSuccess(), (err) => { if (isUserError(err)) { error.set(err.details?.userError ?? err.message); } else { reportError(err as Error|string); } }, ), cssConfirmText('Enter the authentication code generated by your app to confirm your account.'), cssBoldSubHeading('Verification Code '), cssCodeInput(authCode, {onInput: true}, {name: 'verificationCode', type: 'number'}), cssFormError(dom.text(use => use(error) ?? '')), cssInput(session, {onInput: true}, {name: 'session', type: 'hidden'}), cssModalButtons( bigPrimaryButton('Submit', dom.boolAttr('disabled', use => use(pending) || use(authCode).trim().length !== 6), ), ), ), ), ); } } }), ]; } /** * Builds a form for registering a software token (TOTP) MFA method. * * A callback function must be passed, which will be called after successful completion of the * registration form. * * @param {() => void} options.onSuccess Called after successful completion of registration. */ private _buildConfigureAuthAppForm(ctl: IModalControl, {onSuccess}: {onSuccess: () => void}) { const confirmCodeUrl = getMainOrgUrl() + 'api/auth/confirm_totp_registration'; const qrCode: Observable = Observable.create(null, null); const verificationCode = Observable.create(null, ''); const pending = Observable.create(null, false); const error: Observable = Observable.create(null, null); const errorListener = pending.addListener(isPending => isPending && error.set(null)); this._getSoftwareTokenQRCode() .then(code => qrCode.isDisposed() || qrCode.set(code)) .catch(e => { ctl.close(); reportError(e); }); return [ dom.autoDispose(qrCode), dom.autoDispose(verificationCode), dom.autoDispose(pending), dom.autoDispose(error), dom.autoDispose(errorListener), dom.domComputed(qrCode, code => { if (code === null) { return cssLoadingSpinner(loadingSpinner()); } return [ cssModalTitle('Configure authenticator app'), cssModalBody( cssModalBody( cssConfigureAuthAppDesc( "An authenticator app lets you access your security code without receiving a call " + "or text message. If you don't already have an authenticator app, we'd recommend " + "using ", cssLink('Google Authenticator', { href: '' + 'details?', target: '_blank', }), ".", ), cssConfigureAuthAppSubHeading('To configure your authenticator app:'), cssConfigureAuthAppStep('1. Add a new account'), cssConfigureAuthAppStep('2. Scan the following QR code', {style: 'margin-bottom: 0px'}), cssQRCode({src: code}), cssConfigureAuthAppStep('3. Enter the verification code that appears after scanning the QR code'), dom('form', {method: 'post', action: confirmCodeUrl}, handleSubmit(pending, () => onSuccess(), (err) => { if (isUserError(err)) { error.set(err.details?.userError ?? err.message); } else { reportError(err as Error|string); } }, ), cssBoldSubHeading('Authentication code'), cssCodeInput(verificationCode, {onInput: true}, {name: 'userCode', type: 'number'}), cssFormError(dom.text(use => use(error) ?? '')), cssModalButtons( bigPrimaryButton('Verify', dom.boolAttr('disabled', use => use(pending) || use(verificationCode).trim().length !== 6), ), bigBasicButton('Cancel', dom.on('click', () => ctl.close())), ), ), ), ), ]; }), ]; } private async _registerSoftwareToken() { return await this._appModel.api.registerSoftwareToken(); } private async _unregisterSoftwareToken() { return await this._appModel.api.unregisterSoftwareToken(); } /** * Returns a data URL for a QR code that encodes a software token (TOTP) MFA shared secret. The * URL can be set on an HTML image tag to display an image of the QR code in the browser. * * Used by _buildConfigureAuthAppForm to build the TOTP registration form. */ private async _getSoftwareTokenQRCode() { const {secretCode} = await this._registerSoftwareToken(); const qrCodeUrl = `otpauth://totp/${encodeURI(`Grist:${}`)}?secret=${secretCode}&issuer=Grist`; const qrCode = await toDataURL(qrCodeUrl); return qrCode; } } /** * Helper function that handles form submissions. Sets `pending` to true after * submitting, and resets it to false after submission completes. * * Callback functions `onSuccess` and `onError` handle post-submission logic. */ function handleSubmit(pending: Observable, onSuccess: (v: any) => void, onError?: (e: unknown) => void ): (elem: HTMLFormElement) => void { return dom.on('submit', async (e, form) => { e.preventDefault(); await submit(form, pending, onSuccess, onError); }); } /** * Submits an HTML form, and forwards responses and errors to `onSuccess` and `onError` respectively. */ async function submit(form: HTMLFormElement, pending: Observable, onSuccess: (v: any) => void, onError: (e: unknown) => void = (e) => reportError(e as string|Error) ) { try { if (pending.get()) { return; } pending.set(true); const result = await submitForm(form).finally(() => pending.set(false)); onSuccess(result); } catch (err) { onError(err); } } /** * Returns true if `error` is an API error with a 4XX status code. * * Used to determine which errors should be shown in-line in forms. */ function isUserError(error: unknown): error is ApiError { if (!(error instanceof ApiError)) { return false; } return error.status >= 400 && error.status < 500; } const cssContainer = styled('div', ` position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; margin: 8px 0px; `); const cssDataRow = styled('div', ` margin-top: 8px; display: flex; gap: 16px; `); const cssText = styled('div', ` font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; border: none; padding: 0; text-align: left; `); const cssConfirmText = styled(cssText, ` margin-bottom: 32px; `); const cssFormError = styled('div', ` color: red; min-height: 20px; margin-top: 16px; `); const cssConfigureAuthAppDesc = styled(cssText, ` margin-bottom: 32px; `); const cssIconAndText = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 8px; `); const cssTextBtn = styled('button', ` font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; cursor: pointer; background-color: transparent; border: none; padding: 0; text-align: left; &:hover { color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } `); const cssAuthMethods = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; margin-top: 16px; gap: 8px; `); const cssAuthMethod = styled('div', ` border: 1px solid ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque}; cursor: pointer; &:hover { border: 1px solid ${colors.slate}; } `); const cssAuthMethodTitle = styled(cssIconAndText, ` font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; font-weight: bold; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; margin: 16px; `); const cssAuthMethodDesc = styled('div', ` color: #8a8a8a; padding-left: 28px; margin: 16px; `); const cssInput = styled(input, ` margin-top: 16px; font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; height: 42px; line-height: 16px; width: 100%; padding: 13px; border: 1px solid #D9D9D9; border-radius: 3px; outline: none; &[type=number] { -moz-appearance: textfield; } &[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, &[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } `); const cssCodeInput = styled(cssInput, ` width: 200px; `); const cssModal = styled('div', ` width: 600px; `); const cssLoadingSpinner = styled('div', ` height: 200px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; `); const cssBoldSubHeading = styled('div', ` font-weight: bold; `); const cssConfigureAuthAppSubHeading = styled(cssBoldSubHeading, ` margin-bottom: 16px; `); const cssConfigureAuthAppStep = styled(cssText, ` margin-bottom: 16px; `); const cssQRCode = styled('img', ` width: 140px; height: 140px; `); const cssIcon = styled(icon, ` width: 16px; height: 16px; `); const cssGreenIcon = styled(cssIcon, ` background-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; `); const cssModalButtons = styled(modalButtons, ` margin: 16px 0 0 0; `);