import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError'; import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc'; import {FilterColValues} from "app/common/ActiveDocAPI"; import {DownloadOptions, ExportData, ExportHeader, exportSection, exportTable, Filter} from 'app/server/lib/Export'; import log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import * as bluebird from 'bluebird'; import contentDisposition from 'content-disposition'; import csv from 'csv'; import * as express from 'express'; // promisify csv bluebird.promisifyAll(csv); export interface DownloadDsvOptions extends DownloadOptions { delimiter: Delimiter; } type Delimiter = ',' | '\t' | '💩'; /** * Converts `activeDoc` to delimiter-separated values (e.g. CSV) and sends * the converted data through `res`. */ export async function downloadDSV( activeDoc: ActiveDoc, req: express.Request, res: express.Response, options: DownloadDsvOptions ) { const {filename, tableId, viewSectionId, filters, sortOrder, linkingFilter, delimiter, header} = options; const extension = getDSVFileExtension(delimiter);`Generating ${extension} file...`); const data = viewSectionId ? await makeDSVFromViewSection({ activeDoc, viewSectionId, sortOrder: sortOrder || null, filters: filters || null, linkingFilter: linkingFilter || null, header, delimiter, req }) : await makeDSVFromTable({activeDoc, tableId, header, delimiter, req}); res.set('Content-Type', getDSVMimeType(delimiter)); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition(filename + extension)); res.send(data); } /** * Returns a DSV stream of a view section that can be transformed or parsed. * * See for API details. * * @param {Object} options - options for the export. * @param {Object} options.activeDoc - the activeDoc that the table being converted belongs to. * @param {Integer} options.viewSectionId - id of the viewsection to export. * @param {Integer[]} options.activeSortOrder (optional) - overriding sort order. * @param {Filter[]} options.filters (optional) - filters defined from ui. * @param {FilterColValues} options.linkingFilter (optional) - linking filter defined from ui. * @param {Delimiter} options.delimiter - delimiter to separate fields with * @param {string} options.header (optional) - which field of the column to use as header * @param {express.Request} options.req - the request object. * * @return {Promise<string>} Promise for the resulting DSV. */ export async function makeDSVFromViewSection({ activeDoc, viewSectionId, sortOrder = null, filters = null, linkingFilter = null, delimiter, header, req }: { activeDoc: ActiveDoc, viewSectionId: number, sortOrder: number[] | null, filters: Filter[] | null, linkingFilter: FilterColValues | null, header?: ExportHeader, delimiter: Delimiter, req: express.Request }) { const data = await exportSection(activeDoc, viewSectionId, sortOrder, filters, linkingFilter, req); const file = convertToDsv(data, { header, delimiter }); return file; } /** * Returns a DSV stream of a table that can be transformed or parsed. * * @param {Object} options - options for the export. * @param {Object} options.activeDoc - the activeDoc that the table being converted belongs to. * @param {Integer} options.tableId - id of the table to export. * @param {Delimiter} options.delimiter - delimiter to separate fields with * @param {string} options.header (optional) - which field of the column to use as header * @param {express.Request} options.req - the request object. * * @return {Promise<string>} Promise for the resulting DSV. */ export async function makeDSVFromTable({ activeDoc, tableId, delimiter, header, req }: { activeDoc: ActiveDoc, tableId: string, delimiter: Delimiter, header?: ExportHeader, req: express.Request }) { if (!activeDoc.docData) { throw new Error('No docData in active document'); } // Look up the table to make a CSV from. const tables = activeDoc.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables'); const tableRef = tables.findRow('tableId', tableId); if (tableRef === 0) { throw new ApiError(`Table ${tableId} not found.`, 404); } const data = await exportTable(activeDoc, tableRef, req); const file = convertToDsv(data, { header, delimiter }); return file; } interface ConvertToDsvOptions { delimiter: Delimiter; header?: ExportHeader; } function convertToDsv(data: ExportData, options: ConvertToDsvOptions) { const {rowIds, access, columns: viewColumns} = data; const {delimiter, header} = options; // create formatters for columns const formatters = => col.formatter); // Arrange the data into a row-indexed matrix, starting with column headers. const colPropertyAsHeader = header ?? 'label'; const csvMatrix = [ => col[colPropertyAsHeader])]; // populate all the rows with values as strings rowIds.forEach(row => { csvMatrix.push(, c) => formatters[c].formatAny(getter(row)))); }); return csv.stringifyAsync(csvMatrix, {delimiter}); } type DSVFileExtension = '.csv' | '.tsv' | '.dsv'; function getDSVFileExtension(delimiter: Delimiter): DSVFileExtension { switch (delimiter) { case ',': { return '.csv'; } case '\t': { return '.tsv'; } case '💩': { return '.dsv'; } } } type DSVMimeType = | 'text/csv' // Reference: | 'text/tab-separated-values' // Note: not a registered MIME type, hence the "x-" prefix. | 'text/x-doo-separated-values'; function getDSVMimeType(delimiter: Delimiter): DSVMimeType { switch (delimiter) { case ',': { return 'text/csv'; } case '\t': { return 'text/tab-separated-values'; } case '💩': { return 'text/x-doo-separated-values'; } } }