 * TODO For now, this is just a placeholder for an actual ActionHistory implementation that should
 * replace today's ActionLog. It defines all the methods that are expected from it by Sharing.ts.
 * In addition, it will need to support some methods to show action history to the user, which is
 * the main purpose of ActionLog today. And it will need to allow querying a subset of history (at
 * least by table or record).
 * The main difference with today's ActionLog is that it needs to mark actions either with labels,
 * or more likely with Git-like branches, so that we can distinguish shared, local-sent, and
 * local-unsent actions. And it needs to work on LocalActionBundles, which include more
 * information than what ActionLog stores. On the other hand, it can probably store actions as
 * blobs, which can simplify the database storage.

import {LocalActionBundle} from 'app/common/ActionBundle';
import {ActionGroup, MinimalActionGroup} from 'app/common/ActionGroup';
import {createEmptyActionSummary} from 'app/common/ActionSummary';
import {DocState} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {summarizeAction} from 'app/common/ActionSummarizer';

export interface ActionGroupOptions {
  // If set, inspect the action in detail in order to include a summary of
  // changes made within the action.  Otherwise, the actionSummary returned is empty.
  summarize?: boolean;

  // The client for which the action group is being prepared, if known.
  clientId?: string;

  // Values returned by the action, if known.
  retValues?: any[];

  // Set the 'internal' flag on the created actions, as inappropriate to undo.
  internal?: boolean;

 * Metadata about an action that is needed for undo/redo stack.
export interface ActionHistoryUndoInfoWithoutClient {
  otherId: number;
  linkId: number;
  rowIdHint: number;
  isUndo: boolean;

export interface ActionHistoryUndoInfo extends ActionHistoryUndoInfoWithoutClient {
  clientId: string;

export abstract class ActionHistory {
   * Initialize the ActionLog by reading the database. No other methods may be used until the
   * initialization completes. If used, their behavior is undefined.
  public abstract initialize(): Promise<void>;

  public abstract isInitialized(): boolean;

  /** Returns the actionNum of the next action we expect from the hub. */
  public abstract getNextHubActionNum(): number;

  /** Returns the actionNum of the next local action should have. */
  public abstract getNextLocalActionNum(): number;

   * Act as if we have already seen actionNum. getNextHubActionNum will return 1 plus this.
   * Only suitable for use if there are no unshared local actions.
  public abstract skipActionNum(actionNum: number): Promise<void>;

  /** Returns whether we have local unsent actions. */
  public abstract haveLocalUnsent(): boolean;

  /** Returns whether we have any local actions that have been sent to the hub. */
  public abstract haveLocalSent(): boolean;

  /** Returns whether we have any locally-applied actions. */
  public abstract haveLocalActions(): boolean;

  /** Fetches and returns an array of all local unsent actions. */
  public abstract fetchAllLocalUnsent(): Promise<LocalActionBundle[]>;

  /** Fetches and returns an array of all local actions (sent and unsent). */
  public abstract fetchAllLocal(): Promise<LocalActionBundle[]>;

  /** Deletes all local-only actions, and resets the affected branch pointers. */
  // TODO Should we actually delete, or be more git-like, only reset local branch pointer, and let
  // cleanup of unreferenced actions happen in a separate step?
  public abstract clearLocalActions(): Promise<void>;

   * Marks all actions returned from fetchAllLocalUnsent() as sent. Actions must be consecutive
   * starting with the the first local unsent action.
  public abstract markAsSent(actions: LocalActionBundle[]): Promise<void>;

   * Matches the action from the hub against the first sent local action. If it's the same action,
   * marks our action as "shared", i.e. accepted by the hub, and returns true. Else returns false.
   * If actionHash is null, accepts unconditionally.
  public abstract acceptNextSharedAction(actionHash: string|null): Promise<boolean>;

  /** Records a new local unsent action, after setting action.actionNum appropriately. */
  public abstract recordNextLocalUnsent(action: LocalActionBundle): Promise<void>;

  /** Records a new action received from the hub, after setting action.actionNum appropriately. */
  public abstract recordNextShared(action: LocalActionBundle): Promise<void>;

   * Get the most recent actions from the history.  Results are ordered by
   * earliest actions first, later actions later.  If `maxActions` is supplied,
   * at most that number of actions are returned.
   * This method should be avoid in production, since it may convert and keep in memory many large
   * actions. (It has in the past led to exhausting memory and crashing node.)
  public abstract getRecentActions(maxActions?: number): Promise<LocalActionBundle[]>;

   * Same as getRecentActions, but converts each to an ActionGroup using asActionGroup with the
   * supplied options.
  public abstract getRecentActionGroups(maxActions: number, options: ActionGroupOptions): Promise<ActionGroup[]>;

  public abstract getRecentMinimalActionGroups(maxActions: number, clientId?: string): Promise<MinimalActionGroup[]>;

   * Get the most recent states from the history.  States are just
   * actions without any content.  Results are ordered by most recent
   * states first (careful, this is the opposite to getRecentActions).
   * If `maxStates` is supplied, at most that number of actions are
   * returned.
  public abstract getRecentStates(maxStates?: number): Promise<DocState[]>;

   * Get a list of actions, identified by their actionNum.  Any actions that could not be
   * found are returned as undefined.
  public abstract getActions(actionNums: number[]): Promise<Array<LocalActionBundle|undefined>>;

   * Associates an action with a client. This association is expected to be transient, rather
   * than persistent.  It should survive a client-side reload but not a server-side restart.
  public abstract setActionUndoInfo(actionHash: string, undoInfo: ActionHistoryUndoInfo): void;

  /** Check for any client associated with an action, identified by checksum */
  public abstract getActionUndoInfo(actionHash: string): ActionHistoryUndoInfo | undefined;

   * Remove all stored actions except the last keepN and run the VACUUM command
   * to reduce the size of the SQLite file.
   * @param {Int} keepN - The number of most recent actions to keep. The value must be at least 1, and
   *  will default to 1 if not given.
  public abstract deleteActions(keepN: number): Promise<void>;

 * Convert an ActionBundle into an ActionGroup.  ActionGroups are the representation of
 * actions on the client.
 * @param history: interface to action history
 * @param act: action to convert
 * @param options: options to construct the ActionGroup; see its documentation above.
export function asActionGroup(history: ActionHistory,
                              act: LocalActionBundle,
                              options: ActionGroupOptions): ActionGroup {
  const {summarize, clientId} = options;
  const info = act.info[1];

  const fromSelf = (act.actionHash && clientId) ?
    (history.getActionUndoInfo(act.actionHash)?.clientId === clientId) : false;

  const {extra: {primaryAction}, minimal: {rowIdHint, isUndo}} =
    getActionUndoInfoWithoutClient(act, options.retValues);

  return {
    actionNum: act.actionNum,
    actionHash: act.actionHash || "",
    // Desc is a human-readable description of the user action set in a few places by client-side
    // code, but is mostly (or maybe completely) unused.
    desc: info.desc,
    actionSummary: summarize ? summarizeAction(act) : createEmptyActionSummary(),
    linkId: info.linkId,
    otherId: info.otherId,
    time: info.time,
    user: info.user,
    internal: options.internal || false,

export function asMinimalActionGroup(history: ActionHistory,
                                     act: {actionHash: string, actionNum: number},
                                     clientId?: string): MinimalActionGroup {
  const undoInfo = act.actionHash ? history.getActionUndoInfo(act.actionHash) : undefined;
  const fromSelf = clientId ? (undoInfo?.clientId === clientId) : false;
  return {
    actionNum: act.actionNum,
    actionHash: act.actionHash || "",
    linkId: undoInfo?.linkId || 0,
    otherId: undoInfo?.otherId || 0,
    rowIdHint: undoInfo?.rowIdHint || 0,
    isUndo: undoInfo?.isUndo || false,

export function getActionUndoInfo(act: LocalActionBundle, clientId: string,
                                  retValues: any[]): ActionHistoryUndoInfo {
  return {
    ...getActionUndoInfoWithoutClient(act, retValues).minimal,

 * Compute undo information from an action bundle and return values if available.
 * Results are returned as {minimal, extra} where core has information needed for minimal
 * action groups, and extra has information only needed for full action groups.
function getActionUndoInfoWithoutClient(act: LocalActionBundle, retValues?: any[]) {
  let rowIdHint = 0;
  if (retValues) {
    // A hint for cursor position.  This logic used to live on the client, but now trying to
    // limit how much the client looks at the internals of userActions.
    // In case of AddRecord, the returned value is rowId, which is the best cursorPos for Redo.
    for (let i = 0; i < act.userActions.length; i++) {
      const name = act.userActions[i][0];
      const retValue = retValues[i];
      if (name === 'AddRecord') {
        rowIdHint = retValue;
      } else if (name === 'BulkAddRecord') {
        rowIdHint = retValue[0];

  const info = act.info[1];
  const primaryAction: string = String((act.userActions[0] || [""])[0]);
  const isUndo = primaryAction === 'ApplyUndoActions';
  return {
    minimal: {
      otherId: info.otherId,
      linkId: info.linkId,
    extra: {