import random import string import timeit import unittest from collections import Hashable import match_counter from testutil import repeat_until_passes # Here's an alternative implementation. Unlike the simple one, it never constructs a new data # structure, or modifies dictionary keys while iterating, but it is still slower. class MatchCounterOther(object): def __init__(self, _sample): self.sample_counts = {v: 0 for v in _sample} def count_unique(self, iterable): for v in iterable: try: n = self.sample_counts.get(v) if n is not None: self.sample_counts[v] = n + 1 except TypeError: pass matches = 0 for v, n in self.sample_counts.iteritems(): if n > 0: matches += 1 self.sample_counts[v] = 0 return matches # If not for dealing with unhashable errors, `.intersection(iterable)` would be by far the # fastest. But with the extra iteration and especially checking for Hashable, it's super slow. class MatchCounterIntersection(object): def __init__(self, _sample): self.sample = set(_sample) def count_unique(self, iterable): return len(self.sample.intersection(v for v in iterable if isinstance(v, Hashable))) # This implementation doesn't measure the intersection, but it's interesting to compare its # timings: this is still slower! Presumably because set intersection is native code that's more # optimized than checking membership many times from Python. class MatchCounterSimple(object): def __init__(self, _sample): self.sample = set(_sample) def count_all(self, iterable): return sum(1 for r in iterable if present(r, self.sample)) # This is much faster than using `isinstance(v, Hashable) and v in value_set` def present(v, value_set): try: return v in value_set except TypeError: return False # Set up a predictable random number generator. r = random.Random(17) def random_string(): length = r.randint(10,20) return ''.join(r.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in xrange(length)) def sample_with_repl(population, n): return [r.choice(population) for x in xrange(n)] # Here's some sample generated data. sample = [random_string() for x in xrange(200)] data1 = sample_with_repl([random_string() for x in xrange(20)] + r.sample(sample, 5), 1000) data2 = sample_with_repl([random_string() for x in xrange(100)] + r.sample(sample, 15), 500) # Include an example with an unhashable value, to ensure all implementation can handle it. data3 = sample_with_repl([random_string() for x in xrange(10)] + sample, 2000) + [[1,2,3]] class TestMatchCounter(unittest.TestCase): def test_match_counter(self): m = match_counter.MatchCounter(sample) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data1), 5) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data2), 15) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data3), 200) m = MatchCounterOther(sample) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data1), 5) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data2), 15) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data3), 200) # Do it again to ensure that we clear out state between counting. self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data1), 5) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data2), 15) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data3), 200) m = MatchCounterIntersection(sample) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data1), 5) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data2), 15) self.assertEqual(m.count_unique(data3), 200) m = MatchCounterSimple(sample) self.assertGreaterEqual(m.count_all(data1), 5) self.assertGreaterEqual(m.count_all(data2), 15) self.assertGreaterEqual(m.count_all(data3), 200) @repeat_until_passes(3) def test_timing(self): setup=''' import match_counter import test_match_counter as t m1 = match_counter.MatchCounter(t.sample) m2 = t.MatchCounterOther(t.sample) m3 = t.MatchCounterSimple(t.sample) m4 = t.MatchCounterIntersection(t.sample) ''' N = 100 t1 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m1.count_unique(t.data1)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t2 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m2.count_unique(t.data1)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t3 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m3.count_all(t.data1)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t4 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m4.count_unique(t.data1)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N #print "Timings/iter data1: %.3fus %.3fus %.3fus %.3fus" % (t1 * 1e6, t2 * 1e6, t3*1e6, t4*1e6) self.assertLess(t1, t2) self.assertLess(t1, t3) self.assertLess(t1, t4) t1 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m1.count_unique(t.data2)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t2 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m2.count_unique(t.data2)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t3 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m3.count_all(t.data2)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t4 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m4.count_unique(t.data2)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N #print "Timings/iter data2: %.3fus %.3fus %.3fus %.3fus" % (t1 * 1e6, t2 * 1e6, t3*1e6, t4*1e6) self.assertLess(t1, t2) self.assertLess(t1, t3) self.assertLess(t1, t4) t1 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m1.count_unique(t.data3)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t2 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m2.count_unique(t.data3)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t3 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m3.count_all(t.data3)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N t4 = min(timeit.repeat(stmt='m4.count_unique(t.data3)', setup=setup, number=N, repeat=3)) / N #print "Timings/iter data3: %.3fus %.3fus %.3fus %.3fus" % (t1 * 1e6, t2 * 1e6, t3*1e6, t4*1e6) self.assertLess(t1, t2) #self.assertLess(t1, t3) # This fails on occasion, but it's a fairly pointless check. self.assertLess(t1, t4) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()