""" Implements the python side of the data engine sandbox, which allows us to register functions on the python side and call them from Node.js. Usage: import sandbox sandbox.register(func_name, func) sandbox.call_external("hello", 1, 2, 3) sandbox.run() """ import os import marshal import signal import sys import traceback def log(msg): sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + "\n") sys.stderr.flush() class Sandbox(object): """ This class works in conjunction with Sandbox.js to allow function calls between the Node process and this sandbox. The sandbox provides two pipes (on fds 3 and 4) to send data to and from the sandboxed process. Data on these is serialized using `marshal` module. All messages are comprised of a msgCode followed immediatedly by msgBody, with the following msgCodes: CALL = call to the other side. The data must be an array of [func_name, arguments...] DATA = data must be a value to return to a call from the other side EXC = data must be an exception to return to a call from the other side """ CALL = None DATA = True EXC = False def __init__(self): self._functions = {} self._external_input = os.fdopen(3, "r", 64*1024) self._external_output = os.fdopen(4, "w", 64*1024) def _send_to_js(self, msgCode, msgBody): # (Note that marshal version 2 is the default; we specify it explicitly for clarity. The # difference with version 0 is that version 2 uses a faster binary format for floats.) # For large data, JS's Unmarshaller is very inefficient parsing it if it gets it piecewise. # It's much better to ensure the whole blob is sent as one write. We marshal the resulting # buffer again so that the reader can quickly tell how many bytes to expect. buf = marshal.dumps((msgCode, msgBody), 2) marshal.dump(buf, self._external_output, 2) self._external_output.flush() def call_external(self, name, *args): self._send_to_js(Sandbox.CALL, (name,) + args) (msgCode, data) = self.run(break_on_response=True) if msgCode == Sandbox.EXC: raise Exception(data) return data def register(self, func_name, func): self._functions[func_name] = func def run(self, break_on_response=False): while True: try: msgCode = marshal.load(self._external_input) data = marshal.load(self._external_input) except EOFError: break if msgCode != Sandbox.CALL: if break_on_response: return (msgCode, data) continue if not isinstance(data, list) or len(data) < 1: raise ValueError("Bad call " + data) try: fname = data[0] args = data[1:] ret = self._functions[fname](*args) self._send_to_js(Sandbox.DATA, ret) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self._send_to_js(Sandbox.EXC, "%s %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)) if break_on_response: raise Exception("Sandbox disconnected unexpectedly") sandbox = Sandbox() def call_external(name, *args): return sandbox.call_external(name, *args) def register(func_name, func): sandbox.register(func_name, func) def run(): sandbox.run()