import {CHOOSE_TEXT} from 'app/common/Forms'; import {UserAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {escapeRegExp} from 'lodash'; import {addToRepl, assert, driver, Key, WebElement, WebElementPromise} from 'mocha-webdriver'; import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils'; import {setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils'; describe('FormView', function() { this.timeout('90s'); gu.bigScreen(); let api: UserAPI; let docId: string; const cleanup = setupTestSuite(); addToRepl('question', question); addToRepl('labels', readLabels); addToRepl('questionType', questionType); const clipboard = gu.getLockableClipboard(); afterEach(() => gu.checkForErrors()); /** * Adds a temporary textarea to the document for pasting the contents of * the clipboard. * * Used to test copying of form URLs to the clipboard. */ function createClipboardTextArea() { const textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '2rem'; = '16rem'; = 'clipboardText'; window.document.body.appendChild(textArea); } function removeClipboardTextArea() { const textArea = document.getElementById('clipboardText'); if (textArea) { window.document.body.removeChild(textArea); } } async function createFormWith(type: string, more = false) { await gu.addNewSection('Form', 'Table1'); // Make sure column D is not there. assert.isUndefined(await api.getTable(docId, 'Table1').then(t => t.D)); // Add a text question await plusButton().click(); if (more) { await clickMenu('More'); } await clickMenu(type); await gu.waitForServer(); // Make sure we see this new question (D). assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); await driver.find('.test-forms-publish').click(); if (await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').isPresent()) { await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); } await gu.waitForServer(); // Now open the form in external window. await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => { await driver.find(`.test-forms-link`).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.waitToPass(async () => assert.match( await driver.find('.test-tooltip').getText(), /Link copied to clipboard/), 1000); await driver.find('#clipboardText').click(); await gu.selectAll(); await cb.paste(); }); // Select it await question('D').click(); return await driver.find('#clipboardText').value(); } async function removeForm() { // Remove this section. await gu.openSectionMenu('viewLayout'); await driver.find('.test-section-delete').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Remove record. await gu.sendActions([ ['RemoveRecord', 'Table1', 1], ['RemoveColumn', 'Table1', 'D'] ]); } async function waitForConfirm() { await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.grist-form-confirm', 1000).isDisplayed()); }); } async function expectSingle(value: any) { assert.deepEqual(await api.getTable(docId, 'Table1').then(t => t.D), [value]); } async function expectInD(values: any[]) { assert.deepEqual(await api.getTable(docId, 'Table1').then(t => t.D), values); } describe('on personal site', async function() { before(async function() { const session = await gu.session().login(); docId = await session.tempNewDoc(cleanup); api = session.createHomeApi(); await driver.executeScript(createClipboardTextArea); }); after(async function() { await driver.executeScript(removeClipboardTextArea); }); it('updates creator panel when navigated away', async function() { // Add 2 new pages. await gu.addNewPage('Form', 'New Table', {tableName: 'TabA'}); await gu.renamePage('TabA'); await gu.addNewPage('Form', 'New Table', {tableName: 'TabB'}); // Open the creator panel on field tab await gu.openColumnPanel(); // Select A column await question('A').click(); // Make sure it is selected. assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'A'); // And creator panel reflects it. assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-field-label').value(), "A"); // Now switch to page TabA. await gu.openPage('TabA'); // And select B column. await question('B').click(); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'B'); // Make sure creator panel reflects it (it didn't). assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-field-label').value(), "B"); await gu.undo(2); // There was a bug with second undo. await gu.undo(); }); it('triggers trigger formulas', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Text'); // Add a trigger formula for this column. await gu.showRawData(); await gu.getCell('D', 1).click(); await gu.openColumnPanel(); await driver.find(".test-field-set-trigger").click(); await gu.waitAppFocus(false); await gu.sendKeys('"Hello from trigger"', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.closeRawTable(); await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); await expectSingle('Hello from trigger'); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with Text field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Text'); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await gu.sendKeys('Hello World'); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); // Make sure we see the new record. await expectSingle('Hello World'); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with Numeric field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Numeric'); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await gu.sendKeys('1984'); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); // Make sure we see the new record. await expectSingle(1984); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with Date field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Date'); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await driver.executeScript( () => (document.querySelector('input[name="D"]') as HTMLInputElement).value = '2000-01-01' ); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); // Make sure we see the new record. await expectSingle(/* 2000-01-01 */946684800); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with Choice field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Choice'); // Add some options. await gu.openColumnPanel(); await gu.choicesEditor.edit(); await gu.choicesEditor.add('Foo'); await gu.choicesEditor.add('Bar'); await gu.choicesEditor.add('Baz'); await; await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'close'); // We need to press preview, as form is not saved yet. await gu.scrollActiveViewTop(); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-forms-preview').isDisplayed()); }); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); // Make sure options are there. assert.deepEqual( await driver.findAll('select[name="D"] option', e => e.getText()), [CHOOSE_TEXT, 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz'] ); await driver.findWait('select[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await driver.find("option[value='Bar']").click(); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); await expectSingle('Bar'); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with Integer field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Integer', true); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await gu.sendKeys('1984'); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); // Make sure we see the new record. await expectSingle(1984); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with Toggle field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Toggle', true); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).findClosest("label").click(); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); await expectSingle(true); await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); await expectInD([true, false]); // Remove the additional record added just now. await gu.sendActions([ ['RemoveRecord', 'Table1', 2], ]); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with ChoiceList field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Choice List', true); // Add some options. await gu.openColumnPanel(); await gu.choicesEditor.edit(); await gu.choicesEditor.add('Foo'); await gu.choicesEditor.add('Bar'); await gu.choicesEditor.add('Baz'); await; await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'close'); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="Foo"]', 1000).click(); await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="Baz"]', 1000).click(); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); await expectSingle(['L', 'Foo', 'Baz']); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with Ref field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Reference', true); // Add some options. await gu.openColumnPanel(); await gu.setRefShowColumn('A'); // Add 3 records to this table (it is now empty). await gu.sendActions([ ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {A: 'Foo'}], // id 1 ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {A: 'Bar'}], // id 2 ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {A: 'Baz'}], // id 3 ]); await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'close'); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); assert.deepEqual( await driver.findAll('select[name="D"] option', e => e.getText()), [CHOOSE_TEXT, ...['Bar', 'Baz', 'Foo']] ); assert.deepEqual( await driver.findAll('select[name="D"] option', e => e.value()), ['', ...['2', '3', '1']] ); await driver.findWait('select[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await driver.find('option[value="2"]').click(); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); await expectInD([0, 0, 0, 2]); // Remove 3 records. await gu.sendActions([ ['BulkRemoveRecord', 'Table1', [1, 2, 3, 4]], ]); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with RefList field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Reference List', true); // Add some options. await gu.openColumnPanel(); await gu.setRefShowColumn('A'); // Add 3 records to this table (it is now empty). await gu.sendActions([ ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {A: 'Foo'}], // id 1 ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {A: 'Bar'}], // id 2 ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {A: 'Baz'}], // id 3 ]); await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'close'); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="1"]', 1000).click(); await driver.findWait('input[name="D[]"][value="2"]', 1000).click(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.grist-checkbox:has(input[name="D[]"][value="1"])').getText(), 'Foo'); assert.equal(await driver.find('.grist-checkbox:has(input[name="D[]"][value="2"])').getText(), 'Bar'); assert.equal(await driver.find('.grist-checkbox:has(input[name="D[]"][value="3"])').getText(), 'Baz'); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); await expectInD([null, null, null, ['L', 2, 1]]); // Remove 3 records. await gu.sendActions([ ['BulkRemoveRecord', 'Table1', [1, 2, 3, 4]], ]); await removeForm(); }); it('can submit a form with a formula field', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Text'); // Temporarily make A a formula column. await gu.sendActions([ ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {A: 'Foo'}], ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 2, {formula: '"hello"', isFormula: true}], ]); assert.deepEqual(await api.getTable(docId, 'Table1').then(t => t.A), ['hello']); await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await gu.sendKeys('Hello World'); await driver.find('input[name="_A"]').click(); await gu.sendKeys('goodbye'); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); // Make sure we see the new record. await expectInD(['', 'Hello World']); // And check that A was not modified. assert.deepEqual(await api.getTable(docId, 'Table1').then(t => t.A), ['hello', 'hello']); await gu.sendActions([ ['RemoveRecord', 'Table1', 1], ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', 2, {formula: '', isFormula: false}], ]); await removeForm(); }); it('can unpublish forms', async function() { const formUrl = await createFormWith('Text'); await driver.find('.test-forms-unpublish').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); assert.match( await driver.findWait('.test-error-text', 2000).getText(), /Oops! This form is no longer published\./ ); }); // Republish the form and check that the same URL works again. await driver.find('.test-forms-publish').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000); }); }); it('can stop showing warning when publishing or unpublishing', async function() { // Click "Don't show again" in both modals and confirm. await driver.find('.test-forms-unpublish').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-dont-show-again').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.find('.test-forms-publish').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-dont-show-again').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check that the modals are no longer shown when publishing or unpublishing. await driver.find('.test-forms-unpublish').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-modal-title').isPresent()); await driver.find('.test-forms-publish').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-modal-title').isPresent()); }); it('can create a form for a blank table', async function() { // Add new page and select form. await gu.addNewPage('Form', 'New Table', { tableName: 'Form' }); // Make sure we see a form editor. assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-forms-editor').isDisplayed()); // With 3 questions A, B, C. assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); // And a submit button. assert.isTrue(await driver.findContent('.test-forms-submit', gu.exactMatch('Submit')).isDisplayed()); }); it("doesn't generate fields when they are added", async function() { await gu.sendActions([ ['AddVisibleColumn', 'Form', 'Choice', {type: 'Choice', widgetOption: JSON.stringify({choices: ['A', 'B', 'C']})}], ]); // Make sure we see a form editor. assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-forms-editor').isDisplayed()); await driver.sleep(100); assert.isFalse( await driver.findContent('.test-forms-question-choice .test-forms-label', gu.exactMatch('Choice')).isPresent() ); }); it('supports basic drag and drop', async function() { // Make sure the order is right. assert.deepEqual( await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C'] ); await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('A')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); // Make sure the order is right. assert.deepEqual( await readLabels(), ['B', 'A', 'C'] ); await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('C')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); // Make sure the order is right. assert.deepEqual( await readLabels(), ['C', 'B', 'A'] ); // Now move A on A and make sure nothing changes. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('A')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('A'), x: 50}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['C', 'B', 'A']); }); it('can undo drag and drop', async function() { await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['B', 'A', 'C']); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); }); it('adds new question at the end', async function() { // We should see single drop zone. assert.equal((await drops()).length, 1); // Move the A over there. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('A')}) .press() .move({origin: plusButton().drag()}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['B', 'C', 'A']); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); // Now add a new question. await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu('Text'); await gu.waitForServer(); // We should have new column D or type text. assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); assert.equal(await questionType('D'), 'Text'); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); }); it('adds question in the middle', async function() { await driver.withActions(a => a.contextClick(question('B'))); await clickMenu('Insert question above'); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'D', 'B', 'C']); // Now below C. await driver.withActions(a => a.contextClick(question('B'))); await clickMenu('Insert question below'); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'D', 'B', 'E', 'C']); // Make sure they are draggable. // Move D infront of C. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('D')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('C')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'E', 'D', 'C']); // Remove 3 times. await gu.undo(3); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); }); it('selection works', async function() { // Click on A. await question('A').click(); // Now A is selected. assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'A'); // Click B. await question('B').click(); // Now B is selected. assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'B'); // Click on the edit button. await driver.find('.test-forms-submit').click(); // Now nothing is selected. assert.isFalse(await isSelected(), 'Something is selected'); // When we add new question, it is automatically selected. await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu('Text'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Now D is selected. assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'D'); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); await question('A').click(); }); it('hiding and revealing works', async function() { await gu.toggleSidePanel('left', 'close'); await gu.openWidgetPanel(); // We have only one hidden column. assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice']); // Make sure we see it in the menu. await plusButton().click(); // We have 1 unmapped menu item. assert.equal(await elementCount('menu-unmapped'), 1); // Now move it to the form on B await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: hiddenColumn('Choice')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); // It should be after A. await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'Choice', 'B', 'C']); }, 500); // Undo to make sure it is bundled. await gu.undo(); // It should be hidden again. assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice']); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); // And redo. await gu.redo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'Choice', 'B', 'C']); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), []); // Now hide it using menu. await question('Choice').rightClick(); await clickMenu('Hide'); await gu.waitForServer(); // It should be hidden again. assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice']); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); // And undo. await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'Choice', 'B', 'C']); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), []); // And redo. await gu.redo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice']); // Now unhide it using menu. await plusButton().click(); await element('menu-unmapped').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'Choice']); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), []); // Now hide it using Delete key. await driver.find('.test-forms-submit').click(); await question('Choice').click(); await gu.sendKeys(Key.DELETE); await gu.waitForServer(); // It should be hidden again. assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice']); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'close'); }); it('basic keyboard navigation works', async function() { await question('A').click(); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'A'); // Move down. await arrow(Key.ARROW_DOWN); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'B'); // Move up. await arrow(Key.ARROW_UP); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'A'); // Move down to C. await arrow(Key.ARROW_DOWN, 2); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'C'); // Move down we should be at A (past the submit button, and titles and sections). await arrow(Key.ARROW_DOWN, 7); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'A'); // Do the same with Left and Right. await arrow(Key.ARROW_RIGHT); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'B'); await arrow(Key.ARROW_LEFT); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'A'); await arrow(Key.ARROW_RIGHT, 2); assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'C'); }); it('cutting works', async function() { const revert = await gu.begin(); await question('A').click(); // Send copy command. await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => { await cb.cut(); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ARROW_DOWN); // Focus on B. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ARROW_DOWN); // Focus on C. await cb.paste(); }); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['B', 'A', 'C']); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); // To the same for paragraph. await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu('Paragraph'); await gu.waitForServer(); await element('Paragraph', 5).click(); await clipboard.lockAndPerform(async (cb) => { await cb.cut(); // Go over A and paste there. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ARROW_UP); // Focus on C. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ARROW_UP); // Focus on B. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ARROW_UP); // Focus on A. await cb.paste(); }); await gu.waitForServer(); // Paragraph should be the first one now. assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); let elements = await driver.findAll('.test-forms-element'); assert.isTrue(await elements[0].matches('.test-forms-Paragraph')); assert.isTrue(await elements[1].matches('.test-forms-Paragraph')); assert.isTrue(await elements[2].matches('.test-forms-Section')); assert.isTrue(await elements[3].matches('.test-forms-Paragraph')); assert.isTrue(await elements[4].matches('.test-forms-Paragraph')); assert.isTrue(await elements[5].matches('.test-forms-Paragraph')); // Put it back using undo. await gu.undo(); elements = await driver.findAll('.test-forms-element'); assert.isTrue(await elements[5].matches('.test-forms-Field')); // 0 - A, 1 - B, 2 - C, 3 - submit button. assert.isTrue(await elements[8].matches('.test-forms-Paragraph')); await revert(); }); const checkInitial = async () => assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); const checkNewCol = async () => { assert.equal(await selectedLabel(), 'D'); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); await gu.undo(); await checkInitial(); }; const checkFieldsAtFirstLevel = (menuText: string) => { it(`can add ${menuText} elements from the menu`, async function() { await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu(menuText); await gu.waitForServer(); await checkNewCol(); }); }; checkFieldsAtFirstLevel('Text'); checkFieldsAtFirstLevel('Numeric'); checkFieldsAtFirstLevel('Date'); checkFieldsAtFirstLevel('Choice'); const checkFieldInMore = (menuText: string) => { it(`can add ${menuText} elements from the menu`, async function() { await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu('More'); await clickMenu(menuText); await gu.waitForServer(); await checkNewCol(); }); }; checkFieldInMore('Integer'); checkFieldInMore('Toggle'); checkFieldInMore('DateTime'); checkFieldInMore('Choice List'); checkFieldInMore('Reference'); checkFieldInMore('Reference List'); const testStruct = (type: string, existing = 0) => { it(`can add structure ${type} element`, async function() { assert.equal(await elementCount(type), existing); await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu(type); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.equal(await elementCount(type), existing + 1); await gu.undo(); assert.equal(await elementCount(type), existing); }); }; // testStruct('Section'); // There is already a section testStruct('Columns'); testStruct('Paragraph', 4); it('basic section', async function() { const revert = await gu.begin(); // Adding section is disabled for now, so this test is altered to use the existing section. // await drop().click(); // await clickMenu('Section'); // await gu.waitForServer(); assert.equal(await elementCount('Section'), 1); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); // There is a drop in that section, click it to add a new question. await element('Section', 1).element('plus').click(); await clickMenu('Text'); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); // And the question is inside a section. assert.equal(await element('Section', 1).element('label', 4).getText(), 'D'); // Make sure we can move that question around. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('D')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'D', 'B', 'C']); // Make sure that it is not inside the section anymore. // assert.equal(await element('Section', 1).element('label').isPresent(), false); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); assert.equal(await element('Section', 1).element('label', 4).getText(), 'D'); // Make sure that deleting the section also hides its fields and unmaps them. await element('Section').element('Paragraph', 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE, Key.UP, Key.DELETE); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.equal(await elementCount('Section'), 0); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), []); await gu.openWidgetPanel(); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'Choice', 'D']); await gu.undo(); assert.equal(await elementCount('Section'), 1); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice']); await revert(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); }); it('basic columns work', async function() { const revert = await gu.begin(); // Open the creator panel to make sure it works. await gu.openColumnPanel(); await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu('Columns'); await gu.waitForServer(); // We have two placeholders for free. assert.equal(await elementCount('Placeholder', element('Columns')), 2); // We can add another placeholder await element('add').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Now we have 3 placeholders. assert.equal(await elementCount('Placeholder', element('Columns')), 3); // We can click the middle one, and add a question. await element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 2).click(); await clickMenu('Text'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Now we have 2 placeholders assert.equal(await elementCount('Placeholder', element('Columns')), 2); // And 4 questions. assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); // The question D is in the columns. assert.equal(await element('Columns').element('label').getText(), 'D'); // We can move it around. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('D')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'D', 'B', 'C']); // And move it back. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('D')}) .press() .move({origin: element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 2).find(`.test-forms-drag`)}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); assert.equal(await elementCount('column'), 3); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).type(), 'Placeholder'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'D'); assert.equal(await element('column', 3).type(), 'Placeholder'); // Check that we can remove the question. await question('D').rightClick(); await clickMenu('Hide'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Now we have 3 placeholders. assert.equal(await elementCount('Placeholder', element('Columns')), 3); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); // Undo and check it goes back at the right place. await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); assert.equal(await elementCount('column'), 3); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).type(), 'Placeholder'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'D'); assert.equal(await element('column', 3).type(), 'Placeholder'); // Add a second question column. await element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 1).click(); await clickMenu('Text'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Delete the column and make sure both questions get deleted. await element('Columns').element('Field', 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE, Key.UP, Key.DELETE); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); await gu.openWidgetPanel(); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice', 'D', 'E']); // Undo and check everything reverted correctly. await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'D']); assert.equal(await elementCount('column'), 3); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'E'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'D'); assert.equal(await element('column', 3).type(), 'Placeholder'); assert.deepEqual(await hiddenColumns(), ['Choice']); await gu.undo(); // There was a bug with paragraph and columns. // Add a paragraph to first placeholder. await element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 1).click(); await clickMenu('Paragraph'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Now click this paragraph. await element('Columns').element(`Paragraph`, 1).click(); // And make sure there aren't any errors. await gu.checkForErrors(); await revert(); assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-forms-column'), 0); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); }); it('drags and drops on columns properly', async function() { const revert = await gu.begin(); // Open the creator panel to make sure it works. await gu.openColumnPanel(); await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu('Columns'); await gu.waitForServer(); // Make sure that dragging columns on its placeholder doesn't do anything. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 1).find(`.test-forms-drag`)}) .press() .move({origin: element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 2).find(`.test-forms-drag`)}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); // Make sure we see form correctly. const testNothingIsMoved = async () => { assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); assert.deepEqual(await elements(), [ 'Paragraph', 'Paragraph', 'Section', 'Paragraph', 'Paragraph', 'Field', 'Field', 'Field', 'Columns', 'Placeholder', 'Placeholder' ]); }; await testNothingIsMoved(); // Now do the same but move atop the + placeholder. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 1).find(`.test-forms-drag`)}) .press() .move({origin: driver.find('.test-forms-Columns .test-forms-add')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); await testNothingIsMoved(); // Now move C column into first column. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('C')}) .press() .move({origin: element('Columns').element(`Placeholder`, 1).find(`.test-forms-drag`)}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); // Check that it worked. assert.equal(await element('column', 1).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'C'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).type(), 'Placeholder'); // Try to move B over C. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('C')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); // Make sure it didn't work. assert.equal(await element('column', 1).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'C'); // And B is still there. assert.equal(await element('Field', 2).element('label').getText(), 'B'); // Now move B on the empty placholder. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .press() .move({origin: element('column', 2).drag()}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); // Make sure it worked. assert.equal(await element('column', 1).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'C'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).type(), 'Field'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'B'); // Now swap them moving C over B. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('C')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'B'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'C'); // And swap them back. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .press() .move({origin: questionDrag('C')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'C'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'B'); // Make sure we still have two columns only. assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-forms-column'), 2); // Make sure draggin column on the add button doesn't add column. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('B')}) .press() .move({origin: driver.find('.test-forms-Columns .test-forms-add')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); // Make sure we still have two columns only. assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-forms-column'), 2); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'C'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'B'); // Now move A over the + button to add a new column. await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: questionDrag('A')}) .press() .move({origin: driver.find('.test-forms-Columns .test-forms-add')}) .release() ); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-forms-column'), 3); assert.equal(await element('column', 1).element('label').getText(), 'C'); assert.equal(await element('column', 2).element('label').getText(), 'B'); assert.equal(await element('column', 3).element('label').getText(), 'A'); await revert(); }); it('changes type of a question', async function() { // Add text question as D column. await plusButton().click(); await clickMenu('Text'); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']); // Make sure it is a text question. assert.equal(await questionType('D'), 'Text'); // Now change it to a choice, from the backend (as the UI is not clear here). await gu.sendActions([ ['ModifyColumn', 'Form', 'D', {type: 'Choice', widgetOptions: JSON.stringify({choices: ['A', 'B', 'C']})}], ]); // Make sure it is a choice question. await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await questionType('D'), 'Choice'); }); // Now change it back to a text question. await gu.undo(); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await questionType('D'), 'Text'); }); await gu.redo(); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await questionType('D'), 'Choice'); }); await gu.undo(2); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.deepEqual(await readLabels(), ['A', 'B', 'C']); }); }); }); describe('on team site', async function() { before(async function() { const session = await gu.session().teamSite.login(); docId = await session.tempNewDoc(cleanup); api = session.createHomeApi(); await driver.executeScript(createClipboardTextArea); }); after(async function() { await driver.executeScript(removeClipboardTextArea); }); it('can submit a form', async function() { // A bug was preventing this by forcing a login redirect from the public form URL. const formUrl = await createFormWith('Text'); await gu.removeLogin(); // We are in a new window. await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(formUrl); await driver.findWait('input[name="D"]', 1000).click(); await gu.sendKeys('Hello World'); await driver.find('input[type="submit"]').click(); await waitForConfirm(); }); // Make sure we see the new record. const session = await gu.session().teamSite.login(); await session.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId}`); await expectSingle('Hello World'); await removeForm(); }); }); }); function element(type: string, parent?: WebElement): ExtraElement; function element(type: string, index: number, parent?: WebElement): ExtraElement; function element(type: string, arg1?: number | WebElement, arg2?: WebElement): ExtraElement { if (typeof arg1 === 'number') { if (arg1 === 1) { return extra((arg2 ?? driver).find(`.test-forms-${type}`)); } const nth = ((arg2 ?? driver).findAll(`.test-forms-${type}`).then(els => els[arg1 - 1])).then(el => { if (!el) { throw new Error(`No element of type ${type} at index ${arg1}`); } return el; }); return extra(new WebElementPromise(driver, nth)); } else { return extra((arg1 ?? driver).find(`.test-forms-${type}`)); } } async function elementCount(type: string, parent?: WebElement) { return await (parent ?? driver).findAll(`.test-forms-${type}`).then(els => els.length); } async function readLabels() { return await driver.findAll('.test-forms-question .test-forms-label', el => el.getText()); } function question(label: string) { return extra(driver.findContent(`.test-forms-label`, new RegExp('^' + escapeRegExp(label) + '\\*?$')) .findClosest('.test-forms-editor')); } function questionDrag(label: string) { return question(label).find('.test-forms-drag'); } function questionType(label: string) { return question(label).find('.test-forms-type').value(); } function plusButton() { return element('plus'); } function drops() { return driver.findAll('.test-forms-plus'); } async function clickMenu(label: string) { // First try command as it will also contain the keyboard shortcut we need to discard. if (await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li .test-cmd-name', gu.exactMatch(label)).isPresent()) { return driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li .test-cmd-name', gu.exactMatch(label)).click(); } return driver.findContentWait('.grist-floating-menu li', gu.exactMatch(label), 100).click(); } function isSelected() { return driver.findAll('.test-forms-field-editor-selected').then(els => els.length > 0); } function selected() { return driver.find('.test-forms-field-editor-selected'); } function selectedLabel() { return selected().find('.test-forms-label-rendered').getText(); } function hiddenColumns() { return driver.findAll('.test-vfc-hidden-field', e => e.getText()); } function hiddenColumn(label: string) { return driver.findContent('.test-vfc-hidden-field', gu.exactMatch(label)); } type ExtraElement = WebElementPromise & { rightClick: () => Promise, element: (type: string, index?: number) => ExtraElement, /** * A draggable element inside. This is 2x2px div to help with drag and drop. */ drag: () => WebElementPromise, type: () => Promise, }; function extra(el: WebElementPromise): ExtraElement { const webElement: any = el; webElement.rightClick = async function() { await driver.withActions(a => a.contextClick(el)); }; webElement.element = function(type: string, index?: number) { return element(type, index ?? 1, el); }; webElement.drag = function() { return el.find('.test-forms-drag'); }; webElement.type = async function() { return await el.getAttribute('data-box-model'); }; return webElement; } async function arrow(key: string, times: number = 1) { for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) { await gu.sendKeys(key); } } async function elements() { return await driver.findAll('.test-forms-element', el => el.getAttribute('data-box-model')); }