import { auth } from '@googleapis/oauth2'; import { ApiError } from 'app/common/ApiError'; import { parseSubdomain } from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import { expressWrap } from 'app/server/lib/expressWrap'; import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import * as express from 'express'; import { URL } from 'url'; /** * Google Auth Endpoint for performing server side authentication. More information can be found * at * * Environmental variables used: * - GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID : key obtained from a Google Project, not secret can be shared publicly, * the same client id is used in Google Drive Plugin * - GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: secret key for Google Project, can't be shared - it is used to (d)encrypt * data that we obtain from Google Auth Service (all done in the api) * * High level description: * * Each API endpoint that wants to talk to Google Api needs an access_token that identifies our application * and permits us to access some of the user data or work with the API on the user's behalf (examples for that are * Google Drive plugin and Google Export endpoint, [Send to Google Drive] feature on the UI).) * To obtain this token on the server-side, the application needs to redirect the user to a * Google Consent Screen - where the user can log into his account and give consent for the permissions * we need. Permissions are defined by SCOPES - that exactly describes what we are allowed to do. * More on scopes can be read on * When we are redirecting the user to a Google Consent Screen, we are also sending a static URL for an endpoint * where Google will redirect the user after he gives us permissions or declines our request. For that, we are exposing * static URL (on prod) or http://localhost:8080/auth/google (dev). * * NOTE: Actually, we are exposing only auth/google endpoint that can be accessed in various ways, including any * subdomain, but Google will always redirect to the configured endpoint (example: * * This endpoint will render a simple page (see /static/message.html) that will immediately post * a message to the parent window with a response from Google in the form of { code? : string, error?: string }. * Code returned from Google will be an encrypted access_token that the client-side code should use to invoke * the server-side API endpoint that wishes to call one of the Google API endpoints. A server-side endpoint can use * "googleAuthTokenMiddleware" middleware to convert code to access_token (by making a separate call to Google * for exchanging code for an access_token). * This access_token could be stored in the user's session for further use, but since we are making only a single call * very rarely, and access_token will expire eventually; it is better to acquire access_token every time. * More on storing access_token offline can be read on: * * * How to use: * * To call server-side endpoint that expects access_token, first decorate it with "googleAuthTokenMiddleware" * middleware, then perform "server-side" authentication with Google on the client-side to acquire an encrypted token. * Client code should open up a popup window with an URL to Grist's Google Auth endpoint (/auth/google) and wait * for a message from a popup window containing an encrypted token. * Having encrypted token ("code"), a client can call the server-side endpoint by adding to the query string the code * acquired from the popup window. Server endpoint (decorated by "googleAuthTokenMiddleware") will get access_token * in a query string. */ // Path for the auth endpoint. const authHandlerPath = "/auth/google"; // "View and manage Google Drive files and folders that you have opened or created with this app."" export const DRIVE_SCOPE = ''; // Redirect host after the Google Auth login form is completed. This reuses the same domain name // as for Cognito login. const AUTH_SUBDOMAIN = process.env.GRIST_ID_PREFIX ? `docs-${process.env.GRIST_ID_PREFIX}` : 'docs'; /** * Return a full url for Google Auth handler. Examples are: * * http://localhost:8080/auth/google in dev * in staging * in prod */ function getFullAuthEndpointUrl(): string { const homeUrl = process.env.APP_HOME_URL; // if homeUrl is localhost - (in dev environment) - use the development url if (homeUrl && new URL(homeUrl).hostname === "localhost") { return `${homeUrl}${authHandlerPath}`; } const homeBaseDomain = homeUrl && parseSubdomain(new URL(homeUrl).host).base; const baseDomain = homeBaseDomain || ''; return `https://${AUTH_SUBDOMAIN}${baseDomain}${authHandlerPath}`; } /** * Middleware for obtaining access_token from Google Auth Service. * It expects code query parameter (provided by frontend code) add adds to access_token to query parameters. */ export async function googleAuthTokenMiddleware( req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { // If access token is in place, proceed if (!req.query.code) { throw new ApiError("Google Auth endpoint requires a code parameter in the query string", 400); } else { try { const oAuth2Client = _googleAuthClient(); // Decrypt code that was send back from Google Auth service. Uses GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET key. const tokenResponse = await oAuth2Client.getToken(req.query.code); // Get the access token (access token will be present in a default request configuration). const access_token = tokenResponse.tokens.access_token!; req.query.access_token = access_token; next(); } catch (err) { log.error("GoogleAuth - Error", err); throw err; } } } /** * Adds a static Google Auth endpoint. This will be used by Google Auth Service to redirect back, after the user * finishes a signing and a consent flow. Google will pass 2 arguments in a query string: * - code: encrypted access token when user gave permissions * - error: error code when user declined our request. */ export function addGoogleAuthEndpoint( expressApp: express.Application, messagePage: (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, message: any) => any ) { if (!process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET) { log.error("Failed to create GoogleAuth endpoint: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET is not defined"); expressApp.get(authHandlerPath, expressWrap(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { throw new Error("Send to Google Drive is not configured."); })); return; }`GoogleAuth - auth handler at ${getFullAuthEndpointUrl()}`); expressApp.get(authHandlerPath, expressWrap(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { // Test if the code is in a query string. Google sends it back after user has given a concent for // our request. It is encrypted (with CLIENT_SECRET) and signed with redirect url. // In state query parameter we will receive an url that was send as part of the request to Google. if (req.query.code) { log.debug("GoogleAuth - response from Google with valid code"); messagePage(req, res, { code: req.query.code, origin: req.query.state }); } else if (req.query.error) { log.debug("GoogleAuth - response from Google with error code", req.query.error); if (req.query.error === "access_denied") { messagePage(req, res, { error: req.query.error, origin: req.query.state }); } else { // This should not happen, either code or error is a mandatory query parameter. throw new ApiError("Error authenticating with Google", 500); } } else { const oAuth2Client = _googleAuthClient(); const scope = req.query.scope || DRIVE_SCOPE; // Create url for origin parameter for a popup window. const origin = `${req.protocol}://${}`; const authUrl = oAuth2Client.generateAuthUrl({ scope, prompt: 'select_account', state: origin }); log.debug(`GoogleAuth - redirecting to Google consent screen`, { authUrl, scope, state: origin }); res.redirect(authUrl); } })); } /** * Builds the OAuth2 Google client. */ function _googleAuthClient() { const CLIENT_ID = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID; const CLIENT_SECRET = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET; const oAuth2Client = new auth.OAuth2(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, getFullAuthEndpointUrl()); return oAuth2Client; }