import {UserAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {assert, driver, Key} from 'mocha-webdriver'; import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils'; import {server, setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils'; describe('RawData', function () { this.timeout(30000); let api: UserAPI; let doc: string; // We will stress undo here and will try to undo all tests that were using RAW DATA views. // At the time of writing this test, undo was basically not possible and was throwing all sort // of exceptions (related to summary tables). let revertAll: () => Promise; setupTestSuite(); gu.bigScreen(); afterEach(() => gu.checkForErrors()); before(async function () { await server.simulateLogin('Chimpy', '', 'nasa'); const docInfo = await gu.importFixturesDoc('chimpy', 'nasa', 'Horizon', 'World.grist'); doc =; api = gu.createHomeApi('Chimpy', 'nasa'); await openRawData(); revertAll = await gu.begin(); }); it('shows all tables', async function () { const uiTables = await getRawTableIds(); const data = await api.getTable(doc, '_grist_Tables'); const tables: string[] = data.tableId as string[]; tables.sort(); uiTables.sort(); assert.deepEqual(uiTables, tables); }); it('shows row counts of all tables', async function () { assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableRows(), [ '4,079', '239', '984', '4', ]); }); it('shows new table name', async function () { await gu.renameTable('City', 'Town'); const uiTables = await getRawTableIds(); const data = await api.getTable(doc, '_grist_Tables'); const tables: string[] = data.tableId as string[]; tables.sort(); uiTables.sort(); assert.deepEqual(uiTables, tables); }); it('shows table preview', async function () { // Open modal with grid await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Country').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Test that overlay is showed. assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); // Test proper table is selected. assert.equal(await gu.getSectionTitle(), 'Country'); // Test we have some data. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells('Code', [1, 2], 'Country'), ['ABW', 'AFG']); // Test we can close by button. await gu.closeRawTable(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isPresent()); // Test we can close by pressing escape. await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Country').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isDisplayed()); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isPresent()); // Test we can't close by pressing escape when there is a selection, await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Country').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isDisplayed()); await driver.find('.gridview_data_corner_overlay').doClick(); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isDisplayed()); // Press ESCAPE one more time to close. await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isPresent()); // Test we can close by clicking on overlay. await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Country').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isDisplayed()); await driver.find('.test-raw-data-close-button').mouseMove(); await driver.mouseMoveBy({y: 100}); // move 100px below (not negative value) await driver.withActions(a =>; assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isPresent()); }); it('should rename table from modal window', async function () { // Open Country table. await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Country').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Rename section to Empire await gu.renameActiveTable('Empire'); // Close and test that it was renamed await gu.closeRawTable(); const tables = await getRawTableIds(); const titles = await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-title', e => e.getText()); tables.sort(); titles.sort(); // Title should also be renamed for now. In follow-up diff those // two will be separate. assert.deepEqual(titles, ['Town', 'Empire', 'CountryLanguage', 'Table1'].sort()); assert.deepEqual(tables, ['Town', 'Empire', 'CountryLanguage', 'Table1'].sort()); }); it('should show table description', async function () { // Give Empire table a description. await gu.renameRawTable('Empire', undefined, 'My raw data table description.'); // Check that a description icon tooltip is shown next to the title. await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Empire') .find('.test-widget-info-tooltip') .click(); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-widget-info-tooltip-popup').isDisplayed()); }); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-widget-info-tooltip-popup').getText(), 'My raw data table description.' ); // Open Empire table and check that the tooltip is shown there as well. await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Empire').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.find('.test-viewsection-title .test-widget-info-tooltip').click(); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-widget-info-tooltip-popup').isDisplayed()); }); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-widget-info-tooltip-popup').getText(), 'My raw data table description.' ); await gu.closeRawTable(); }); it('should remove table', async function () { // Open menu for Town await openMenu('Town'); // Click delete. await clickRemove(); // Confirm. await clickConfirm(); await gu.waitForServer(); const tables = await getRawTableIds(); const titles = await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-title', e => e.getText()); tables.sort(); titles.sort(); // Title should also be renamed for now. In a follow-up diff those // two will be separate. assert.deepEqual(titles, ['Empire', 'CountryLanguage', 'Table1'].sort()); assert.deepEqual(tables, ['Empire', 'CountryLanguage', 'Table1'].sort()); }); it('should duplicate table', async function () { await openMenu('Empire'); await clickDuplicateTable(); await driver.find('.test-duplicate-table-name').click(); await gu.sendKeys('Empire Copy'); // Before clicking the Copy All Data checkbox, check that no warning about ACLs is shown. assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-duplicate-table-acl-warning').isPresent()); // Now click the Copy All Data checkbox, and check that the warning is shown. await driver.find('.test-duplicate-table-copy-all-data').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-duplicate-table-acl-warning').isPresent()); await clickConfirm(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); assert.equal(await gu.getSectionTitle(), 'Empire Copy'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells('Code', [1, 2], 'Empire Copy'), ['ABW', 'AFG']); await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); const tables = await getRawTableIds(); const titles = await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-title', e => e.getText()); tables.sort(); titles.sort(); assert.deepEqual(titles, ['Empire', 'Empire Copy', 'CountryLanguage', 'Table1'].sort()); assert.deepEqual(tables, ['Empire', 'Empire_Copy', 'CountryLanguage', 'Table1'].sort()); }); it('should restore position when browser is refreshed', async function () { await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Empire').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.getCell(3, 2).click(); await driver.navigate().refresh(); await gu.waitForDocToLoad(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {col: 3, rowNum: 2}); // Close overlay. await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); it('should restore last edit position when browser is refreshed', async function () { await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Empire').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.getCell(2, 9).click(); await driver.sendKeys('123456789'); await gu.refreshDismiss(); await gu.waitForDocToLoad(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); await gu.checkTextEditor(gu.exactMatch('123456789')); // Close editor. await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {col: 2, rowNum: 9}); // Close overlay. await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); it('should copy anchor link and restore', async function () { await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'Empire').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await (await gu.openRowMenu(10)).findContent('li', /Copy anchor link/).click(); await driver.findContentWait('.test-notifier-toast-message', /Link copied to clipboard/, 2000); await driver.find('.test-notifier-toast-close').click(); const anchor = (await gu.getTestState()).clipboard!; await gu.getCell(3, 2).click(); await gu.onNewTab(async () => { await driver.get(anchor); await gu.waitForAnchor(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {col: 0, rowNum: 10}); }); // Close overlay. await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); it('should copy table name', async function () { await driver.findContentWait('.test-raw-data-table-id', 'Empire', 1000).click(); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal((await gu.getTestState()).clipboard, 'Empire'); }, 500); // Currently tooltip is not dismissible, so let's refresh the page. await driver.navigate().refresh(); await waitForRawData(); }); it('shows summary tables under Raw Data Tables', async function () { // Add a few summary tables: 1 with no group-by columns, and 2 that // share the same group-by columns. for (let i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { await gu.addNewPage(/Table/, /CountryLanguage/, { summarize: i === 0 ? [] : ['Country'] }); } // Check that the added summary tables are listed at the end. await openRawData(); assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableTitles(), [ 'CountryLanguage', 'Empire', 'Empire Copy', 'Table1', 'CountryLanguage [Totals]', 'CountryLanguage [by Country]', ]); assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableIds(), [ 'CountryLanguage', 'Empire', 'Empire_Copy', 'Table1', 'CountryLanguage_summary', 'CountryLanguage_summary_Country', ]); }); it('shows Record Card button for all non-summary tables', async function () { const displayed = await getRawTableRecordCardButtonsIsDisplayed(); assert.deepEqual(displayed, [ true, true, true, true, false, false, ]); const enabled = await getRawTableRecordCardButtonsIsEnabled(); assert.deepEqual(enabled, [ true, true, true, true, false, false, ]); }); it('shows preview of summary table when clicked', async function () { // Open a summary table. await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', 'CountryLanguage [by Country]').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check that an overlay is shown. assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); // Check that the right section title is shown. assert.equal(await gu.getSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRYLANGUAGE [by Country]'); // Make sure the data looks correct. assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells('Country', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'CountryLanguage [by Country]'), ['ABW', 'AFG', 'AGO', 'AIA', 'ALB'], ); // Close the overlay. await gu.closeRawTable(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isPresent()); }); it('removes summary table when all sections referencing it are removed', async function () { // CountryLanguage [Totals] and CountryLanguage [by Country] respectively. await gu.removePage('New page'); await gu.removePage('New page'); // Check that the table summarizing by country wasn't removed, since there is still // one more view for it. assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableTitles(), [ 'CountryLanguage', 'Empire', 'Empire Copy', 'Table1', 'CountryLanguage [by Country]', ]); }); it('removes summary table when source table is removed', async function () { await removeRawTable('CountryLanguage'); assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableTitles(), [ 'Empire', 'Empire Copy', 'Table1', ]); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableTitles(), [ 'CountryLanguage', 'Empire', 'Empire Copy', 'Table1', 'CountryLanguage [by Country]', ]); }); it('removes summary table when "Remove" menu item is clicked', async function () { const tableIds = await getRawTableIds(); await removeRawTable(tableIds[tableIds.length - 1]); const titles = await getRawTableTitles(); assert.deepEqual(titles, [ 'CountryLanguage', 'Empire', 'Empire Copy', 'Table1', ]); }); it('should stay on a page when undoing summary table', async function () { // Undoing after converting a table to a summary table doesn't know // where to navigate, as section is removed and recreated during navigation // and it is not connected to any view for a brief moment - which makes that // section look like a Raw Data View (section without a view). // This tests that the section is properly identified and Grist will not navigate // to the Raw Data view. await gu.addNewTable(); const url = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); assert.isTrue(url.endsWith('p/8')); await convertToSummary(); assert.equal(url, await driver.getCurrentUrl()); await gu.undo(); assert.equal(url, await driver.getCurrentUrl()); await gu.redo(); // Reverting actually went to a bare document url (without a page id) // This was old buggy behavior that is now fixed. assert.equal(url, await driver.getCurrentUrl()); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 1, col: 0}); // Switching pages was producing error after undoing summary table. await gu.openPage('Empire'); await gu.checkForErrors(); await gu.openPage('Table2'); await gu.checkForErrors(); }); it('should remove all tables except one (including referenced summary table)', async function () { // First we will add a new summary table for CountryLanguage table. // This table has a reference to the Country table, and Grist had a bug that // didn't allow to delete those tables - so here we will test if this is fixed. await gu.addNewPage('Table', 'CountryLanguage', { summarize: ['Country'], }); await openRawData(); const allTables = await getRawTableIds(); // Now we are ready to test deletion. const beforeDeleteCheckpoint = await gu.begin(); // First remove that table without a raw section, to see if that works. await removeRawTable('Table1'); await gu.checkForErrors(); assert.isFalse((await getRawTableIds()).includes('Table1')); // Now try to remove Country (now Empire) table - here we had a bug await removeRawTable('Empire'); await gu.checkForErrors(); assert.isFalse((await getRawTableIds()).includes('Empire')); // Now revert and remove all until remove is disabled await beforeDeleteCheckpoint(); await openRawData(); while (allTables.length > 1) { await removeRawTable(allTables.pop()!); } // We should have only one table assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableIds(), allTables); // The last table should have disabled remove button. await openMenu(allTables[0]); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-menu-remove-table.disabled').isDisplayed()); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); it('should allow removing GristHidden* pages', async () => { // Add a table named GristHidden_test, to test when such tables are left over after an incomplete import. // Prepare two tables to test await gu.addNewTable(); // Remove last old table we have await openRawData(); await removeRawTable('CountryLanguage'); await gu.addNewTable(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Table1', 'Table2']); // Rename Table2 page to GristHidden_test, it should be still visible, as the table // id is diffrent (not hidden). await gu.renamePage('Table1', 'GristHidden_test'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['GristHidden_test', 'Table2']); // Make sure all pages can be removed for (const page of await gu.getPageNames()) { assert.isTrue(await gu.canRemovePage(page)); } await gu.removePage('Table2'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['GristHidden_test']); assert.isFalse(await gu.canRemovePage('GristHidden_test')); await gu.undo(); await gu.removePage('GristHidden_test'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Table2']); assert.isFalse(await gu.canRemovePage('Table2')); await gu.undo(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['GristHidden_test', 'Table2']); }); it('should allow removing hidden tables', async () => { // Rename Table1 table to a simulate hidden table await openRawData(); await gu.renameRawTable("Table2", "GristHidden_import"); assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableIds(), ['GristHidden_import', 'Table1']); // Page should be hidden now assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['GristHidden_test']); assert.isFalse(await gu.canRemovePage('GristHidden_test')); // We should be able to remove hidden table, but not user table (as this can be last table that will // be auto-removed). assert.isTrue(await isRemovable('GristHidden_import')); assert.isFalse(await isRemovable('Table1')); // Rename back await gu.renameRawTable("GristHidden_import", "Table2"); // Page should be visible again assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['GristHidden_test', 'Table2']); for (const page of await gu.getPageNames()) { assert.isTrue(await gu.canRemovePage(page)); } assert.isTrue(await isRemovable('Table2')); assert.isTrue(await isRemovable('Table1')); // Rename once again and test if it can be actually removed. await gu.renameRawTable("Table2", "GristHidden_import"); assert.isTrue(await isRemovable('GristHidden_import')); await removeRawTable("GristHidden_import"); await gu.checkForErrors(); assert.deepEqual(await getRawTableIds(), ['Table1']); assert.isFalse(await isRemovable('Table1')); }); it('should revert all without errors', async function () { // Revert internally checks errors. await revertAll(); }); it('should open raw data as a popup', async () => { // We are at City table, in first row/first cell. // Send some keys, to make sure we have focus on active section. // RawData popup is manipulating what section has focus, so we need to make sure that // focus is properly restored. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 1, col: 0}); await gu.getCell(0, 2).click(); await gu.sendKeys("abc"); await gu.checkTextEditor("abc"); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); await gu.showRawData(); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'City'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 20, col: 0}); // raw popup is not sorted await gu.sendKeys("abc"); await gu.checkTextEditor("abc"); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Click on another cell, check page hasn't changed (there was a bug about that) await gu.getCell({rowNum: 10, col: 1}).click(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 10, col: 1}); assert.equal(await gu.getCurrentPageName(), 'City'); // Close by hitting escape. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); await assertNoPopup(); // Make sure we see CITY, and everything is where it should be. assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'CITY'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 2, col: 0}); await gu.sendKeys("abc"); await gu.checkTextEditor("abc"); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Now open popup again, but close it by clicking on the close button. await gu.showRawData(); await gu.closeRawTable(); await assertNoPopup(); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'CITY'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 2, col: 0}); await gu.sendKeys("abc"); await gu.checkTextEditor("abc"); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Now do the same, but close by clicking on a diffrent page await gu.showRawData(); await gu.getPageItem('Country').click(); await assertNoPopup(); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRY'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 1, col: 0}); await gu.sendKeys("abc"); await gu.checkTextEditor("abc"); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Now make sure that raw data is available for card view. await gu.selectSectionByTitle("COUNTRY Card List"); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRY Card List'); await gu.showRawData(); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'Country'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 1, col: 1}); await gu.sendKeys("abc"); await gu.checkTextEditor("abc"); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Make sure we see a grid assert.isTrue(await driver.find(".grid_view_data").isDisplayed()); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); // This is not documented feature at this moment, and tailored for raw data // view, but it should work for any kind of section. it('should open detail section as a popup', async () => { // We are at the Country page await gu.getDetailCell('Code', 1).click(); let anchorLink = replaceAnchor(await gu.getAnchor(), { a: '2' }); const testResult = async () => { await waitForAnchorPopup(anchorLink); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRY Card List'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), {rowNum: 1, col: 'Code'}); await gu.sendKeys("abc"); await gu.checkTextEditor("abc"); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Close by hitting escape. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Make sure we are on correct page assert.equal(await gu.getCurrentPageName(), "City"); }; // Switch page and use only hash, otherwise it will just maximize the section on the current page. await gu.getPageItem('City').click(); anchorLink = (await driver.getCurrentUrl()) + '#' + anchorLink.split('#')[1]; await testResult(); }); it('should open chart section as a popup', gu.revertChanges(async () => { // We are at the Country page await gu.getPageItem('Country').click(); await gu.selectSectionByTitle("COUNTRY Card List"); await gu.getDetailCell('Code', 1).click(); await gu.addNewSection(/Chart/, /CountryLanguage/); // s22 is the new section id, we also strip row/column. let chartLink = replaceAnchor(await gu.getAnchor(), {s: '22', a: '2'}); await gu.getPageItem('City').click(); chartLink = (await driver.getCurrentUrl()) + '#' + chartLink.split('#')[1]; await waitForAnchorPopup(chartLink); assert.isTrue(await driver.find(".test-raw-data-overlay .test-chart-container").isDisplayed()); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); })); it('should handle edge cases when table/section is removed', async () => { await gu.getPageItem('Country').click(); await gu.selectSectionByTitle("COUNTRY Card List"); await gu.getDetailCell('Code', 1).click(); let anchorLink = replaceAnchor(await gu.getAnchor(), { a: '2' }); await gu.getPageItem('City').click(); anchorLink = (await driver.getCurrentUrl()) + '#' + anchorLink.split('#')[1]; await waitForAnchorPopup(anchorLink); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRY Card List'); // Now remove the section using api, popup should be closed. const sectionId = parseInt(getAnchorParams(anchorLink).s); await api.applyUserActions(doc, [[ 'RemoveRecord', '_grist_Views_section', sectionId ]]); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); await assertNoPopup(); // Now open plain raw data for City table. await gu.selectSectionByTitle("CITY"); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'CITY'); // CITY is viewSection title await gu.showRawData(); assert.equal(await gu.getActiveSectionTitle(), 'City'); // City is now a table title // Now remove the table. await api.applyUserActions(doc, [[ 'RemoveTable', 'City' ]]); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); await assertNoPopup(); }); it("can edit a table's Record Card", async () => { // Open the Record Card for the Country table. await openRawData(); await editRecordCard('Country'); // Check that the Record Card is shown. assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); // Check that layout editing is toggled by default. assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-edit-layout-controls').isDisplayed()); // Check that the title is correct. Note that it's initially obscured by the layout // editing buttons; it becomes visible after the layout is saved. assert.equal(await gu.getSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRY Card'); // Modify the layout and theme. await gu.openWidgetPanel('widget'); assert.isTrue( await driver.findContent('.active_section .g_record_detail_inner .g_record_detail_label', gu.exactMatch('Continent')).isPresent() ); await gu.moveToHidden('Continent'); assert.isFalse( await driver.findContent('.active_section .g_record_detail_inner .g_record_detail_label', gu.exactMatch('Continent')).isPresent() ); await driver.findContent('.test-edit-layout-controls button', 'Save').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.find('.test-vconfigtab-detail-theme').click(); await driver.findContent('.test-select-row', /Blocks/).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.checkForErrors(); // Close the overlay. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); // Re-open the Record Card and check that the new layout and theme persisted. await editRecordCard('Country'); assert.isFalse( await driver.findContent('.active_section .g_record_detail_inner .g_record_detail_label', gu.exactMatch('Continent')).isPresent() ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-vconfigtab-detail-theme').getText(), 'Blocks' ); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE, Key.ESCAPE); // Open the Record Card from outside the Raw Data page and check that the // new layout and theme is used. await gu.openPage('Country'); await (await gu.openRowMenu(1)).findContent('li', /View as card/).click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-record-card-popup-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); assert.isFalse( await driver.findContent('.active_section .g_record_detail_inner .g_record_detail_label', gu.exactMatch('Continent')).isPresent() ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-vconfigtab-detail-theme').getText(), 'Blocks' ); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); it("can disable a table's Record Card", async () => { // Disable the Record Card for the Country table. await openRawData(); await disableRecordCard('Country'); // Check that the button to edit the Record Card is disabled. assert.isFalse(await isRecordCardEnabled('Country')); await editRecordCard('Country'); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isPresent()); // Check that the Edit Record Card menu item still works though. await openMenu('Country'); await driver.find('.test-raw-data-menu-edit-record-card').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); assert.equal(await gu.getSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRY Card'); // Stop editing the layout and close the overlay. await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE, Key.ESCAPE); // Check that it's no longer possible to open a Record Card from outside // the Raw Data page, even with the keyboard shortcut. await gu.openPage('Country'); await (await gu.openRowMenu(1)).findContent('li.disabled', /View as card/); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE, Key.SPACE); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-record-card-popup-overlay').isPresent()); // Check that clicking the icon in Reference and Reference List columns also // doesn't open a Record Card. await gu.openPage('CountryLanguage'); await gu.getCell(0, 1).find('.test-ref-link-icon').click(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-record-card-popup-overlay').isPresent()); await gu.setType('Reference List', {apply: true}); await gu.getCell(0, 1).find('.test-ref-list-link-icon').click(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-record-card-popup-overlay').isPresent()); }); it("can enable a table's Record Card", async () => { // Enable the Record Card for the Country table. await openRawData(); await enableRecordCard('Country'); // Check that the button to edit the Record Card is enabled again. assert.isTrue(await isRecordCardEnabled('Country')); await editRecordCard('Country'); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); assert.equal(await gu.getSectionTitle(), 'COUNTRY Card'); // Check that it's possible again to open the Record Card from outside // the Raw Data page. await gu.openPage('Country'); await (await gu.openRowMenu(1)).findContent('li', /View as card/).click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-record-card-popup-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-record-card-popup-overlay').isPresent()); await gu.sendKeys(Key.SPACE); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-record-card-popup-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); // Check that clicking the icon in Reference and Reference List columns opens a // Record Card again. await gu.openPage('CountryLanguage'); await gu.getCell(0, 1).find('.test-ref-list-link-icon').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-record-card-popup-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-record-card-popup-overlay').isPresent()); await gu.setType('Reference', {apply: true}); await gu.getCell(0, 1).find('.test-ref-link-icon').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-record-card-popup-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); }); }); const anchorRegex = /#a(\d+)\.s(\d+)\.r(\d+)\.c(\d+)/gm; function getAnchorParams(link: string) { const match = anchorRegex.exec(link); if (!match) { throw new Error("Invalid link"); } const [, a, s, r, c] = match; return { a, s, r, c }; } function replaceAnchor(link: string, values: { a?: string, s?: string, r?: string, c?: string, }) { const { a, s, r, c } = getAnchorParams(link); return link.replace(anchorRegex, `#a${values.a || a}.s${values.s || s}.r${values.r || r}.c${values.c || c}`); } async function openRawData() { await driver.find('.test-tools-raw').click(); await waitForRawData(); } async function clickConfirm() { await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); } async function clickDuplicateTable() { await driver.find('.test-raw-data-menu-duplicate-table').click(); } async function clickRemove() { await driver.find('.test-raw-data-menu-remove-table').click(); } async function removeRawTable(tableId: string) { await openMenu(tableId); await clickRemove(); await clickConfirm(); await gu.waitForServer(); } async function convertToSummary(...groupByColumns: string[]) { // Convert table to a summary table await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open'); // Creator Panel > Table await driver.find('.test-right-tab-pagewidget').click(); // Tab [Data] await driver.find('.test-config-data').click(); // Edit Data Selection await driver.find('.test-pwc-editDataSelection').click(); // Σ await driver.find('.test-wselect-pivot').click(); // Select Group-By Columns for (const c of groupByColumns) { await driver.findContent('.test-wselect-column', c).click(); } // Save await driver.find('.test-wselect-addBtn').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); } async function getRawTableTitles() { return await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-title', e => e.getText()); } async function getRawTableIds() { return await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-id', e => e.getText()); } async function getRawTableRows() { return await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-rows', e => e.getText()); } async function getRawTableRecordCardButtonsIsDisplayed() { return await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-record-card', e => e.isDisplayed()); } async function getRawTableRecordCardButtonsIsEnabled() { return await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-record-card', async e => { const isDisplayed = await e.isDisplayed(); const className = await e.getAttribute('class'); return isDisplayed && !className.includes('-disabled'); }); } async function openMenu(tableId: string) { const allTables = await getRawTableIds(); const tableIndex = allTables.indexOf(tableId); assert.isTrue(tableIndex >= 0, `No raw table with id ${tableId}`); const menus = await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table .test-raw-data-table-menu'); assert.equal(menus.length, allTables.length); await menus[tableIndex].click(); } async function waitForRawData() { await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-list', 2000); await gu.waitForServer(); } async function isRemovable(tableId: string){ await openMenu(tableId); const disabledItems = await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-menu-remove-table.disabled'); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); return disabledItems.length === 0; } async function editRecordCard(tableId: string, wait = true) { await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', tableId) .findClosest('.test-raw-data-table') .find('.test-raw-data-table-record-card') .click(); if (wait) { await gu.waitForServer(); } } async function disableRecordCard(tableId: string) { await openMenu(tableId); await driver.find('.test-raw-data-menu-disable-record-card').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); } async function enableRecordCard(tableId: string) { await openMenu(tableId); await driver.find('.test-raw-data-menu-enable-record-card').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); } async function isRecordCardEnabled(tableId: string) { const recordCard = await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-title', tableId) .findClosest('.test-raw-data-table') .find('.test-raw-data-table-record-card'); const isDisplayed = await recordCard.isDisplayed(); const className = await recordCard.getAttribute('class'); return isDisplayed && !className.includes('-disabled'); } async function waitForPopup() { assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-overlay', 100).isDisplayed()); } async function assertNoPopup() { assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-raw-data-overlay').isPresent()); } async function waitForAnchorPopup(link: string) { await driver.get(link); await gu.waitForAnchor(); await waitForPopup(); }