# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint:disable=line-too-long import unittest from acl_formula import parse_acl_formula import test_engine class TestACLFormula(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic(self): # Test a few basic formulas and structures, hitting everything we expect to support self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "user.Email == 'X@'"), ["Eq", ["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "Email"], ["Const", "X@"]]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "user.Role in ('editors', 'owners')"), ["In", ["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "Role"], ["List", ["Const", "editors"], ["Const", "owners"]]]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "user.Role not in ('editors', 'owners')"), ["NotIn", ["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "Role"], ["List", ["Const", "editors"], ["Const", "owners"]]]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "rec.office == 'Seattle' and user.email in ['sally@', 'xie@']"), ['And', ['Eq', ['Attr', ['Name', 'rec'], 'office'], ['Const', 'Seattle']], ['In', ['Attr', ['Name', 'user'], 'email'], ['List', ['Const', 'sally@'], ['Const', 'xie@']] ]]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "user.IsAdmin or rec.assigned is None or (not newRec.HasDuplicates and rec.StatusIndex <= newRec.StatusIndex)"), ['Or', ['Attr', ['Name', 'user'], 'IsAdmin'], ['Is', ['Attr', ['Name', 'rec'], 'assigned'], ['Const', None]], ['And', ['Not', ['Attr', ['Name', 'newRec'], 'HasDuplicates']], ['LtE', ['Attr', ['Name', 'rec'], 'StatusIndex'], ['Attr', ['Name', 'newRec'], 'StatusIndex']] ] ]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "r.A <= n.A + 1 or r.A >= n.A - 1 or r.B < n.B * 2.5 or r.B > n.B / 2.5 or r.C % 2 != 0"), ['Or', ['LtE', ['Attr', ['Name', 'r'], 'A'], ['Add', ['Attr', ['Name', 'n'], 'A'], ['Const', 1]]], ['GtE', ['Attr', ['Name', 'r'], 'A'], ['Sub', ['Attr', ['Name', 'n'], 'A'], ['Const', 1]]], ['Lt', ['Attr', ['Name', 'r'], 'B'], ['Mult', ['Attr', ['Name', 'n'], 'B'], ['Const', 2.5]]], ['Gt', ['Attr', ['Name', 'r'], 'B'], ['Div', ['Attr', ['Name', 'n'], 'B'], ['Const', 2.5]]], ['NotEq', ['Mod', ['Attr', ['Name', 'r'], 'C'], ['Const', 2]], ['Const', 0]] ]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "rec.A is True or rec.A is not False"), ['Or', ['Is', ['Attr', ['Name', 'rec'], 'A'], ['Const', True]], ['IsNot', ['Attr', ['Name', 'rec'], 'A'], ['Const', False]] ]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "user.Office.City == 'Seattle' and user.Status.IsActive"), ['And', ['Eq', ['Attr', ['Attr', ['Name', 'user'], 'Office'], 'City'], ['Const', 'Seattle']], ['Attr', ['Attr', ['Name', 'user'], 'Status'], 'IsActive'] ]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "True # Comment! "), ['Comment', ['Const', True], 'Comment!']) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "\"#x\" == \" # Not a comment \"#Comment!"), ['Comment', ['Eq', ['Const', '#x'], ['Const', ' # Not a comment ']], 'Comment!' ]) self.assertEqual(parse_acl_formula( "# Allow owners\nuser.Access == 'owners' # ignored\n# comment ignored"), ['Comment', ['Eq', ['Attr', ['Name', 'user'], 'Access'], ['Const', 'owners']], 'Allow owners' ]) def test_unsupported(self): # Test a few constructs we expect to fail # Not an expression self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, parse_acl_formula, "return 1") self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, parse_acl_formula, "def foo(): pass") # Unsupported node type self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Unsupported syntax', parse_acl_formula, "max(rec)") self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Unsupported syntax', parse_acl_formula, "user.id in {1, 2, 3}") self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Unsupported syntax', parse_acl_formula, "1 if user.IsAnon else 2") # Unsupported operation self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Unsupported syntax', parse_acl_formula, "1 | 2") self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Unsupported syntax', parse_acl_formula, "1 << 2") self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'Unsupported syntax', parse_acl_formula, "~test") # Syntax error self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, parse_acl_formula, "[(]") self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, parse_acl_formula, "user.id in (1,2))") self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, r'invalid syntax on line 1 col 9', parse_acl_formula, "foo and !bar") class TestACLFormulaUserActions(test_engine.EngineTestCase): def test_acl_actions(self): # Adding or updating ACLRules automatically includes aclFormula compilation. # Single Add out_actions = self.apply_user_action( ['AddRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', None, {"resource": 1, "aclFormula": "user.UserID == 7"}], ) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ["AddRecord", "_grist_ACLRules", 1, {"resource": 1, "aclFormula": "user.UserID == 7", "aclFormulaParsed": '["Eq", ["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "UserID"], ["Const", 7]]', "rulePos": 1.0 }], ]}) # Single Update out_actions = self.apply_user_action( ['UpdateRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', 1, { "aclFormula": "user.UserID == 8", "aclFormulaParsed": "hello" }], ) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_ACLRules", 1, { "aclFormula": "user.UserID == 8", "aclFormulaParsed": '["Eq", ["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "UserID"], ["Const", 8]]', }], ]}) # BulkAddRecord out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', [None, None], { "resource": [1, 1], "aclFormula": ["user.IsGood", "user.IsBad"], "aclFormulaParsed": ["[1]", '["ignored"]'], # Should get overwritten }]) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ [ 'BulkAddRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', [2, 3], { "resource": [1, 1], "aclFormula": ["user.IsGood", "user.IsBad"], "aclFormulaParsed": [ # Gets overwritten '["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "IsGood"]', '["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "IsBad"]', ], "rulePos": [2.0, 3.0], # Gets filled in. }], ]}) # BulkUpdateRecord out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', [2, 3], { "aclFormula": ["not user.IsGood", ""], }]) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ [ 'BulkUpdateRecord', '_grist_ACLRules', [2, 3], { "aclFormula": ["not user.IsGood", ""], "aclFormulaParsed": ['["Not", ["Attr", ["Name", "user"], "IsGood"]]', ''], }], ]})