/** * koDom.js is an analog to Knockout.js bindings that works with our dom.js library. * koDom provides a suite of bindings between the DOM and knockout observables. * * For example, here's how we can create som DOM with some bindings, given a view-model object vm: * dom( * 'div', * kd.toggleClass('active', vm.isActive), * kd.text(function() { * return vm.data()[vm.selectedRow()][part.value.index()]; * }) * ); */ /** * Use the browser globals in a way that allows replacing them with mocks in tests. */ var G = require('./browserGlobals').get('document', 'Node'); var ko = require('knockout'); var dom = require('./dom'); var koArray = require('./koArray'); /** * Creates a binding between a DOM element and an observable value, making sure that * updaterFunc(elem, value) is called whenever the observable changes. It also registers disposal * callbacks on the element so that the binding is cleared when the element is disposed with * ko.cleanNode() or ko.removeNode(). * * @param {Node} elem: DOM element. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc: Either an observable, a function (to create ko.computed() with), * or a constant value. * @param {Function} updaterFunc: Called both initially and whenever the value changes as * updaterFunc(elem, value). The value is already unwrapped (so is not an observable). */ function setBinding(elem, valueOrFunc, updaterFunc) { var subscription; if (ko.isObservable(valueOrFunc)) { subscription = valueOrFunc.subscribe(function(v) { updaterFunc(elem, v); }); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(elem, function() { subscription.dispose(); }); updaterFunc(elem, valueOrFunc.peek()); } else if (typeof valueOrFunc === 'function') { valueOrFunc = ko.computed(valueOrFunc); subscription = valueOrFunc.subscribe(function(v) { updaterFunc(elem, v); }); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(elem, function() { subscription.dispose(); valueOrFunc.dispose(); }); updaterFunc(elem, valueOrFunc.peek()); } else { updaterFunc(elem, valueOrFunc); } } exports.setBinding = setBinding; /** * Internal helper to create a binding. Used by most simple bindings. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc: Either an observable, a function (to create ko.computed() with), * or a constant value. * @param {Function} updaterFunc: Called both initially and whenever the value changes as * updaterFunc(elem, value). The value is already unwrapped (so is not an observable). * @returns {Function} Function suitable to pass as an argument to dom(); i.e. one that takes an * DOM element, and adds the bindings to it. It also registers disposal callbacks on the * element, so that bindings are cleaned up when the element is disposed with ko.cleanNode() * or ko.removeNode(). */ function makeBinding(valueOrFunc, updaterFunc) { return function(elem) { setBinding(elem, valueOrFunc, updaterFunc); }; } exports.makeBinding = makeBinding; /** * Keeps the text content of a DOM element in sync with an observable value. * Just like knockout's `text` binding. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed observable. */ function text(valueOrFunc) { return function(elem) { // Since setting textContent property of an element removes all its other children, we insert // a new text node, and change the content of that. However, we tie the binding to the parent // elem, i.e. make it disposed along with elem, because text nodes don't get cleaned by // ko.removeNode / ko.cleanNode. var textNode = G.document.createTextNode(""); setBinding(elem, valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { textNode.nodeValue = value; }); elem.appendChild(textNode); }; } exports.text = text; // Used for replacing the static token span created by bootstrap tokenfield with the the same token // but with its text content tied to an observable. // To use bootstrapToken: // 1) Get the token to make a clone of and the observable desired. // 2) Create the new token by calling this function. // 3) Replace the original token with this newly created token in the DOM by doing // Ex: var newToken = bootstrapToken(originalToken, observable); // parentElement.replaceChild(originalToken, newToken); // TODO: Make templateToken optional. If not given, bind the observable to a manually created token. function bootstrapToken(templateToken, valueOrFunc) { var clone = templateToken.cloneNode(); setBinding(clone, valueOrFunc, function(e, value) { clone.textContent = value; }); return clone; } exports.bootstrapToken = bootstrapToken; /** * Keeps the attribute `attrName` of a DOM element in sync with an observable value. * Just like knockout's `attr` binding. Removes the attribute when the value is null or undefined. * @param {String} attrName The name of the attribute to bind, e.g. 'href'. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed observable. */ function attr(attrName, valueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { if (value === null || value === undefined) { elem.removeAttribute(attrName); } else { elem.setAttribute(attrName, value); } }); } exports.attr = attr; /** * Sets or removes a boolean attribute of a DOM element. According to the spec, empty string is a * valid true value for the attribute, and the false value is indicated by the attribute's absence. * @param {String} attrName The name of the attribute to bind, e.g. 'href'. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed observable. */ function boolAttr(attrName, valueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { if (!value) { elem.removeAttribute(attrName); } else { elem.setAttribute(attrName, ''); } }); } exports.boolAttr = boolAttr; /** * Keeps the style property `property` of a DOM element in sync with an observable value. * Just like knockout's `style` binding. * @param {String} property The name of the style property to bind, e.g. 'fontWeight'. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed observable. */ function style(property, valueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { // `style.setProperty` must be use to set custom property (ie: properties starting with '--'). // However since it does not support camelCase property, we still need to use the other form // `elem.style[prop] = val;` for other properties. if (property.startsWith('--')) { elem.style.setProperty(property, value); } else { elem.style[property] = value; } }); } exports.style = style; /** * Shows or hides the element depending on a boolean value. Note that the element must be visible * initially (i.e. unsetting style.display should show it). * @param {Object} boolValueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed * observable. The value is treated as a boolean. */ function show(boolValueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(boolValueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { elem.style.display = value ? '' : 'none'; }); } exports.show = show; /** * The opposite of show, equivalent to show(function() { return !value(); }). * @param {Object} boolValueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed * observable. The value is treated as a boolean. */ function hide(boolValueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(boolValueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { elem.style.display = value ? 'none' : ''; }); } exports.hide = hide; /** * Associates some data with the DOM element, using ko.utils.domData. */ function domData(key, valueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { ko.utils.domData.set(elem, key, value); }); } exports.domData = domData; /** * Keeps the value of the given DOM form element in sync with an observable value. * Just like knockout's `value` binding, except that it is one-directional (for now). */ function value(valueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { // This conditional shouldn't be necessary, but on Electron 1.7, // setting unchanged value cause cursor to jump if (elem.value !== value) { elem.value = value; } }); } exports.value = value; /** * Toggles a css class `className` according to the truthiness of an observable value. * Similar to knockout's `css` binding with a static class. * @param {String} className The name of the class to toggle. * @param {Object} boolValueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed * observable. The value is treated as a boolean. */ function toggleClass(className, boolValueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(boolValueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { elem.classList.toggle(className, !!value); }); } exports.toggleClass = toggleClass; /** * Toggles the `disabled` attribute on when boolValueOrFunc evaluates true. When * it evaluates false, the attribute is removed. * @param {[type]} boolValueOrFunc boolValueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed * observable. The value is treated as a boolean. */ function toggleDisabled(boolValueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(boolValueOrFunc, function(elem, disabled) { if (disabled) { elem.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { elem.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }); } exports.toggleDisabled = toggleDisabled; /** * Adds a css class named by an observable value. If the value changes, the previous class will be * removed and the new one added. The value may be empty to avoid adding any class. * Similar to knockout's `css` binding with a dynamic class. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed observable. */ function cssClass(valueOrFunc) { var prevClass; return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { if (prevClass) { elem.classList.remove(prevClass); } prevClass = value; if (value) { elem.classList.add(value); } }); } exports.cssClass = cssClass; /** * Scrolls a child element into view. The value should be the index of the child element to * consider. This function supports scrolly, and is mainly useful for scrollable container * elements, with a `foreach` or a `scrolly` inside. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed observable * whose value is the index of the child element to keep scrolled into view. */ function scrollChildIntoView(valueOrFunc) { return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, doScrollChildIntoView); } // Key at which we will store the index to scroll for async scrolling. const indexKey = Symbol(); function doScrollChildIntoView(elem, index, sync) { if (index === null) { return Promise.resolve(); } const scrolly = ko.utils.domData.get(elem, "scrolly"); if (scrolly) { if (sync) { scrolly.scrollRowIntoView(index); // Clear async index for scrolling. elem[indexKey] = null; return Promise.resolve(); } else { // Delay this in case it's triggered while other changes are processed (e.g. splices). // Scrolling is asynchronous, so in case there is already // active scroll queued, we will change the target index. // For example: // doScrollChildIntoView(el, 10, false) # sets the index to 10 and queues a Promise1 // doScrollChildIntoView(el, 20, false) # updates index to 20 and queues a Promise2 // .... // Promise1 moves to 20, and clears the index. // Promise2 checks the index is null and just returns. elem[indexKey] = index; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { try { // If scroll was cancelled (there was another call after, that finished // and cleared the index) return. if (elem[indexKey] === null) { resolve(); return; } if (!scrolly.isDisposed()) { scrolly.scrollRowIntoView(elem[indexKey]); } resolve(); } catch(err) { reject(err); } finally { // Clear the index, any subsequent async scrolls will be cancelled (on the if test above). elem[indexKey] = null; } }, 0); }); } } else { const child = elem.children[index]; if (child) { if (index === 0) { // Scroll the container all the way if showing the first child. elem.scrollTop = 0; } const childRect = child.getBoundingClientRect(); const parentRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); if (childRect.top < parentRect.top) { child.scrollIntoView(true); // Align with top if scrolling up.. } else if (childRect.bottom > parentRect.bottom) { child.scrollIntoView(false); // ..bottom if scrolling down. } } } return Promise.resolve(); } exports.scrollChildIntoView = scrollChildIntoView; exports.doScrollChildIntoView = doScrollChildIntoView; /** * Adds to a DOM element the content returned by `contentFunc` called with the value of the given * observable. The content may be a Node, an array of Nodes, text, null or undefined. * Similar to knockout's `with` binding. * @param {Object} valueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed observable. * @param {Function} contentFunc Called with the value of `valueOrFunc` whenever that value * changes. The returned content will replace previous content among the children of the bound * DOM element in the place where the scope() call was present among arguments to dom(). */ function scope(valueOrFunc, contentFunc) { var marker, contentNodes = []; return makeBinding(valueOrFunc, function(elem, value) { // We keep a comment marker, so that we know where to insert the content, and numChildren, so // that we know how many children are part of that content. if (!marker) { marker = elem.appendChild(G.document.createComment("")); } // Create the new content before destroying the old, so that it is OK for the new content to // include the old (by reattaching inside the new content). If we did it after, the old // content would get destroyed before it gets moved. (Note that "destroyed" here means // clearing associated bindings and event handlers, so it's not easily visible.) var content = dom.frag(contentFunc(value)); // Remove any children added last time, cleaning associated data. for (var i = 0; i < contentNodes.length; i++) { if (contentNodes[i].parentNode === elem) { ko.removeNode(contentNodes[i]); } } contentNodes.length = 0; var next = marker.nextSibling; elem.insertBefore(content, next); // Any number of children may have gotten added if content was a DocumentFragment. for (var n = marker.nextSibling; n !== next; n = n.nextSibling) { contentNodes.push(n); } }); } exports.scope = scope; /** * Conditionally adds to a DOM element the content returned by `contentFunc()` depending on the * boolean value of the given observable. The content may be a Node, an array of Nodes, text, null * or undefined. * Similar to knockout's `if` binding. * @param {Object} boolValueOrFunc An observable, a constant, or a function for a computed * observable. The value is checked as a boolean, and passed to the content function. * @param {Function} contentFunc A function called with the value of `boolValueOrFunc` whenever * the observable changes from false to true. The returned content is added to the bound DOM * element in the place where the maybe() call was present among arguments to dom(). */ function maybe(boolValueOrFunc, contentFunc) { return scope(boolValueOrFunc, function(yesNo) { return yesNo ? contentFunc(yesNo) : null; }); } exports.maybe = maybe; /** * Observes an observable array (koArray), and creates and adds as many children to the bound DOM * element as there are items in it. As the array is changed, children are added or removed. Also * works for a plain data array, creating a static list of children. * * Elements are typically added and removed by splicing data into or out of the data koArray. When * an item is removed, the corresponding node is removed using ko.removeNode (which also runs any * disposal tied to the node). If the caller retains a reference to a Node item, and removes it * from its parent, foreach will cope with it fine, but will not call ko.removeNode on that node * when the item from which it came is spliced out. * * @param {koArray} data An koArray instance. * @param {Function} itemCreateFunc A function called as `itemCreateFunc(item)` for each * array element. Note: `index` is not passed to itemCreateFunc as it is only correct at the * time the item is created, and does not reflect further changes to the array. */ function foreach(data, itemCreateFunc) { var marker; var children = []; return function(elem) { if (!marker) { marker = elem.appendChild(G.document.createComment("")); } var spliceFunc = function(splice) { var i, start = splice.start; // Remove the elements that are gone. var deletedElems = children.splice(start, splice.deleted.length); for (i = 0; i < deletedElems.length; i++) { // Some nodes may be null, or may have been removed elsewhere in the program. The latter // are no longer our responsibility, and we should not clean them up. if (deletedElems[i] && deletedElems[i].parentNode === elem) { ko.removeNode(deletedElems[i]); } } if (splice.added > 0) { // Create and insert new elements. var frag = G.document.createDocumentFragment(); var spliceArgs = [start, 0]; for (i = 0; i < splice.added; i++) { var itemModel = splice.array[start + i]; var insertEl = itemCreateFunc(itemModel); if (insertEl) { ko.utils.domData.set(insertEl, "itemModel", itemModel); frag.appendChild(insertEl); } spliceArgs.push(insertEl); } // Add new elements to the children array we maintain. Array.prototype.splice.apply(children, spliceArgs); // Find a valid child immediately preceding the start of the splice, for DOM insertion. var baseElem = marker; for (i = start - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (children[i] && children[i].parentNode === elem) { baseElem = children[i]; break; } } elem.insertBefore(frag, baseElem.nextSibling); } }; var array = data; if (koArray.isKoArray(data)) { var subscription = data.subscribe(spliceFunc, null, 'spliceChange'); ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(elem, function() { subscription.dispose(); }); array = data.all(); } else if (!Array.isArray(data)) { throw new Error("koDom.foreach applied to non-array: " + data); } spliceFunc({ array: array, start: 0, added: array.length, deleted: [] }); }; } exports.foreach = foreach;