import * as style from 'app/client/components/Forms/styles'; import {Box, BoxModel, RenderContext} from 'app/client/components/Forms/Model'; import {makeTestId} from 'app/client/lib/domUtils'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import * as menus from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {inlineStyle, not} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {bundleChanges, Computed, dom, MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; const testId = makeTestId('test-forms-'); export class ColumnsModel extends BoxModel { private _columnCount = Computed.create(this, use => use(this.children).length); public removeChild(box: BoxModel) { if (box.type.get() === 'Placeholder') { // Make sure we have at least one rendered. if (this.children.get().length <= 1) { return; } return super.removeChild(box); } // We will replace this box with a placeholder. this.replace(box, Placeholder()); } // Dropping a box on a column will replace it. public drop(dropped: Box): BoxModel { if (!this.parent) { throw new Error('No parent'); } // We need to remove it from the parent, so find it first. const droppedId =; const droppedRef = this.root().find(droppedId); // Now we simply insert it after this box. droppedRef?.removeSelf(); return this.parent.replace(this, dropped); } public render(context: RenderContext): HTMLElement { context.overlay.set(false); // Now render the dom. const renderedDom = style.cssColumns( // Pass column count as a css variable (to style the grid). inlineStyle(`--css-columns-count`, this._columnCount), // Render placeholders as children. dom.forEach(this.children, (child) => { return this.view.renderBox( this.children, child ||, this), testId('column') ); }), // Append + button at the end. dom('div', testId('add'), icon('Plus'), dom.on('click', () => this.placeAfterListChild()(Placeholder())), style.cssColumn.cls('-add-button') ), ); return renderedDom; } } export class PlaceholderModel extends BoxModel { public render(context: RenderContext): HTMLElement { const [box, view, overlay] = [this, this.view, context.overlay]; const scope = new MultiHolder(); overlay.set(false); const liveIndex = Computed.create(scope, (use) => { if (!box.parent) { return -1; } const parentChildren = use(box.parent.children); return parentChildren.indexOf(box); }); const boxModelAt = Computed.create(scope, (use) => { const index = use(liveIndex); if (index === null) { return null; } const childBox = use(box.children)[index]; if (!childBox) { return null; } return childBox; }); const dragHover = Observable.create(scope, false); return cssPlaceholder( style.cssDrag(), testId('placeholder'), dom.autoDispose(scope), style.cssColumn.cls('-drag-over', dragHover), style.cssColumn.cls('-empty', not(boxModelAt)), style.cssColumn.cls('-selected', use => use(view.selectedBox) === box), view.buildAddMenu(insertBox, { customItems: [menus.menuItem(removeColumn, menus.menuIcon('Remove'), 'Remove Column')], }), dom.on('contextmenu', (ev) => { ev.stopPropagation(); }), dom.on('dragleave', (ev) => { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); // Just remove the style and stop propagation. dragHover.set(false); }), dom.on('dragover', (ev) => { // As usual, prevent propagation. ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); // Here we just change the style of the element. ev.dataTransfer!.dropEffect = "move"; dragHover.set(true); }), dom.on('drop', (ev) => { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); dragHover.set(false); // Get the box that was dropped. const dropped = JSON.parse(ev.dataTransfer!.getData('text/plain')); // We need to remove it from the parent, so find it first. const droppedId =; const droppedRef = box.root().find(droppedId); if (!droppedRef) { return; } // Now we simply insert it after this box. bundleChanges(() => { droppedRef.removeSelf(); const parent = box.parent!; parent.replace(box, dropped);; }); }), dom.maybeOwned(boxModelAt, (mscope, child) => view.renderBox(mscope, child)), dom.maybe(use => !use(boxModelAt) && use(view.isEdit), () => { return dom('span', `Column `, dom.text(use => String(use(liveIndex) + 1))); }), ); function insertBox(childBox: Box) { // Make sure we have at least as many columns as the index we are inserting at. if (!box.parent) { throw new Error('No parent'); } return box.parent.replace(box, childBox); } function removeColumn() { box.removeSelf(); } } } export function Placeholder(): Box { return {type: 'Placeholder'}; } export function Columns(): Box { return {type: 'Columns', children: [Placeholder(), Placeholder()]}; } const cssPlaceholder = styled('div', ` position: relative; `);