import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {DomContents, onDisposeElem, replaceContent} from 'grainjs'; // grainjs annoyingly doesn't export browserGlobals tools, useful for testing in a simulated environment. import {G} from 'grainjs/dist/cjs/lib/browserGlobals'; /** * Insert DOM contents produced by a Promise. Until the Promise is fulfilled, nothing shows up. * TODO: This would be a handy place to support options to show a loading spinner (perhaps * showing up if the promise takes more than a bit to show). */ export function domAsync(promiseForDomContents: Promise<DomContents>, onError = reportError): DomContents { const markerPre = G.document.createComment('a'); const markerPost = G.document.createComment('b'); // Function is added after the markers, to run once they have been attached to elem (the parent). return [markerPre, markerPost, (elem: Node) => { let disposed = false; promiseForDomContents .then((contents) => disposed || replaceContent(markerPre, markerPost, contents)) .catch(onError); // If markerPost is disposed before the promise resolves, set insertContent to noop. onDisposeElem(markerPost, () => { disposed = true; }); }]; }